Who's that knocking at 4 in t...

By samloubx

5.9K 164 91

A fanfic based on a recent MGK. This story is based on a troubled rockstar and a girl trying to find her way... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author's Note
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 34

84 7 1
By samloubx

Ashleigh's POV

I opened the door to my hotel suite and quietly crept back into the bedroom.

It was 05:58am, I turned off the alarm, before it had the chance to go off and  grabbed my phone and started putting my little boys presents underneath the tree, I then drank some of the milk out of the glass that was left on the side, eat a cookie and weirdly chopped into a carrot to make it look as though Santa and Rudolph had paid us a visit.

Once I'd prepared for the day ahead, I made a coffee whilist my husband and our son still slept and sat down on the sofa the only light being from the Christmas tree.

I pulled out my phone and a feeling of dread washed over me, not that I couldn't handle what needed attending too but this was a really messy situation and something that Amber had said to Colson a while ago just kept repeating itself over and over again in my head "this doesn't just end with you, me and Megan" and she was right.

Colson was controversial even more so after the Eminem situation and then when you start dating every man and womans 'dream girl' and it doesn't go to plan then you need to be prepared that you are going to get dragged in the media and it could potentially end your career even if the situation is handled to the best of its ability and we all know that Megan will end up being the one who's favoured in this whole nightmare.

It's crazy how innocent people can portray themselves to look to the outside world.

I started going through my hundreds of notifications whether they were general messages, messages off of various social media platforms, emails and missed calls.

I quickly called PR and explained the situation to them, they had an emergency meeting scheduled for the 26th December to discuss how to handle it and I would be attending the call.

I left Amber out of this for now.

Not long after, my husband came into the living area holding our son who was wrapped in a blanket, rubbing his eyes with his tiny hands.

"Mama, has santa been?"

"Yes baby! Merry Christmas"

My husband placed him down Infront of the tree that had an unnecessary amount of presents underneath of it and we sat down next to him to help him open and set up his new toys.

The morning and early afternoon flew by, at 15:00pm we sat down in Colsons suite for Christmas Dinner which was a lot more festive than thanksgiving was but that was due to the UK not celebrating it.

The band and the rest of the team had mostly gone home other than Slim who had decided to stay to support Colson with a few of the security team and of course Liv.

Cassie was visibly happy, although she had made a few comments such as 'I wish Amber was here' or 'I'm gutted Ambs had to go home' it hadn't ruined her day, Colson on the other hand was trying to his best to make the day perfect, honestly I was suprised that the conversation we had earlier this morning had sunk in, but he looked terrible and I noticed he wasn't eating anything.

Underneath the tree, there were still a few gifts that had been unopened, ones I recognised to be from Amber.

I picked up my phone and sent a quick message to Colson, even though he was sat opposite to me, I didn't want Cassie hearing.


Are you okay? You not opening Amber's gifts?

His phone pinged and he quickly picked it up and opened the message obviously thinking it could be something from Amber or Amber's friends.


No and No


We will find her, tomorrow I will call the best of the best PI's to go bring her home to us 


Don't need too, I already have

Started this morning

Best money can buy and if he finds her, he also gets a reward

Also before Amber left, she said that Megan's story doesn't add up and I've been thinking about it and it doesn't so he's investigating her too.

She wants to talk to me back in LA but I don't wanna leave just incase Amber comes back and I'm not here

What did PR say to do?


I'm proud of you, my boy has become a man ❤️

PR will be holding a meeting first thing tomorrow to discuss, I will be attending this meeting via zoom and ideally could do with you in it too.

Who's the PI? Can we trust him? Does he have a solid NDA? We need to send ours over!

How do you know? Has Megan messaged you? Have you responded? If you haven't, don't! Not until after the meeting tomorrow

How much of a reward have you offered?


Yep I'll be in the meeting

I'll send his details over to you and I needed to act fast because she could be in danger that stalker is still on the loose and I just want her back with me where she belongs so Liv already sent an NDA over.


Megan won't stop messaging me

"Will you two stop messaging each other? One day of the year where we agree no work talk" Cassie scolded us.

"Sorry baby" Colson replied

"Sorry Cass" I smiled

My eyes watered at the $250K on top of the PIs standard rate, which Colson has disclosed but now wasn't the time to discuss sensible spending.

We spent the rest of the day, playing with the kids' new toys, listening to music or watching movies and I was really proud of Colson, he hadnt touched a drop of alcohol although he take magic mushrooms after we had put the kids to bed and then he went with Slim to his suite to make some music.

As soon as Liv decided she was going to bed, I asked her to forward the email from the PI over and I decided to head back to my suite and start work if my husband had fallen asleep.

Luckily he had, I grabbed my laptop, a notebook and pen and sat down at the table.

I took my phone out of my bag and started going through followers and friends on Amber's social media accounts.

I knew Colson had already done this but it was still worth a try.

I managed to pick out everyone from her circle of friends and send them a message asking them if they had seen or heard from her.

I even messaged Amy after going though her account to see if she had posted anything or if there was any indication of a planned vacation but I knew that was a shot in the dark.

I was then about to conduct my own little investigation on the PI firm but as soon as I saw the email, I knew who they were, they really were the best in the business, so I decided to start drafting details of Megan and her pregnancy story for Colson to go over and add anything missing for tomorrow's meeting.

I was hell bent on bringing this bitch down and letting the world see her for who she really was.

The next morning before the meeting, myself, Colson and Liv sat down to go over the document I had drafted up to ensure that it was correct and add in specific details.

"So, I last fuc..." I raised my eyebrow at him and he paused "Sorry, I mean, the last time I had sexual intercourse with her was..... A few weeks before I met Amber, I think"

"Colson, do you not have messages or anything that you can refer to? because this is so important that we get the dates or even the week this happened right" Liv told him.

He grabbed his phone and started going through his messages, a few minutes later he had found a message from the day after they last had sex.


"Whats up?" I questioned.

"Those few weeks were actually five weeks before I met Amber, well just under five weeks, it was that night we went to that weird club and Blaze was sick so he had to leave, Soph ended up taking him back to the hotel"

"I remember that night!" Liv shouted and stood to her feet.

"You trashed the fucking hotel room and you left me to deal with it, there were used condoms on the floor, champagne bottles everywhere, you had drank so much and was so high, it was crazy, honestly the room was a mess, you gross tall man!"

"See condoms!" Colson also jumped to his feet.

"Mean nothing!" I shut the excitement down, I couldn't believe I was having this conversation with a 30 something year old man "Condoms can break, crazy bitches can put holes in condoms when they are trying to trap you" I had now put on my best mocking voice "Condoms are not reliable guys, However you have completely missed the point"

"How far along is Amber's pregnancy?" I asked Colson

"Amber is 9 weeks pregnant" the sadness was echoing in his voice.

"Which would make Megan...."

"14 weeks" Liv chimed in

"Exactly, so you need to go with Megan to a scan and have a doctor confirm how far along she is because how the heck does a pregnancy test not show a positive result when you're 14 weeks pregnant?"

Colson agreed and not long afterwards, I went back to my suite and we joined the zoom meeting that PR had arranged.

Colson didn't hold back, he spoke about everything including the things we didn't know that had happened in the relationship with Megan, how these things made him feel and why he decided to end it; he then started to explain how he met Amber and what had happened between them and how he felt since she left describing the feeling somewhat similar to someone standing on his chest making it impossible for him to breathe.

My heart hurt for him.

Five hours later and PR had gone through absolutely everything with us and they eventually decided it was best to not comment at the moment.

During the meeting they requested Colson send a message to Megan suggesting they go and get a scan of the baby together.

She didn't reply so after 24 hours it was advised we go down the legal route to find out exactly what was going on.

I rejoined Colson back in his suite.

"How do you feel after that meeting?" I asked, once it has finished.

"I duno, I don't know how I feel, I'm angry and so sad but trying to keep it together and I don't know how I'm doing it, but the thought of Amber coming home and us being a proper family, me, her, Cassie and the baby is the only thing keeping me going, I don't want her seeing me splashed all over the media, I want her to know that I've listened to what she said and I don't want to keep making the same mistakes, I wanna move forward, I wanna marry her, I have the ring remember?"

I grabbed him and pulled him in for a hug "I'm soo fucking proud of you, you have no idea, I never thought you'd ever reach this level of maturity"

"Me either" he muttered.

"Right, well, let's go pack and get the hell out of this place" PR had told Colson that he needed to continue his work affairs as normal, including recording songs for his new album.

We finished packaging and caught a private jet that night.

"You ready?"

Colson hesitantly nodded.

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