Galactic Overlord (rewrite)

By SithTrooperO9

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A rewrite of my self-insert Star Wars story, Galactic Overlord. More chapters, story arcs, character interact... More

The beginning
School life and imperial academy
Academic transfer
The campaign in Mimban
Samovar campaign
Victory in Samovar
Spice deal
Fields of Akkadia
A visit to Larsa
Traitor hunt
Smuggler's trail
End of an illegal empire
Old friends
The dead that walk
The far outsiders
Star-quest to unknown Kadath
Sith training
Battles against the Vong
Captain's troubles and a sith's return
The civil war on Naboo
Plans within plans
Plans within plans part 2
Uprisings on Onderon and Kamino
Jedi hunt on Felucia
The Umbara Campaign
Battles of the war
The Akkad Spring
Cobra business
Zaarin's failed coup
Final battles of Umbara
Cobra business part 2
Cobra business part 3
Cobra business part 4
Hapes Consortium war
Battle of Hapes
Cobra business part 5
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn part 2
The pirate war
The pirate war part 2
Coruscant social events
Cobra business part 6
Task Force First Descent: harbingers of death
Cobra business part 7
Cobra's campaign and expansion
The Ssi Ruu campaign
The captain and the girl
The captain and the girl part 2
March of the ten thousand
Birth of an empire
Extra-galactic campaigns
Anaxes debate
Troubles in Lothal
Years 4-2 BBY
Year 1 BBY
Galactic Civil War begins
Mid-Rim offensive
Cobra attack on Mustafar
Crimson Dawn's auction
Crimson war
A new world
War of the gods
Fehtan's rebellion
State of the galaxy
Cobra's holdings
A sith returns
A world below
Weapons and armor
Forging an alliance
Forging an alliance part 2
War between Akkad and Lanka
Holy war
Semiramis' Regency
Warlord era

End of the Mimban war

454 12 4
By SithTrooperO9

''I am not sacrificing my troops for a stupid plan.'' I muttered angrily. The imperial colonel's plans for an assault was one I heavily disagreed with as it would result in hundreds of casualties all for just a small stretch of land. ''We won't be taking part in that offensive.''

''Sir, you can't just disobey a superior's order.'' Gary told me. Even though we were still the best of friends, he called me 'sir' since I was of higher rank. Stormtrooper training and indoctrination for you.

''I know. That's why I'm asking the next highest ranking officer for a retreat into the mountain ridge.'' I said and contacted Major Melsh. ''Sir, I would like to ask for a retreat to a better advantageous position, sir. My troops and I are too exposed.''

''If you think it's for the best, then do it quickly, captain. We don't have enough fighters to spare.'' the major told me and cut off the comm link.

''You heard him men. Let's move!'' I ordered and we started preparing. The tanks were loaded with troopers and even the AT-ST legs were modified a bit to be able to carry a team worth of soldiers. We prepared to move but the colonel called for me.

''Captain, I ordered your company to join in the offensive.'' he angrily roared. ''You will join us or you will be punished. Severely.''

''Sir, if you would allow me to speak, the assault is foolish. We have little artillery and air support. It's all just a pointless waste of good imperial troops, sir. We need a better strategy to win.'' I tried to reason but the colonel wouldn't hear it.

''An order is an order. Bring your company to the position and you'll join the first wave.'' the colonel ordered. He held greater authority than me or the major so we had no choice. His plan was just going to be a pointless slaughter of fine troops.

''Turn around!'' I roared in anger. Some officers were more politician than tacticians, more radicals than people with common sense. Loyalty, money and political connections dictated ranks and not talent for something like 90% of the empire, mostly the navy. We were walking into certain death, mostly. We trekked for over an hour trying to reach the colonel's position. In that time, I reviewed the skematics and worked out a much better strategy.

''Sir, my cousin and his team.'' Gary called out to me and I looked to see ten stormtroopers approaching. ''The platoon was wiped out. They're all that survived.''

''Kassus Konstantinovich Rukovossky if I remembered correctly.'' I remarked and the trooper saluted. ''Good to have you with us, sargent. Your cousin has been telling quite a lot about you.''

''Only good things I hope, sir.'' sargent Kassus said.

''Gary. I kept forgetting to say this but better to say it now while I remember. I'm in need of a second in command. You're it till you die or I find someone better. Got it?'' I told Gary.

''Sir yes sir.'' Gary replied with a salute and we continued our march.

(the imperial assault)

The Mimbanese insurgents had established a good defensive fort in a strategic location up several hills and had heavy repeating blasters and mortars stationed. Without much air support, artillery shelling and an intense rain, it was a slaughter like I predicted. Imperial soldiers rushed up the hill only to be blasted down by heavy blaster fire and mortars. Imperial vehicles were scrapped and there were hundreds of corpses. ''I need a team of troopers now.'' I said and ten of them under sargent Kassus came. ''Rub mud on your armor.''

''Sir?'' a trooper asked.

''I said rub mud on your armor now. Camo, troopers. I need you guys to crawl through the mud and barbed wires, avoiding the blaster fire and destroy those heavy repeating nests. Take these grenades and take them out. Understand?'' I ordered them.

''Sir, yes sir.'' they said and got their armor muddied. They were one with the environment and as AT-DTs rained fire while being out of enemy artillery range, the special team crawled to the enemy line. Sargent Kassus and his team crawled through the mud, debris of vehicles and corpses of imperial troopers. One of them, a sniper, pointed his rifle and shot one Mimbanese dead. They continued approaching and took cover behind the boulders. The insurgents realized that there were imperial troopers sneaking up on them. ''Fire in the hole!'' sargent Kassus shouted as he planted a grenade at the barbed wire. They got out as it exploded and another trooper threw several more grenades from his fallen comrades. ''Let's move!'' he said and the team started going up the hill. Imperial artillery did it's best to provide cover and the team reached the insurgents. They threw a grenade which took out two of them and they reached over the wall defenses, blasting through enemies and setting one of the bunkers on fire.

''An opening. Finally, an opening!'' I said with slight happiness. ''Troopers, forward!'' I ordered and the soldiers charged to get to the opening that was made and with one less bunker to worry about, vehicles too started moving. We got up the hill and fought the Mimbanese insurgents there. There were trenches there and we walked to defeat the insurgents. Mimbanese insurgents came out, holding their arms up in surrender but were blasted by the stormtroopers. Flame troopers came in and burned some of them and the whole fortification line was taken. With a better plan than simply charging head on, I won another battle in the war.

''We lost eighteen soldiers, sir.'' a trooper reported to me. ''The colonel however lost over five hundred and fifty in the failed first assault. Along with four AT-STs, six tanks and six AT-DTs.''

''Get the wounded patched up and inform high command of our victory.'' I ordered and the trooper left. ''How long has it been since we landed on Mimban anyways? Hard to tell time given how bleak and dark this planet is.''

''Roughly three days, sir.'' a trooper answered.

''Three huh?'' I muttered. ''Bagra River bridge and then the Khakeen Sol pass battle. My first victories in this war.'' I said, to no one in particular, and continued reading the reports.

''Sir, we have reports indicating that the enemy is gathering up at a nearby mountain pass.'' the trooper informed me.

''How many?''

''About a brigade.'' the trooper answered. That was five thousand soldiers. I had like... only two hundred and fifty men available.

''Give me a skematic of the terrain.'' I said and the trooper showed me the place with a data pad. ''They'll arrive in nine hours and the pass is only a thirty minute march from our position. No doubt that the brigade was sent in to reinforce this bunker line.'' I concluded. It seemed like the most plausible thing. I had time on my side and with captured weapons, I can fortify the place and work it to my advantage. ''Trooper, order the troops to be ready to move out. Call in the other commanders to come in now.''

''Yes sir.'' the trooper said and walked out. In three minutes, Gary, Kassus and other sergants and one lieutenant came in.

''A brigade is enroute to our position, most likely to reinforce the insurgents before we finished them.'' I informed them. ''Here's what we'll do, gentlemen. We'll prepare fortifications and mines and attack them. I want heavy repeating blaster nests stationed in these four positions, AT-DTs stationed in two lines and sniper posts here, here and here. We'll take the fight to them.''

''Sir, are we not low on ammo?'' a sargent asked.

''The deceased Mimbanese blasters and mortars should suffice till our supplies can come. You have your orders. Let's move it.'' I said and we moved out to prepare the lines and fortifications. It was a slaughter for the Mimbanese and we pursued them.

         -about thirteen days later-

''Pursue! Don't leave any survivors!'' I ordered as my troops gave chase to the fleeing Mimbanese through a desolated forest. It was thirteen days since the 'Slaughter at the mountain pass' in which over three thousand insurgents were killed. With fresh supplies and reinforcements, we gave chase to the fleeing Mimbanese. They met up at a second fortified position but they too lost that one. They fled again and lost five battles against me. All in all, I won six battles over the past thirteen days and I continued the relentless pursuit. Imperial troopers gave chase as the Mimbanese fled in the forest. AT-DTs rained fire and tanks and AT-STs provided cover. ''Go and flank them from the right.'' I ordered and two squads of troopers went to the right to encircle the insurgents.

Shells from the AT-DTs were shot and many Mimbanese were killed. The two squads came and encircled the insurgents. Many were shot dead and the rest tried fleeing but they were blasted to death as well. ''Sir, we have confirmation that three companies are moving in. Just over that ridge, sir.'' a trooper informed me.

''Four tanks, get ready to move. I want two squads of troopers to follow and the cannons to be ready. Tanks, be sure to not let the insurgents come up that ridge.'' I ordered and the four tanks started moving towards the ridge. ''Keep a distance of eighty feet from the ridge. The AT-DTs will blast anything up that point.''

The Mimbanese companies were taken off guard as imperial artillery came down. Then, four tanks carrying two squads of troopers moved in. The troopers disembarked from the tanks and followed closely behind, using the tanks as cover. ''Fire there! Don't let the mortars be placed.'' a tank commander ordered and the tank opened fire. The Mimbanese mortar was destroyed and rockets were fired to prevent the setting of heavy repeating blasters. A saber tank came to face the imperial troops but was under fire from AT-DTs and imperial rocket launchers. ''Don't cross over sixty feet. The cannons were ordered to shoot past from there and kill these red rats!'' the tank commander said and the tanks moved to and fro, protecting imperial troopers and taking out as many insurgents as possible.

A stormtrooper climbed aboard one of tank, placed his heavy blaster and starting killing the insurgents left and right. The tanks continued moving and stopping the insurgents from reaching the safe line. They started getting desperate and became suicide bombs for the TX-225 tanks. Four troopers were killed and just as they thought victory was for Mimban, the rest of my forces came out and reinforced the imperial troops. I led the charge personally and we blasted many of them dead. We continued till there were none alive and established camp and informed HQ of our victory.

               -imperial army HQ-

''Thirteen days.'' stated the general. ''For a full thirteen days, we had no word on you, Captain Covraii. It turns out that he won your victory for you, colonel, and not just that. He won an additional six battles.''

''Seven now, sir.'' I corrected him.

''Seven? Seven, is it?'' the general asked.

''Yes sir. I won seven battles in the last thirteen days.'' I corrected the general.

''General Wallson, sir. If I may, had the captain not been so late, I could've won the bunker hill line battle. His blatant lack of respect for orders-'' the colonel tried defending himself but the general would not hear it.

''Enough!'' the general roared. ''Don't try taking away his rightfully earned victories in an attempt to hide your incompetence. You're a disgrace to the army.'' the general harshly rebuked the colonel. ''You are demoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel and you, are no longer a captain, Salazar Covraii. You are now a major.''

''Thank you, sir.'' I said my gratitude to the general.

''Now, gentlemen, we are going to start planning for a grand offensive. One big, all out assault on the Mimbanese and win this war.'' the general told us. ''I call it... Operation: Night Moth and here is what we will do.'' After much debate, re-planning and thinking that lasted for two days, Operation: Night Moth was finalised and within three days, the attack could begin.

            -roughly 24 days later-

Operation: Night Moth devised by General Wallson did not go fully according to plan. The navy having to be called elsewhere, bad orders from the other commanders, low supplies and fierce Mimbanese resistance made the operation's chances of success low. When the general called in the commanders for a new strategy, the now demoted lieutenant colonel ordered a charge against the Mimbanese and we were forced to abandon re-adjustments.


''Brwaaaargh!'' I screamed as an artillery piece exploded near me, sending me flying six meters in the air. I landed on hard stone and felt a bone possibly breaking. ''Yep. Something is... definetly bleeding.'' I muttered as I could indeed feel that part of me was bleeding. ''Ow.''

''Major Covraii! Get up! We're almost there!'' the general called out my name. Okay, he more or less shouted. ''Soldiers, forward! Timoshenko, Polus, Vyachitski, Keerak, move! You are troopers of the empire and your empire needs you!''

''For the emperor!'' squads of troopers shouted as they charged at the lines.

''Almost... where, sir?'' I had to ask.

''Over on that ridge! Come and win more glory, major! Victory is ours!'' the general charged, only to be on the recieving end of an artillery barrage.

''General Wallson!'' I called out his name but he was no more.

''Take cover!'' a trooper shouted and I quickly ran to avoid being shelled.

''Major Covraii, sir! It's good to see that you are alive.'' Gary called out as we took cover behind a boulder. ''Where's the general?''

''Dead. From the artillery barrage. Where's the colonel?'' I informed and then asked. A new colonel was promoted but it seemed he too died. ''Damn it. Then who's the commanding officer now?''

''You are, major.'' Gary said and I was speechless for a full ten seconds. ''Orders, sir?''

''Order a retreat back to the trench lines. I want vehicles to be ready to move within an hour.'' I said and all troopers who were close reluctantly moved back to the imperial trench lines.

''All imperial units, the general is dead. I repeat, the general is dead.'' Gary informed over on the comms. ''Major Covraii is now the commanding officer in charge. He orders a retreat back to the trenches. Move back now.'' Gary told the troops who all then moved back. AT-DTs provided cover fire while they ran back to the trenches.

(the imperial trench lines)

''Major Covraii, we have one AT-AT, six AT-STs, ten tanks and three dozens AT-DTs. How shall we proceed?'' a pilot asked me.

''All troopers and commanders, gather around.'' I ordered and all those who could hear and were nearby came. ''This will be the plan. This strategy worked for me and I am certain that it will work again this time. We will use blinding flash shells against the enemy Mimbanese and the vehicles will move forward. We creep behind the vehicles as they move and-'' a lieutenant raised his hand. ''Yes?''

''Sir, isn't this a cowardly strategy?''

''And of the two smaller defenses in front of enemy line, sir?'' a sargent asked.

''If you want to die charging at the enemy lines, be my guest.'' I just replied. ''Cowardly it may seem but it is the best tactic we have. When the vehicles come, we move and take them all out. A squad each will be responsible for the smaller bunkers. Be ready to move boys. We're the death corps of Mimban now.''

''Sir, can we keep that name?'' a trooper asked. ''The Death Corps of Mimban. Can we call ourselves that?''

''Sure.'' I said and we waited till the vehicles were ready for deployment. The silence was almost deafening. Our hearts beated heavily, each beat feeling like a blaster bolt, and our legs were shaky. As the vehicles were ready to move, I called out to the troops in a loud, commanding voice, ''Troopers! Equip bayonets. Load blaster and check grenades. Be ready for blood. Be ready for death and for glory!'' the vehicles were dropped and as they moved, I sounded the whistle. Bright, flash shells were shot which would temprarily blind the insurgents and all troops climbed out the trenches. We creeped slowly behind the vehicles as the AT-DTs provided cover and we moved to the enemy trench lines.

The Mimbanese started firing at us and once we were close enough, specialised troopers ran forward while crouching low and threw grenades at the bunkers. On one of them, a Mimbanese soldier who was heavily wounded tried running but was gunned down. The tanks, AT-STs and the AT-AT started firing and all troopers charged to take the trenches. We threw thermal detonators and blasted the insurgents before moving in to take them all out. A trooper was at my front as we creeped to a room but the occupants fired through the wall and the trooper dropped dead. After about five long seconds, I fired back and I walked inside the room. One of the Mimbanese was shot, bleeding to death and the other tackled me. He called out to his friend for help and I wrestled with him. I punched him continously as hard as I could but he resisted. He got a knife out and I tried my best to avoid it. We continued struggling for three minutes and the other one died in that time.

I got the knife out of his hand and started to go straight for the heart. He begged for it to stop in his native language. I did not listen and slowly stabbed him through the heart. He gasped for air before finally dying and I got my blaster back up and walked to finish the remaining insurgents with the rest of my troops. A young insurgent was crying, hiding behind a corner and he was shot dead by a stormtrooper. We continued moving as the Mimbanese were retreating. A trooper and I were sneaking up to the next line and the trooper threw a grenade. We came out and slowly walked but the trooper was hacked by an axe. The Mimbanese came to attack me but I blocked with my blaster and kicked him aside. I tried shooting but the blaster was jammed. The insurgent got back up and I reached behind my cape to grab my weapon.

The mighty shovel, staple of every trooper stationed on Mimban, was my weapon. The insurgent came to attack and I blocked with the shovel. He punched me but it did not work. I kicked him in the ribs and with all my strength, pushed him down. As he was down, I then used the shovel to hit him and kill him. I grabbed the dead trooper's blaster and followed the other troopers as we continued advancing. A few managed to flee but the rest were rounded up. Either blasted or flamed.

A hidden Mimbanese soldier noticed me and three troopers and threw a thermal detonator. It exploded, killing the troopers and burning my back severely. I fell to the muddy ground, hitting my head on a stone and as the insurgent came out to kill me, he was shot dead by Gary. ''Damn it. Medic! Call in a medic now!'' Gary shouted and I lost consciousness.

  -imperial army HQ, 8 hours later-

''Ugh... what happened? Where am I?'' I asked as I saw that I wasn't in the front lines anymore but in a medic ward.

''Major Covraii. It is good to see that you have awoke.'' the medic droid said. ''You suffered from 1st degree burns on your back and a slight head injury.''

''How long have I been unconscious?'' I asked.

''Eight hours, major.''

''Did we... win the battle?'' I tried getting up.

''Major, I must insist that you rest for now. Your injuries haven't fully healed yet and-''

''You can do your diagnostics on me at the command room.'' I said and walked to the command room with the medic droids following me. As I entered, there was only one person: Captain Gren. ''Captain.'' I said and he was no doubt alarmed by my sudden presence.

''Major. You woke up.'' he remarked with a surprised but happy tone.

''Did we win the battle?'' I asked.

''Yes sir. The insurgents have nothing but four bases left. If they're taken then the war will be over.'' the captain answered.

''Give me a skematic of the enemies.'' I ordered and he did so. I analyzed and strategised for a means to attack all the while the droids performed their medical diagnostics. ''When will Admiral Rydge return, captain? We are almost able to win.''

''In two weeks sir.''

''That is too long. The longer we continue to wait, the harder our chances of victory continally gets.'' I said in an angry tone. ''Captain, inform the other commanders to hold the main insurgent stronghold on a siege and attack their base here. We cut them off from their supplies and end their means of re-supplying. themselves. After it is done, continue with the siege and tell them to prepare for an assault on the other two bases.''

''Yes sir.'' the captain said and gave out the orders to the other officers. The war in Mimban would end before Admiral Rydge returned with the fleet.

  -insurgent stronghold, 6 days later-

''Sir, are you certain this strategy will work?'' Captain Gren asked me. He had his doubts as we abandoned the trenches and were about a mile away from them. ''Forgive me if I sound doubtful or rude but... this plan relies too heavily on luck, sir.''

''Perhaps, captain, but it is the only plan that would be able to limit the most casualties. If you are religious, captain, then it is best that you pray.'' I simply replied. Truthfully, my plan did rely on a lot of luck to succeed but so did many others before.

''Sir, they've taken the bait. The shields are down and they're sending two companies to investigate.'' a scout told me.

''Good. Tell lieutenants Gary and Kassus to be ready to move once the signal is given.'' I ordered and once the insurgents were in our abandoned trenches, I pressed the detonator button. The trenches exploded, taking out hundreds of Mimbanese and the troopers swarmed in. The AT-Haulers flew as half a squad of tie fighters came to destroy the shields. The haulers dropped the vehicles down and Gary and Kassus led the platoons to storm the stronghold. AT-DTs opened fire and killed the Mimbanese soldiers who were not killed in the trenches. I hopped onto a tank as it drove to the insurgent base and we sacked it. Their resistance was strong but we were stronger and we won the battle.

By the time Admiral Rydge returned with the fleet eight days later, the war was over. From a simple army lieutenant, I got promoted to major rather quickly and won eighteen battles in Mimban and ended the bloody war. A simple army officer, through cunning tactics, strong troopers and a lot of dumb luck, won a war.

            -Coruscant army HQ-

''We are gathered here today to celebrate the achievements of one of our officers.'' said a female imperial general. ''Never before has such an officer won so many battles in such a short time and been promoted so. It is with honor that today we gather here to promote Major Salazar Covraii to the rank of lieutenant colonel and award him the imperial medal of bravery and honor, the cross of gallantry, first class. Congratulations, Lieutenant Colonel Salazar Covraii.'' the general said and put the medal on my uniform. Three medals with the added bonus of a promotion and... another gift.

''Thank you, ma'am.'' I said my gratitude and the crowd clapped their hands. It was a very good day for me and it was just about to get even better.

(Coruscant navy hanger)

''Congratulations on your promotion and earning the imperial cross of gallantry, sir.'' the newly promoted Major Gren said to me. Now, he was assigned to me as my second in command.

''Thank you, major. Congratulations for being promoted to major and you too, Gary and Kassus, on becoming stormtrooper captains.'' I replied.

''It is a greater honor that we'll be working even closer from now on, lieutenant colonel sir.'' Captain Kassus said. ''It is not everyday that an army officer gets the credit for the victory of a battle, much less a war. It must be a really great honor to you, sir.''

''Indeed it is and brings more prestige to the army and it's brave troopers, both men and women.'' I replied.

''If I may ask, exactly what are doing here in one of naval bases, sir?'' Major Gren asked. ''I thought we were being assigned to a garrison. Are we meeting up with a transport ship, sir?''

''No, major.'' I replied. ''On the contrary. I have become one of the few army commanders who have the pleasure to command a warship. Meet our new vessel, gentlemen.''

''Is-is that... what I think it is, sir?'' Gary asked. He thought it'd be a gozanti or an arquitens but not this type of ship.

''Yes, Captain Strave. I am now commander of the victory-2 class star destroyer, the Morning-Star.''

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