I Remember You.

By star0119

51.7K 1.1K 123

Lorelei has always had a crush on her best friends dad, Kevin. Naturally the man doesn't seem to be aware th... More

Chapter 01 - Just Like Lightning.
Chapter 02 - Lying to Myself.
Chapter 03 - What is Happening to me?
Chapter 04 - Why Now?
Chapter 05 - What a Wake-Up Call.
Chapter 06 - Christmas Shopping.
Chapter 07 - Painful Lesson!
Chapter 08 - The Ache!
Chapter 09 - Over-Stepping.
Chapter 10 - Under no Illusions.
Chapter 11 - More than I could have Prepared for.
Chapter 12 - Doing the Right Thing, feels too Wrong!
Chapter 13 - Deeper Meaning.
Chapter 14 - Where Do I Stand?
Chapter 15 - Slap in the Face.
Chapter 16 - Taking Over Me!
Chapter 17 - Something is Going on.
Chapter 18 - Unexpected Confidante.
Chapter 19 - Ridiculous Request.
Chapter 20 - Blurred Boundaries.
Chapter 21 - Coming Clean.
Chapter 22 - Dream Lover.
Chapter 23 - but we've never been apart.
Chapter 24 - Making Plans.
Chapter 25 - What Do we Do?
Chapter 26 - Waiting for a Confession.
Chapter 27 - Everything Changes.
Chapter 28 - Sleep-Over.
Chapter 29 - the Sweetest Temptation.
Chapter 30 - Chaos & Control.
Chapter 31 - Putting Plans into Motion.
Chapter 32 - his Idiocy, my Gain.
Chapter 33 - What's Mine is Yours.
Chapter 34 - In These Arms.
Chapter 35 - Taken by Surprise.
Chapter 36 - Addicted to You.
Chapter 37 - Suspicious Minds & Life Changing News.
Chapter 38 - One Good Thing.
Chapter 39 - What a Mess!
Chapter 40 - Seeing the Past from a Different Perspective.
Chapter 41 - Nothing is Set in Stone!
Chapter 42 - Confessions & Tattoos.
Chapter 43 - Reaching Out.
Chapter 44 - Nervous Anticipation.
Chapter 45 - You Can't Have the Main Event without the Warm Up.
Chapter 47 - How you Remind me.
Chapter 48 - Talking it Out.
Chapter 49 - The Perfect Distraction!
Chapter 50 - Bringing me to my Knees!
Chapter 51 - Suspicious Minds.
Chapter 52 - Last in the Line!
Chapter 53 - Are We Crazy for Believing?
Chapter 54 - Compulsions.
Chapter 55 - Vicious Confrontation.
Chapter 56 - What Hurts the Most.
Chapter 57 - Love Hurts.
Chapter 58 - Quiet Reflection!
Chapter 59 - Pride & Anger.
Chapter 60 - Shutting the World out!
Chapter 61 - Taking back Control!
Chapter 62 - Heaven in your Eyes.
Chapter 63 - True Colours.
Chapter 64 - Can we Build a Bridge?
Chapter 65 - Blessings.
Chapter 66 - Nothing Changes but Everything is Different!
Chapter 67 - Needing You.
Chapter 68 - The Day is Here!
Chapter 69 - Together Forever.
Chapter 70 - Happily Ever After!

Chapter 46 - Express Yourself.

518 14 0
By star0119

Lorelei Anderson...

Facing Kevin as we tried to get our breaths back under control, I could feel my apprehension rising, I felt so conflicted.

If I tell him I am a virgin, I run the very real risk of him putting a stop to all of this right now. And I honestly do not think that I could handle that but at the same time, I don't know that I should let him do this without all the facts. The very idea of letting this continue without telling him, feels like a betrayal and I do not want to start this with a lie.

But what if I tell him and he puts the brakes on and tells me this is never going to happen? It is a very real possibility because Kevin is a man of morals and integrity, it is one of the reasons I love him as much as I do.

What if I tell him and he laughs at me? No! Kevin can be a lot of things but purposely cruel is not one of them. I admire him for that especially when he has every right to be closed off.

I love him. So much more than I even knew. And that means I have to put my trust in him, right?

Am I really concerned about him putting a stop to this, or is my fear coming from how pathetic I feel at being a 19-year-old virgin? I want to tell myself that I am proud of the fact that I waited but there is a part of me, call it pride, or whatever you want, but I can't do it. I can't find solace in my decision to wait. Regardless of the fact that I waited for Kevin.

Now I am faced with the very real situation where I am in bed with the star of every single one of my fantasies and all I feel is shame. A deep-rooted sense that there is no way I am going to be able to satisfy him. "That's a way too serious look for the moment, sweetheart," he shivered as my fingers lightly traced across his defined abs, my own shiver is just as strong because I honestly never thought that this would ever happen.

"There's something that I have to tell you-" ok, so I am doing this. I am going to come clean because I know that it is the right thing to do. Kevin deserves to have all the facts so he can make an informed decision.

"I'm listening," gently his hand reaches across the small space between us and carefully brushes the hair back from my face.

"The thing is..." I begin, how the fuck am I meant to admit this?

Do I just blurt it out? A bit like pulling a band-aid off – quick and efficient.

Do I slowly build up to it? Ease him into the truth of what this is.

"I never..." God, why is this so difficult? "When I saw...no, the thing is...you have always...fuck, why is this so hard!?" My frustration was growing at my inability to admit this. I know that I have to. I know that I need him to know before we go any further.

"Take a deep breath sweetheart," he soothed as patiently as he could, and fuck, I loved it when he called me sweetheart, "you can do this!" He encouraged me.

Was he right?

Could I really do this?

Yes. I can do this. I am a strong, independent woman and if this puts him off then he truly isn't the man I had believed him to be.

With my mind made-up, I look him in the eye with confidence and maybe a little bit of pride in myself, "the thing is, I am a virgin!" Oh, thank God. I did it.

I gave him the facts so he can decide whether this is something he really wants or not.

What I did not expect was the smile that came to his face. Oh God, did I get him wrong?

Is he about to laugh at me?

"I know, sweetheart,"

Wait, what?

"How do you know?" I asked him, unable to hide the shock from my face.

"Well, we have been very intimate over the past few days Lei, I felt it that night when you moved in, I didn't want to say anything because I figured you would tell me if you wanted me to know!"

So let me get this straight – Kevin knew about me being a virgin and he was still here. That had to be a good sign, right?

"I couldn't let you do this without knowing everything, it felt too much like deceit-"

"It changes nothing sweetheart, I am here because I love you and I want to be with you, if you still want me-"

"Still want you!?" I think my eyes suddenly developed those cartoon stalks when a character's eye bug out of their faces, "are you serious?"

"Well, this is a huge step Lei, and I don't want to make assumptions-"

"No. Make assumptions. I want you to take control, I want you to own me, possess me, I want you inside me so badly!" Heat blasted my face as I now seemed to have developed verbal diarrhoea.

"Oh sweetheart, I do own you. Every. Single. Inch. Of. You. Is. Mine!" He growled as he pushed into me until I was on my back and he was between my thighs, right where he should always be. "You do know what this means, right?"

"I-I-" I stumbled because I really was unsure of what he was asking me, "I'm not actually sure that I do-"

"It means that once I am inside you, once I claim that little cherry, you belong to me and only me, I do not share. I do not even like other men looking at what is mine," God, why was that so damn sexy?

Fuck, what did that say about me?

"Can you adhere to that?"

"To, belonging to you?" I asked and he simply nodded his head, "yes, that is all I have ever wanted!"

"That's my girl!" He growled before slamming his lips into mine and stealing my breath in a single heart-beat.

I had always been turned on by his kisses, but this was an utterly different type of kiss. This was a claiming, at its very rawest. My mouth moved compliantly with his until he had my mouth almost as wide as it could go, and his tongue delved into me with savage intent. Tasting, exploring, and dancing with my own tongue until we were both moaning and groaning hungrily.

I have never felt completely owned by just a kiss before.

I have never felt my arousal seeping out of me from a kiss before this man.

I don't know how long that kiss went on for, but it certainly didn't feel like long enough before he dragged his lips across my jaw and down the long column of my throat, nipping gently at my flesh when he grazed over my pulse that was thumping desperately inside of me. My blood felt like lava flowing through me as he lit me up with every little action, he inflicted on me.

Reaching my heaving chest, he used his mouth to tease the hard bud into a painful peak of arousal which I am pretty sure was connected to my pussy. All the times he has lavished my tits with his special attention – it has felt as if he was also stroking my insides as my cunt convulsed with the need to be filled. Using his hand on my other breast, he rolled the bud between his fingers as his teeth grazed against the opposite one. My moans were one continuous tempo of need at this point, but it was when his other hand grazed against my mound that I jolted with a wave of pulsing desire. Orchestrating his hand to move in time with his other hand on my nipple and his tongue against the other – it was a triple-pronged attack that had me boneless and shivering as my juices secreted from my pussy with an alarming flow. "Breathe sweetheart!" He let my breast go just as his middle finger breached my entrance, bowing my back, he plunged right down to the third knuckle and my cunt clamped down hard.

Then just when I didn't think I could take anymore, his thumb slid against my clit, and I screamed out in pure ecstasy. How am I meant to breathe when he is shaping my world into one that is purely driven by pleasure and need? "Relax Lei!" He groaned as he tried to sink another finger into me, but I was so locked up around his middle finger that he was having trouble.

"Oh-my-God -" I purred, reaching for his hand, not to stop him, but for simply something to anchor me. The look in his eyes was hungry and desperate, he needed me to relax, and I was trying, I really was but the pleasure was so exquisite that I was already right on the precipice of release.

As if sensing my dilemma, he eased his thumb away from my clit and removed his hand from my heavy breast and used it to hold himself off my body and the release I had been right on the edge of, faded away and my body slumped back down on the mattress. Apparently, that was all he needed as he pushed another finger inside of me.

"Fuck Lei, you are so tight," he growled, his eyes watching my face, maybe he was gaging my reactions for any sign of pain, but I knew that he wouldn't find any because all I felt in this moment was a deep-rooted arousal, "your pussy is going to grip me so tight, you're going to milk the cum right out of me-" dropping his head to my shoulder, I felt him breathing me in.

"Oh-God-" I loved it when he talked dirty to me, it could rev my engine almost unlike anything else does.

"You like the thought of that huh?" His growl sounded almost pained, like he was trying to tether it to ensure it wasn't all too much for me, but the truth is – if we are doing this, I want all of him. Not some watered-down version of the man I fell in love with.

"I do!" I sighed, "I want you to give me it all, don't hold back -"

"Sweetheart, you don't know what you are asking-"

"But I do. I want the man I fell in love with, I want all of him, not some altered version who is scared he will break me, I am stronger than you think, handsome!" I expressed passionately and he pulled back quickly, I guess trying to see how true I was being, and I knew he would see only resignation on my face, a fierce determination to have my will be done.

"You're sure about that?"

"Deadly!" Meeting his gaze with a steady one of my own and letting out a moan as he inserted another finger and I instantly knew what he was doing – he was stretching me, prepping me, if you will, to take his monster cock into my body.

I think that he saw all he needed to see on my face because he leant forward and once again claimed my mouth with his own.

This was it.

I was about to lose my virginity and Kevin knew the truth. I am so glad that I decided to tell him. Now there felt like there really were no secrets between us.

Kevin (Vin) Creekman...

You could say that I was surprised, and it wouldn't even be accurate. Or at least not accurate enough.

Lorelei admitted that she was a virgin.

My girl had told me the truth. It didn't matter that I already knew. All that mattered was that she trusted me enough to be honest about her second biggest secret. It was truly remarkable if you were to take, into account that as she said, it could very well have gone very differently.

I have only ever been with one other virgin – and that was Claire, but a part of me didn't really count that considering I was also a virgin at the time. I never truly appreciated the moment for what it was but then again, you would be far pressed to find any 15-year-old who could see just what a big deal losing their virginity was let alone being the one to take someone's virginity.

Some might say that I am too old to want this. That, maybe, I should have more restraint. That I should be the adult in this situation and put a stop to this before I take what I without a doubt class as mine. And before Lorelei I might have agreed with all of that.

Before the dreams – I might have had more restraint.

Before this connection – I might have seen this as a dick-move.

Before I fell in love – I might have considered this whole thing laughable.

But it has happened. All of it has led us here. In a hotel room, just the two of us alone, off the grid because no one knows where we are. Naked in each other's arms as we get ready to take this thing between us to the next level. The level which I know will solidify her place in my life because there is one thing about me that I have always known to be true – I am loyal and dedicated to the people in my life. Only, with, Lorelei, has that amplified to the possessive and maybe a little obsessive.

I know that the minute my cock pays claim to her impossibly tight cunt, I will become more possessed, more obsessed. I will be tenacious when it comes to her. I am not entirely sure that she truly understands that, and I can't think of another way to explain it to her – at this point I just have to hope that when I show her, she won't run off screaming.

"Last chance, sweetheart, are you sure this is what you want?" I groan as the feel of her walls clamping around my thrusting fingers is a fucking head-rush unlike any I have ever felt before.

"Yessssss-" she moaned as I began to drag back my fingers, pushing against her contracting folds until I was completely free, then I ran the palm of my hand along her seam, getting as much of her juices on my hand before fisting my cock to lubricate it sufficiently in preparation of sinking into her hot, wet chamber. "Pleaseeeeee-"

"Please what angel, what do you want?"

"I want your cock inside me!" She moaned as I nestled my length along the length of her seam and pressing against her, this was a much more efficient way to get lubricated for her.

"I know you do angel, not long, I just...need...to...fuuuuuuuck-" I growled as her wet-heat enveloped me fully and hunger ramped up so quickly I felt a little light-headed.

"Just need to what?" She asked me.

"Just need to be well lubricated, angel. I don't want to hurt you anymore than is necessary," I ground out through my gritted teeth, barely holding onto my civilised demeanour.

I watched her beautiful face as the head of my dick nudged against her engorged clit, the subtle roll of her eyes, the hitch in her breath and the way she gripped the sheets almost imperceptibly – they were all signs that she was ready for this.

My own heart was thundering desperately in my chest. And as I reached between our bodies and grabbed my cock at the base, I angled myself slightly down and felt the spot where I was going to slide in. Fuck, this is it. This is the moment that my life changes. You see, for as important a moment this was for Lorelei, it was equally as important to me.

I don't want to say that it is the moment that I betray both my daughter and my best friend but that is what it feels like. Lorelei and I both know that neither of them, are going to be happy about this and as much as I want to say that it will work out, I don't actually know that it will.

I don't know that my daughter, or my best friend will ever forgive me for this. Because there is one thing that I do know, if it has to come to it, I will ensure that Lorelei will never face any of the blame of what feels so damn right between us.

Pushing myself back a little, I look down at where my cock is practically knocking for entrance and I can see that she is tense, her little hole is slammed shut so tightly that I wonder if it is painful. "I'm sorry-" obviously she can feel what the problem is, and my head snaps up to her.

"Do. Not. Ever. Say. Sorry. For. That." I bite out, angry that she feels the need to say sorry when it is only natural. I mean, she isn't a stupid girl, she knows that this will hurt. "Just let me try something ok?" I asked as an idea started to take shape, and if I could pull it off it would mean a quick and sudden stab of pain for her but then it would be all over – her cherry would belong to me just as the rest of her body already belongs to me.

"I trust you!" She moaned as I moved my fingers up to her clit and began to lavish it with unrelenting attention. Stroking back and forth, up, and down, around in circles before pinching it between my fingers, all the while watching her tight virgin-hole for the first signs of complete relaxation. "Mmmmmm oh-God yessss right there daddy!" She cried out and I fought my urge to slam my tongue inside of her to taste her release, the orgasm that belonged to me.

Fighting my gut-instinct, I watched and waited, and then it happened, her little hole blinked open as her body let go completely. Seizing my chance, I surged forward. Breaking through her soft, tender, silky succulent folds and I felt the virginal barrier rip apart and she screamed, her entire body locking up on instinct. The power of her pussy tried to expel me from the Heaven I had just found but I fought it. The feel of her little hands gripping on to my biceps and her short nails digging into the flesh as she all but shuddered underneath me – even her breath had become laboured.

I fought to stay completely still inside her snatch.

I had never felt a cunt more profoundly than I felt Lorelei's.

"God Lei, you feel so fucking good!" The tense crushing of her walls closing in around me as I tried to flex my dick inside of her. It was like being held incredibly tightly by the softest fucking vice known to man. "Fuuuuuuck-" I grunted through the sheer force I was having to use to stay embedded inside her. "You are doing so well baby-girl, just try to relax!" I had to grit my teeth from the sheer force of her inner core squeezing around me like a damn Boa-constrictor.

"Oh-my-God...you're so fucking big-" her eyes were wide and sparkling with tears that I both hated and loved to see. I chuckled softly and it was an action that caused her to almost sob but then the most glorious thing happened.

Like watching a sun-rise; her face began to transform from pained and possible insistence of asking me to retreat, to something far more primal – dare I even say pleasurable.

"Fuuuuuck that felt good-" she moaned, "can you try moving?"

Hell, she didn't need to ask me twice.

I began to drag my cock backwards, feeling the resistance in her. "No, don't stop-"

"Oh, I am not stopping, angel," I chuckled. As if I could stop now. As if I had any power to deny her anything. As if I had any will left to fight what was happening between us, "damn baby, you are so tight-" I growled as I was almost entirely out of her heated-tunnel.

"Fuuuuuck feels so empty-" she moaned out as just the enraged helmet of my cock remained inside her cunt. Holding her gaze with my own, I pushed forward, claiming that tight pussy all over again and she moaned out hungrily, her hands left my biceps and began to run up my arms as I held the upper bulk of my body off her.

"I don't know how long I am going to last baby - you are just soooo tight and it feels like I am in fucking Heaven!"

"Cum inside me-"


"I want to feel your cum splashing my insides handsome," there was no hesitation in her, no sign of her being anything but brutally honest with me.

"Are you on the pill?"


Fuck! My cock pulsed inside her at the thought of dumping my load inside her teenage womb. The thought of getting her pregnant taking root and not letting go.

Getting her pregnant was my dream. But was it fair to do it when she was so young?

Would it be something that she might regret?

"What are you saying, angel?" I groaned she took her turn to flex around my shaft and holy shit it felt fucking beyond amazing.

"Get me pregnant, daddy. Plant your seed in me and make a baby with me-"


Was she serious?

Was this really, what she wanted?

"Are you sure, sweetheart?"

"Never been more, sure of anything, daddy!"

Oh, Christ that did it. I was powerless to deny her.

"Cum for me sweetheart!" I growled, my hand reaching for her throat, collaring her with no real power. Keeping my strength locked up, the action was just a hint of my dominance and the flutter in her cunt at the feel of it was unreal in a way I had never experienced with anyone else. My free hand reached between our bodies and began to frantically rub her clit and pinching until I felt that tell-tale sign of her core clenching tightly around my length as I held still to let her fall apart around me. "Come on angel, cum for me...now!" I demanded of her.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, fuuuuuuuck Kevinnnnnnn!" She screamed as I worked her through the release. With every movement of my hips against hers; I was hit with the feeling of familiarity – it was almost as if we had been doing this our whole lives. The feel of her juices gushing around my shaft and sinking down to my balls was fuel for me to slip from inside her Heavenly sheath. "No, you didn't cum baby-" she instantly objected, and I chuckled.

"Get on your hands and knees!" I ordered as I looked at my cock to see the evidence of her broken virginity coating my cock in a pinkish hue of cream.

Lorelei quickly scrambled to do my bidding and flipped onto her hands and knees in front of me. "Well Goddamn that is one fucking perfect ass!" I grunted as I once again grabbed the root of my cock and lined myself with her hole, which was still gushing with her girl-juices – pushing forward in a single fluid thrust. "I own this ass too, don't I angel?"

"Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhh fuck, yessssssss!" She screamed, all traces of the pain gone now as she slammed back to meet my thrusts, "you feel much deeper from this angle, handsome!"

"Fucking right I do!" I snarled as she once again clamped down around me. Bringing my hand up, I spanked the round fatty globe of her ass cheek and she shrieked and begged me to fuck her harder and deeper and faster.

Who was I to deny the lady?

Every forward punch of my hips was met by her pushing back into me, fucking her little body on my cock. It was the sexiest thing I have ever witnessed or been a part of. And I just couldn't get past the feeling of doing this before, even though this was our first time together. Is it because of the dreams?

Is that why it feels so damn right?

Our bodies rutted. We moaned and growled, screamed, and roared, purred, and snarled our way to the finish line and just as I felt her start to cum once again, I found my own release.

Shooting rope after rope after rope of cum deep into her womb with the hope that at least one of my swimmers would find his way home.

The moment the pleasure bled away, we both collapsed in exhaustion. Sleep tugging us almost instantly, we didn't even have time to clean up before we were both lights out. Not at all aware of what was about to happen and how the mystery of the dreams were about to take some sort of shape with reason fuelling it. 

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