Your Nebulous Fate

By Vinnalecupcake

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π—‘π—²π—―π˜‚π—Ήπ—Όπ˜‚π˜€ : 𝘈 𝘀𝘰𝘯𝘀𝘦𝘱𝘡 𝘢𝘯𝘀𝘭𝘦𝘒𝘳, 𝘷𝘒𝘨𝘢𝘦 𝘰𝘳 π˜ͺ𝘭𝘭-π˜₯𝘦𝘧π˜ͺ𝘯𝘦π˜₯. Yasumi miri Homar... More

Authors Note
πšˆπšŠπšœπšžπš–πš’ π™·πš˜πš–πšŠπš›πšŽ
π™°πš”πšŠπš”πš’ πš‚πš˜πšŒπš˜πšπšŠ
Arc 1 [The Hunter Exam]
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Arc 2 [The Zoldyck Family]
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Arc 3 [Heavens Arena]

Chapter 5

42 3 0
By Vinnalecupcake

Netero was in the process of giving a speech, a pretty lengthy one which was too much for Akaki who was decided it was better to engage in a rock paper scissors battle with you with Gon keeping score.

"Hah! I know your tricks Yasumi!" Akaki curled up her hand, forming a fist.

Gon laughed, "Another point to Yasumi!"

You were holding your hand out, forming paper as you smirked at Akaki.

"Come on hag, you can't even win against a little girl?"
Killua taunted.

While his comment slightly offended you, it was true and it made Akaki more angry as she looked seconds away from either punching the hell out of Killua or using Gon as a weapon to throw at you.

Leorio watched with amusement as Kurapika moved his eyes back and forth on your competition and Netero's speech.

Your small competition was interrupted by Killua, "Gon, Yasumi let's go explore the airship."

You stopped short, looking around in confusion as you hadn't payed any attention to Netero's speech however that didn't matter as Killua ended up dragging you away with Gon laughing as he followed Killua.


Akaki stared in shock, watching as you left." But-! But out of our 32 matches, I haven't won yet!"

Leorio laughed, patting Akaki on the shoulder. "How those have so much energy baffles me. I'm hitting the sack. "

Kurapika nodded, "I'll join you. But I'm concerned about how many phases are left. "

At that moment Akaki had yawned loudly, only to cough as she inhaled. A horrible smell makings it way up her nose.

That rotten, terrible, awful, atrocious voice spoke out, accompanied by an even worse smell which only seemed to affect Akaki.

"On average there are five to six phases." Tonpa assured.

Leorio nodded, "Which means we still have three or four to go."

Kurapika sighed, "All the more reason to rest."

Akaki nodded, keeping a wide distance between her and Tonpa.

The three moved to leave, turning their backs to Tonpa however he stopped them in their tracks.

"But you should be careful. The secretary only told us when we'd arrive at our destination. It's possible the third phase could take place on this airship itself. And it doesn't necessarily mean we'll be contacted at 8."

Leorio was stunned, "Are you serious?"

Akaki scoffed, "This human pig fat already lied to us once, what's to say he won't again?"

Kurapika nodded, "You're right Akaki, thank you Tonpa for the advice, we'll keep it in mind."

As the three left, Leorio muttered, "What the hell is wrong with him? Kurapika what do you think?"

"I think it's impossible for the next phase to take place here. They wouldn't have said we could do whatever we want."

Akaki cheered, "They said that? Woo! I'm going to sleep!"

Akaki jogged through the hallway, making her way to the rooms provided to sleep and opened the nearest empty one.

The three settled in, Leorio and Kurapika sitting against the wall with blankets over them while Akaki used hers as a pillow and laid on the floor.

Akaki carefully placed her sword next to her, laying sideways as she stared at it.
She watched the hand-painted details on it, hand moving to run over it.

Akaki quickly fell asleep as her hand held onto the sword.


Meanwhile, you stood outside the blimp's main kitchen door as you ate a popsicle.

Yelling ensued inside the kitchen, muffled from where you stood however as the door opened with a chef holding both Gon and Killua by the back of their tops before dropping them.

"Stay out of the kitchen!"
The chef yelled before shutting the door.

Gon and Killua laughed, holding a leg of meat in their hands. You sighed.
"You idiots. You could've just eaten from the dining hall like me. At least there you also would've gotten dessert."

You waved the popsicle stick, having finished it.

The three of you walked down the corridor, Gon and Killua happily eating their food as you stared at your shoes.

The damage wasn't that bad, but it was stained terribly.

" Gon! Yasumi look! "
Killua moved to the window, pressing his hands against it as he looked at the lights with Gon beside him.

Rather than lean against the window, you sat on the benches in front of the window and watched the city lights.

"Wow! They're like jewels." Gon exclaimed.

Killua nodded,"Yeah!"

You chucked at them, leaning backwards on your hands.
"You guys are acting like kids who just got candy."

Killua turned to you, a look of annoyance on his face and was about to say something however he was interrupted by Gon.

"Hey Killua, Yasumi where's your mom and dad?"

You tilted your head, curious. What a weird question to ask.

Killua answered first, "Hmm... they're alive, probably."

You stared at him baffled, "Probably?"

"Don't interrupt me." Killua argued.

Gon questioned Killua, "What do your parents do?"

Killua replied nonchalantly, " They're assassins. "

Gon had a look of slight surprise on his face," Both of them? "

You on the other hand stared dumbfounded with you mouth agape at Killua before having a contemplating expression before nodding.

Killua laughed, "You two are riots! No, complete weirdos."

You got up, hitting him over the head before returning to your seat. "Aren't you the weirdo for hanging out with us?"

Killua stuck out his tougue. "Shut up idiot."

You rolled your eyes, watching as Gon and Killua moved to sit next to you.

Killua grinned, "I think you're the first people to react that way. "

You frowned, "What other people have you randomly told that your family are assassins?"

Killua ignored you, causing you to scoff as Gon spoke.
"Well you're telling the truth right?"

You stared at the popsicle stick in your hand, looking around for a nearby bin however none was nearby.

"What makes you think that?" Killua questioned.

Gon smiled, "It's just a hunch."
You smiled, patting him on the back. "Atta-boy Gon! You always gotta trust your gut."

Killua sighed, "That's weird."

You pointed out, "Your hair colur is the weird thing here. You old man."

Killua smiled, appearing 5 seconds away from punching you but you held onto Gon's shoulders and used him as a shield incase Killua would actually attack.

"You wouldn't hurt cute adorable Gon would you?" You taunted.

Gon laughed, grinning. "Hey Killua, continue on."

Killua shot you a pointed look, warning you not to interrupt him again, and you simply held your hands up in surrender.

Killua began, "I'm from a family of assassins. They're all assassins."

Killua paused, maybe to see yours and Gon's reaction to his words or maybe just for dramatic effect.

He continued, "And my family has really high hopes for me. But I can't stand it. Who wants to have their whole life planned out."

You listened attentively, staring at your reflection on the window.

"When I told them I wanted to decide my own future they all flipped out"

At that you winced, you couldn't imagine not having the freedom of your own life to that degree. Killua's words reminded you of your own situation back home.

"My mother had tears streaming down her face as she told me I had the potential to be a top assassin."

You thought about it, Killua gave off a dangerous aura even when suppressed. You hadn't seen Killua in a battle but you could definitely see Killua becoming a prime example of an assassin.

Gon awkwardly laughed beside you causing you to stare at him. You had killed before, felt the blood on your skin and the sight of the light leaving one's eyes but so far Gon seemed to be a normal boy with advanced physical abilities and you were confused on how nonchalant he was about this.

Killua sighed heavily, leaning on his arms, "They're horrible parents right?" It's only natural I turned out bad. We ended up fighting. "

You nodded along his words, expecting an average type of fight with verbal insults and such but Killua's next words caused you to choke on your spit.

" So I slashed my mother in the face, stabbed my brother in the side and ran away. "

You coughed lightly, staring at Killua appalled due to blunt he was being as if he hadn't just revealed he'd harmed his family. But then again from how Killua was describing it, it didn't seem like Killua recognized them as family.

Killua smirked, seemingly proud of himself, "I bet they're stirred up right now. But if they find me, I'd send them packing."

Gon laughed, awkwardly again, while you laughed amused at his words.

A aura of smugness surrounded Killua, "When I become a hunter, I'll start by capturing my family. I'm sure they're worth some hefty bountys."

You laughed at the sight, absolutely agreeing with Killua. If you were in situation, you would've done the same.

Both Gon and Killua turned to stare at you and you confused, stared back.

Gon smiled,"And you Yasumi?"

You snapped your fingers as you realized, "Oh yeah, your question. Uhh..."

You bit at your lip, "I honestly didn't think of how I was gonna answer your question."

Gon smiled reassuringly at you, Killua just watching you as you gathered your thoughts.

You nodded slowly, "You asked where my Mom and Dad are now?" Gon nodded.

You hummed, "My mom is 5 feet under currently and I hope she stays that way, it'd be scary of the dead were to get up."

"Your mom's dead?" Gon asked, sympathy in his eyes, as Killua leaned back.

You nodded, "She died in childbirth, with me of course. And my dad... died shortly before my mom."

Killua leaned in, over Gon's shoulder, "How'd he die?"

Gon gasped, hitting Killua, "Don't be so insensitive Killua!"

You laughed, "Don't worry, I honestly don't care. My dad was killed by my grandmother"

Gon and Killua stared mouth apape till Killua spoke, "Why'd she do that?"

You smiled, holding at your chin, "Because my dad was a rat bastard. I won't get into the details but he deserved it."

Gon and Killua both oohed at your answer.

You continued, "And since then, I've been living with my grandmother and my aunt. Oh and to answer your previous question, my grandmother owns multiple businesses. In fact she works alongside the Hunter Association."

Gon beamed, "Really? "
You nodded, "Really."

Suddenly, you sensed a dangerous presence down the hallway, both you and Killua immediately turning to look.
Only... There was no one there.

"Is there something wrong?"
A person stepped out from the other side of the corridor, away from the presence you sensed. And of course it was Netero.

Killua was immediately on guard, glaring at Netero meanwhile Gon questioned him.

"Mr. Netero, did you see anyone coming from that corridor?" Gon pointed to where the presence had previously been.

Netero shook his head, "No."

You remained seated, already acquainted with his bluffs.

Killua scrowled, "You're fast for an old man."

Netero huffed, amused, "That little trick? I barely moved."

You watched the scene with great interest, genuinely curious on what Netero planned to do. You never met Netero face to face despite your family working with the Hunter Association, but you've enough about him to know his tricks.

A staredown ensued between Killua and Netero with Killua breaking it, "What do you want? You don't have to do anything till the final phase right?"

"No need to be so unkind. I got bored and was looking for some company."

You huffed, noticing how weird his words sounded. He did realize he was talking to kids right?

Netero smiled, "Would you kids be interested in a game?"

You raised an eyebrow, wondering what Netero was getting at. Netero caught your stare and winked.

Killua noticing this, snapped his head to stare at you before looking back at Netero. Too bad he had the wrong idea in his head. "You perv-! "

Netero interrupted him, "How are you finding the Hunter Examination so far?"

Gon grinned, "It's fun so far! There wasn't any written exams which I was dreading."

Killua frowned, "I'm disappointed... I expected the exam to be far more difficult.
I hope the next phase will be more entertaining."

Netero's lips curved upwards, "Well I wouidbt know about that."

Killua, seemingly having enough with Netero, turned around. "Come on Gon, Yasumi!"

Netero stopped him in his tracks, "Wait a moment. Let's play a game."

At that, you got up. "Now now Netero, you gotta be careful with your word choice."

Netero laughed, "If you decide to play and defeat me, I shall let you become Hunters."

All three of you had complete different reactions. Gon lit up like a Christmas tree, "Really?"
Killua glared at Netero, suspicious of his actions while you sweatdropped.

You knew damn well it would be impossible to defeat Netero, no matter the circumstances or game rules.

Gon cheered,"I'll play, I'll play!"

Netero stared Killua dead in the eye, "How about it?"

Killua clicked his tougue, looking at you.

You shrugged, "I guess I'll join too then, depending on the game."

Killua frowned, having no choice but to play with because he didn't want leave by himself.

Netero's eyes gleamed as he took you to a different location on the airship.
You of course threw away the popsicle stick as soon as you guys passed a trash can.

As you four entered a room, you stared around curiously.
The walls reminded you of a room a psychiatric room for a chained mentally ill person.

Netero explained the rules to his game, a simple catch the flag or rather ball from him within a certain time limit and you'd become a hunter

As he finished explaining, you thought to yourself.
You didn't have to play for a multitude of reasons.

1) You didn't want to become a hunter in the first place.

2)You knew you had no chance of winning.

3)You caught sight of some shower rooms on your way over and although you didn't feel or smell like you needed a shower, your shoes did.

And so you moved away from the semi-center of the room and sat against the wall.

Netero stared you down, "Are you interested on playing?"

You smiled with faux apologeticness, "Sorry but I'd rather not exert myself for something that doesn't interest me. "

Killua nodded, "Then I guess I'll go first."

Gon moved to sit next to you, eagerly watching the scene in front of you two.

Killua walked in a circle around Netero, staring him down as copies of Killua formed.

Your eyes narrowed as you watched, you weren't really sure of your suspicions however the fact Killua knew Rythem Echo confirmed your suspicions.

Killua was in fact a Zoldyck.

Seeing how engrossed Gon was with the scene happening in front of you, you took the chance and silently left the room.

Too bad you didn't notice the quick glance Killua gave as he watched you leave.

You immediately set course for the shower room you'd seen before, entering the female one.

The place was empty, but steam filled the place meaning someone had just left.

You stepped up to one of the many mirrors, wiping at the steam as you tired to look at your reflection.

There wasn't much dust on your face as you expected, however your clothes were slightly dusted with dirt and grime.

You held your breath and analyzed your shoes, pressing your head against the wall in disappointment after you assessed the damage.

You'd definitely throw the shoes out as soon as possible but for now you'd just have to do your best to clean them.

The shower room had shower stalls filled with your average toiletries however you smirked at the sight of an expensive looking shampoo.
Too bad you didn't have a bag to steal it.

As far as you knew, there was no place to clean your clothes so the most you could do was beat the shit out of them to get the dust off after your shower.

And yes, you didn't really plan to shower but since you couldn't steal the shampoo then you'd just have to use it all up.

You locked the shower stall after you entered, staring in amusement at all the different types of shower supplies.
Who knew the Hunter Association would be so boojee.

Around 2 hours later of you happily emptying every single bottle in that shower, almost sliping due to the bubbles blocking your vision, you finally exited with a towel wrapped around you.

The sound of a shower continued even as you switched yours off, a nearby stall occupied.

You looked at your clothes you had hung nearby, and did as you said. You beat the shit out of your clothes, successfully getting most dust and grim off before changing back into it.

You walked barefeet over to a nearby supply closet inside the shower room before finding a bucket.

You filled it up and grabbed a couple cleaning supplies from both the closet and shower stall before making your way to a bench inside the shower room.

You placed your shoes next to you and similar to what you did with your clothes, you cleaned the shit out of the shoes.

Which... didn't work that much as it seemed you attempting to clean it without the 'proper' supplies then it would just just spread a stain.

However the stain wasn't as noticeable due to the color of your shoes and due to how long you had spent just cleaning the shoes, not including the time you spent showering, you hoped you didn't dirty the shoes soon.

You got up, packing away the supplies before making your way back to the mirror.

Your hair, although having been towel-dried, was still damp.

You looked around but it didn't seem like there would be anything to help you out.

That is till a voice broke your train of thought, scaring the hell out of you.

"There's a room next door with blow-dryers."

You stared through the mirror, watching a woman who had just exited a shower stall with a towel wrapped around her.

You recognized her, even without her having her tag on.

"You're number... 247 right?"

The woman, with turquoise eyes and sea green hair, smiled at you.
"Nice memory kid. I'm Ponzu."

You smiled, bowing your head slightly, "The names Yasumi. A pleasure."

Ponzu nodded, pointing to the left where there had in fact been a door.

You had thought it was another supply closet due to similar door colurs but that apparently wasn't the case.

You walked through the door, after putting your shoes on, and looked around.

The room was quite small but had a large mirror taking up most of the walls. A couple blow-dryers were hooked up to the wall and you cheered at the sight.

As you blow-dried your hair, your thoughts wondered to Ponzu.

You hadn't really payed any attention to her but she seemed perceptive.
You frowned slightly as you mentally questioned the buzzing come from her large hat. It sounded extremely similar to the buzzing of bees..

As soon as you finished your hair, you hurried out the shower room.

As you made your way back to Gon and Killua, your eyes caught the sight of a clock.
You gasped at the fact you spent 4 hours in the Shower room. Hopefully Gon and Killua didn't worry too much.

You made your way, sneaking back in to see Gon sitting against the wall panting heavily as he grinned at the sight of Killua's attempt to get the ball.

"Aw that was so close Killua! Try again then we swap."
Gon cheered.

You sweatdropped, did these two not even notice you missing? Whatever, it'd probably be a good thing. It'd be embarrassing to explain to a boy that you went to shower, especially with how sweaty Gon and Killua were.

You sat down next to Gon, who smiled as you sat down.
Guess they didn't notice after all.

Gon jumped up as Killua held his hand up to tag him in.

Killua sat down beside you and you noticed a nasty bruise on his leg. Too bad you couldn't ask how he got it.

"Hey, where'd you disappear off to?" Killua questioned.

You gulped, how many times have you jinxed yourself now?

You stretched out your legs, pointing at your shoes. "I cleaned my shoes the best I could and took a shower."

Killua nodded, which made you relived. Were you the only one embarrassed by saying that?

You looked at his leg, "How'd you get that bruise?"

Killua clicked his tougue, "That damn old man. His legs are made of iron."

You nodded, so he attempted to hit his leg but instead Killua was the one with the bruise.
You giggled at the thought.

Killua snapped out of focus from watching Gon, "What're you laughing at?"

You smirked, "You, duh. I find it funny how you guys actually think you can do anything against Netero."

Killua clenched his jaw, severe annoyance beginning to settle as he was forced to face the fact your words were true.

Killua jumped up to join Gon and essentially double team Netero.


Meanwhile, Pig-Tonpa was making his way through the corridors in search of his prey.
How laughable.

He opened multiple doors before finally stumbling upon the one he was looking for.

'𝘐 𝘣𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘢 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱, 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘯𝘦-' Tonpa's train of thought was interrupted by the sword pointed at his neck.

Akaki glared heavily at Tonpa, her hand steady as the tip of her sword dug into Tonpa's skin. "Get out or I'll separate your head from your body."

Tonpa jumped back, closing the door before running away.

Akaki sighed heavily as she stared at her sword, rubbing at her eyes as she mumbled softy. "Mannnn.. He just has to wake me up. Not to mention my pretty sword had to even touch that pig skin."

Akaki yawned loudly as she stepped over a few people who had moved into the room to sleep, they luckily hadn't received the same treatment as Tonpa, and Akaki settled back onto her blanket/pillow and fell back asleep.


Another hour passed as Gon and Killua attempted to take the ball from Netero and every single attempt failed.

Overall it was fun, for you at least and Gon who seemed high off the adrenaline with the exception being Killua who looked more irritated by the second.

It wasn't till Gon and Killua were inches away from the ball, having out-maneuvered Netero by Gon landing a nice hit against Netero's chin with his shoe and Killua landing a harsh kick against Netero's back.

Your senses heightened as Netero shot forward, reaching the ball before Gon and Killua and essentially knocking both of them back.

You stared mouth agape as Netero held the ball, he had just used Nen! Gon and Killua actually forced Netero into a position where he had to use Nen!

Netero twirled the ball on his finger, "I commend you for your efforts."

Gon grinned, looking at the burnt indent on the floor from where Netero used Nen.
"You're amazing Mr. Netero! Really amazing!"

You clapped, "Nice one Gon, Killua! You guys were really close this time."

Gon sent a grin your way, however Killua narrowed his eyes and got up.
"I'm done, I give up."

You stopped clapping, watching Killua cautiously.
He may have seemed calm but you could sense the pent up rage.

Gon, oblivious, questioned Killua. "Why? We still have time and we got really close this time."

"You have no clue do you?"
Killua grumbled.

Gon tilted his head.

Killua sighed, "That old man barely used his right hand and left leg. And we're still powerless against him."

Gon gasped, turning to look at Netero.

Netero tossed the ball on the air, "Oh you saw that? I thought I fooled you."

Gon nodded, "So that's what he was doing."

You watched as Killua opened the door, preparing to leave.
"You really piss me off old man. Come on Gon, Yasumi."

Gon smiled, "I'm gonna stay and play a bit more."

Killua marched right up to Gon, "Didn't you hear what I said?! "

Gon smiled, "I don't care about the ball anymore. I'm gonna make Mr. Netero use his right hand and left leg."

Killua had the most dumbfounded look on his face, making you laugh.

He turned to face you, "And you Yasumi?"

You smiled apologetically, "I'm gonna stay and watch Gon. Although I might come find you later."

Killua groaned, "Both of you are stupid. I'm gonna go get some sleep."

You waved at Killua as he left, before making a big show of stretching before getting up.

Gon turned to look at you, "Yasumi..?"

You chuckled, "I was actually planning on joining him. I just wanted to get a reaction out of him but he didn't even give a good one"
You pouted.

Gon's shoulders sagged, "Aww you're leaving?"

You patted his back as you passed him, "Sorry Gon. I'll be cheering for you though!"

You frowned as you looked at Netero, "And you. I hope you don't do anything bad to Gon."

Netero chuckled, "I don't know what you're talking about."

You shook your head, waving over your shoulder as you left the room.

You looked both ways down the corridor, unsure which way Killua went. Trusting your gut, you went right.

Too bad it wasn't the right direction, maybe if you went the left way... then you could've prevented this.

A couple minutes earlier would've been all it would've took but your eyes narrowed as you looked at the situation on front of you.

Killua had his back to you, his turtleneck hung over his shoulder which showed his back.

Blood coated the floors as two men laid dead in their own blood.

Killua had his hand etched in blood, his nails sharpened.

You frowned as you saw it, recognizing the assassin art.

Killua turned to face you, a dead expression on his face.
He simply stared at you, causing you to tilt your head.

You weren't sure why he was staring at you. Was he looking for a reaction out of you...?

You frowned, just by chance happening to look down.

You gasped, staring at the blood that you had accidentally stepped into. The blood coated the front of your shoes.

You pouted, your eyes tearing up. "Dammit! I just cleaned these!"

You looked up at Killua, "I blame you for this!" you pointed your hand at your shoes.

However Killua's expression caused you to blink, his expression was the definition of shock.

His eyes were widened as he stared at you, mouth agape.

You frowned, stepping over the two bodies and stood next to him. "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with you!? I just killed two guys and you're worried about your shoes!" Killua snapped.

You looked back at the two dead guys, "Am I supposed to pray for them? I feel like that's very rude since I don't know them."

Killua's eye twitched before he walked off. You scoffed as you followed him.

He muttered under his breath,
"That damn old man! He knows how to get under my skin."

You kept silent as you spent half of your attention on his mumbling and the other half on staring at your shoes.

Where the hell would you get bleach to clean the blood stains out? You huffed and seriously considered just throwing the shoes away but again, they were the only pair you had currently.

Killua's question broke you out of your thoughts, "Earlier, when I mentioned my parents being assassins... you said understandable. What did you mean by that?"

You hummed, "I ment it's understandable your parents were assassins for two reasons.
1) Assassins make good money, I mean seriously they make good money.
2)You being raised by assassins explains your demeanor."

Killua scoffed, "What do you mean by 'my demeanor' ?"

You shrugged, "It explains the way you act. You're always on guard first of all. You keep your footsteps silent, and that takes alot of skill. Not to mention all that specific deadly ambience from you."

Killua nodded, clicking his tougue.

You sighed, moving to sit on one of the benches. You pat the seat next to you for Killua to sit

Killua sat down next to you, moving to put back on his turtleneck.

You watched your reflection, staring yourself dead in the eye. "You shouldn't get so heated by Netero. What did you expect?"

Killua clenched his jaw, "I didn't expect him to be that strong. I thought I could take him."

You nodded, it was expected after all. Without Nen, there was no possible way to sense the deep end of Netero's power and especially with how well he hides it.

Killua quipped, "Netero recognized you earlier didn't he? When he invited us to play."

You nodded, "Yup. Like I said, my family works hand in hand with the Hunter Association. I never met him but I've been told I look like an exact replica of my grandmother. Uh, when she was younger at least. "

Killua frowned, "Then I guess we have that in common. Well except for me it's my father. And my father resembles my grandfather. Because of that, I've always been told I'd be just as great as him."

You looked at Killua's reflection, he stared down at his lap where his hands laid.
"Great as him meaning just as great of an assassin? "

Killua nodded. "It's infuriating how much they expect for me to actually obey them, like a dog would. Kill him, kill her, train until you pass out, no friends, no hobbies and did I say no friends?"

You chuckled, "It's funny... how opposite we are."

Killua turned to look at you, and you stopped staring at his reflection. "What do you mean?"

You brushed the stray stand of hair that hung in front of your eyes away, "You have all these expectations of you... and you can't handle it.
I wish I had those expectations."

There was silence for a couple of seconds before Killua hit you over the head, "You idiot! How much braincells did you lose when you left?!"

You pouted, "I did almost drown in the bubbles."

Killua just shook his head, reminding you of a overly disappointed parent.

You smiled as spoke, hand beginning to lightly scratch at your left arm, "I obviously don't mean the exact expectations you have. I would've attempted to kill my-or your parents had I been your situation."

Well in Killua's situation, at least you would've actually had parents or maybe you wouldn't have killed them.

Killua leaned back, "Then what did you mean?"

You looked outside the window, admiring the city lights. "Well, my grandmother has very important businesses, very important. They've been passed down my family for generations...and I'm the next heir. Only it doesn't feel like it.
I'm constantly let out of lessens, training sessions and important meetings by my grandmother. "

Killua groaned," That sounds like the dream. "

You chuckled," Not for me. I just feel like I'm letting down my family for not being expected to do anything. "

Killua nodded," I...sorta understand. There was a time when I looked up to my parents and older brother and looked for validation but... now I don't care."

You nodded, yawning loudly.
You didn't know why but listening to Killua talk was relaxing.

Killua got up, "C'mon. Let's go find a room to sleep in."

You followed him, feeling more drousy the more you walked. You felt a bit of remorse for the two guys Killua killed, well more remorse for whoever had to clean up all that blood.

Too bad you were too out of it, that as soon as you entered an empty room you had fallen asleep, to notice that Killua had covered you with a blanket and had stayed awake.

____________[fact/s num X]_____________

[Yasumi wanted to cheer for Gon and Killua during their challenge with Netero however felt it would be stereotypical due to her being a girl]

[Akaki dreamt of the second phase except everyone had to cook for her and instead of horrible food, they prepared gourmet dishes.]

[Authors Note]
Haven't lost my sanity yet.
Longest chapter yet.

Word Count =5390

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