wir werden sehen || könig x r...

By vxlzaa

142K 3K 2.1K

book one of a simple romantic fanfic of könig and the reader :) More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
crack chapter~thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter fourty
chapter fourty one
chapter fourty two
chapter fourty three
chapter fourty four
chapter fourty five
chapter fourty six
chapter fourty seven
chapter fourty eight
chapter fourty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty eight
chapter fifty nine
chapter sixty
chapter sixty one
chapter sixty two
chapter sixty three
chapter sixty four
chapter sixty five
chapter sixty six
chapter sixty seven
chapter sixty eight
chapter sixty nine

chapter fifty three

833 20 33
By vxlzaa

(schatz = sweetheart)


i sighed, grabbing the wet rag that was next to be and wiped the paint off my hands. i looked at the mask proudly and looked over at königs mask. his trademark red under the goggles of the gas mask.

"is that your signature?" i teased, looking up at him and giggling.

"yeah, so what?" he chuckled, looking at the mask i painted. it wasn't much, i tried to copy the front view of a warthogs. "oh wow! look at that schatz- sorry, instinct." he nervously giggled.

i got butterflies hearing that nickname again, feeling my face get hot. "könig i miss you." i blurted out, keeping my eye contact with him.

his lips parted and i could see his eyes light up with joy. "really?" he smiled, moving closer to me.

"really, i feel horrible for leaving you alone." i sighed, breaking eye contact with him.

"oh schatz.. i missed you more than you can think. i-"

i yanked him towards me by the collar of his shirt, leaning in and kissing him on the lips. i slowly pulled away, opening my eyes gazing into his. he slowly turned red, smiling at me.

the moment was interrupted shortly after as price walked into my room.

"enough you love birds. könig in my office, now." price demanded, storming out of my room. his foot steps echoed as he made his way to his office. the echo of his door slamming slightly shook the walls.

"he sounds upset.." i whispered.

"i better see what he needs." könig groaned as he slowly got up off of the floor, clutching his side.


"i'll be fine." he huffed, walking out of my room.


i was seated at the island, eating a bowl of cereal. i scrolled through my phone as i ate, trying to find something to occupy myself with.

simon walked into the kitchen. i turned my head and watched him open the fridge and grabbing the orange juice carton out. his shirt was tossed over his shoulder and he was sweaty. it seemed like he just came out of the weight room. he lifted his mask above his lips and drank from the carton.

"there's other people that drink that too you know." i scoffed watching him gulp the juice down.

he pulled the carton away from his lips and looked over his shoulder. "did you want some?"

"no." i shook my head, looking back down at my phone and sighing.

i heard the fridge close and simon walking out shortly after. simon sat across of me and it caused me to look up at him.

"is there something you need?" i awkwardly looked to the side and back at him.

"what did you hear?"


"what did you hear last night." simon asked sternly, eyeing me as i was trying to figure out how to even respond to that question. "you gonna fucking answer?"

"what're you talking about?" i snapped back, giving him a dirty look before looking down at my phone.

"mm." he grumbled. i could feel his eyes watching me closely, making me feel unnerved that he believes me.

"don't you think it's time for you to go back into the weight room?" i clear my throat, continuing to look down at my phone.

he breathily chuckled, getting up from his seat and walking out of the kitchen.

i let out a sigh of relief, shutting my phone off and burying my hands into my face. i got up from my seat, walking out the kitchen and curiously walking to the weight room.

i peeked into the little window in the door, looking around the room and spotting könig and soap. i opened the door, walking inside and walking over to könig and soap.

"ah, (y/n)?" soap looked over to me and looked up from könig who was bench pressing. "you coming in here to work?"

"well i did come to see you guys, but i'll consider." i crossed my arms, watching königs arms flex as he lifted the weight.

"you wanna try?" könig huffed, putting up the weight and sat up, panting.

"umm.." i hesitated looked at the weights.

"it won't be this heavy of course, but you should try." he insisted, smiling at me.

i couldn't resist everytime i seen him smile, i enjoyed seeing him happy. "sure, i'll try."

königs eyes lit up. he got up and turned to the weight, sliding it off on each side.

soap looked over to simon, eyeing him before looking back at us. "you two enjoy, i'm going to go do some reps with simon." he smiled awkwardly, slowly walking away from us.

könig nodded, looking back down at me. "80 lbs, let's see how many you can do schatz." he smiled, standing behind the bench press.

i sighed and preformed a full body eye roll, sitting on the bench and sliding under the weight.

"grab the bar."

i looked up at könig and then at the bar, grabbing it.

"when i lift it, don't let it drop." könig spoke softly, reassuring i could do it. he lifted the weight, feeling it press down weight on my shoulders and arms. "slowly bring it to your chest schatz."

as i slowly brought it down, his hands stayed on the weight, guiding me. i took a deep breath and looked up, königs bulge was slowly growing.

"yeah.. that's good." könig praised, making me feel butterflies in my stomach flutter. i quickly raised the weight, setting it on the handles and sat up, looking back at könig.


his eyes widened and his face slowly turned red. "i'm sorry schatz.. i couldn't help myself."

i'm i stood up and pulled him infront of me, turning his back towards simon and soap that were not too far from us. he gave me his puppy eyes again, looking down at me. "i'm sorry." he adjusted his waist band, trying to hide his boner.

i relented and giggled at him. "it's fine, just don't walk around with that." i gave him a smile and looked over to soap and simon. "i'm gonna go see what's up with them, okay?"

he nodded, moving aside and going back to slide the weights on the bar.

i walked over to simon and soap, looking up at them both as they stopped talking.

"don't stop talking now." i crossed my arms, looking over at soap.

"oh um- (y/n).." soap stumbled over his words, awkwardly looking away from me.

"what do you want?" simon grumbled, taking a seat on the bench.

"you two are eyeing me while your whispering, what do you mean what do i want?" i snapped back.

"please don't start arguing.." soap sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"why are you so interesting in hearing soap yell at me?" simon scowled under his mask.

"how about i just talk to you privately (y/n)." soap looked at me, giving me a slight nod.



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