Chasing Dreams (a Vampire Dia...

بواسطة VeGirl

162K 5.1K 539

This is the third and last part of a story that starts with "Living my Dream" and "Unfolding Dreams", when Em... المزيد

Out of Dodge
In the dark forests of Europe
Going Home
Back together
Life or death
Run away
Northern Adventure
Family affairs
Coming out
New Year and a New Life
Going out
Saint Emma
The Afterlife
The cure
Breaking and entering
He's back
Dinner party
Dirty Dancing
Witch help


4.1K 149 13
بواسطة VeGirl

Written 2013 by VeGirl

As soon as Damon figured out that we didn't share a sire-bond, he returned to being the attentive, sweet boyfriend he had been before.

He even took me to his secret house, when Anna got tired of our smooching and it felt amazing to be back. There were no fighting or hurt feelings this time, no panic visits and hiding in the bathroom, but there were intimacy. We could enjoy the solitude and be as loud in the bedroom as we needed to, not having to be respectful to others.

But most importantly we talked.

All alone with no eavesdroppers we could talk about all the things Damon felt he needed to hide from Stefan and Elena, and the rest of the world.

Unfortunately we could never stay to long, since this place still wasn't official; we told the others we'd just be off for a while. Those stolen moments were definitely worth it though, and the rest of the time we were walking around like love-struck teenagers.

Luckily the recordings of the Vampire Diaries were over; the fans wouldn't like this turn of events; this Damon, but I loved him.

Damon helped me through most of the things that was changed in my life over the days and weeks. Elena and Caroline were supportive and told me the hard times they had gone through and how I would avoid them, and Stefan did all he could to convince me to surrender to the animal diet. That didn't work though.

The urge for blood was a powerful motivation; I finally understood what Elena had been talking about. But when I lunged myself at Anna, she was ready and gave me a migraine I'd never forget. Her face was determined and she didn't even have to flick her wrists to make my head hurt in such a way I thought I was going to die... Again.

I just clamped my hands over my head and fell on my knees in unbearable pain. Just as abrupt as it started, it stopped again and I looked up at my best friend standing over me.

"Don't ever do that again!" she said slowly, emphasizing every syllable.

"I'm sorry Anna!" I was really regretful, but it was as the urge widely extended my logical thinking. "I hope I didn't hurt you."

"What's going on?" Stefan interrupted us. "Did she attacked you; are you okay?" I was a bit disappointed that he showed more concern for my friend than me, but I was a monster like him now and my friend was still a human. A human witch, but nonetheless a human.

"I can defend myself against a vampire!" Anna smirked. "I've been living with one or two now for some time now."

Stefan glared a bit at me but I ignored him and focused on apologizing to my friend.

"Perhaps we should have some Aikido-training." Anna suggested. "It's been a long time."

I looked at her as if I couldn't believe what I heard. "You want to train with me even since you know I'm a vampire?" I asked baffled. "Even after I attacked you?"

She laughed. "Yeah, that wasn't kicking your ass; that was just pain. I look forward to kicking your ass."

Cocky much?

Well I guess she had deserved that, bringing me to my knees without a flick of her hands. "Okay buddy; bring it on!" I smirked and we walked out in the back yard.

The advanced eyesight was a good tool in this training, I could see every move Anna made and was able to block them. For the first time Anna did not win all the time. Her black belt didn't do her much good since I was just a few grades down from her.

Damon joined us after a while and wanted another go at me when I was a little more durable now. I think he wanted some tips and tricks from Anna though.

That session was so much easier when we now had somewhat more equal strength. The technique is to use the attackers' strength against themselves, so that worked right in my hand. Then on the other hand I wanted him close to me, and that was my weakness. His appearance still made my skin tingle and my breathing pick up, and the thought of him close to me made me ache for him straight to the core of me.

Anna still won over Damon who didn't know the technique, even if she didn't have his strength, but between Damon and me; I was totally superior.

   * * * * *

I had the thought that once you've been turned, you wouldn't have any desire for food anymore, but I noticed that a good steak and salad still smelled as delicious as it had ever done; in fact even better with these enhanced senses.

Anna was relieved by this and all five of us got to the Grill for a meal. Delighted, she found Matt working that day. "Why haven't any girl snatched him?" She hissed.

We both looked over at Elena who watched him with peculiar eyes.

"I mean, he's hot!" Anna continued and she and I giggled. "And those blue eyes." She rolled her eyes in a heavenly gesture.

Matt appeared by our table. "Hi, I haven't seen you since you got human again." He said to Elena and gave her a weak smile. "And I heard that you're...not?" He added in my direction.

She and I shared a look and I smiled. "It was time for a shift." I said and noted how a scent surrounded him, swirling and seductive. Suddenly Damon put his arm around me and I turned surprised to him.

"Think of something else!" He said and in the pale blue pools of his eyes I could see my own face being reflected. I had dark eyes and grey veins was about to show on my face. He took a grip around my chin and gave me a deep kiss, making me forget about the swirling seductive scent of blood that surrounded this table.

"Hrmp..." Somebody harrumphed, breaking our kiss off. Matt looked at us with badly hidden amusement as he wanted to know our orders. "Still at it?" He joked.

"Yes!" Several of the others around the table sighed exasperated and I felt a rage building inside me. Damon gripped my shoulders hard before I had the chance to do anything.

"What?" I snapped.

He smirked at me. "You know exactly what!" And I did; the rage that almost overpowered me subsided at once and I calmed down. "See... there you go!" He had the appreciative tone I had heard a lot of during this training; the class of how to deal with my new life.

A bit embarrassed I gave him a weak smile. "Thank you." I mumbled.

When the food arrived I relished in all my new way to enjoy flavours. "I thought I wouldn't enjoy food this way, but I have never tasted a better hamburger." I said delightful, making the others chuckle. "I will probably be known as the only fat vamp ever..." I added tart.

"I promise to burn off those calories later." Damon whispered in my ear, making my whole body tingle.

The next second my mind was drifting off in a pool of fragrance from the girls walking by us and I turned my head toward them.

"Lemons?" I turned toward Damon who instantly got that proud look again.

"Well done! That's Vervaine, and we don't want that."

"Wow, can you feel it that easy?"

"Usually not...they must have bathed in it." Stefan replied, even if he wasn't in our private conversation at all. Surprised I turned to look at him, and realised how Anna and Elena hadn't noticed Stefan's comment at all.


  * * * * *

Next day Damon and I were out running in the woods, eager to get familiar with my new abilities. I stopped for a fraction by a tree and evaluated the height of the branches. A smile formed on my face as I noted Damon stopping a little further off, wondering what I was up to. I decided I had to try, so I bent my knees and jumped up to the branch and hung there from my hands.

"Wohoo!" I yelped happily. "Look what I can do!" I was happy as a schoolgirl; a schoolgirl on spring break that is!

Suddenly I started to dangle from branch to branch, kicking up speed with my feet and taking a leap from one branch to another as if I was Olympic champion on the uneven bars. I even managed to do a volt before jumping down, ending up in a laughing fit.

"Did you see that?" I yelled to Damon, who watched me with humour.

"I did!" He said. "Do you know what I would call that?"

"No, what?" I wanted to know, surprised by his question I walked up to him.

"Show off!" He said in a teasing way, but gave me a deep kiss, making me forget to giggle.

"Wow, I have to show Anna!" We were on our way back to our paradise house, when suddenly something made me stop, smell the air and take off into the forest again.

"What's the matter?" I heard Damon yell, but I had my focus forward, letting my nose take the lead in a sprint.

Not far from our lake I found what I was looking for. A man lay under a tree, he had a deep cut in his leg and I was just about to get my teeth in him when I was tossed off.

"What the hell?" Damon's voice rang loud and clear. "Get off of him!" He glared at me, squatting down a little way from them, with my vampire face on. Damon examined the body, while I growled at him.

"Really?" He glared sourly at me, where I sat with the smell of blood surrounding me like a thick cloud, making my head spin.

"You do not want to eat this guy!" He chastised me. "He is filled with Vervaine, and he is dead!"

I felt like a stupid kid, not being able to see the difference between a meal and a death-trap. My face slowly changed back to my old me, as I looked guilty at him. "Thank you." I murmured.

He came over and put his arm around me. "You have to learn the difference baby!"

"But how could I miss the Vervaine on him?"

"It was only in his bloodstream, not on every part of the skin, like those girls at the grill." He kissed my forehead and turned us away from the dead body. "I suppose the smell of the blood was overpowering the scent of Vervaine." He said in a comforting tone.

"Are we just gonna leave him here?" 

"What; are you concerned now?" He teased me. "You were just about to eat him."

A wave of guilt ran through me again. "I'm sorry."

Damon chuckled and gave me a kiss on the forehead, before he picked out his phone. "Hey Liz, Emma and I found a dead guy in the woods." I watched him while he explained approximately where the body was found and a way for them to find it that was far away from our house. When he had ended the call, he returned to me. "I think it is time for me to teach you how to hunt." His smile was wicked and without being able to do anything about it, my body started to tingle.

"Okay." I said and nodded just as enthusiastic as I had seen Vicky do on the TV-show when Damon compelled her.

That night Damon and I snuck away, took the car to Richmond and hit one of the clubs' there. In a club where perfume, alcohol and sweat was mixed with a sweet scent of blood. Damon who usually walked to the bar, took my hand and led me to the dance-floor now, wrapped me in his arms and swayed us seductively to the music.

"Now you have to be careful... Try to distinguish the different scents; different blood-types." His whispered words surrounded me. "And find someone really delicious." A shiver ran through me as I slowly drew a breath, turning my face up in the air in something that looked like seduction. Perhaps that was exactly what it was.

I could feel Damon's eyes on me and opened my own to find his pale blue shine like silver beacons on me. I gave him a sly smile and resumed the task at hand.

In the heavy scents I finally found a trace of something extra, and with his hand in mine I danced slowly towards the aroma. A girl danced by herself, eyes closed and her entire body swaying seductively in beat with the music.

"She's drunk." Damon whispered.

"Is that a problem?" I asked, mesmerized by the seduction of the girl in front of me.

Damon just chuckled darkly.

In a way I had never done before I closed in on the girl, dancing slow behind in her rhythm, letting my fingers slide along the skin of her arms. I could feel tiny goosebumps appear on her arms as she lifted her face up toward the ceiling, still with her eyes closed. I was barely aware of Damon showing up in front of her, dancing almost as close as me, but the girl looked up at him.

"Just relax, and you will feel no pain." He said, looking deep in her eyes and I could feel her relaxing again.

Once again she closed her eyes and leaned her head back towards me, exposing her carotid artery with the blood pumping seductively beneath the skin.

I looked up towards Damon who smiled encouragingly as I could feel my canines elongate and my eyes tingle as they turned red. I bent forward and found the right spot with my tongue and then I slowly sank my teeth in her.

Immediately a gush of her delicious blood filled my mouth and I swallowed greedy. Gulp after gulp of her blood ran down my throat and I was lost in the music, the pulse beat and the seduction. I felt Damon pushing my head and with my own head spinning, I let go of the girl's neck and barely noticed how Damon now tasted her. My face was turned upwards while I was still dancing seductively and without me even notice, the girl was suddenly gone and Damon's body was encaging me as we kissed deeply.

"Wow!" I breathed as our kiss broke off and I was still swaying in beat with the music. My head spun and I was smiling like a fool when I was lead outside, with Damon's arms still around me.

His black Ferrari took us to our secret home, where he carried me upstairs in my dazed mode and he lay me down on the bed and resumed the kissing. I was still on cloud nine and wrapped myself around him as our bodies continued to move synchronised to take us to new heights of pleasure.

   * * * * *

The spring was speeding closer and I was enjoying every second. After having grown up in Sweden with those dark long winters it was heaven to suddenly experience a warm start of April.

"Is that lake good enough for swimming?" I asked lazily with a nod towards the blue reflection in front of us, as we sat in the swing on the back porch.

"I suppose, but I'll rather wait till it gets warmer." Damon had a teasing smile on his face.

"So I won't catch a cold?" I deduced.

He chuckled softly. "No baby, vampires don't get colds."

"Really?" I blinked. "That's amazing!"

He laughed soft and pulled my head against his chest. Laying there with my ear pressed against him, I noted something I hadn't before.

"I can hear your heart beat!" I said surprised.

"Yeah, it's hard to detect for a human ear, but now that you're turned it's easier." He said soft. Suddenly I could feel my own heart beating and I had never been so glad to hear my own heart. I just beamed at Damon, who chuckled softly.

"I just love to watch your excitement." He said. "It warms my dark soul."

"Oh my God, are we back in a scene of Hamlet again?" I teased him and giggled.

"See, there it is again, the sweetest sound in the world; your laughter." I just continued to laugh and we laid there on the floorboards of the deck, when he suddenly sat up straight, looking into the woods and straining his hearing. "We've got company."

I remembered the last time this happened to us and I was just on my way to crawl on my feet when a smile broke on Damon's face.

"You can relax baby, it's my friends." Damon said.

"You don't have friends!" I heard a voice say and then two guys walked up to the patio.

"Sorry, are we interrupting lunch?"

"Guy's, a little respect here please!" Damon used his authoritive voice. "Or else I'll have Emma kick your asses!"

"Emma?" One of the guys said. "You're the one who smells so delicious?" He had a huge smile on and put his hand out for me to shake.

"Back off!" Damon said sharp.

"Can't we even get to smell the merchandise?"

I started to laugh at them. "Merchandise? What the hell?" I shook my head. "I'm sorry guys, I'm a vampire now so lunch is out of the question, but I think we need to talk about your opinion on girls, or is it humans all together?"

"Oh, you got one with a sharp tongue?" One of the guys smirked towards Damon. "Hi Emma, I'm Theodore, but you can call me Ted."

I had to bite my tongue not to laugh at that particular name. "Hi Ted."

"And I'm Julian." The other said. "So what are you doing here?"

"Dodging my brother." Damon said. "And we were about to have sex here, when you interrupted."

"Oh please, don't let that stop you, carry on!" They gestured to us and I was on my way to blush like I had never done before.

"You guys really can make a girl feel special." I said tart; rolling my eyes, hearing them chuckle.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hey there,

Thank you for reading this story, it would definitelly not be this long if it wasn't for you guys. Thank you for that, and thank you for all votes and the encouraging comments.



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