Everything's gonna work out j...

By Iwroteabook

23K 774 253

Emotions are strange, and growing up doesn't just include that change in one's self, but-much to a certain he... More

Prologue: Fionna cakes are for Fionna only
I hate penguins
Starting to Change
New Emotions, Good and Bad
From dreams to nightmares
From Dreams to Nightmares part 2
Cloud Hunt Go!
The Gang Reunites
Drama Bombs!
Kidnapped by Cake
A Broken Family
Escape Plan
Friends Help Friends Decorate
'Twas the Night Before the Ball
Early Grand Finale
An Epic Battle
Bad Little Girl
Where is Fionna?
Battle of Affections
Decision Train
Thank you
Epilogue: Surprise!

Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

907 41 27
By Iwroteabook

Marshall Lee's POV

I felt real bad for just leaving like that. I bet Fi probably hates me now.

I got up from my couch and went into the kitchen to get a snack.
I actually sit on the couch more often since I had replaced it with a much more comfortable one.

I pulled open the refrigerator door and pulled out a bright red apple. Leaning on the counter, I brought the fruit up to my mouth to drain its color, but was interrupted by my phone buzzing in my pocket.

'What horrible timing.'

I set my snack down on the counter to answer it. When I looked at the phone I sighed. It was just a message from LSP'S stupid blog.

I was just about to close my phone and continue my evening, when something caught my eye. Fionna's name. I started reading.

Drama Bomber Daily

Today, Aaa's greatest hero, Fionna the human, discovered some totally globbing secrets!

So, like, me and Gumball (my main man; partner in crime; amigo; homie-G) were planning for this lumping awesome par-tayy, when that couger Ice Queen broke through the castle walls and snatched him up!

So I was like "Oh nahh, not on my watch!" So I tried to make her release him without using brute force, because everyone knows, you don't hit ladies (even if they are penguin-dooty crazy).
But my passive aggressive plan failed and I was taken a-hostage.
Anyway, getting to the juicer parts.

Fionna burst through the doors (without Cake for whatever reason) and she looked ready to completely DESTROY that Ice Queen!
But the couger had managed to take her sword and SLICE HER LEG ALL UP! I'M NOT EVEN LUMPN' KIDDING, THERE WAS BLOOD EVERYWHERE AND EVERYONE WAS TOTALLY FREAKING THE LUMP OUT! Except for me, of course. I was being calm collected.
But wait! There's more!

The Ice Queen, about ready to kill Fionna, announces that SHE'S CAKE'S LUMPING ADOPTIVE MOM!
And Fionna. Looked. PISSED.

The next thing I know Fionna is like, enilating the Ice Queen! Me and PG had escaped that cage thanks to my strong, muscular lumps, and we had to pull Fionna away from the crazy old bat and take her to the Candy hospital to fix her leg.

Ok, you all have heard the juice, but now it's time for you all to here the nectar!!

So, Fionna and Gumball were left alone in the hospital room, and I totally saw everything! PG was all, "Fionna, I lumpn' love you! I love you more than science! Please be my globbing princess, Fionna!" And then he totally kissed her! Like full on lip contact!
But like, Fionna pushed him away, totally rejecting him. And she was all like, "Oh my glob, go away, Gumball! I'm in love with Marshall Lee! His hair is swooshy and his cheekbones are sO riGHT!!"

I was so shocked to witness all of this. I was like, "DRAMA BOMBS!"

~Article by LSP

Ooookay then. I'm pretty sure most of this is exaggerated. But that doesn't change the fact that that wad of gum layed a smooch on my Fionna!

I'm gonna bite his head off, chew it up, and stick it under a desk.
I can't believe that all of this happened only less than two hours ago. If I hadn't left her like that, none of this would have happened.

I looked out the window. It was pouring outside. Even though my house is in a cave, I could still hear the raindrops.

I wonder what Fionna is doing right now. Hopefully she was safely back at the tree house.

I better make sure...just in case.

I went to the front door, not even wasting time on grabbing a jacket.

When I opened the door to step out, Fionna was right there with her fist up, about to knock on the door.

She was in her regular clothes, dripping wet. She didn't even have an umbrella! I hastily pulled her into the house.

"Fionna, what were you thinking? You could have caught a cold, and your leg!" I said, noticing that ruby colored liquid seeping through the bandage wrap.

She just shrugged. "I thought it was kinda refreshing." she said with a weak smile.

'Can you believe this girl? She's almost as nutzo as the Ice Queen. Almost.'

"That's not a very believable excuse, Fi." I said to her.
She didn't respond. She looked pale and sick.

"Hold on just a second, Fi. I'm gonna get something for you." I said, floating up the ladder leading to my bedroom.

I grabbed a towel from the bathroom and a box labeled: Fionna's stuff from the closet.

I came back down into the living room, handing the towel to her and setting the box down.

"Thanks, dude." she said as I turned around to give her a bit of privacy to change.

"Fio, not that I don't enjoy your company, because I most definitely do, but why'd you come visit when it's raining cats and dogs?" I asked, still turned around.

"You came to my house when it was raining. Why is it a big deal if I do the same?"

"Because I'm immune to all mortal sicknesses, you aren't." I said matter-of-factly.

Fionna just sighed. "I needed to talk to you." she said in a sad tone. "I'm finished." she added.

I turned around to see her in the same clothing she was wearing before, but a different and dry pair.

I floated over to her, lifting her up and gently setting her on the couch. "Hold that thought, Fio." I said going into the bathroom to get a first aid kit. I took out a foot stool and lifted her leg onto it.

"What do you need to talk about, Fi?" I asked her while I slowly undid the bloody bandage wrap on her thigh. The wound was still fresh and a bit deep.

"Marsh, are we dating?" she asked.

'What? I thought she was gonna tell me about Gumball. Darn, well, I can't mention it. I want to see if she tells me or not.'
"I don't know, Fi. Are we?" I asked back, putting on a devilish grin and wiggling my brows.

"Pshh I don't know, that's why I asked you!" she said, apparently not really understanding what I was trying to say.

"Well, Fionna, we both really like each other a lot, so yeah, I'd say we are dating." I said, smiling up at her.

'Come on, Fionna. Just tell me the truth. Just tell me about Gumbutt. I'm not gonna be upset with you about it. It wasn't your fault. It was his fault.'

I started to put disinfectant on her wound and began to rewrap it with fresh bandages.

Then Fionna spoke up. "Marshall, something terrible happened a couple of hours ago."

'This must be it. Ok, Marsh, don't show too much anger, she'll think that it's her fault if you do.'

"What is it, Fionna?" I asked, ready for the answer.

She took a deep breath. "I found out that the Ice Queen had been the person that had raised Cake when she was a kitten." she said, trying to fight back the tears.

I floated beside her, sitting on the couch. "Fionna...I'm so sorry. That must be a hell of a heavy load to carry. I just...I'm just so sorry.." I tried to search for words of wisdom, advice, encouragement, anything that would help her. But nothing came.

'Just wonderful. Not only am I a useless friend, but now I'm a useless boyfriend! I'm such a moron.'

I closed my eyes and I could feel her head rest on my chest. I heard her small cries turn into steady breathes and calm sighs.
I ran my fingers through her drying hair, feeling as she relaxed. Those neutral sighs soon turned into ones of affection and I was more than happy to help her to make more those wonderful sounds by brushing my cheeks against hers and interlacing our fingers together.

"Psst, I'm in 'like' with you, Marshall Lee." she said, ending with a giggle.
I couldn't help but let out a few giggles of my own. "I'm in 'like' with you too, Fionna." That, of course, wasn't true.

'The truth was, I'm falling hard for this amazing, magnificent, most beautiful--'

"Marshall, Gumball kissed me."

'Yes! The truth!' I internally yelled. 'I knew that she wouldn't lie to me.'

I gave her a head a sweet kiss and smiled into her hair.
"I'm gonna kill him."

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