The Twelfth Fatui Harbinger (...

By HarryPotterKotLCfan7

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"You're so cute thinking you scare me. You should be scared of me." "I'm so lucky to have found you Y/N. You... More

Author's Note
General Posting Announcement
Prologue (Edited)
Chapter 1: Life in Khaenri'ah
Chapter 2: Disaster Strikes
Chapter 3: Growing Tensions
Chapter 4: A New Duty
Chapter 5: The Fair Lady
Chapter 6: Fatui Harbinger Number Six
Special Chapter - A Devious Plan For the Enemy
Sorry! (Explanation of why I haven't updated) Author's Note
Chapter 7: Memories
Chapter 8: Starting Over
Special Announcement!
Chapter 9 - Training Part 1
Chapter 10 - Training Part 2
Chapter 11 - Training Part 3
Special Chapter - An Important Meeting
Chapter 12 - Zhongli, Consultant of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor
Chapter 13 - Warnings
Chapter 14 - Heartbroken
Chapter 15 - Enslaved By Fear
Special Chapter - An Archon's Reasons
Chapter 16 - A Fresh Start
1k Special (High School Modern AU Headcannons)
Chapter 17 - A Surprise Encounter
Chapter 18 - Swallowing Pride
1.5k Special - Inazuma
Christmas Special - Origins of A Long-Frozen Heart
Chapter 19 - Rain and Snow (2k Fluff Special)
Special Chapter - An Unlikely Alliance
Author's Apology
Chapter 20 - Making Plans
Chapter 21 - When Doubt and Fear Creep In
Chapter 22 - Rebirth of a Goddess
Chapter 23 - Icy Duel
Fatui (5k Special)
Chapter 24 - Truth Revealed
Chapter 25 - Signs of Danger
Chapter 26 - Serious Talk and Doubts Arise, Again
Chapter 27 - Sumeru
The Most Prized Lab Rat: Scaramouche Origins
Chapter 29 - The World is Just a Cycle of Lies

Chapter 28 - The Endless Dream

59 5 0
By HarryPotterKotLCfan7


Also, if you want to know more about the Six Darshans of the Akademiya, you can copy and paste this link into your browser:

Okay, that's all. Enjoy the chapter!

Inside the Akademiya, with the Grand Sage, Scaramouche, and Dottore, general POV
The Akademiya. Center of Sumeru government and a prestigious institute for the most studious and bright in Tevyat. Six schools, or Darshans, each for a different type of "wisdom".

Haravatat, studying semiotics. Their focus is on different forms of communications, such as ancient runes and linguistics.

Vahumana, studying etiology. Vahumana students study and research the reason behind phenomena such as the fall of Khaenri'ah, which places importance on history and the social sciences.

Spantamad, studying elementalism and related subjects such as Ley Lines and alchemy. In Spantamad, learning to understand and manipulate the elements is key to success.

Rtawahist, studying illuminationism. Their focus is on astrology and other star studies.

Kshahrewar, studying technology. This Darshan focuses on architecture and honing technological and technical skills as well as problem-solving skills.

Amurta, studying biology. Students in the school are educated on ecology and other similar branches.

All of them make up the Akademiya, and the institute is the most reputable symbol of the most important value in Sumeru: wisdom. However, wisdom can mean a great many things. To the Six Great Sages and most citizens, attaining wisdom is the only way to success and enlightenment.

But is that true?

There are only a few who doubt that, and Il Dottore, Number 2 of the Fatui Harbingers, is one of them. He believes that wisdom can never be attained, and as such, people must always study and push themselves to learn and find their way. However, he pushes his definition of wisdom onto others, much like the Grand Sage and his subordinates.

Perhaps this is the only reason why negotiations went well.

"Why should we agree to your terms? What would we get out of this exchange?" the Sage inquires, folding his hands authoritatively in front of him.

The Doctor smiles and replies, "It's very simple. You believe that Lesser Lord Kusanali is not fit to be Sumeru's archon, unlike her predecessor who gave her all for Sumeru and wisdom. I think the same. What could such a measly, child-like 'god' do for Sumeru? What has she even done so far, other than lurk in the shadows and simply watch her people? Therefore, if you agree to these terms, not only will you get a new, responsible god capable of taking on the proper archon duties, but you will also be rid of Kusanali. Isn't that what you want?"

"Oh, it's much deeper than that. But I don't expect an outsider to understand so I won't waste my breath. One last question." The Grand Mage looks Dottore straight in the eye, voice very serious, causing the two harbingers to involuntarily stiffen.

"How can I be sure you both will keep your end of the deal? If I give you the Dendro Gnosis, how can I be certain you will not snatch it and run away? You Fatui have a notorious reputation for lies, chaos, and manipulation. I will not tarnish my or the Akademiya's reputation without a complete guarantee from both of you that you will follow through. A contract cannot be broken, as they believe in Liyue. Me and my co-workers think the same."

Scaramouche cuts in after this remark. "Sir, I guarantee you that I, though I cannot speak for my partner here, will hold my end of the deal. I will comply with the experiment merely due to a private agreement I've made and respect towards my superior and your wishes." This is killing the navy-haired harbinger inside and out but it's the script he decided on and he will stick to it for Y/N's sake.

Dottore smiles at the sixth harbinger's compliance to his plan and adds, "I swear that I will keep my end of the deal also, mostly out of pure curiosity. That is key for finding wisdom, no?" He smiles a very fake smile, eyes betraying his disapproval of the Akademiya and the Grand Sage, but if the latter notices, he doesn't show it.

The elderly head scholar clasps his hands together to signal the end of the discussion. "Very well then. See you both in two days' time at 2 pm sharp. Don't be late or the deal's over; I'm a busy man and don't have the time to wait for you. I'll give you this pass with my signature on it. It'll give you access to my room again when the day comes. Goodbye," the Head Sage explains and curtly shuts the door in their face.

Il Dottore's face is one of clear annoyance, but he steels himself and suggests heading back to see what Y/N is up to.

Meanwhile, two hours earlier, Sumeru City, Y/N's POV

"Wow, there's so much to see here in the City. From a distance, it looked so small but it's so lively here, like Liyue City near the port."

I abruptly stopped walking, recalling what happened that fateful day. I think I still somewhat hold it against Scara for kidnapping and drugging me, but then I wouldn't have grown as close as I am now with Childe and Scaramouche.

Besides, he's different now. He cares a lot about me and we're pretty much official now.

With that, I found reassurance and comforted myself with the thought that even if I was kidnapped, I would be rescued by my lover.

Wandering down a descending pathway, I soon found an entrance to a secluded area. From behind the door, I could hear music and lively laughter, so curious to see what was behind, I pushed open the doors.

I was not prepared for what I saw next.

Everywhere I looked, merchants were calling out to the passersby, enthusiastically advertising their goods and best deals. It was a very simple yet very enchanting festival environment. I guessed that some event was happening soon. I decided to ask around to figure out what was going on.

"Excuse me," I said to a woman shepherding two kids to the clothing stall, "could you tell me where this is? It's very lively here and I was wondering if I'm interrupting some festival or such. It's my first time in Sumeru, you see."

The woman turned around and flashed a bright smile. "Oh no problem at all! This is the Grand Bazaar, where all sorts of goods are sold. Feel free to shop to your heart's content; the prices here are pretty great! Especially around the Sabzeruz Festival, which is coming tomorrow. Nilou, the main dancer in the festival, is already hard at work with her team making sure the stage and everything is prepared. It's very important everything is perfect. After all, the Sabzeruz Festival is celebrating Lesser Lord Kusanli's birthday!" she explained.

"Oh okay, thank you. Enjoy your shopping; I think I'm going to buy some things too." Pausing, I noticed the lady held four shirts in hand, clearly contemplating which to buy before I interrupted her with my questions. "And I think the blue one would look very pretty with your little girl and the red one for the boy," I suggested amiably.

"Thank you very much. I was wondering how I could choose between these four," the woman gushed, then took out her wallet. I assumed she did so to pay the vendor, but instead, she held out a handful of elaborately carved coins I assumed to be Sumeru currency. "Please, take this as a thank you. It's not much but keep it as a token of appreciation for your help."

I shook my head and gently pushed her hand away. "No, I couldn't. I didn't do much," I stated. When she kept insisting though, I accepted the money, thanked her, gave a head pat to both her children, and put the coins in my pocket. Well, at least now I have money to buy stuff from the bazaar.

With heightened spirits, I began wandering around the stalls. I ended up buying two clothes, one top and one fungi pajama set, a keychain of Lesser Lord Kusanali, and a miniature model of the Grand Bazaar. I was surprised to find just how much the lady gave me, and I almost felt bad for yielding and taking the money.

She might have needed it more than me... I lamented. Oh well, at least I have some souvenirs to bring back and show Scara.

Just as I was about to head back to our rendezvous point on the lower level of the tree holding the Akademiya, I noticed a familiar figure.

Surely it can't be. But it could?

Before I could change my mind, I approached them and spoke, "Lumine?"

She turned around and looked equally as surprised as me. I knew right then that it was her. I laughed in surprise and gave her a quick hug, which she returned to my surprise. I thought after forcing her into Scara's trap back in Inazuma she would hate me. Maybe I still have a chance to make things right between us.

"Where's Paimon? Gone off in search of food?" I asked with a light chuckle, and Lumine smiled.

"Yep. You know Paimon, always looking for food. But anyway, how come you're here in Sumeru?" She paused, dragging me to a more secluded corner where we wouldn't be overheard. "Did you escape?"

I signed and couldn't look her in the eyes. "I stayed. I have to tell you something. Please don't be mad, okay? I didn't want to at first, but I realized it's what's best. I don't expect you to understand by at least hear me out."

Lumine furrowed her eyebrows with worry. "Is it really that bad?" When I didn't answer, she simply sighed and took my hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "You can tell me. I'll try my best to listen."

And so I told her the whole story. About the bullying, my vision reacting to my emotions, falling in love with Scaramouche, training with Childe and Scara to duel against the Tsaritsa, becoming a Fatui Harbinger, getting assigned to go to Sumeru, and all the little details in between. Sometime in between, Paimon returned and was seconds away from erupting in an avalanche of emotion, but sensing that Lumine was having a serious talk, stayed quiet.

Lumine, to her credit, was a great listener, not interrupting even once, even when it was clear she wanted to. Paimon, while initially ignoring me as she plainly held some distrust and dislike towards me for joining the Fatui, also showed more interest and listened keenly, also not interrupting, which was quite unusual for her.

After I had finished she exhaled and exclaimed, "Wow, a lot happened since we last saw each other. And you still haven't told me what happened before Inazuma." Seeing my expression, she quickly added, "I'm not going to ask it. However sad it is, our lives have been torn apart by the Fatui. I won't judge you and I won't stop you from doing what you're told or loving Scaramouche. All I'll say is be careful. It hurts knowing you'll no longer be my travel buddy along with Paimon, but I'm willing to let you go if you're happy. Just don't forget me, okay?"

Paimon finally spoke up. "Paimon still doesn't fully trust you but since Lumine trusts you, I'll try to too."

"Thanks Paimon. It means a lot. I'm really sorry but I can't explain some things to you or else I could get in major trouble. I know it's selfish of me, but right now I don't have time. I'm not sure what exactly is going on with me but there's been strange things going on and I have the nagging feeling that Scara's hiding something from me. And what's more, neither him nor Dottore have brought up the Dendro Gnosis even once. That's our mission: get the gnosis and then report back to the Tsaritsa immediately. Then why are they not saying anything about it? Maybe I'm just overthinking," I ended, feeling defeated.

Lumine placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure everything's fine. And even if he is keeping something from you, don't you think it's for your own good, if he's in love with you as you claim he is?"

"Yea, I guess so."

"Paimon still doesn't get it," Paimon interjected, hands on her hips and looking more sassy than ever. "How would a horrible person like Scaramouche like you? Paimon doesn't think you should trust someone like him."

"That's because you don't know the real him. I'm not that surprised the Raiden Shogun didn't bring him up. From what I've deduced, she's all but forgotten about her puppet." I stared off into the distance, my words reminding me with a sharp jolt that I'd missed most of Lumine and Paimon's journey thus far. Have they found any new info on their sibling? What new friends and adventures have they gone on?

Just then, I heard Scara's voice calling me.

"Y/N! Oh my archons I've been looking for you for nearly an hour now-" He stopped abruptly upon seeing who I was with.

"Why are you with the Traveler and her annoying little flying companion?" Scara asked, voice suddenly low and cold. Lumine narrowed her eyes and her demeanor also grew cold, with Paimon flying closer to her as if by instinct.

"I am their friend. We may be enemies but Y/N and I are friends. I was just chatting with them," Lumine responded flatly. Paimon emphasized her remark with a humph and a glare in Scaramouche's direction.

"Fine then." Turning to me, his voice now soft and loving like it usually was when he talked to me, "Let's head back now. It's been a long day and we should rest up."

I agreed and with a hasty farewell, I left the Grand Bazaar with Scara, trying to avoid any more attention than necessary. We had intentionally bought clothes before Scara had left with Dottore to blend in more with the people of Sumeru, but just in case, we took a shortcut to where Dottore was. From there, we snuck to the tavern we were staying at one by one, me first, Scara a few minutes later, and Dottore 10 minutes after Scara.

It was a very stressful and long day, and by this point, it was three in the morning. Yawning, I quickly changed into my new fungi pajamas and almost instantly fell asleep.

I wish I could've said I dreamed well too.

In my dream, I was looking on at a room filled with strange gadgets and potions everywhere and scholars frantically rushing back and forth, pouring in vials of cloud-like substances and then returning for more. Even stranger, Scaramouche was chained the the wall inside the head of what seemed to be a giant ruin guard in his image. All the contents of the vials were streaming into him, and his eyes were closed and there was no sign of life in him. I tried calling out to him, but he couldn't hear me.

But the scholars did.

They bared their teeth at me and chased me out of the Akademiya, shouting at me and threatening me. All the while I was frantically trying to come up with a way to go back without getting caught again. I had to save Scaramouche. My love. I didn't know if he was dead or alive, and I had to know. I can't lose him now. Not now, not ever.

No matter how many times I tried, I always ended up being chased away again, an endless cycle of pain and fear.

This was when the 'Samsara' began.

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