A room for two | Dovesso fic

By Nwptun

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Because of all the fights Leonora and Clarissa have, Anemone decided to set an end to it with a very very stu... More

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643 19 9
By Nwptun

Casting spells

Anemone PoV:

I somehow managed to get some plans from the school for good, because I wouldn't even dare to set a foot in the school for evil. With those plans, I started searching for Agatha and Sophie, which just seemed to have disapperead from the earth.

"Where are those two?" I swear, slowly I started to believe they betrayed me and walked over onto their deans side.

"Have you seen- Nevermind. Agatha!" I walked past the Prince, that just looked after me confused.

"We've been looking for you." "I can say the same. Comon, I think I know the perfet place for our plan." They both nodded and I smiled, leading them a way to an old and abandoned classroom in an more hidden part of the school for good.

"You can be glad I found those plans, because else I wouldn't have known about this room." I opened the door for them, closing the door behind me, after I stepped in aswell.

They both looked around and Agatha showed me her finger, which was covered in dust. "How long is this classroom already abandoned?" "Your asking me questions. And why does that even matter? This room is far enough away from any students or teachers passing by, so no one will find them and help them get out." Sophie shrugged and nodded.

"Well, sounds like this is going to work." She said, smiling at me. "Now, to the part we had to do. I think Aggy and me have a perfect plan on getting them here." "Go on." I leaned against the wall, listening to the two girls.

"For Professor Dovey it was pretty easy. I will go and say that Aggy got hurt. We all know her, she will follow me, so that's not gonna be a problem. Lady Lesso is one…" I had the hardest time, keeping in my laugh. How Sophie said that, I wish I could have recorded it and played everytime when Lesso got onto my nerves.

"But, you have a plan to get her here aswell, right?" "We think so… If that shouldn't work, we have a plan b, so don't worry." She smiled and Agatha sighed, shaking her head.

"I'll tell her that some Princes took Sophie, because she tried to play some games with them. And that I won't get her back." "You really think that this will work?" I asked, looking at Agatha.

"That's why we have plan b…" "And plan b is what exactly?" Sophie bit her lip, looking away from me. "Knocking her out and carry her here." "Well then let's better hope plan a works, because I don't think plan b will."

We stood there together in the classroom, the two girls fell in silence. "Well, then I suggest you both start practicing, because, even when Dovey is easy to convince, Lesso is not." They both nodded and made their way out of here.

"And what will you be doing?" "Cast spells, maybe tidy a bit p and cast some more spells. We don't want them to use magic and escape, or do we?" They both shook their head and I saw those mischievous smiles on their faces, laughing to myself.

"Now go and pratice. I will find you when I'm done." With that, they both disappeared and I was left alone again.

"Well well, then let's start the work now, shall we? I should stop talking to myself. Really, why am I even doing this?" I shook my head and tried to get back  to concentrate, so I wouldn't cast the spells wrong.

With my little book and a smirk on the thought to see the two locked up here soon, I started to secure this classroom.

It took me probably half an hour, till I was satisfied and sure that they couldn't get out of here with magic. And then I had to make sure they wouldn't get out on any normal way. Which basically just meant, casting more spells.

After that, I tried everything for myself. Nothing opened and I walked into the middle of this classroom, nodding slowly. All the casting had made me a bit tired, but I wasn't done yet.

"I swear if they won't be best friends after this, I will kill them both on the most brutal way I know." A students, that I passed looked at me terrified. "Don't worry, will all make sense someday." With that I just kept walking, sensing that the situation would just get weirder if I had stayed.

I got some stuff to clean, shortly checked in on how the girls were doing, before I went back to the classroom, cleaning it. Well, barely, I atleast got rid of the dust in most places.

"Deal with that. I don't have the nerves to do more." I grabbed everything, took one more minute to make sure everything would work and walked out of there, back to Agatha and Sophie.

"Sooo, I'm this close to kill them both, how are you doing?" They both started laughing, as I crashed down on their bed.

"I think we are also good to go. If your ready, then we can start our act." I sighed and looked at them both.

"You both lure them there, I seal the door and everything else is up to them." "Just, one side question. What do we do if they don't talk with one another? Don't they have to eat sometime?" Sophie and I looked at Agatha. How could I forget that?

"Uhhhh… We start worrying about that, as soon this get's the case, alright?" I smiled and Sophie shrugged at Agatha, smiling back at me.

"Alright… This is more then stupid." "Jup, but it will be worth it, as soon as it worked. Now go, comon. It's best if we don't wait any longer. If this plan workes is now up to you two. I'll wait in my position." They nodded and stormed out of the room.

I sighed and got up again, walking back to that stupid classroom.

"I could have saved the way if they would just have found me, but no, I have to get to them." I shook my head, focusing back on the plan we had.

Clarissa PoV:

I sat in my office, doing some paperwork. "Can't something happen, so I don't have to deal with this anymore?" And as if somebody heard me, the door opened and Agatha came inside, looking worried.

"Is everything alright Dear?" "Yeah, I, I mean no. It's Agatha…" I stood up and got a glass of water, handing it to her.

"What is with her?" She drank some of the water, placing the glass on my desk.

"We, we explored an old part of the school and in that one room, a spider jumped at… her?" "Is she allergic?" She shook her head, which left me confused.

"Then what happened?" "Well, she stood on a chair and… fell down?" My eyes widened and I stared at the girl infront of me.

"She WHAT? Is she alright?" Sophie shook her head and took my hand in hers. "Please, you have to help me." "Ofcourse, let me just call the doc-" "No!" I looked at her and her scared face.

"Please, there is no time. We have to go… now!" This didn't feel right, but I had no other choice. If this was so serious, I couldn't waste the time.

"Alright, lead the way." She smiled at me shortly, before she pulled me with her.

Leonora PoV:

"What are you doing here?" My day had already been awful enough, after a little fight I had with Clarissa after breakfast, and now even her students were walking around in my school.

"I, I was searching for you?" I leaned on my cane, looking at her. "And why would that be?" "Uh, well Sophie tried to play some games with Princes, but they didn't find it that funny. And they… took her?" Either this was the most terrible lie, I had ever heard, or she was scared to death of me.

"And do you know where they brought her?" She nodded and I whisteled, watching Enzo walk over to us.

"Lead him the way, he will get her ack and pay those stupid Princes a lesson." Enzo nodded and I turned around, wanting to walk away.

"No!" I stopped and turned back around. "No?" "Y-yeah, no. They, they told me, that you should get her back? They said you should come get her, only you. If… If you're not a pussy…" She looked down infront of me and I cracked my neck slightly.

"No Prince calls me a Pussy. Where are those bastards?" "I can show you." I nodded and told Enzo to stay where he was, not coming to look for me under any circumstances. He bowed his head and with that, I followed Agatha over into the school for good.

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