My Innocent Baby Boy


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Ever heard of those stories where the girl falls first but the boy falls harder? Yep. Exactly the same thing... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
The End.

Chapter 33

259 18 1





"Why notttt?"


Hea followed his short self all around the house begging him to listen.

He did all sorts of things in the house from fixing the kitchen, to cleaning the table, then rearranging the living room, while Hea was just following him around whining.

"It's going to be fun, I promise."

"I am not going to that class social, Hea. They never liked me and they never will. To them, I am just the unsociable nerd that no one likes to talk to."

Hea fell quiet.

"They don't like me either you know." She said quietly.

Jimin stopped and looked at her.

"There's a difference between fear and like," She spoke. "They fear me. They don't like me. To them, I am filled with anger and even though I may be an inspiration to some, that's only a small set. The others think I am willing to beat them or pull a prank on them every chance I get. Why I am telling you this is because we'll go there together. You can't just end your school year then have regrets later on in life, can you?"

"Why are you so right?" He pouted.

"Because," Hea pulled his small frame in her arms. "I just am."

"If I go, you'll be there right?"

"By your side all the time. It's just a little party before results tomorrow. Plus. Kook and Tae will be there, my friends'll be there, Daniel will be there. You'll have the whole squad by your side."

"Fine." Jimin agreed. "What time is it?"

"In the next two hours." The girl shrugged.

"Jin hyung and Joon hyung will be back soon so then we will go get ready."

"Let's just cuddle for now. I like having you in my arms."

"And I like you holding me."


"They are so cute."

"Babe, you'll wake them, you know."

"I just gotta take a picture. My parental instinct is overflowing."

Jin pulled out his phone and took a picture of the sleeping couple on the couch while Namjoon shook his head.

"You both are so loud." Hea told them huskily. "By the way, send that picture to me."

"Sure will." Jin smirked at Namjoon.

"Hea, are you guys going to the social this afternoon. I heard Jungkook and Taehyung were busy with preparations all morning."

"Yeah we are going, Joon hyung. I didn't want to at first but I'll go."

"You definitely should. It's the last time you'll be in school with all your classmates." Namjoon advised.

Jimin nodded thoughtfully.

"Run along now." Jin chased them off to go get ready.

"I need some good pictures before you leave."

Namjoon facepalmed at his boyfriend and smiled at the couple.

"Theme's casual wear, okay?"

Jimin nodded and disappeared into the bathroom while Hea sat on his bed.

She knew he was still doubtful of attending the social but she promised herself to make him enjoy it.

That included no beating people up... Try to be friendly... Be polite... Hold her tongue...

"Just don't cause any trouble." Hea muttered, making the list in her head.

"That sounds like a huge failure but I will try."

Jimin came out and saw her already dressed. He smiled in surprise.

"No wonder you told me to wear this."

"Of course." Hea winked. "We're matching."

"I like it." Jimin complimented.

"You do look cute in it." She styled his hair quickly.

"Jin hyung's calling us downstairs for pictures." The boy laughed.

After a while of posing with Jungkook and Taehyung and smiling til their teeth hurt, they were finally finished.

"Jeez, this is just a social. What will you do on graduation day?"

Jin laughed and told them they'd soon find out, before bidding them each goodbye.

"So what's the set up going to be like?" Jimin asked his friends, starting to get anxious.

"Uh well. It's like the big room, divided into different sections. Drinks and food, we got games section, just talking with your friends corner, photo setup."

"And it's like all of us that are graduating there right?" Hea asked as she slipped her hand in Jimin's as they walked to school.

"Yep. I mean, some people might not come but that's the supposed amount."

"You guys really work hard." Jimin complimented his younger friends.

"Well let's see if they appreciated our hard work." Jungkook smiled as they entered the school's big room.

The four friends stepped inside the room and Hea's mouth fell open in shock. Even Jimin was a little amazed at the set up.

"Hyung.. can we go?" Jungkook asked Jimin, seeing his friends from student council calling him over.

He nodded and warned them to be careful and don't drink too much.

"Enjoy guys!" Jungkook shouted and left to follow his friends along with Taehyung.

Hea and Jimin looked around.

"Where do you wanna go, Baby?" The girl asked him.

"I honestly don't know."

"Food first." Hea declared and pulled him to the snacks booth.

Hea shared a cupcake with him and they even drank a milkshake with the couple straws... Upon Jimin's request and obviously Hea wouldn't pass up the chance to do something her boyfriend asked.

While they were laughing and chatting together, someone was watching them with clear envy.

He stalked towards them and grabbed a drink from beside Hea. His hands trailed on her exposed waist and both Jimin and Hea stopped to look at him.

"Hea-ssi," He took a sip of his alcohol. "You look great tonight you know."

Hea eyed him up and down and immediately but subtly moved in front of Jimin.

"And who are you?"

"You don't know me? Probably because you don't remember the people you beat up. You broke my nose one time remember?"

Hea examined him carefully and realized he was one of the boys who bullied Jimin when she first got to know him.

"Oh right. You do look more awful with that nose job." Hea commented.

The male raged but kept his calm.

"It was for this same nerd... By the way, how did you even end up with him? He seems way out of your standards. He's just so feminine."

Jimin gripped Hea's hand in case she decided to damage his nose job, but she gently stroked it reassuring him she wouldn't.

"I could give you so much more." The guy winked.

Hea was silent all this time and now that he was about to touch her face, she spoke in a low tone.

"I broke your nose once. I wouldn't mind breaking it again...along with a few other hard things at the moment."

Her stare was enough to make his hands lower and cover his pants crotch.

Before Hea could tell him scram, another voice said so.

"You heard my girlfriend? I suggest you get going before you no longer have the one thing that excites girls."

Everyone closeby had their hands fly to their mouth, hearing Jimin's reply.

For some of them, it was their first time hearing him talk.

And his voice was sweet and sulky yet alluring and dangerous. Like a siren's.

Already facing enough embarrassment, the guy waddled out of there and everyone nodded approvingly towards Jimin.

He got shy with all the attention but received a kiss from his girlfriend and everyone went back to normal.

"Jimin! Did you see that? I did not hit him in his dick!" Hea had a wide smile.

Jimin laughed. "I sure did see that. My girlfriend controlled her anger."

Hea was ecstatic about the fact she controlled her anger well enough, and also the fact that Jimin stood up for himself and was open with their relationship.

People came up to them and formed conversations, mostly the girls to Jimin.

Hea had a little jealousy but she kept reminding herself that he had to make friends.

She was sure this was a test from the gods to see how well she could control her temper without hitting the girls who got all touchy with Jimin.

Jimin too was a little uncomfortable but he smiled and used his IQ to end the conversations quickly.

The couple found Hoseok dancing with his boyfriend and they called him over when he was done.

"Are you enjoying the social?" Hoseok asked Jimin.

"I sure am." The boy smiled and looked at Hea who was downing apple juice.

Yoongi went and sat near to her. "No alcohol?"

"No alcohol." She declared, making Yoongi feel proud.

"By the way, the social's gonna end soon and everyone will be heading over to one of those rich kids' house for some party. Are you going?"

Hea looked at Jimin. "Nah, we'll skip."

He smiled thankfully at her.

"How about we come over to Jin hyung's house? He will be cool with it."

The four looked towards Taehyung who approached them with Jungkook.

"That is a great idea. Cause we can't keep the school gates open this late at night and technically it is still early.. what do you say Jimin hyung?"

"That sounds great, Kook."

"Plan set!" Hoseok cheered. Even he was excited to meet Jin who he heard so much about.


"Helloooo! Come in, come in!"

Hoseok smiled at the man's energy as he opened the door.

"These are my friends. They are also a couple." Hea introduced.

Jin clapped excitedly and invited them inside.

"Sorry about him. He's too hyper because he got some extra privileges for tomorrow night. My name's Namjoon, his boyfriend."

Hoseok and Yoongi shared a knowing look and laughed.

Soon everyone was comfortable and Jimin was staring at Hea from afar as she helped Jin with takeout.

As she served them, the girl saw him staring and she winked then blew him a kiss.

Jimin looked away smiling to himself.

"Come on hurry! Let's watch the movie." Jungkook called sitting next to Taehyung.

Namjoon left a space for his boyfriend to come sit, and Hoseok sat next to Yoongi on the couch.

Jimin waited for Hea to sit as well and when she did, she scooted close next to him.

Hea saw Jimin staring at her expectantly so she pecked him on the lips.

With a smile, he nodded and turned to watch the movie.

Barely fifteen minutes into the movie, Jin looked around and saw everyone doing their own thing and not focusing on the movie.

Namjoon was snuggling in his neck, Jungkook and Taehyung were talking about games, Jimin and Hea were feeding each other and his new friends were taking pictures quietly.

Jin stood up and announced, "Yah! This movie is boring. How bout we play some games?"

That caught their attention and Jungkook immediately shouted 'Truth or Dare.'

Everyone agreed and they huddled around in a circle with their partners across to them.

The bottle landed on Jin who answered to Truth.

"Have you ever dated a girl?"

Namjoon was shocked at the question Jungkook asked but still stared at Jin for an answer.

"No I have not. My first ever relationship is Namjoon."

They all oohed at Namjoon's shy face when Jin blew him a kiss.

"Alright Taehyung! Sine you said truth, Yeontan or Gucci?"

Taehyung fake cried but still answered "Yeontan."

"Yoongi hyung! Truth or Dare!" Taehyung asked.

"Dare." He said shrugging.

"Kiss Hobi hyung on the part of his body you like the most."

Yoongi smirked and went to Hoseok's smiling face.

He began to kiss the corners of his mouth then on his lips. "His smile is the best."

Next it was Hea's turn.

"Truth. Because I don't trust y'all." She chuckled.

"When did you fall for Jimin?"

"Hmmm," She looked at the man across from her who also curious for her answer.

"I think it was the first time I saw his smile." She laughed. "In the cafeteria when I was with you guys." She answered Yoongi.

"Knew it!" Hoseok exclaimed a bit too loud making Jimin blush.

"Jimin, your turn! Truth or dare."

The boy quickly recovered and answered Truth.

Hea smirked and everyone knew she was planning something.

"Which part of my body do you want to kiss me right now?" She asked, seductively.

Jimin blushed. "Dare, please."

No one said anything about him wanting to change his choice; they just looked on excitedly.

"Fine." Hea leaned closer. "I dare you to kiss me."

"I don't like this game." Jimin said meekly before kissing her cheek.

Hea laughed seeing him a blushing mess and the game continued.

Jimin occasionally stole glances at Hea and anyone could tell the sexual tension between the two of them was high.

Finally, it was Hea's turn again and Jin smirked.

Him and Yoongi looked at each other knowingly when the girl said dare.

"Hea, I dare you. To play the Pocky game with Jimin."

Jimin's eyes widened while a big smile spread across Hea's face.

"Let's get it!" She yelled.

Jimin looked at her now with wide eyes. He was still processing what Jin said and now seeing how excited she was, he was gonna die tonight.

"Can we play the game somewhere else. I am still a bit you know." Jimin whispered to the girl when she came next to him.

Wordlessly, she held his hand and pulled him upstairs to his room.

"We'll watch the movie again. Don't be too long!" Jin shouted while the others chuckled.

Hea locked the door and Jimin just watched her movements.

"Sit." She commanded.

Jimin obeyed and sat by the mirror.

"Do you know the rules?"

Jimin nodded and Hea put the Pocky stick in her mouth.

She walked towards Jimin and straddled his leg, still not quite sitting on it.

Her body towered over him and her arms were above his head.

Jimin could not help but feel hot. He was sweating in areas he didn't know he could sweat.

And seeing her stare, Jimin instantly folded.

Hea brought her face closer with a dominating stare and Jimin timidly gripped the other piece of the stick with his teeth.

They both inched slowly towards the middle.

Hea wasted no time, for when the Pocky stick was almost finished, she kissed him.

One of her hands went to play with his hair as she pulled him closer and the other hand was still above his head.

The girl tasted the sweetness of the Pocky stick on his lips and tongue, making her hungry for him.

She broke the kiss and looked at his flushed face.

"Can I?" She whispered.

Jimin knew what she wanted. He wanted it too.

He nodded and Hea attacked his neck and started sucking on it.

Jimin had to control the sounds that were threatening to escape from his lips as Hea trailed from his neck to collarbone leaving marks.

"Let me hear you, Baby Boy. Don't be quiet." She commanded in his ear.

Jimin moaned in her ear when the girl left the last mark.


The girl bit harder. "Is that my name now, Baby Boy?"

"N-no." He whimpered.

"What is my name?"

"Sorry, M-mommy."

"Good." She smirked and kissed him.

"Come here, Baby Boy. Let Mommy show you how much she loves you."

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