I'm not a puppy! (age regress...

By Gizmo_Tester

264K 6.9K 2K

As far as streetrat, Jamie was concerned, they were 17, a teenager. And despite what their body is telling th... More

1. What do you think your doing?
2. Jamie
3. Breakfast
4. Discreet items
5. Checking In
6. I don't need them
7. Shopping Trip
8. Dinner?
9. Getting a bit late
10. Getting some perspective
11. Ben's House
12. You took it too far
13. Everyone needs help
14. I have something to tell you
15. Tumble
16. The Conversation
17. Doctors
18. Tired
19.Being open and honest is cool
20. Bit of a fun break
21. Jammity Calamity
22. The Plan
23. Baby Steps
24. Part of the Family
25. Supplies
26. Mine
27. Hard Work
29. Stormy Weather
30. Hanging out
31. The Park Predicament
32. I've got you
33. Call
34. An Interlude into Bandages

28. Visitor

4.1K 151 77
By Gizmo_Tester

"Ok run me through it one more time Bambi"
Jamie huffed and walked back across the nursery to their original starting point by the wardrobe. I smiled as they held the paw patrol car toy up against its door and began again.
"So if Chase starts here-"
Jamie rolled the car along the surface then jumped it off, holding it above their heads as they ran quickly to the wall.

"-Does a bunch of cool flips and lands here-"
Jamie slammed it onto the now fully painted walls and I winced a little while Jamie rolled the toy with increased vigour up till the window sill. Where the car rolled eight last the rain lashing down outside.
"-goes all the way along here and-"
Jamie clamoured up onto the crib-bed to get a better angle as they glided the car along its standing rails.

"Does some tricks and things, lots of stuffs."
Jamie jumped back off the bed and ran over to me, holding Chases car high. Jamie reached where I was sitting on the large playmat and sat down next to me. They first ran the car along a few roads around me before making it drive up along my arm, onto my shoulder
"He could definitely beat us driving in the car!"

Jamie looked me expectantly but I didn't respond immediately, instead enjoying the sweet moment. Before I did properly respond
"I think you've got a point there Bambi, but is chase following proper road etiquette?"

Jamie considered, not really getting what I said, but acting as if they did very well.
"Uh yeah! Chase does everything right, look he's even got a seatbelt!"
Jamie shoved the toy in my face, so I could see the tiny plastic seatbelt on the dog.
"Oh very well Jamie, Chase could definitely beat us in a street race"

Jamie smiled, going right back to rolling chase along the roads all over the playmat while they leaned against me. I thanked whatever on earth I could this was going well. Jamie had a pretty bad nightmare last night, and was vaguely fuzzy for the day. So I suggested a bit of "playtime" in the more properly finished nursery to balance them out (as recommended by Dr eggs handy sheet).

While initially hesitant, once I'd brought out all of Jamie's favourites from our shopping trip, they'd taken it in stride. I was working to get Jamie more comfortable in the nursery, the only time in there recently being nightmare calm downs in the double tent or when I'd transfer them to the crib once I found them secretly napping.

I looked down to see Jamie staring up at me.
"Yeah Bambi?"
"Who do you think would win in a fight, Chase or Bluey?"
I have to say I didn't know what to say to Jamie right away, the innocent but also remarkabley Jamie like question catching me off guard.

I just about managed to say
"Well that's quite a question hun-"
When suddenly, the doorbell went off. Jamie jumped and proceeded to pretend they totally didn't get scared. I ruffled up their hair, making them pout and me chuckle
"I'll be right back Bambi"

Jamie murmed an 'ok' as I gave them a quick one arm hug and stood. I left the room and hummed to myself as I headed downstairs. I got to the front door and opened it up, readying myself to politely decline whatever salesman or missionary was calling.

But once the door was open, my mouth fell open in shock.
"Hello Mr.. um Andrew"
I could only about muster.
"Ben... Wha-what how?"
He awkwardly smiled, adjusting his raincoat over his arm, still in the sling. His black eye was fading and there were still bandages on his neck, and assumedly under his long sleeve shirt.

I snapped out of my analytical stupor and beckoned the boy in.
"In out of the rain, come on"
He stepped in and i took off his coat, hanging it on the radiator to dry.
"Here, let's sit down in here"
I directed Ben into the sitting room and he looked around then took a seat in the arm chair. I sat on the couch and stared at him a moment longer, before actually speaking
"I know now... What you were talking about in the hospital. Jamie's bite, lycanthropy, and the regression coming with it"

Ben shrugged
"Yeah I guessed they couldn't keep it under wraps much longer, I assume you're-?"
He trailed off and I went with what I thought he was alluding to
"-looking after them? Yes, Ive been giving Jamie all the care they need and more. Were on a regression plan right now, and adoption is pending"
That might have been too much as Ben stuttered
"A-adoption? Wow"

I didn't feel right talking more without Jamie there.
"How are you doing?"
"Better, definitely..."

There was another pause between us.
"I only got released from the hospital the other day and I've been busy with my parents but I wanted to come here as soon as I could. Jamie told me around about where you were, and I just walked around till I saw them in that upstairs window... Sorry that sounds so, so creepy-"
"No it's alright"
I assured and Ben hastily went on
"I really need to talk to Jamie, you too. I need to apologise, and explain"

I nodded.
"I better tell them you're here, if I leave them alone any longer I might be shot"
Ben chuckled as I left to go get jam. Back in the nursery, Jamie was none the wiser to anything downstairs, having retreated into the tent to play with June and chase.

They popped their head out and frowned at me
"Andi! You took too long"
They scolded and while part of me wanted to forget the important guest downstairs and play along with jam, I cut to the chase.

"Jam there's someone here to see you"
Jamie's eyes grew wide in worry and they backed up further into the tent. I squatted down and quickly said
"Bambi it's no one scary, it's Ben honey. He's-"
I didn't even finish my coercion before Jamie bolted out of the tent and ran for the door, screaming.
"Ben, Ben, Ben!"
I chuckled and went to follow them but was stopped as Jamie lingered at the large mirror on the wardrobe.

"Bambi what's wrong?"
They huffed and looked anxiously between their reflection and me.
"I'm dressed like a baby, I've got the pull up. Don't want Ben to see me like this"
Jamie pulled at their yellow smiley face jumper and little denim shorts(a merging of Jamie's and the nursery's wardrobe)
"Well I think you're dressed like Jamie, not a baby, and if ben has any issue he's gonna be leaving early through the window"
Jamie whined but gave me a little hug
"No, Ben stay..."

Jamie suddenly remembered our visitor downstairs and grabbed my hand, dragging me down the stairs and resuming their Ben chant.

They pulled me all the way down to the sitting room whereupon I nearly toppled over them, after they came to screeching halt. They were frozen in place, staring at Ben in disbelief. A smile broke out across bens face.
"Heya James"
Ben said and I could hear a little emotional crack their as he stood to meet Jam. But Jamie was already hurtling ahead, jumping and slamming Ben back into the chair.

Ben let out a wheeze and I winced as the wind was clearly knocked out of him. But my heart genuinely melted when I saw Jamie begin to shake and Ben wrapped his arm around them.
"Thought you were gone, kept havin bad dreams, I got you hurt, Ben I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
They cried openly into Ben's shoulder and I went to leave, not wanting to intrude any longer on their moment. But Ben shook his head to me.

He whispered into Jamie's ear as I sat down on the couch.
"James, I'm ok, I'm right here and you did absolutely nothing to hurt me. I'm so happy to see you James, I missed you so much"
Jamie sniffled and took their head off Ben's shoulder, wiping tears on their sleeve
"Missed you too, don't get hurt again. I didn't like it"
"Well neither did I! So I'll try my best"

Jamie giggled, shifting into a more comfortable position on Ben's lap but in the process hitting off his sling
He hissed and i saw Jamie's face fall. I gently suggested to them
"Bambi why don't you sit over here, Ben's still not feeling his best"
Jamie frowned but accepted that and joined me on the couch. As soon as they were within range, I quickly pulled out a tissue and wiped their nose and remaining tear streaks. They batted me away, embarrassed.

Meanwhile Ben regained his breath and smiled at us both. Jamie went a bit red and asked Ben.
"So where are you now, like where are you staying? Cause Andis got a room and he probably wouldn't mind-"
Jamie rambled and I could see where they were going, bypassing permission from me and going right to offering Ben a room. Ben stopped them before they got too far.

"I love the offer James but I'm back living with my parents"
Jamie looked confused
"But I thought-"
"Things are different now Jamie. It's what I wanted to talk to you about"
They took a breath

"I'm gonna be frank here. Andrews a vampire, Jamie you're a werewolf-"
I heard the tiniest whimper from Jamie at their mention, and pulled them in close to me
"Everybody knows that, but I just need everyone to know that everyone knows that"
Ben was obviously not in the mood to dance around this.

"So now it won't be as weird in comparison for me to admit-"
He sighed.
"I come from a family of magic users"
Jamie and I both looked at eachother to confirm what was just said. I mean I figured Bens family was somewhat supernatural from the hospital, their name. But magic was a bit of a curve ball.

Ben ignored our confusion and went on
"More specifically my mother is a mage, my father a sorcerer and all my siblings are either or. I however was born"
Ben blew a raspberry and did a thumbs down
"Zilch, zero magic in my system. Caused quite a stir, nearly made my parents divorce-"

I interjected to stop any oversharing
"Ok wait wait wait-"
Jamie then cut me off, exclaiming.
"People can do fucking magic?!"
Ben and I both looked to Jamie in disbelief. In a world of supernatural beings, magic was some of the most common knowledge. I mean you could even assume it from the existence of vampires, werewolves.

But Jamie obviously had no idea as they whipped their head between us both, begging for an explanation.

I put my hand on their shoulder to calm them while Ben quickly explained
"James, magic users are a very common thing. But we'd usually stick in our own circles and there's alot of different types. Warlocks, witches, wizards"
I threw in what little knowledge I had.
"A wizard makes a deal for magic, a warlock or witch learns magic, a sorcerer is born with magic and a mage I think is born with but also learns"
I guessed, trying to remember my father's old dusty supernatural encyclopedias.
"Yeah that's pretty much it, all the terms are so interchangeable and annoying"

Jamie took a minute to process before asking Ben.
"So you... Don't have magic, but your family does"
Ben nodded
"My mom still thinks I've got something in me, my dad though gave up on trying to teach me long ago. He wanted me to sign my name in this stupid book and become a wizard, which would be a lot quicker. My mom wanted me to join her mage circle and hoped I would pick something up from there"
I thought back to meeting Ben's parents, and what his mother said about him teetering.
"They wanted me to choose between the two, but I didn't want either option and I got into a massive fight with my dad. And that's when I left home"

Jamie frowned.
"You didn't tell me any of this, you told me your parents were dead to you"
"Yeah... I was real mad at them for a while, I never thought I'd go back to em. Didn't want anything to do with the magic. I just wanted to live my own life. But cause of everything that happened, they found me and we've been talking. They finally stopped with the pushing and are letting me actually choose
Ben smiled to himself, seemingly happy to have his parents back in his life
"And nothing's set in stone yet, but I think I'm gonna study magic instead. Hopefully become a warlock"

Even though I'd only properly met Ben 3 times, everything id heard about him from Jamie made him seem so much closer. So I congratulated him
"That sounds incredible Ben, I hope it works out for you"

My attention was brought to Jamie, shifting on the couch, I rubbed their back instinctively as they built up to ask
"Since you're um... doing that, does that mean we still get to hang out?"
Jamie asked hopefully, Ben beamed
"James, even if I was 6 feet under I'd figure out a way to hang out with you"
"Uh huh, as long as it's ok with Andrew here"

Before i could say anything, Jamie spoke for me again
"Andi says it's fine!"
I laughed and trapped jam in a hug, they squealed and tried to pull away while I spoke earnestly to ben
"Course it's ok. The amount this one talks about you, I think they'd go insane if they didn't get to see you"

Jamie whined loudly as Ben awed. I ran my fingers through Jamie's hair lovingly and suggested
"Bambi, why don't you show Ben all your stuff upstairs. And I'll stay down here out of your hair"
I accentuated my point by thoroughly ruffing up jams hair and making them whine again. Ben laughed
"Now I'd love to see what luxury Andi is having you live in. Gimme a whole tour James"

Jamie nodded and stood, taking Ben by his good hand and leading him away up the stairs. Ben delivered me a wave as he was pulled out the door and I waved back.


I showed Ben the guest room I slept in first, before bashfully showing him around the kiddy room I was slowly moving into. Including my awesome tent, my new bed (which I assured him the bars stay down on cause I don't need them), my star books, June, Chase and finally my (as much as I hated to say it) toys.

But the best part was, throughout the tour, Ben didn't make me feel small or weird once. Everything he said, every remark about what I showed him just made me feel more at ease and excited.

We were sat down on my big rug that was covered in a big city plan and I was showing Ben my bluey house, when I felt his arm curl around my waist and pull me back into his lap. I squeaked and looked back at Ben, about to slap him. But I couldn't, as he pulled me into the tightest hug, bringing up his knees so I was fully encased. I whined against his chest and he laughed
"Sorry James, I just-"
He squeezed me, heavy emotion in his voice
"I'm so happy you're ok and you're safe. You mean so much to me James, I'm so happy you're here"

I could feel warmth pouring into me as Ben hugged me close and said such nice things. I took the moment say some mushy things of my own to him
"You always make me feel better Ben, you're... You're like a brother to me"
I hid my face after admitting such a thing but Ben just hugged me tighter.
"Oh James, you're like a sibling to me too. My favourite sibling"

Eventually Ben released me from his hug but I didn't move from his lap. I pulled the heeler house closer to accommodate and kept messing with the figures. We remained in a nice quiet until I put down the dogs and asked

"Yeah James?"
"Do magic people age like people or like me an Andi, slowly I mean"

Ben smiled
"I can't believe I forgot, I was so excited to tell you jam. You see- When magic users get really powerful, they can control the rate at which they age, when they lay to rest, if they even age at all"
Ben continued
"My parents are like that, they've been alive for eons, and they can perform similar spells on kin. Aka me"
"So my plan, is hit their pause button on my myself while I study magic. I might even hold off for a few years. And then I'm gonna wait for you to catch up to me jam"

I asked, a bit freaked out. Ben held onto my hand.
"James you are my favourite person in the whole wide world. I've got 3 sisters, 2 brothers and you're still my top tier sibling. I feel horrible that you have to start again, but I'm more than happy to wait until we can get back to how things were. Well... I may make it so I'm still older then you, cause that's just fun"
"No that's not fair, were the same age!"
I whined, Ben laughed squished my cheeks.
"Nuh uh uh, you're my little Sibby now. And I'm you're big brother"
He hugged me tightly, falling onto his back and making me squeal again

I started squirmed and wiggled to get out of his grip but and while he tried to stay firm, he wasn't as strong as Andi. So I was able to kick him away.

I laughed as I scrambled away to hide from him, crawling over into the tent. I shut the door behind me and waited for Ben to come after me. The wrestling had distracted me from what we were talking about. But stopping in the tent made me remember, and me worry.

I asked, holding the tent door shut cause I didn't want to look at him while I spoke
"Yeah James? Is something wrong?"
"Why would you wanna wait for me? It doesn't make sense"
"It makes total sense to me. I like being around you. You're my favourite person James"
Bens tone made it sound like I'd asked a super simple question. It didn't make me feel better.

"But I'm gonna be a baby, it's not gonna be the same"

"Jamie. Simply, I do not mind what you look like, what you're age has changed to be. You're still Jamie. Some stuff might change but nothing that actually matters. You're still my favourite kiddo bo biddo"
I popped my head out of the door to complain
"Stop calling me that"
I said in fake annoyance and Ben smiled. I crawled out of the tent and sat next to him, bashfully not meeting his eyes.

Ben lightened the mood back up.
"So I've got a question Jamie"
"Uh huh"
I nodded for him to go on.

"This is bluey?"
Ben asked holding up my bluey figure. I nodded
"And this is chase?"
He asked the same but with the chase car. I nodded again.

"Ok so who's winning in a fight?"
I giggled and clapped my hands. I was thinking about that question earlier. Ben always asked the important questions.

"Why's that? Chase here's got a car and a cool looking uniform, probably has some training"
"Blueys got bingo and mom and dad"
I grabbed the other figures and put them in front of us
"Oh so he's outnumbered... But if Chase is in the paw patrol, shouldn't be have his other members"
"I don't gots those"

"Ah so in this battle, bluey would win?"
I decidedly said, Ben whooped and mimed bluey knocking chase's car into oblivion.

We messed around a bit more until Ben noticed a clock on the wall.
"Aw dammit, I should've kept on eye on the time-"
Ben gave me a hug and I whined in confusion.
"Jamie I'm sorry I have be back home soon"

I whined louder and grabbed onto his tracksuit bottoms.
"Jam I'll be back soon I promise"
Ben tried to reason, but my mind had gone too fuzzy to listen. I started whining louder and clung around his waist.
"Stay! Ben stay please"

My fussings must've been especially loud as Andi appeared the doorway.
"Hey what's going on in here? Bambi what's got you so upset"

Before Ben could speak, I word vomited what was happening
"Ben's tryna leave, but I don't want him to leave. Andi make him stay. Wan Ben stay. Stay!"
Ben knelt down to begin unprying my arms from his leg
"James I have to go, I'm babysitting my little sister. My parents will be waiting for me"

Logically I knew Ben wasn't going forever, but I felt especially annoyed about it for some reason. A reason andi saw crystal clear.

"Ok I think I know what's working you up jam, someone is in desperate need of a nap"
I protested vehemently, especially with Ben right there.
"I don't need a nap! That's for babies!"
"Oh no bambi, I'm not talking about you-"
Andi came in and picked up my stuffed bunny off the floor
"I'm talking about June here, she's wrecked. It's been such an exciting day so far, I don't blame her"

Ben commented too
"She looks exhausted James"
I whined a little and craned my neck to look at June. She did look a bit worn.
"Bambi do you think you could lay down with her? I'm sure she's appreciate that"
"Buh- buh Ben. Ben goin. No go no go"
I climbed back into his lap, blubbering and hugging him.

Ben thought for a moment before putting forward
"How about I stay while you get ready for June's nap. And then I'll go when you're lying down with her"
I frowned, but Ben reassured
"But Jamie I'll be back so soon, ok? I'll even give Andi my number and you can call me whenever"
I double checked
"Provided I'm not asleep, whenever Bambi"

I was satisfied with that, and begrudgingly got off of Ben's lap to take June from Andi. When Andi asked Ben
"Ben would you actually mind running downstairs and grabbing Jamie something to drink. There's cups of juice in the fridge"
"Yeah that's no problem"
I looked to Andi, confused. I don't need a drink when I nap. And if I do have one it's warm milk or hot chocolate.

But Ben was sent off for the drink and once he was out of the room, Andi lifted me. He walked over and kicked the door shut as I whined and squirmed
"Sorry Jam, I just had to get Ben out of the room for a second"
Andi put his hand on the back of my shorts and squeezed. I knew exactly what he was doing and hid my face in shame.

"You're just a bit wet Bambi. It's ok, it happens. Andi'll get you cleaned up before Ben gets back"
I didn't even have time to get upset as Andi swiftly put me down somewhere and began to change me.

I put June over my face and pretended really hard that I wasn't there.
"Hips up Bambi"
I peeked when Andi made that gentle suggestion and l immediately hid back behind her when I found Andi putting a diaper under me. I whimpered and tried some little protests. But Andi placed a comforting hand on my stomach and reminded me.

"It's just for the nap Bambi, coming off right after"
And just like that it was done. Andi lifted me up and bounced me a few times to quell my remaining fusses.
"There we go, good job pup-up"
I gave him a little stare and he chuckled. All the puppy nicknames he had started giving me made my head the fuzziest. But I was ok with it right then, I'd kill him for it later.

Andi popped me back on the ground, taking a few steps away and then it hit me that
1. Andi had changed me on the fucking changing table
2. I had nothing on but my hoodie and diaper
Knowing I couldn't go back and throw myself off the changing table, I decided to tackle the other mortifying factor.

I waddled after Andi and pulled at his arm in a panic.
"Andi! Andi! Pants I need pants"
Andi bent down and cooed to me
"Woah puppy I'm listening to you, I'm getting you some comfy pants now"

He grabbed me some pyjama pants from the wardrobe and helped me step in. With the diaper covered I felt myself properly relax and it was at just the right time as a knock came on door.
"Come on in Ben"
Andi called out and Ben stepped back into the nursery, heading straight for me and giving me a sippy cup of juice.
"There you are James, ice cold"

I took a few sips with a blush on my face and thanked Ben.
"Do you want your Chase teddy too?"
He asked, pointing over to my tent where chase was holding station. I yawned and shook my head
"No he stands guard"
"Oh ok, perfect sense"
Ben chuckled and Andi motioned us over to the bed.

"Go on Bambi"
I then took Ben's hand and brought him over to my bed. I hopped up onto it and Ben sat down on the ground next to it. Andi lent against the wall and let us be.

Ben pulled my special blanket up over me and whispered
"Is June ready to nap, or does Andi usually read you both something"
I shrugged
"I jus sleep... An June ready"
I reached out and hugged him as long as I possibly could before Ben laid me back down and tucked the blanket around me and June.

"I'll be back real soon James, don't go causing any trouble for Andi without me there to back you up"
I giggled and looked over to Andi, who stuck his tongue out at me. I giggled more and Ben gave me one last hug
"It was so much fun seeing you today Jam. Ill see you soon"

I whined a little and grabbed at Ben's shirt
"Byebye Ben."
He gently took it away and rubbed it in his
"Goodbye and good night Jamie"

The last thing I saw before sleep overtook me was Andi coming over, murmuring a few sleepy sentiments to me while rubbing my back, and bringing the crib bars up halfway. He gave Ben a pat on the back and showed him out.

As I watched them go, I slipped my thumb into my mouth and sighed contentedly. Before falling asleep.

Authors Note:

Just to say, yes I switched the definitions of wizards and warlocks. I prefer the word warlock and my story my rules. Ben's a warlock.

Also Ben better be grateful for this fate, all the other scrapped versions of him definitely did not get as sweet a deal.

Thank you all so much for the support, hearts, comments, and for even reading at all. It really warms my heart knowing this story is comforting to more minds then my own. See yis next time. Toodaloo!

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