Galactic Overlord (rewrite)

بواسطة SithTrooperO9

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A rewrite of my self-insert Star Wars story, Galactic Overlord. More chapters, story arcs, character interact... المزيد

School life and imperial academy
Academic transfer
The campaign in Mimban
End of the Mimban war
Samovar campaign
Victory in Samovar
Spice deal
Fields of Akkadia
A visit to Larsa
Traitor hunt
Smuggler's trail
End of an illegal empire
Old friends
The dead that walk
The far outsiders
Star-quest to unknown Kadath
Sith training
Battles against the Vong
Captain's troubles and a sith's return
The civil war on Naboo
Plans within plans
Plans within plans part 2
Uprisings on Onderon and Kamino
Jedi hunt on Felucia
The Umbara Campaign
Battles of the war
The Akkad Spring
Cobra business
Zaarin's failed coup
Final battles of Umbara
Cobra business part 2
Cobra business part 3
Cobra business part 4
Hapes Consortium war
Battle of Hapes
Cobra business part 5
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn
Cobra Corps vs Crimson Dawn part 2
The pirate war
The pirate war part 2
Coruscant social events
Cobra business part 6
Task Force First Descent: harbingers of death
Cobra business part 7
Cobra's campaign and expansion
The Ssi Ruu campaign
The captain and the girl
The captain and the girl part 2
March of the ten thousand
Birth of an empire
Extra-galactic campaigns
Anaxes debate
Troubles in Lothal
Years 4-2 BBY
Year 1 BBY
Galactic Civil War begins
Mid-Rim offensive
Cobra attack on Mustafar
Crimson Dawn's auction
Crimson war
A new world
War of the gods
Fehtan's rebellion
State of the galaxy
Cobra's holdings
A sith returns
A world below
Weapons and armor
Forging an alliance
Forging an alliance part 2
War between Akkad and Lanka
Holy war
Semiramis' Regency

The beginning

2.5K 35 8
بواسطة SithTrooperO9

A/N: I'm happy with Galactic Overlord but too many things that aren't satisfactory to me. More chapters, scenes and story arcs, character interactions, the various wars and more. The plot will more or less remain the same, but with more details and scenes.

70% legends material, 25% from canon and 5% fanon.

Fanon planet and system: Akkadia and the Ashur system. Part of the Seswenna Sector of the galaxy. Main geography of Akkadia is a desert with many, many rivers. Capital and largest city is called Nineveh (basically, sci-fi ancient Assyria). Official language is called northern Akkadian and the planet's moon is the forest moon of Medea.

Star: Ashur/ Assûr (3.5 times bigger than the sun)
Closest planet: Shamash
Second planet: Mizraim
Third planet: Akkadia
Fourth planet: Hatti
Fifth planet: Elam
Sixth planet: Ahhiyawa

Galactic neighbours: Seswenna, Naboo, Eriadu and Tatooine

Additional info:
Capital city: Nineveh
Temperature: 35°C on average
Atmosphere: type 1 (same as earth's)
Geography: harsh deserts with some mountains, plateaus. Villages, town and cities are situated near the rivers
Fauna: deep scorpions, fathiers (imported), mountain stags, plain goats, marsh wolves, black lions, ninghiszida (water snake), Akkadian sandworm, mûmakil, gorog
Main exports: spice
Population of Akkadia: roughly 9 billion
Of the entire Ashur system: 39 billion, most of it on the worlds of Akkadia, Elam, Mizraim and Ahhiyawa.

       -year 19 BBY, the Clone Wars-

The Clone Wars waged on. The first true major war in many centuries since the Ruusan Reformation and the republic's disarmament. My name is Salazar Covraii and I was born on the fourteenth day of the ninth month about 25 BBY, which was six years ago. Akkadia was in the Mid-Outer Rim, neither former or latter but as a part of both and like many other planets and systems, wanted to join the Confederacy of Independant Systems. The spice melange, the main export of my home, was valuable to both sides and the republic wanted it. As such, they sent a force to occupy Akkadia, with them using Naboo as a staging ground, as war broke out. The people of Akkadia, who hated the republic, did not take well to this occupation but the nobles and higher members of society in Nineveh stopped large scale rebellions. The republic knew too well the brutality of Akkadia from the ancient wars. However, not everyone was willing to play into republic hands and as such, the republic sent envoys to the towns and cities to gain the favour of influential and trusted members of the planet.

Captain Rex of the 501st clone legion was on one of the towns in Akkadia called Larsa, my home. Larsa held influential members among the general populous and he was there to gain the trust of the town chief. Along with the chief's trust, he also needed the trust of the ministers and advisors. One of them, was my father, Andronicus Covraii. Through long talks and promises, Larsa was on the republic's side. For the clone captain, it might as well be his most diffucult negotiations yet.

(A/N: Salazar's father, Andronicus)

''I am happy to hear that we can come to an agreement, minister Covraii.'' the clone captain said to my father.

''It is no problem, captain. The chief speaks and we go along with it.'' replied my father. ''It was orders from the leaders of Nineveh to be on the republic's side and as the people, we have to comply.''

''Your sister spoke highly of you, minister. She said you'd cooperate if it meant the well-being of Akkadia.''

''Ah yes. My sister.'' my father muttered. My aunt, Dainah Covraii, was a powerful figure in Akkadia's politics. Dubbed as part of the 'new nobles', our family wasn't part of the aristocracy but her rise in wealth and power earned her a noble status. 'If she chooses a side, it no doubt mean she has a plan like always.' he thought.

''So... is it always this hot here in Akkadia?'' captain Rex asked and my father bluntly replied, ''Always.'' After that, they went to check on the schools and saw the teachings and training in Akkadian schools. Children were taught many subjects like music, songs, geography, history and much more. Captain Rex was on the opinion that the Akkadian language sounded somewhat harsh and rough. Then, it moved to the physical training where children were taught how to fight. It was brutal, even by clone standards. The older children would fight with all their skills in hand to hand combat and bruises as well blood spilled was common. ''That's rough.''

''The old ways shall not die, captain.'' my father said. ''Unlike the Mandalorians who's culture was on a decline, Akkadia's manage to latch on with the progress of time. Adapting, improving and modernizing.''

''I believe your son is also among them.''

''Yes. My son, Salazar, over there.'' he said, pointing at me. ''His teachers say he is gifted and smart. The elders tell of visions where he'll bring about Akkadia's resurgence. A parent can always hope for the best of their child. There he is, learning the lyre, with his friends, Hadad and Inanna. Would you care to come to my home for tonight's dinner, captain?''

''I would love it, minister.'' the captain replied and they continued their walk, conversing and getting to know each other better.

                    -year 15 BBY-

The Clone Wars ended four years ago. ''The republic will be re-organized into the first, Galactic Empire! For a safe and securer society.'' were the words of the supreme chancellor, now Emperor Palpatine. The jedi were dead, having been branded as traitors to the people. Those that remained were hunted down. Akkadia was soon incorporated into the new empire with the spice flow bringing in great profits for Akkadia. Not hard since the elites, especially my aunt, had ties to high ranking imperials like a certain Wilhuff Tarkin.

Now ten years old, I could attend the much more brutal parts of Akkadia's school system. Martial arts, knife techniques and to teens, blasters, were taught for ages 8-13 and I was no exception. It was 2:35 PM and school was over. A couple of bruises here and there but none too bad. It was always like this in the school. ''Sal! Wait!'' I heard my name being called and I turned around to see my friend Hadad ran towards me. ''You forgot your books.'' he told me and handed me my books.

''I forgot them. Thanks Hadad.'' I thanked my friend and put my books in my back. Hadad told me that we'll see each other tomorrow and he ran back home. I saw Inanna's green hair in the horizon, walking home as well and I too walked home. Upon reaching it, I opened the door and entered. ''Mom, dad, I'm home.'' I announced my entry.

''Welcome home, son. How was your day?'' my mother, Junia, asked me. She was a former teacher and archaeologist from Coruscant before meeting my father and originally from the lower levels of the ecumenopolis.

(Salazar's mother, Junia Covraii)

''Fine, mom. We learnt about the expansions that took place under king Naram-Sin today.'' I answered.

''Ah. The early days of Akkadia's expansion. Remember son, if you need help in your studies, I'm always here for you.'' she told me. Her former job as a teacher helped me a lot in school. ''Those bruises don't hurt too much do they, son?''

''No mom. I'm fine. Where's father?''

''Upstairs, talking with your aunt.'' she answered.

''Aunt Dainah? She came to visit?'' I asked and she nodded. I then heard footsteps and saw my father with my aunt coming down. I then walked towards her and hugged my aunt. ''Aunt, you came to visit.''

''As if I won't visit my favourite nephew when I have the chance.'' she said in a sweet tone. ''How's school, Sal?''

(Salazar's aunt, Dainah Covraii)

''It's okay.'' I replied. She said that she had a gift for me and she pulled out a red kyber crystal. ''It's beautiful.'' I said as she gave me the crystal.

''A kyber crystal? Where did you get that, sister?'' my father asked.

''A gift from one of my partners, dear brother.'' she just left it at that. And it was indeed a gift that she then gave me. My father asked her if she would join us for dinner to which she said, ''Oh I would love it very much.'' Then, dinner was ready and we ate. My aunt and father then continued their conversation. ''You should be aware by now that cousin Kazzim is going to be hosting a special trip to Hatti. It's for students, brother, and he wants Sal to join as well.''

My father then had a long, thinking face. Uncle Kazzim was known for being quite brutal even by Akkadian standards but, I guess the pride of a man won his thoughts. ''I think he can join. We are not ordinary Akkadians, we are Covraii. My son will do us all proud, I know it.'' my father said.

Hatti. The fourth planet in the Ashur star system was a very mountainous world filled with all sorts of very dangerous fauna. It was worse than Akkadia's own given that most of the wildlife species in Akkadia were either tamed or endangered and restricted to certain 'safe' areas. I was going to the world of Hatti for uncle Kazzim's special trip. It essence, it was to make Akkadian children more used to the brutality of the world and to turn from children to warriors. The risks were great but the warlike traditions of Akkadia did not care. It was a war culture and all men and women were considered soldiers. After dinner, my mother helped me pack my stuff for uncle Kazzim's trip to Hatti.

''Still no word on the cult of Nabu?'' my father asked my aunt.

''Still nothing. Don't worry too much about it, brother. You'll get her back. A Covraii cannot be treated like that for long.'' she said as she stepped out the door then gave my father a blaster pistol. ''Take this. Recent smuggling activity might come to Larsa. Protect yourself well, brother, and good night.'' she said and walked out. She stepped inside a speeder limo and headed back to Nineveh.

                    -the next day-

When dawn came, my mother woke me up and she prepared for me food. Near the walls of Larsa came a mûmakil, large elephant creatures standing over 14 meters tall and carrying what looked like buildings on their back. Mûmakil were tamed and used for transport in Akkadia. In the old days of the ancient kings, they were fearsome war machines. I took my bag and walked with my mother to the walls. There, the townsfolk came to say their goodbyes. My friends were there as well and they were among the loudest of my age group.

''If it ain't my nephew, Sal.'' uncle Kazzim said as the bridge was lowered. ''Ready to come along with your cousins, Salazar?''

''Urm... yes, uncle.'' I timidly replied. I never really was the social type. Clearly, I had few friends, I kept to myself and more or less had some communication problems. My mother knelt down and hugged me before I was to leave for Hatti.

''Now you take care of yourself well okay, my son? Be careful and know that we will be here for you.'' she said and then walked back to Larsa while uncle Kazzim showed me where I was to sit. I sat close to his son, my cousin Raggal.

''Cousin Salazar. Are you ready to win this?'' Raggal asked me.

''I suppose I am.'' I replied and the mûmakil started moving to the space ports. After we reached the port, all hundred and thirteen of us departed to the freighter and left for Hatti. This was my first trip out into space and it felt amazing.

(planet of Hatti)

''Welcome to Hatti, boys!'' uncle Kazzim said in a loud voice as we departed and moved out of the ship. ''You may wonder where the hotels are and the answer is... there are none! No! This is a survival trip, boys, and we are Akkadians. Leave your bags and packed food into the ship. We're starting the course now.'' he ordered and we did as told, some more reluctant than others.

The mountain wilderness of Hatti was home to many, many wild beasts. Mountain jackals, swamp crocodiles, poisonous lizards and snakes, jaguars and more. Akkadian tradition dictates that children who grew to age 10 were to be sent to Hatti's harsh environment to lose their childhood innocence and become true warriors. A practice that had been outlawed after the republic's victory over the Neo-Akkadian empire thousands of years ago but it continued, though in much lesser numbers, after the Ruusan Reformation. Uncle Kazzim then taught us many things after we left the freighter. Things like how to kill an animal, how to know which is poisonous or safe for consumption, how to cut open a carcass and how to cook it. Then, he along with four adults then escorted each of us to different parts and from there, we were on our own.

I had a knife, a spear and then I was sent into dangerous terrain. There, I encountered a jaguar and was running for my life. I continued to run as fast as I could but the jaguar was closing in. I saw my uncle and shouted for him to help. ''Uncle! Please help me!'' I shouted but no response. Then, the jaguar was close to me.

''We are Akkadians, Salazar. Not just that, we are Covraii. Our symbol is the leviathan and we 'ride the storm of chaos'. Fight and win.'' he simply told me.

The jaguar came close, ripping my clothes with his sharp claws and trying to kill me. By sheer instinct, I managed to use the knife and strike the jaguar in the eye. ''That's my nephew. Kill it now!'' uncle Kazzim shouted and I used the spear to kill the jaguar. After that, he and the adults came down to take the jaguar carcass. ''That was good, Salazar my nephew, but not as I hoped. You hesitated too much. Akkadia makes the best warrior, nephew. The quality of our Akkadians knows no rival, not even the Mandalorians. Our culture survived and adapted where many fell. Do not forget that, Salazar, we are Akkadians. War is in our blood.'' he told me and the adults left, leaving behind little meat for me. The message was simple: survival of the fittest and only a true Akkadian wins this challenge.

                      -3 days later-

I continued moving about in the wilderness. No sight of anybody from the group or uncle Kazzim and the adults. We were on our own for three months in this 'adult processing' system. I encountered no such dangerous beasts, for now, and lived on safe to eat plants and some meat from animals I killed. I walked down to the river to get my waterskin filled. I then heard the sounds like screams and rushed to check it. A jackal was close to striking a girl around my age and instincts told me to save her. I got a stone and then threw it at the jackal. It missed my intended target and hit the leg instead. The jackal then turned his attention to me and as I ran, gave chase. I ran and ran and then I saw a narrow corridor. I quickly hid in there and as the jackal came rushing in, got stuck in between. Seizing my oppurtunity, I then impaled the spear right through the jackal's head.

After that, I went to the girl to check on her. She had black flowing hair, purple eyes and broken glasses. I approached to see if she was injured but she seemed scared. I put down the spear and knife I had and simply tied the wound on her thigh. I gave her some water to which she drank and I waited, like a guard, till her parents or an adult came. After waiting for what seemed like over forty minutes or so, she spoke. ''T-thank you.'' she said in a timid voice. ''My name is Kore Nyx. What is your name?''

''Salazar Covraii.'' I replied.

''Thank you, Salazar.'' she said once more and we heard sounds of people moving. She seemed to recognize said voices and called out, ''Father!'' Almost instantly, a man with two guards came. ''Father, this boy saved me from a wild dog, father.'' she told him.

''What boy, my dear?'' the man asked and I slowly came out my hiding spot. 'From his torn clothes, I think this boy is part of Kazzim's trip.' he thought. ''I am Baron Erebus Nyx and you saved my daughter. Thank you my young boy. May I know your name?''

''My name is Salazar Covraii, sir.'' I answered.

''Covraii? Like Dainah Covraii? Would you happen to be related to her?''

''Yes sir. She's... my aunt.'' I replied and one of the guards told the baron that their transport was near.

''I know your aunt quite well, my boy. She and I are very good friends. I'm afraid I must be leaving now. I hope we see each other again, young Covraii.'' the baron pulled Kore up and carried her back. She waved a goodbye at me and I waved back. After they were gone, I returned to the jackal carcass to cut it up for meat and it's fur and made camp.

       -after 3 long, brutal months-

It was over. The test at Hatti was finally completed. None of us died luckily though there were some lost limbs and cracked bones. After it was done, we returned back to Akkadia but that was when tragedy struck. Larsa, my home, was destroyed. Burned by pirates. Only fifty people survived from Larsa but my parents were not among them. I was devastated and mourned for them for seven days. After I finished mourning, my aunt took me in and I now lived with her in her manor in Nineveh.

''Are we close, aunt?'' I asked her. We were in a big speeder transport and headed for Nineveh. A dark cloud seemed to loom over on the horizon where the speeder was taking us.

''Soon, my nephew, soon.'' she assured me. Then, the speeder stopped and I looked out the window to see Nineveh's high walls and it's gate. The stories told by the elders and my parents were no lie after all. The massive walls of Nineveh were over 700 feet tall and black like obsidian. There was a singular gate underneath a frowning arch with spikes like teeth. There were two tall towers linked to the wall and sculptures of lamassu near them. Lamassu being mythological creatures with the body of a bull, wings of an eagle and with the head of a king, which was based off of king Sargon II who usurped his brother and founded Akkadia's last ruling dynasty.

My aunt and the guards talked and then we entered Nineveh. The city was split into 9 large circles with long walls taking the shape of an eight pointed star originating from the center or ninth circle. Circles 7-9 were for the elites while the rest were for the everyday man and woman. Nineveh's reputation as an extremely industrial and polluted city was no myth. The smoke from the factories was almost toxic, garbage littered alleys, waste from factories made the ground muddy and people were unhygenic. Factories and overcrowded apartments filled levels 1-5 and there were tall, glass pyramid like buildings here and there. Level 6 was more cleaner but still polluted. The gap between level 6 and 7 was huge, should be obvious as level 6 was the biggest section of Nineveh. Then, level 7 was drastically different. It was clean, very clean and not too polluted. Busy traffic came running to and fro and there were different building types now as well. We went on to level 8 which wasn't too different from level 7 and then level 9, the political heart of Akkadia and the Ashur star system.

We then arrived at my aunt's manor. ''Welcome to your new home, Salazar.''

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