Fire Phoenix

By charlewrites

26.9K 408 20

"don't do anything crazy stupid, please" ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 32

308 4 0
By charlewrites

"We're going out" Rachel demanded as she and I both ate our breakfast. "No," I argued, taking a bite of my pancakes.

"Come on, Em. You haven't left the tower in days." Rachel argued even more. "Look, Rach, I am just going to stay here and train and chill in bed." I stated.

"You need to stop, you have been training for days nonstop, you need a break." Rachel suggested, I don't want to admit it but she's sadly right.

"I am fine." I argued, getting up from my seat and putting my plate in the sink. "See you later." I continued leaving the room to get ready to train.

With my emotions still crazy and shit and with the whole burning the world prophecy, I have been training alone, trying to learn and control my powers without hurting anyone.

I walked by Jason's room on my way to training, I haven't seen or heard from him since. Luckily the others have seen him, so he is just ignoring and avoiding me. Which sucks, I'll admit but at least I know he isn't stuck in his room all day.

I trained for at least an hour, which is what I do almost every day now or even more sometimes, but Rachel's comments about me training so much kept getting in my head.

"Can we talk?" Dick surprised me, causing me to punch him. "Sorry" I quickly apologized.

"Wow, strong punch there." Dick joked, "You sure your okay." I apologized again, taking a step back to give him some space.

Dick just laughed putting his hand down from his face, making me sigh in relief, he was fine. "Before we talk, want to go for a quick round?" Dick spoke, I shook my head, "No, I could hurt you."

"Yea and I could hurt you." Dick corrected, "Come on, I have seen you training for a while now, and I have yet to go 1v1 with you. So you in?" Dick joked.

"Fine, but if I beat your ass, don't come crying." I joked before running up to him and starting to punch and fight him. After our little match Dick ended up winning but not by much, since I started to get tired.

"You only won because I trained earlier so I was tired." I spoke, getting up from the ground and grabbing my water bottle. "Excuses, excuses." Dick joked, also getting his water.

"Maybe next time, just don't come crying to me when I beat your ass again." Dick added, causing me to roll my eyes. "Now let's talk." Dick spoke again after getting a drink.

"I actually am really tired, I am going to bed." I said sprinting out the room, but was stopped by Dick. "I have a deal, you go out with Rachel, like she asked this morning and you get to train."

"And if I don't" I crossed my hands turning to face Dick. "You can't train for a week." Dick demanded. "What, you can't do that." I yelled, starting to panic a little.

Training has been the only thing distracting me from what happened, and plus keeping me in control. So taking that away, might as well kill me.

"You have been training non stop, and you need to get out and do other things. Usually I would love that you are training, but you are only training and not doing anything else. If you continue you could hurt yourself really badly. Being a superhero isn't about training and being perfect, you have to live a little, you are still a kid remember." Dick stated.

I would have argued with him more if he wasn't right, but he was. Dick Grayson, knew me and was right.

"Where have I heard that before, oh right, Rachel. Have you too been talking about me behind my back?" I yelled, trying to keep my place in this argument.

"Yes and no. I have heard you two talking and she is worried about you Em. I don't know what happened between you and Jason, but he has been doing the same thing." Dick answered.

I just looked at him confused, what does he mean Jason has been doing the same thing as me. I have been in here almost all day, I haven't seen him once.

"What do you mean?" I finally asked, "Jason has been training non stop too, I finally convinced him to go out with Gar and just get out of his room and training for an afternoon." Dick answered.

"If we go out, we aren't going to the same place right?" I questioned, slowly leaning on board of leaving the tower for a night. "I promise. Your friends care about you too, we are living in the same place, so this dumb argument you two probably had, needs to end soon or I will make it end soon." Dick demanded.

"Wait, are you sending us out to get the tower to yourself?" I questioned, giving him a small smirk. "Maybe, but that isn't what we're talking about. Now go get ready to leave." Dick quickly spoke, making it very obvious he wanted to be alone.

"Whatever, have fun in the tower, all alone." I joked before running out, excited to leave. This was the first time I genuinely was happy to leave the tower and stop training in a while.

I just with me and Jason didn't have tension right now but hopefully it will go away soon, and we can go back to the way we started when first coming to the tower.

Before getting ready, I met up with Rachel in the living room. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"Shopping." Rachel said excitedly for our girls day, "Shopping?" I questioned.

"Yes, come on we both know we need new clothes especially when it's Dick's money we are spending." Rachel joked standing up from her seat on the couch.

"Yea, your right. Spending Dick's money is so much fun. Give me 20 minutes I need to shower." I joked before running to my room to get ready.

I don't know where I would be without Rachel, she is like the younger sister I wanted, no needed. Growing up as an only child really affects you when your older, I wish I had a younger sister or even older sister to run around and spend our friends money for shopping.

I wonder if Rachel sees me as an older sister, I hope she does because if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here now, with my new family.

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