I am Yu

By Radical_Honesty

16.1K 367 231

After witnessing the fall of society and the death of his entire family a young hero with a great burden deci... More

I am Yu
This is Yu
Hellish Training and an offer
One For All
Unexpected Encounter
First Impressions
Night and Day
Leaders and Teams
Phase 2
Finishing Touches
The chosen ones
Confidence and Arrogance
Love and Punishment
A promise to keep
Internal Strife
Confession and Conflict
An Offer You Can't Refuse
A Mother's Truth.
Best Day Ever.
Recreation and Responsibility
Best laid plans
Dance Battle !!
Time to pick some Names
A Visitor.
Fight on Heroes !!
Let it flow ! School festival !
Struggling with Power
Dark dealings
Tribute to the Fallen
All Good Things
The Climax
A new beginning
Montage time !!
Fun and Sun
The Assault
Unbridled Fury
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 1
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 2
I am Yu - Black Kingdom Part 3
Fame and Misfortune.
A Solemn Duty
Risk Management
True Heroes
Potential Unleashed
A Brighter Future

The Final Step

63 1 2
By Radical_Honesty

(Yu pov)

I returned to the command ship with a knocked out Jaune and quickly put him in a room to recover while Pyrrha watched over him, I then went to talk to James to get an update on the battle and how it was progressing.

As i walked onto the bridge of the ship there where several crew members standing around a map table with the general so i went over to see what was going on.

Yu : James what's the lastest report on the battle ?

Jamse : Well it's strange , The enemy hasn't moved and no new Grimm are approaching our lines. We honestly don't know what to make of it as we've never seen this before.

Yu : Well i think that we should launch a counter attack and destroy the enemy before they can regroup.

James : I agree but we have no idea how to destroy that thing, Our weapons would never be able to do the job completely before it recovered.

I looked out of the bridge window at the massive creature and tried to think of a way that it could be taken down, Then it hit me if it was too strong on the outside then we should attack from the inside.

Yu : We hit it from within and completely roast it from the inside.

James looked at me with concerned eyes as he listened to my plan, Although he didn't want to agree he saw no choice really as this was the only thing that had a chance of working.

James : I don't like it but i have no better ideas, So how will this go exactly ??

I explained that this thing was clearly a living creature and as such must have a vital point inside it's massive body so all i had to do was get there and kill it by destroying it's most vulnerable spot.

James : But how will you know where the vital point is ??

Yu : I'm not sure but if i had to guess then i'd say the head, I just need to sneak in and observe what's going on in there then i should have clearer idea of exactly what to hit.

James was clearly still not happy with this plan by the look on his face but he nodded knowing that this was likely our only chance at destroying that collosal beast. I then asked for all the information they had on the creature.


After an hour James had told me everything that they could confirm but i still had question's about the Monster so asked about something that caught my eye.

Yu : What about these here ??

I asked pointing to the image of the Monster on the screen we were looking at, The part in question was a series of crystal type objects poking out of the beast's body.

James : Most likely some kind of Gravity dust but i'm not sure why it's there.

It hit me like a lightning bolt, It all made sense now that i had heard what it was. The creature was obviously capable of flight but how ??, The size of the wing's were in no way large enough to hold such a giant beast in the air so it obviously used these crystal to keep it aloft while the wings were only for momentum.

Yu : You think your pilots can destroy them ??

James : Well yes i think so but why.

Yu : Judging by the massive size and weight it's using them to stay in the air but if even a few were destroyed it would find it much harder to stay airborn and might even crash.

James immediately saw the wisdom in this plan and said that after i had safely infiltrated the Grimm he would send his top pilots to destroy as many of the dust crystals as possible. With that we had everything in place to start the mission, Now all i needed to do was tell my Friends about what i'll be doing, No doubt Yang would have a big problem with this but i'm sure she'd get over it.

I left the room and went to the room that Jaune was in to check on him, When i arrived i saw him tearfully embracing Pyrrha while smiling. I felt happy for them as it seemed that Jaune was after adjusting and was happy that he was going to be a father.

I entered the room and they invited me to sit to talk with them so i took a seat and began to explain the plan that was about to commence.

Yu : I'm leaving soon Jaune, I'm going to put an end to this fight but first i wanted to say that if something happens i want you to know that i'm very proud of the man you've become, The previous Masters have probably told you this already but, You've made all the right choices ever since you gained this power and i know you'll do even greater things in the future.

Jaune : Why are you saying this ? You're making it sound like you're not coming back.

I just shook my head and sighed.

Yu : This fight is going to be new territory for me, Taking down such a massive creature and thats not to mention the apparently immortal bitch who made it.

Pyrrha put her arm around Jaunes shoulder for comfort as she understood that there were no guarantee's and in this fight against an enemy we knew very little about it was better to be realistic about my chances.

Yu : I told you and everyone else once that all Quirks have limits even to me and in this fight i'll be pushed to my limit like i never have before.

As Jaune listened he started to shed some tears while gritting his teeth, Pyrrha was trying to keep him calm but he was clearly very emotionally distressed.

Jaune : Then let me come with you, I can help but i just can't let you do this alone.

I smiled and went close to him as he cried, I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed it tightly.

Yu : You and everyone else have been the best thing in my life after my original family, You in particular pulled me back from a very dark place and i love each and every one of you for it, But this is something i have to do myself as the power required is going to need to be off the charts.

Jaune : But why, Why must you do this ? Haven't you given enough for this war ?

His head drooped down as he let his tears escape, Pyrrha was bawling too while holding him so i knelt down and looked him in the eye's and answered.

Yu : Because it's a Heroes job to save those in need no matter what right ??

I told him with a dopey smile on my face. Jaune wept in sadness but nodded weakly as i stood up and went to the door to finish this war.

I met with Yang, Ruby and Weiss on the top deck of the ship by the door to the outer hull and explained the plan but naturally they were all opposed to this Yang and Ruby especially.

Yu : I know this isn't what you want but i'll have to give everything i have to destroy that thing and no-one can be near me then or they would be instantly vaporised.

Yang was visibly upset and had a few tears in her eye's but she was strong and knew that this might be our one chance. Ruby on the other hand was devastated, She loved me like a big brother and begged me not to go while Weiss held her hand.

Yu ; I'll come back if it's the last thing i do i promise okay.

Ruby : You better come back or i'll hate you forever.

I stepped close to her and wrapped my arms around her as she cried.

Yu : No you won't, It's not in your nature to hate that's why i love you so much.

She wailed loudly and squeezed me tighter than her strength should be capable of but nodded into my chest, I released my hug and Weiss came to replace me as i stepped to Yang and held her close.

Yu : I'll be back soon, Just believe me when i say that this isn't the end for us i promise.

Yang : I believe you, I don't know how to describe it but i just know that you're not lying.

I kissed her deeply with all the emotion i had in me then went though the door and began my mission.


I flew round the outside of the massive Grimm whilst making sure i used Aunt Toru's quirk to stay undetected and i noticed that the creature was more like a ship so i entered from the side into a place that almost resembled a landing pad and began to stealthly explore the interior of the beast.

There were numerous Grimm that looked kind of like a jellyfish floating up and down the halls possibly on the lookout for any intruders. The corridors inside were fleshy and had many bone like spikes sticking out and i'll admit i felt a little ill as it was quite disgusting. After about ten minutes i heard someone speaking and went to investigate.

I saw the man who had been at Haven in the vault i recalled that his name was Watts and he was having an argument with the guy who had a scorpion tail and the big guy both of which were with him at Haven academy.

Watts : Tyrian, Why don't you just go out there and start killing if that's what you love so much.

Tyrian : Well i would love nothing more than that but my goddess hasn't given me any such orders and as much as i hate to admit it unless i can lure them into a trap then i wouldn't be able to win against those silly little children, They're far to powerful to face head on.

Watts : What about you Hazel aren't you just itching to get another chance at Ozpin ?

That's right i had forgotten the names of the other two but this was Tyrian and Hazel, Now that i had found someone i just needed to get them to seperate then i could question one of them. I really wanted to get Watts to talk as he seemed like the most intelligent of the three and if anyone knew what made this Grimm tick it would likely be him.

They argued about what they should do for a while then each went different ways so i followed Watts until he entered a room where he had some sort of lab set up, he sat on a chair and began scribbling on some papers so i took that as my chance to restrain him.

Yu : Binding steel

Watts : What  ???!!??

Watts was restrained by my steel tape so i revealed myself and spun his chair to face me as he glared at me with hate filled eyes.

Watts : You !!!

Yu : Hello Watts, It's been a long time since Haven hasn't it, I'm sorry it's taken this long to meet up with you again as i still haven't thanked you for the 'Gift' you gave me.

He swallowed slightly as he could see that i was furious and not in the mood for games.

Yu : I'm going to ask you some questions and depending how you answer wil decide my next actions am i clear ??

Watts was clearly nervous and rightly so as he was the one to infect me with that Nightmare Grimm and caused me to relive my worst fears. Watts nodded and so i asked him under Confession all about the Grimm we were currently inside of.

I left the room slapping my hands together to get rid of the dust after my 'conversation' with Watts, I didn't feel bad about what i did, He was the worst kind of evil in this world one that would help this evil bitch kill millions of people and for what ?? I never asked him for his reasons as i didn't care because nothing would ever justify death on that scale. I should have kept my Invisibility quirk active as the moment i was back in the corridor one of those strange Grimm jellyfish things came around the corner and spotted me.

There was an incredibly loud noise probably an alarm but not kind i had ever heard before almost like a screech of some sort. I pulled up the legs of my uniform and just activated Engine along with Overclock and ran as fast as i could in the direction that Watts had been so kind as to give me. On the way i actually ran right past Salem who was swooping towards the location i was in when the Grimm spotted me. For a moment i was sure that she'd seen me but i kept running to my destination.

I arrived in a large room with some sort of throne in the center, This was apparently right above the creature which i found out was called Monstra's brain and by just touching the throne Salem was able to control the massive beast.

I slammed my foot down whilst activating Glacial Wave and froze the entire room in several feet of ice, As i was finished i looked towards the passage i had entered through and saw Salem scowling at me in Rage as she was using some kind of power to blast the ice. I knew that i needed to hurry with my plan so i activated my grandfathers Quirk and closed my eye's to focus on my own ultimate move.

I felt the power rising within me and cast my mind back to everything that had happened to me in my life, My family, My arrival on Remnant, Meeting Jaune and going to Beacon, I couldn't help but smile as i remembered the fun times i had with all of them.

Yu : I'm free from the shadows of my past, But i'll never forget.

Yu : I'll make this world one where people can smile.

I realised that the power i collected wasn't enough so i dug deeper, The ice was starting to melt due to the heat i was generating.

Yu ; Not enough, I need more heat.

Yu : Hotter.

Yu : Brighter.

Yu : As hot as i can make it.

Yu : As hot as the sun, A new star.

Yu : This sun will be for the dawn of a new world.

The ice was vaporising as i channeled my heat into my most powerful move with this quirk. I turned my eye's to Salem who was unable to get close due to the heat and smirked at her.

Yu : I've said this many time's.

Yu : But now i'll embody what it truly means.


(Ruby pov)

Yu had been gone for a long time but i noticed something happening with the Grimm, it's head was glowing brighter and Brighter every second and the snow beneath it was melting revealing the brown landscape.

The General along with Jaune and Pyrrha and come out to see what was happening and as we watched we could feel a warmth from the direction of the creature.

James : What's happening ??

Ruby : It's Yu, He's fighting for all of us and i know he'll do it because i believe in him.

Yang : I do too

Yang held my hand as Weiss took the other and Jaune along with Pyrrha put their hands on my shoulders.

(Ren pov)

I wondered what was causing this bright glow and heat from the massive Grimm but in my heart i knew it must be Yu, None of us had this kind of power but he did. I embraced Nora and we closed our eye's as i could tell the glow was building towards something.

(Winter pov)

I instructed all our forces to take cover unsure of what to think as the creature seemed to be getting ready to explode so after everyone had ducked into the trenches i looked one more time before ducking down just as everything went white.

(Yu pov)

I awoke on the ground, I didn't know how long it had been since i had unleashed my full power but the air was filled with steam from the snow that was flash melted by my attack. I hoped that had been enough but i was soon proven wrong when i was struck by an energy blast of some kind. I looked towards the source and saw Salem looking like she'd taken no damage from my attack but she was moving slowly towards me. Just when i thought that it couldn't get any worse i saw a few Grimm called Sabyr's walking behind her.

Salem : Do you know what you've done ? That was my finest creation and now it's dust !

Salem : It was supposed to me my flagship as i brought this world to it's knees.

She blasted me again as i was standing to face her, My wounds healed before her eye's and that seemed to infuriate her even more. She channeled a constant beam of energy towards me as i cried out in pain.

Salem : I will make you very sorry for what you've done, And know that your death will not come quickly.

She spoke as she stepped closer and let the beam stop. I saw this as my chance and twisted and tried to appear in as much pain as i could as she stalked over to me flanked by her beasts. She then did the worst thing she could have imagined as she grabbed my throat and brought my face close to hers.

Salem : Anything to say ? Are you not going to beg ?

I coughed as she held me tightly and activated my trump card for this exact purpose.

Yu : Yeah i have something to say. 

Salem : Well then spit it out before i lose any more of my patience.

I felt the horn grow out of my head and thanks to all the energy i had gathered since coming to this world it was quite large i grabbed the bitch by her face.

Yu : Rewind !!!

I let the power run wild as she struggled in my grasp but i was using all my enhancers to keep her right where i wanted her, The grimm with her simply melted into black ooze as she screamed and tried to push me off her. The power was at this point impossible to control as she was no doubt being rewound about a century every second maybe even a millenium every second.

I noticed her appearance changing becoming more human but still clearly not so i kept holding on as she was rewound more and more, Eventually i couldn't keep up with the image in front of me as finally the power ran out, My muscles failed me for just a moment and we were blasted apart by her strange energy. 

I got to my feet after a moment and looked around to see where she had gone, I was shocked out of my thought's when i was blasted yet again so i looked in her direction.

(A/N Ignore the staff she's holding also violent descriptions ahead)

So this is what she originally looked like ?? I'm not going to lie she was beautiful, It was too bad that this enchanting visage contained such a diseased soul within it. I took this as a good sign that maybe my plan had worked i just didn't know to what extent.

Salem : I've had enough of you boy.

She spoke as a Grimm walked up behind her and i just prayed that this had worked.

Salem : Kill him, Rip him to shreds.

The Grimm started to move towards me but when it was about five feet in front of her it stopped. The beast turned to look at her like it was sensing something.

Salem : What are you waiting for kill him NOW !!!!!!

She screamed in rage as more Grimm came walking up behind her, They took one look at her and snarled as they sensed her anger and started to approach her.

Salem : What are you doing i said kill him !!!!

One of the Grimm behind her leapt forward and slashed her in the back, Salem yelped in pain as she felt the attack of the creature. She then destroyed the creature with a blast of energy, But more of the Grimm were advancing on her slashing and biting her as she lashed out at them in a fit of rage.

This is what i had been wondering ever since i saw the vision's Jinn had shown us, I knew that rewind could stop her from controlling the Grimm by rewinding her to before she had that ability. It was a physical change in her body but as for her immortality, I didn't know whether 'that' had changed her so i kept my mouth shut. I only told everyone about what i knew i could do but this situation meant that she 'was' changed physically by the gods.

I smirked as i watched her be surrounded by the Grimm on all sides, I was all but forgotten by the beasts as she was drawing their attention so wonderfully. Salem was quickly losing the fight but showed no signs of going down easy as she kept up with the blast's of energy, She was dripping blood as she was then brought to the ground screaming as the Grimm tore into her flesh and ripped her apart.

Eventually the Grimm lost interest in her as she had stopped resisting or moving in any way, There wasn't even a sound from her as the Grimm left her corpse and turn to face me. I looked towards the body for a confirmation of her death and was met with a sight i wished i had never seen, The flesh on her torso was stripped and her organs were visible or what ever was left after some of the Grimm had eaten parts of them. Her face was slashed until i could see her bloody skull and her brain was visibly leaking out of her head.

There was no signs of regeneration as her body lay there mutilated beyond all recognition, I suddenly bacame aware that the Grimm were now focusing on me as i was the only prey around so i got ready to fight .


There was an explosion and i knew where it came from as AP shot's rained down onto the Grimm which were getting blasted by my lover Yang, Flames and ice rushed towards the creatures as Ruby and Weiss came running onto the scene. I looked around and saw everyone was jumping out of a bullhead and running over to clean up any remaining Grimm in the aftermath of the battle.

James and Winter were also here dispatching Grimm, James with his weapon and Winter with spears of ice that she sent flying through the beast's one after another thanks to her Ice Manipulation Quirk and her Maiden powers.

Team JNPR were also racking up quite the kill count as they finished off the last of the Grimm, Pretty soon everyone gathered around me and asked what happened.

Yu : It's over.

James : What do you mean ?? I was just about to send in the air squadron when the Grimm started to glow my pilots couldn't get close due to the heat making our engines get too hot.

I pointed to the body of Salem and they immediately turned away in disgust as they never wanted to see something that hideous.

Yu : That's Salem, She's finally dead.

Everyone looked at me in disbelief so i explained to them about my Rewind quirk and after some thought they began to understand  what i had been wondering ever since the vision Jinn gave us.

Yu : The Grimm will still exist but they'll be fewer in number and much less organised now that there's no-one to pull their strings.

Everyone was in shock until Yang strolled up and just asked me

Yang : Did you just casually say that you've saved the whole world.

Yu : No, 'WE' saved the world.

Everyone smiled and began to celebrate as we boarded the bullhead that just landed and we returned to the city.


James went on the broadcast system and told everyone the truth about what had just happened and how the war was now over, I on the other hand had something to do and couldn't stay to celebrate with everyone so i left the room where everyone was gathered to open a Wormhole until i was stopped by Yang.

Yang : And where are you sneaking off to ??

The rest of Team RWBY came out to see what was going on so i told them that now the battle was won i had some grovelling to do, They all started to smirk at me when they remembered that i had sent Blake away and knew that she would be furious with me so they decided to come along for support. 

We all said goodbye to Team JNPR for a while and went through the portal to Menagerie.

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