Oh, Shift! (Book III A Not So...

By SheHopes

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Is a hexing witch who can't use her powers, really a witch? Rowena Flores has issues... and we're not just ta... More

Chapter 1: Does Your Grandma Know You're a Pervert?
Chapter 2: Jesus Speaks to Me
Chapter 3: I'm Not Dead, I'm Sleeping!
Chapter 4: Christmas Cabbage
Chapter 6: Selig's Curse
Chapter 7: Out of Body Times
Chapter 8: Bloodsuckers
Chapter 9: Feed Me
Chaper 10: Hector's Warning
Chapter 11: Suspects and Friends
Chapter 12: Collateral Damage
Chapter 13: Little Mikey's Rival
Chapter 14: Slasher and Smasher
Chapter 15: Family Love
Chapter 16: Josie's Boys
Chapter 17: Hands Up!
Chapter 18: Suspects II
Chapter 19: Slammer Time
Chapter 20: Antonio
Chapter 21: The Alpha's Plans
Chapter 22: Rowena's Plans
Chapter 23: Operation Poke a Bear

Chapter 5: Kisses in the Rain

1.3K 157 43
By SheHopes

Rowena stared at the strawberry Jello sitting in front of her. Marshmallows and chunks of pineapple jiggled inside the red treat as she moved the bowl away from her.

"Nope, not even the Jello I stole from the nursing home is cheering me up right now," Rowena admitted.

"You stole Jello from old people?" Matt asked, aghast.

Rowena shrugged. "It belonged to Jasmine and she's dead. It's not like she was going to eat it, Matt."

"That's kind of morbid," Liam muttered, staring at the dessert.

"No, it's called not wasting food. Besides, this whole afternoon stressed me out. I need sugar in my system."

Cross sat across from her, his arms crossed against his chest. They were in his dining room. "Rowena, do you really think your grandmother killed that woman?"

She shook her head. "My abuela would never commit murder." She sighed. "Not that I can trust my judgment. Cross, she has a posse of women named Rosita and Rose. Dr. Do Me said they were the called the deadly roses and bullied the other residents. It's like she has a secret life I never knew about."

Cross jerked back. " Doctor who?"

Matt snickered. "His name is Dr. Domé."

"How do you know?" Cross asked suspiciously.

"He's the person Hector wanted intel on," Rowena admitted.  "I asked Matt to look into him."

"There wasn't much in his background check," Matt said. "The man hasn't even had a speeding ticket. The only scandalous thing I found is that he's currently having an affair with his boss, Pamela Wells."

"What information did Hector need on him?" Cross asked.

"Daily habits," Rowena answered. "I figured it wouldn't hurt for Matt to do a background check."

"You asked my head enforcer to do a background check for Hector, the lion shifter who wants to date you?"

Rowena nodded. "What's yours is mine. Matt is at your disposal which means he's at my disposal too."

Matt chuckled at the perplexed expression on his alpha's face. "She's the future Luna. I didn't think you'd want me to turn her down."

Cross tilted his head to one side. "If what's mine is yours, does that mean what's yours is mine, Rowena?"

"I don't have anything except a cat and debt....so, sure. That works for me." Rowena grinned.

Abby snickered. She pulled the Jello toward her, saying, "I've never had Jello before."

Rowena's eyes widened. "Not once?"

Abby shook her head.

"Me either," Matt chimed in. "I only like healthy food."

Rowena scowled. "You're a liar, Matt. I've seen you eating junk food before!"

Cross sighed, rolling his eyes. "How is it that we always get off topic when Rowena is around?"

"That sounded like some sort of insult," Rowena said, eyeing Cross.

"Are we going to ask Selig for his help?" Liam asked. "According to Donnie, Rosa Flores is his number one suspect. He's hoping we can help to clear her name. His ex will never take him back if he arrests her grandmother."

"Lorena will never take back that cheater," Rowena said, shaking her head. "Although, maybe I can get her to sleep with him if he agreed to forget turning in those earrings as evidence."

Abby bit back her smile. "Rowena, we need to help your grandmother legally."

Rowena gave a huff of annoyance. "Fine. What if I cursed the nursing home's owner to confess to murder?"

Cross shook his head. "No, absolutely no more curses! Remember what Poppy said? All these curses are killing you!"

Rowena nodded. Poppy and Rowena were the last two remaining hexing witches alive. After the beauty pageant debacle that led to Rowena in a showdown with a crazed shifter, Poppy had warned Rowena not to use her hexing powers as it was draining the essence of her human soul.

Rowena agreed but the idea of using her powers to help her grandmother was tempting.

Rowena looked at the clock on the wall. "Speaking of time..."

A puff of red smoke revealed a red haired woman in a black dress.

"I invited Poppy over," Rowena said, pointing to the redhead. The two had become friends after Poppy visited her at the pageant. Poppy even joined Rowena's book club.

"Again?" All the shifters spoke at once.

"Hi Rowena," Poppy said, holding up a romance novel. "I should warn you, Banks is on my tail. He said you and Gina pick out horrible books. "

Rowena smirked. "It's okay. He can visit too."

Cross shook his head. "No way! Last time he was here, he wanted to turn you into  a vampire."

Poppy glared at Cross. "Being a vampire will stop her from dying when she eventually loses her soul."

"She's going to stop cursing people," Cross answered.

Poppy laughed. "Do you even know Rowena? She won't stop cursing people just because we tell her to."

"I don't like your husband," Cross reminded her. "He flirts too much with Rowena. Isn't it enough that I have to compete with her book boyfriends?"

"You're still thinking about that?" Rowena asked shocked.

"What are book boyfriends?" Matt asked.

A puff of gray smoke burst through the air followed by Banks. He coughed, waving a hand through the air. "I do believe the smoke theatrics must be stopped. It's a bit too much." He looked at Cross. "Did I hear you mention book boyfriends? They should all be shot."

"Banks is also jealous," Poppy whispered.

"They're unrealistic," Banks argued, looking to Cross for confirmation

Cross grunted.

"They make you two expect kisses in the rain, flowers for no reason, and love-making sessions with no breaks!"

The shifters laughed. Rowena's mouth curled up. "Cross does all those things for me."

A warm smile covered the alpha's face. He winked at Rowena. "Anything for you, baby."

Poppy frowned, slamming her book into Bank's chest. "If Cross can be romantic, so can you!"

Banks balked at that idea. "Woman, I'm the vampire king! I lost my soul centuries ago. I don't even remember how to be romantic."

"Exactly! That's why I run from you, Banks! I want kisses in the rain!" Poppy shouted.

Banks groaned in frustration. "That's how people get pneumonia, Poppy. Do you want pneumonia?"

"We're vampires! We don't get pneumonia," Poppy spat.

Cross leaned into Rowena. "I changed my mind. Banks can visit anytime. He and his queen's fights are hilarious."

Selig entered the dining area and whistled at Poppy. She turned and frowned. "You're here too today?"

"Excited to see me?" Selig asked her.

"Do not hit on my queen," Banks snarled. "It's out of courtesy to your brother that I haven't already hurt you."

"It's not my fault," Selig admitted. He sighed. Abby placed a hand on her brother's shoulder.

Selig muttered something about bitter fairies before turning to Rowena. "I have news about your grandmother. After the vamps leave, come find me."

Rowena watched him go, his shoulders slightly slumped.

"He's been cursed," Banks observed.

Rowena gasped. "You can tell?"

"Darling, I'm a vampire. Of course I can tell."

"Don't call her darling," Cross growled.

Banks grinned. "Get used to it, Wolf. Once I turn her, she will be under my rule. She'll be my minion."

"I won't let that happen," Rowena reminded him. "If anything, I can have Cross turn me into a wolf ."

Banks laughed, shaking his head.

"What's so funny?" Matt asked.

Banks stared at Cross, his face transforming into an expression of surprise. "By God, you haven't told her, have you?"

Cross growled.

Poppy tugged on her husband's sleeve. "Now, isn't the time, Banks. This is for them to discuss."

Rowena straightened her back, her eyes narrowing at Cross. "Tell me what?"

"Has he mentioned turning you into a wolf?" Banks asked.

Rowena nodded. "Just this morning. We don't talk about it often but what difference does that make? Cross knows I'm not ready."

"Banks, be quiet," Cross ordered.

Banks ran a hand through his dark blonde hair, clearing his throat. "You should tell her the truth. It isn't fair for her."

"What is he talking about?" Rowena asked. When Cross refused to look at her, she implored Poppy for her help.

"Cross can't turn you into a wolf, Rowena," Poppy admitted.

The shifters in the room snarled at her words.

"Wh-what?" Rowena shook her head. "What do you mean? How else would I become his mate? Why?"

"Turning someone into a wolf is much more dangerous than turning them to a vampire. Your best bet is to stop hexing people." Poppy sighed. "Let's have a book club meeting another day. You and Cross probably need to talk."

Poppy disappeared in her red puff of smoke.

"It's not like I'd really make her serve me," Banks told Cross. "I'm married now! Although, it would make my Poppy jealous for another woman to live with us. I'll have to think about this." He winked at Rowena and also disappeared, leaving Rowena and the shifters in an uncomfortable silence.

"Explain," Rowena demanded.

Cross sighed as Abby, Matt, and Liam left the room.

"In my defense, I just learned this a few weeks ago. Becoming a wolf requires you to be healthy. Your soul must be intact for the magic to work because you're gaining a whole new life when you gain a wolf."

"Okay," Rowena said, gesturing for him to go on.

"Your soul is not complete so we don't know if you'd become a wolf." Cross bowed his head. "You'd die if it didn't work."

"So, why does Banks think I could become a vampire? Won't that fail too?"

Cross shook his head. "Becoming a vampire is different. You have to die first before your vampire-maker injects you with his magic."

Rowena's mouth fell slightly open as she plopped into the nearest open seat.

"What are you thinking?" Cross asked.

"Can I be your mate if I'm a vampire?"

Cross sighed, looking away.

"Cross, answer me."

His blue eyes were brimming with pain as he struggled to answer.

"Answer me!" Rowena cried, her voice cracking with emotion. "Can a vampire become a wolf's mate?"

His voice was hoarse when he answered. Shaking his head, his face a mask of sadness. "No."

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