Haywire (Yandere! Ticci Toby...

By satellitelvr06

16.1K 333 454

---(TW)--- [Possible mentions of: Gore, stalking, SH, physical abuse, mental abuse, verbal abuse, trauma, pan... More

the party that changed me
alone with the thoughts i dread
my new little obsession
no one else should have you
the one who watches
face to face
red rain
dead and exhausted
the forgotten school
living nightmares
anxious sleeper
red puddles
truth be told
train tracks
one bird with two stones
going to nowhere
the man from earlier
crying through kisses
the mission
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬
the deal
[End credits and special thanks]

golden meadow

296 7 17
By satellitelvr06

My eyes fluttered open and I realized I had fallen asleep. I rubbed my eyes and looked around to see Toby, how had his arm wrapped around me. He seemed to have dozed off as well, but he was still sleeping peacefully. I sighed softly and leaned back against him.

Even if I am in this terrible situation, having someone who truly understands what's happening was nice.. to say the least.

The sun beamed in through the open door of the boxcar, making everything seem a little warmer in color. The train rumbled on the tracks as a subtle breeze floated through the car. I glanced outside to see where we were, it was the middle of a field. I could see the pine forest was in the far distance. The field was filled with tall golden grass that swayed in the wind as the train drove by. For a split of moment I felt all the dread and anxiety in my body disappear.

Toby mumbled something in his sleep and wrapped his other arm around me. I decided to stay still and let him, he was so pale that he looked almost dead, and his eyeballs showed he hasn't gotten good sleep. Toby started to lean on me more and the uneven weight made caused us to tip over until we were laying on the floor.

Toby started to mumble again, "Ooh.. no.. that.. dont..." he squeezed me a little tighter. I chuckled quietly to myself, wondering when he would actually wake up. I was laying on my back and Toby was laying to my side with a firm grasp.

For someone who is usually an awkward mess, he sure is clingy as all hell. Especially for a serial killer... right now he looked almost peaceful. I simply can't beleive someone like him would for for someone like Slenderman.

Toby's head twitched slightly almost knocking into mine. I tried to gently tug on his sleeve, "Toby.. come on.. wake up.." I said as gently as possible. I didn't want to end up on the receiving end if he kept on twitching. Toby grumbled and ended up hugging me closer, the opposite of what I was trying to accomplish at the moment.

I tugged on his sleeve a little harder, "Toby, it's time to wake up.." I said. He still didn't budge, instead he twitched and mumbled something else. I groaned quietly and was about to pull on his sleeve harder, but I was interrupted by a loud train whistle.

"HUUAGH-" Toby was startled awake and jumped back in suprise at the noise. Toby was wide eyed and had his hand over his chest as if he was trying to catch his breath. I rubbed the back of my head that was hit on the floor when Toby had jumped awake, "Ow.."

Toby's gaze quickly went over to me, "Oh I-Im sorry.. did I w-wake y-you up..?" He said softly. "No.. no I was already awake..." I said, sitting up. Toby was trembling from the sudden scare in his sleep and he laid back down on the floor to compose himself. "Oh... o-okay..." Toby said shakily, his face paler than snow.

I chuckled and put my face in my hands, "I can't beleive that was the thing that woke you up...". Toby shook his head before rubbing his ears with his palms, "I-it hurt my e-ears..." he said quietly, "w-what time i-is it..?"

I shrugged looking out at the sun, "I don't know...". The sun seemed low, so it was probably late afternoon. Toby looked out the open door too, scooting himself closer to see. "Woah.. I-I've never been this f-far out.." He said, staring at the endless field of tawny grass. "Me neither..." I said, scooting myself next to him.

I let out a sigh as I watched the land fly by. I looked over to Toby and me seemed like he was in awe at the field. His face seemed to get a little more color as the wind blew through his hair. I was just suprised because this is the most calm I've ever seem him. His features and expression seemed softer than they did before. And his eyes weren't as panicked-looking.

But once I caught myself staring for a few seconds too long I quickly looked back at the landscape. I felt a hint of embarrassment for looking at him a few seconds longer than needed. But for some reason I wanted to looked back.

Toby's pov:

I've never been this far out of the forest. Honestly, I didn't even know this place existed.. it was so peaceful. I haven't felt this at ease in.. my entire life. Even though my hands were still shaking from the sudden train whistle.

"I wonder w-when the train is going t-to stop...." I said with a sigh of serenity. "You really don't know when it's going to stop, huh?" Y/n said gently, resting her elbow on her knee and her cheek on her palm. I shook my head slowly, "N-no.. this whole t-train thing was last m-minute.. and probably i-illegal.." I laughed quietly.

Y/n shrugged, "I hope it's soon.." she muttered quietly. After she said that the train whistle blew again, making me twitch a few times. "We c-could tuck and roll.. If you w-want to get off so b-badly..." I said, half joking. The train wasn't going too fast, but it would still probably hurt.

"That sounds painful" Y/n said, staring out to the field again. I turned my head to look at her, "It w-would be better t-then the p-possibly of us getting c-caught..." I shrugged. "Even if we did just jump out of here.. where the hell would we go? We both have no clue where we are..." Y/n said as she held onto the frame of the door for support as she leaned out to see outside better.

"Well.. I guess we c-could just adventure e-everywhere and see w-where we e-end up" I said, hoping to be encouraging. "You're making it sound like you and I homeless..." she grumbled, going over to her backpack and reaching inside. "No I-I... we are homeless, Y/n..." I admitted quietly, coming to the realization that we are.

"You're making it sound like a good thing.. saying that its just some adventure..." Y/n said quietly, taking out a snack cakes and opening it. My shoulders drooped slightly, "Well.. ma-maybe it can b-be.. we'll just.. go w-where the wind t-takes us..". I also reached into the bag to take out some sort of sustenance.

I took a bite of one of the small cakes, "I mean.. t-this is the most alive I-I've felt in.. years". Y/n paused mid-bite, "Eating stolen junk food in a boxcar of a train makes you feel alive?" She asked, dumbfounded. "Yeah well.. No.. I-It's not t-that.." I shook my head, trying to put how I feel into a decent sentence, "I just.. have never r-really done anything with my l-life except the d-darker s-stuff.." I said the last part quieter than the rest.

I shoved the rest of the little cake in my mouth to shut myself up. But kept my head turned so y/n wouldn't have to watch me eat with the scar I had. Y/n contemplated me for a moment before taking another bite of the one she had in her hand. There was a lingering awkwardness for a few moments before I looked back outside.

Y/n sighed, "Alright.. I'll do it.." she huffed, eating the rest of the cake and tightening the straps of the backpack on her. My gaze snapped to her, "W-wait do what?" I said standing up as she did. "Were getting off this train aren't we?" Y/n stood next to the opening of the boxcar, holding onto the edge of it. "Wait r-really? We're g-gonna just j-jump off?" I stood right next to her, looking down at the grass as the train flew past it.

"Yeah, come on we should go while we're still in this field" She said, taking a stance, "I'll count down and we'll both jump at the same time.." she took a deep breath. I quickly put my mouth guard on and made sure my goggles were secure over my eyes, "O-okay.." I said hesitantly. I didn't actually think we were going to jump. I was joking when I suggested it, but now that it's here I'm starting to get a tiny bit nervous.

"Okay, ready? One.. two.." y/n inhaled and held her breath, "Three!" She jumped out of the boxcar and I jumped right after her, squeezing my eyes shut. I landed on my side, "Son of a-!" I tumbled along the grass for a few seconds until I ended up on my back. My the blunt ends of my hatchets were digging into my sides. I groaned, trying to catch my breath before I looked at my forearm. A layer of skin was scraped and bleeding a little bit. It didn't hurt too bad so I just rolled my sleeve down and rested my head agaisnt the ground.

I head y/n walking up to me and looking down over me, "That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be" she grinned. "Yup-" I said in a strained voice, I could tell I was going to have bruises and cuts from how I landed wrong, but y/n didn't need to know that...

"So.. where to?" She said, holding the straps of her backpack and glancing around. I pushed myself off the floor and looked around, "Why don't y-you lead..?" I said faintly, rubbing my shoulder. "You sure?" She said, gazing around the golden meadow. "Yeah.. kn-knock yourself o-out.." I said, popping my neck.

"Okay..." she said, stepping in a random direction. I followed after her, trying to rub the places that were affected by my fall. The train rumbled on for a few minutes before it soon became out of sight. Now we're left alone in this small, quiet meadow.

The grass danced and rustled in the wind and with each step. The occasional cricket chirped and the trees in the distance swayed in the cool breeze. A few small birds flew overhead and through the forest, singing their songs as we walked.

I kept my eyes on y/n, her additude towards being homeless took a complete 180. She seemed almost eager to wander without a destination.

After a couple minutes of quiet walking we eventually made it to the edge of the forest. From first glance it looked like it went on forever, but when we started walking past trees we were lead to an even bigger golden meadow.

"So.. should we venture into the forest.. or cross the field?" Y/n looked back at me, pausing in her tracks. I looked at the forest then back to the massive meadow. "Well u-uhm... the m-meadow looks fine t-to me.." I said, looking at the forest. The forest didn't look too bad.. it was decently lit up by the sun on the horizon and didn't show any sort of immediate threat. But it still felt.. off.

"Y-yeah the meadow.." I said a bit more confidently, putting my hands in my hoodie pocket. "Alrighty" y/n said, starting to mosey through the field. I jogged up to be next to her and watched the sun on the horizon in front of us. The sunset made everything glow in brilliant sepia tones.

We ended up in the middle of the field where y/n stopped, staring straight ahead. "W-what are you doing..?" I asked quietly, confused why we stopped so suddenly. Y/n sighed and turned to me, "I don't know" she said softly, gently pulling on one of the drawstrings to her jacket.

I stared for her for a long second before taking in the sunset again, "Well... W-what do you w-want to be doing..?" I asked. "I don't know that either..." she said meekly, "I haven't known since before we met...I just kind of.. wasted time on the internet.. doing nothing..". Another breeze swept through my hair and blew the grass over. "I could never really find my purpose" she admitted, staring forward.

"Hm..." I hummed softly, looking at her hair and how it blew in the wind, "You could j-just um.. s-.... stay with me.." I said hesitantly, in fear of rejection. "I mean I-I know that I'm a m-murdurer but.." I trailed off as my words got weaker. "You'd really want my company?" She asked, tilting her head to see my face. My cheeks went a bit rosey at her action, "Yeah! I- I mean.. I would but.. only if you w-want that..." I looked away from her, not willing to make eye contact.

"I think I'd like that... I really have no one else..." she said with a faint smile. "W-wait actually?" I said, my heart fluttering around in my ribcage, "Even though I a-am a proxy and all t-that stuff?" I added. She nodded, "Yeah.. you haven't done anything to really hurt me.. so.. I'll give it a chance" she smiled a little wider.

I wanted to jump and dance around I felt so happy, but I quickly composed myself as my body let out a sequence of tics and twitches. "I'd really like that..." I said, shaking with new, foreign emotions. "Well m-maybe we should set up a l-little c-camp... it's going to get d-dark soon..." I glanced around for a good spot to stay for the night.

Y/n agreed and we started to look for a place to rest for the night. After a few minutes of searching we found a clearing in the field that was closer to the forest. Being near the forest mad eme feel uneasy, but y/n didn't seem to mind it, so I forced back my negative thoughts.

After y/n set the backpack down we went to get firewood together. We found plenty of dry logs and sticks for the fire so we got to head back before dark. Y/n went into the forest and came back a few minutes later with some decentky sized rocks to make a small firepit. I made a mound out of of the sticks and I got of of the dead grass, wadding it up to help start a fire.

I got my matches and strikes one of them against the box before lighting the dried grass. I stuck the match into the fire pit before lighting another match to help the fire more. I started to gently blow on the fire and it soon started to burn the sticks. I sighed proudly and sat back, watching the fire burn away at the sticks.

"Wow you're really good at that.." Y/n said sitting beside me. "At w-what? M-making a f-fire? It's nothing really.." I said softly, feeling a bit flattered by the compliment. "No really, you got the fire burning really fast.." she said, sitting crossed-legged.

I chuckled softly, rolling up my sleeves and resting them on my knees. Y/n smiled back and her eyes landed on my forearm, "Oh my go-... Is that from the train?!" She asked pointing to the abrasion on my forearm. I looked down to it, "Oh uh.. y-yeah.. it doesn't hurt.. i-it's fine" I waved it off, covering it with my hand. The blood on it was dried now and I felt a little embarassed for being the one who got hurt.

"No lemme see.." she said, pulling my arm towards herself. My eyes widen at the sudden yank of my arm. "Ah- what.. no it's f-fine.. it's nothing s-serious.." I said trying to laugh it off. She held my arm in one hand and she got a small first-aid kit from the backpack. "Wha- What are you d-doing?" I chuckled, brushing my hair back with my free hand.

"I'm gonna clean your wound, it would suck if it got infected or something.." she said softly, getting a disinfecting wipe and gently wiping away the dried blood and dirt. It didn't really hurt when she did wipe it, but it was sweet that she took her time being gentle. So, I sighed and sat back and let her do what she wanted with the cut. She probably could have tried to make it worse and I would have let her.

She took some sort of ointment and spread it on the wound before wrapping it with medical tape. "There ya go" she said, closing the first-aid kit and put it it back in her bag. I smiled softly and looked at my arm's bandage, feeling a little better, "T-thank you.." I said quietly. "No problem" she said tucking her hands in her sleeves and putting her hood up.

It was getting a little bit chilly but the fire kept a nice heat. I felt very warm inside, compared to my cold looking exterior. It felt nice to be taken care of, something that I rarely got to experience.

I looked around the moon lit field, glancing along the tree line. For a minute my heart stopped. My breathing got heavy and I felt sick to my stomach. It was here. I looked over at y/n who was looking at the fire. "Hey Y/n.." I whispered, "I-I'll be right back..." I stood up and started to walk towards the woods, trying to keep a casual demeanor. "Oh uh.. okay.. be careful..." she said, looking over at me, then back at the fire.

I took some haggard breaths and entered the forest. When I was out of sight of Y/n I bolted into the forest. My eyes darted everywhere for It and I was starting to feel like a little kid who got in trouble. By once calm body was filling with dread as I entered a small clearing in the forest. I stopped for a minute to catch my breath, looking at the ground.

I looked back up to see It standing right in front of me. It stayed completely still and I was shaking with nerves. My heartbeat rung in my ears and a bead of sweat ran down my face. I wanted to say something but nothing came out. I slowly stood tall and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

It stared down at me and it's tendrils slowly waved at the back of its body. It slowly moved one of the tendrils behind itself and took what looked like a piece of paper out, then sliding it over to me. I took the small paper and looked at it hesitantly. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that it was y/n's picture. The one she had lost earlier today...

I looked back at Slenderman and he stared back silently. But I could tell he wanted something in return. It definitely wasn't anything good. "What sh-should I do..?" I asked timidly, gripping the photo. I felt the voice ringing in my ear again, making me flinch.

"Make her one of you"

And with that one line, It disappeared into the night.

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