.:Different:.( A Pewdiecry)

By Talkingcupcake17

311K 7K 4.7K

Felix is your normal straight youtuber of course. It's not like his best friend Ryan pulled some strings in h... More

.:Different:.( A Pewdiecry)
Dreams Come and Go
An Outing
Nurse Cry! (P2)
An Alert
Recovery+Authors Note
Acception+Author's Note
Self-Harm (P2)
Cry's Past
Cry's Past (P2)
Authors Note
Rude Awakening+Authors Note
Authors Note (Special!)
What Could've Been (Sad Ending)
Read This Shiz!
Moving (P2)
Authors Note
The End
Death is winning and I am a sore loser
It all wraps up doesn't it?

The Hospital

9.4K 255 191
By Talkingcupcake17

Before anyone gets confused, You are getting the happy ending....


It gets worse before it gets better...


~Pewdiepie POV~

"You fucking jerk!" I screamed at Cade once again. "You shouldn't be talking.." He mumbled. He got up and stood in front of me with arms crossed. The fight lasted for hours as usual.

I stomped my way to the guest room. I stared at my phone, Thinking about calling Ryan. Was he mad at me? I sighed...

Probably, I mean I just left in the middle of the night... I the picked up my phone, Tossing it between my hands, Then set it back down on dresser. I changed in to my PJs and climbed into the bed in the middle of the room.

What was i gonna do?

~Cry's POV~

I blinked at the phone, My thumb hovering over Felix's number. I layed down on the bed and pressed the green button.

It rang for a couple seconds, And then the voicemail played. Of course he wouldn't answer. He left..

It was probably all my fault. I bet he was bored of me. I looked down at my fore arm and saw the cuts were closing up. I guess it was good. 

What if Felix hated me? Is that why he left? Questions like these ran threw my head all day. Until, I finally got up and walked to my desk. I pulled up legs, And hugged my knees.

 I cringed as i skipped the razor on my skin. I lifted up my mask and stared down at my wrist.

This one was bleeding more heavily than the rest. I knew somthing was wrong. I started to feel dizzy. After a while i blacked out.

~Passed Out~

 I walked behind Felix as he walked into his seating area. "Felix!" I tried yelling....But nothing sounded. " Flight 269, Now boarding. I repeat Flight 269 now boarding." The intercom signalled that the plane was now leaving. Felix sighed and got up. I tried to think about what to do to get his attention.

He started walking away, As i ran after him i hit his suitcase, Making it pop open.

He turned around in shock of what just happened. He gaped. I looked down and saw the Cry mask.

My eyes widened and I felt around my face. It was gone.

He grabbed the mask and stuffed it into his luggage. He dashed out of the airport and called a taxi. He told the cabbie our apartment address and he nodded. We were there in a few minutes, And the whole time Felix was practically pacing in his seat.

"What are you gonna do here?" I tried asking again, But all that came out was air. I shook my head at least im making progress. When we got there Felix jumped out and ran to the apartment. He threw his luggage in and it flew everywhere. I sighed and walked out the door before it closed.

He was already sprinting down the stairs, When i caught up he was already sitting. I dived in before he shut the door. 'Well atleast he cant hear me." "Harbor Memorial, Please..." Felix said. The cabbie look back at him through the rear veiw mirror and nodded his head with sad eyes.

I looked around as we passed the beach, and stopped at large gates. Felix jumped out and walked up to the metal gate. I got out a few seconds after realizing what it was...

I followed him into the graveyard. I closed the gate behind us, When i turned around i saw Felix frozen. He was looking at a white granite gravestone... I walked closer to it and saw poker face carved into it.

I laughed. I turned back to Felix and I saw him smiling gently at it. I walked closer to him, And saw his eyes puffy and red. He wiped away a tear.

"I love you Cry.... I just didn't know it... Im sorry i picked him... I left him though.." He said almost inaudibly. He laughed quietly. I smiled as he talked. "Im gonna miss you so much...." He wiped more tears away. I looked in his pocket and pulled something out.

He slowly placed the Cry mask on his head. He got to the level of the gravestone, And hugged it. I got next to the gravestone as he hugged it.

"I love you Ryan.... He sobbed. I bent closer to his ear and whispered...

"I love you too, Felix...." Surprisingly my voice worked.

~Felix's POV~

I woke up at 4 in the morning. I wiped my eyes and looked down at my phone...

Missed Call


My eyes widened as i read the name. H-He called me while i was asleep? I pressed the "call back" button and it rang. and rang.... and rang.... I ended the call. Crap! I grabbed my bag from my closet. and threw all my equipment and clothes into the bag. I tried calling back 13 more times and stll no answer.

I know somthings wrong. If he heard it, He would have woken up. What happend?! I walked into the hallway to Cade's room and saw him still asleep. I walked up to him and shook him.

He mumbled something but i just said.

"It's over." I walked out of the room and grabbed the bags. I walked to the front door and walked down the stairs. I called a taxi and gave directions to Cry's apartment. I gave him the money and walked up to his apartment. I hesitantly knocked. No answer.... Just as I thought... I knocked a little harder. He wouldn't know it was me.

I knocked again. Was he home?

I knocked again. Was he okay?

I knocked again. Did he fall?

I kicked the door. "Cry!" I yelled. I got really worried. I threw my shoulder against the door. I didn't hear anything from in there. "Cry are you okay?!" I yelled. Nothing felt right here...I tried turning the door and it was locked. 'Fuck..." I thought. I looked on the door frame and i still didn't see a key.

I kicked the door again, And i felt it budge. I leaned against it to make sure i really did feel it. It moved a little more. I rammed up against it again. I kept hitting and kicking the door until i felt it click and i fell onto the floor inside.

"Uhhhhg..." I groaned as i pulled myself off the floor. I looked around the living room and kitchen and didn't see Ryan anywhere. I limped to the bathroom and still didn't see him anywhere.

"Ryan?" I yelled. I saw his door slightly closed.  I slowly opened it......

I saw him lying on the carpet...

With the carpet soaked in red.

I gasped. "Ryan!" I cried. I looked at his arm and saw all the scars and cuts and the blood.

No....Why was this happening to him...... I walked up to him and fell to his side. I took his hand, And squeezed it. "Cry! Come on! Wake up!" I cried. My began to water. "Please don't be dead..." I whispered. I still held his hand as I called 911. As the ambulances pulled up and door bust open and they rushed in with a gurnie and pulled Ryan on. They wheeled him into the ambulance, And told me to stay with him and the nurses in the back.

They hooked him up to the IVs and looked at his heart and veins and everything seemed alright. As they wheeled him to another room, I tried following but the nurse pushed me back. I look at her questionably. She shook her head. "You can't go in there yet, He has to have surgery." She said calmly. I gaped at her. "I thought they said he was all right?!" I yelled.

She shrugged and walked away! What was that?! She just walked away! I shook my head and sat in one the waiting chairs. While I was waiting, a little boy with a cookie monster beanie came up to me. He smiled."Im James!" He said excitedly. I laughed. "You remind me of some one I know!" I said. Jame's eyes got all big and he just gaped at me.

"Thats so cool!" He said, Then he walked over to table with all the toys. I laughed again. After a few hours, A nurse came out and walked to me."You can see Ryan now..." She said and walked away.

I narrowed my eyes, okay then... I walked to his room and slowly opened the door. I heard the heart moniter beating, Signaling he was okay. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Hey Ryan..." I said. His mask was still on him.

I shifted, Would he want me to take it off? I shook my head. No...He wouldn't. I grabbed his hand. I pulled the chair that was next to the bed closer to him.

Soon i fell asleep too.

When i woke up i saw that Ryan was still asleep. I got up and stretched, Listening to the rapid sound of his heartbeat. I stood by his bed for a few more hours.


"Beep..."The machine repeated its sound.


Beep... I opened my eyes....That beep was only in my head. It wasn't real....

"Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep" His heart stopped........




I got up so fast he knocked his chair back.

"No...." I whispered

"No!" I screamed. The door busted open and nurses and doctors flooded in. I backed up slowly onto the chair. "No...." I silenlty repeated myself."No..." And again. After hours of the doctors yelling over the nurses trying to resurrect their patient, They all slowly left... Each one patting me on the back..."Its okay..."Some would say... Which I knew was a lie...

It wasn't okay....

The guy he loved was dead..... I felt my heart drop, I just realized i loved Ryan.....

And to do what now? I thought.....

I sobbed as he sat next Ryan's bed. I didn't bother to clean his face.

My heart wasn't just broke into 2.. It was a milllion at the least. The few months he has been here... And he would never see him again. He got up and sighed, And wiped his face with his jacket sleeve. The cold metal of the handle shivered his hand. Here we go.....


This is not the last chapter!


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