A Pirates Life for Me | Harry...

By Abbigail1997

29K 742 182

Hallie wasn't born to be a royal. She wasn't born to fit in. Her whole life is a lie. She wants to find the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 38

647 16 20
By Abbigail1997

Fairy Godmother uses her magic to make decorations appear and we all begin to help set up the aisle. Hades and Ben carry the carpet and roll it out, Maleficent is sitting on Hades's shoulder with a weird lizard smile on her face. Thanks to the magic I'm also now in my dress that Evie made, a blue slightly puffy dress. Once the decorations were in place Ben waits at the end of the aisle with Fairy Godmother, Beast and Belle are on his left. Jay walks down with Audrey who fist bump each other at the end. Next was Hadie and Evie, Dude was also here and he runs into Evie's arms, we all laugh as she dances with Dude while Hadie smiles. Next was me and Harry, we walk down the aisle, arm in arm. Harry stands on Mal's side with Jay, Evie and Hadie while I join Beast and Belle. Although both are my family, I was raised by Beast and Belle. It's only right. Now Mal walks down with Hades, I smile at how beautiful she looks. She's going to make the best queen there ever will be, once they reach Ben. Hades shakes his hand and lets Mal go, Jay gets the first ring from Maleficent's tail then hands it to Ben. He's the best man while Evie is the maid of honour.

"Mal Bertha, with this ring, I pledge everything that I have to you. My life, my kingdom, my heart." He places the ring on her finger. "I promise to always be there for you, to accept everything that you are and to always put you first." Evie now gets the other ring off Maleficent and passes it to Mal with a smile on her face.

"With this ring, I pledge to you all the days of my life, all of my burdens and all of my joys. I promise to be my best for you, to share all my secrets, and to keep yours and to choose good always." Mal says as she places the ring on to Ben.

"Do you, Ben, take Mal to be your wife, to love and cherish forever?" Fairy Godmother asks.

"I do." He grins.

"Do you, Mal, take Ben to be your husband, to love and cherish forever?"

"I do." Mal nods, while also grinning.

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you... husband and wife! Bippity boppity woooo!" As they kiss we all suddenly appear back at Auradon in front of everybody, nobody seemed confused but instead they all cheer. Ben and Mal pull apart. Jay, Evie and I do a group hug around Ben and Mal.

"I love you guys." Mal tells us, music begins to play and we let Ben and Mal lead everyone into dancing. Harry comes over to me and bows while offering his hand.

"May I have this dance?" He asks, I smile and take his hand.

"You may." He leads me to the dance floor and wraps his arms around my waist. We dance along with the others, that's when I see Hades being made to dance with Fairy Godmother. "Oh my god, look at my dad."

"Which one?"

"Hades." He looks around while still dancing until he see's him, I know that he's seen him because of the laugh he let out.

"Maybe now people won't be scared of him."

"I hope so."

"You still want to tell Mal and Ben first?" He whispers to me.

"Definitely, they're our king and queen now." He nods. "Just not while everyone is around, today is about them. Not us."

"I understand." He smiles as the song stops, I see Ben and Mal go outside. Another song plays and Harry frowns lightly.

"You don't have to dance to every single song Harry." I laugh.

"I know, I enjoy dancing with you when it's a slow dance."

"And here I was thinking that you don't dance Hook." Jay speaks as he stands next to us. "I actually came to see if I could steal Hals for a dance, is that alright?"

"You're really asking me for permission?" Harry questions him.

"Though I'd try it out, never doing it again though." We chuckle, Jay offers me his hand and I take it.

"I'm going to ask Oakley, she doesn't look too happy. Didn't you say she used to love dancing?" Harry asks me, I nod.

"Be careful with her, please." I say.

"I will." He goes off to Oakley who was sat down, she was wearing a green suit and had her hair curly and up high. I dance with Jay. "Carlos would have her up dancing every chance he got." Jay nods.

"He really would, I never saw him so happy until he got with her."

"Same with Oakley. He really brought out the best in her."

"I'm sure he's still here in spirit."

"I wonder if he'd still be protective over her when Harry would be near them." Jay chuckles. "Harry told me how protective he was that day when you guys found Ben."

"He was ready to fight him there and then if meant protecting Oakley." He spins me around and then catches me again. "Hook got her dancing." He nods behind me, he moves us to the side still dancing so that I could see them. For the first time I see Oakley smiling at whatever Harry was saying. "You settled into your new house yet?"

"Almost, Harry still isn't used to how big it is. He keeps thinking it's a dream." I tell him. "I love seeing his face when he comes home, he gets so excited."

"I'm not surprised. Didn't he have the smallest room at his dads?" I nod as the song comes to a finish, Harry and Oakley come over to us.

"May I steal my girlfriend back?" Harry asks, Jay nods.

"Hey Oakley." I give her a hug. "You look amazing."

"Thank you. You look beautiful." She tells me.

"Thank you." I smile. "It was great to see you dancing."

"It felt great, Harry is a great dancer."

"To say he hates dancing." Jay teases, I nudge him lightly. "Let me show you how a proper gent dances." Jay offers his hand to Oakley who happily takes it and leaves with him.

"Thank you for doing that Harry." I say to him. "I haven't seen her smile since what happened."

"I'm glad I could help." He smiles. "Do you want to go find Mal and Ben, I think I heard Audrey complain that they're still outside rather than in here mingling."

"Of course she complained about that. But yes, let's go find them before they come back in." We head out in the direction that we saw Ben and Mal head, they were on the balcony. Ben was hugging her from behind. "Sorry to interrupt." I speak, they look at us. Ben lets go off Mal as she now stands next to him.

"Is everything okay?" Ben asks. "It's unusual for you both coming to find us, especially if it's Audrey who sent you."

"Everything is perfect. She didn't send us by the way."

"Then what is it?" Mal questions us.

"We uh, wanted to talk to you about something." Harry begins, I hold his hand and give it an encouraging squeeze. For tonight he agreed to leave his hook at home. "Not just because you're the king and queen but you're family."

"Okay?" Ben looks confused while I notice Mal's eyes go straight to my stomach, I blush.

"We wanted you two to be the first to know." I state.

"Oh my god." Mal clicks on, but Ben still looks lost. "Are you?" I nod and she hugs me straight away, I hug back and laugh as she tries to hide her excitement.

"Sorry, I'm a little lost." Ben admits. "Apparently Mal isn't."

"We're expecting." I tell him, his eyes light up and I'm soon in his arms too as Mal let go off me and hugs Harry.

"I'm going to be an uncle?" He asks, tears now in his eyes.

"Don't cry on me!" I laugh as he stops hugging me and this time he hugs Harry, which was a shock to us all. "But yes, Uncle Ben and Auntie Mal."

"I love the sound of it already." Mal grins. "How far along are you?"

"Twelve weeks."

"That's why you had Evie loosen the dress!" I nod my head.

"We didn't want to tell anyone else, with it being your big day." Harry tells them.

"We're the first to know?" Mal asks.

"Know what?" Evie's voice asks, we look and see her, Jay, Hadie, Hades, Beast and Belle were now stood looking at us. "We were worrying something went wrong, Ben was crying."

"Sorry, no. Everything is okay." Ben quickly confirms.

"Is it about Carlos?" Evie asks. "It's okay if it is, we all miss him." I, Ben, Harry and Mal all share a look.

"Okay, somethings gone off." Jay looks at us. "I know that look you're all sharing."

"It's up to that person." Mal states.

"Which one?" Beast asks, they look between us.

"Hallie." Harry says, he rarely calls me that.. It's usually Princess or babe, much to both my dad's dismay. "Do you want to?"

"Do you?" He smiles and nods. "Ben, Mal?"

"It's okay, we don't mind." Mal informs me, Ben nods in agreement.

"What's going on?" Hades's turn this time, Belle and Evie did exactly what Mal did. They grin too as I nod indicating they were right, Harry takes my hand.

"We're expecting." I announce. Belle, Evie scream in excitement before hugging me together and then Harry. Jay gives me a hug next then surprisingly Hadie, they shake Harry's hand. Both my dads were stood there staring at us. "You okay dads?"

"You're pregnant?" Beast asks.

"With his child?" Hades.

"Come now, you should both be excited." Belle tells them as she stands next to Beast and places her hand on his shoulder. "You're going to be grandpas."

"You're still young!" Both Beast and Hades exclaim.

"Well, at least they agree on something." Mal jokes, I could see Harry was really nervous about their reaction. I am too, they're my dads. They're both protective of me and Mal.

"I think they'll be amazing parents." Ben states.

"I agree." Mal says.

"I'm going to be a grandpa?" Beast questions, I nod and he begins to smile before bringing both me and Harry into a hug. Once he was done hugging us, the last person was now Hades. All eyes were on him and his reaction. It was a mixture of happy but annoyed.

"Dad..." I begin, before I could even say another word he hugs us both.

"Hurt either of them and I will kill you." He whispers loud enough for us to hear. "But congratulations." He lets us go and holds out his hand to Harry, Harry shakes it for the first time ever. Not even Ben or Beast have done that. "You'll both be great." Hades now walks to Beast and stands in front of him, they both look like they're trying to glare each other down. Both trying to be the best, but in surprise Hades holds out his hand. "What do you say Beasty? Truce for our daughters sake and for our family." Beast hesitates before shaking his hand.

"Truce." Beast nods, they let go. I feel something in my belly, I place my hand on my stomach.

"Harry." I state, Harry looks at me. "They're kicking."

"What?" He follows my gaze to my stomach, he places a hand over my stomach and another kick happens. "Oh my god." He kneels down in front of my belly. "Don't you be hurting your momma, little one." He stands up and places a kiss on my cheek, his hand still on my stomach. I feel someone staring and look up to see all my family were watching us, I blush as Harry notices too.

"They're kicking." I tell them.

"They?" Belle questions.


"You're going to need all the help that you can get." Beast chuckles, suddenly a loud bang goes off and I see bright colours filling up the now night sky. We all stand watching the fire works as everybody comes out to join us, Harry pulls me close to him.

"I love you so much, Princess." He whispers in my ear, I grin.

"And I love you Harry. You're going to be the best father ever."

"And you'll be the best mother." 

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