1k Special (High School Modern AU Headcannons)

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Welp here we go! As requested from my dear friend, I will make a headcannon for some genshin characters based on a high school moder au I thought of while bored in math class, learning about factoring variables with exponents.

High School Modern AU Headcannons

Scaramouche - Would curse in the hallways, at lunch/recess, in class, at his "friends", at teachers, etc. Would get sent to the office 5 times a day.

Childe - Same issue with Childe but with fighting. Ends up in the office or nurse's office for fighting with some kid in the hallway who made him "mad". Would probably be expelled at some point.

La Signora - Would be the one person who's "normal" at school. Hates it when Childe fights someone and will often scold him for it later. Childe's mother in a way. (TBH I want to be friends with her. She seems so cool and chill. By far my favorite female character - except when she kicked Venti. Like miss, respectfully, THAT IS MY BROTHER U KICKED U ASSHOLE - but anyway I digress.)

Note: (SPOILER) I kinda feel bad for writing this especially since she's ashes now but whatev. OTHER THAN THAT THO I LIKE HER :)

Venti - Would sing in the hallways and classrooms 24/7. Always on sugar, bubbly and hyper every. single. day. Nobody can calm him down (except maybe you if you get stuck being his babysitter at school RIP T_T). Oh wait there's Zhongli-

Kazuaha - The quiet, poetic kid who excells in Language Arts and Art class. He loves being outside and being with nature. He's also quite wise and smart, gets really good grades.

Lumine - The sassy popular queen of the school. No question.

Aether - Kinda in the shadow of his sis but still cool. The cute, shy boy who mostly hangs out with Kazuaha, his literal look-alike.

Zhongli - He would totally forget his cash to buy lunch lol. Also would be the person who knows literally everything (even more than Kazuaha) and the only person who can calm Venti down when he's hyper.

Albedo - Loves Chemistry. Another quiet kid who's really attractive (okay, maybe this is a little biased....)

Sucrose - Everyone knows she has a huge crush on Albedo. Doesn't really dig Chemistry but is pretty good at it (even though she does explode some things once in a while).

Noelle - The sweet kid who will give out candy and heart-felt Valentine's Day cards on the holiday and will give Get Well Soon cards when you're sick. Aww...

Barbara - The nurse's favorite. That's it.

Jean - The senior lol. The serious kid who's also the oldest. Strives to get perfect scores in all her classes and get into the best college.

Lisa - Jean's BFF. She loves reading and coffee. Will usually slip into the library and drink some coffee before classes. Supports Jean's ambitions with all her BFF love.

Kaeya - UM.. Ok this time I'm not even being biased. Be honest... at least half the Genshin community simps for him. Admit it. So he'd be the cool kid that EVERYONE wants. Flirty, good-looking/hot, and doesn't care too much about grades (LMAO).

Diluc - The polar opposite of Kaeya. Grumpy, introvert, great in all classes, wants to get into a good college because he knows Kaeya will never get into a good college and he wants to be farrrrr away from his brother.

Please note that I may add on to this at some point as another special part with more characters (you can request, just chat me right here on wattpad, I log in every day to read fanfics cuz I'm bored when I'm not doing hw). Also, really random question, but I've been thinking, for those who want to answer, would you guys be interested in a chatfic? Currently thinking of starting one after this fanfic. Just let me know if you're interested. :)

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