Will sing for Beer.

By AngeliqueE30

5.1K 263 61

The Family Business Brewery has a new lineup for Friday nights, Will sing for beer Karaoke. Join Jensen Ackle... More

It's raining men!
You look good in my shirt (Keith Urban)
Closer ( Nine inch nails)
She's a Man-eater
Insensitive (Jann Arden)
Reviewmirror (Pearl Jam)
If I could turn back time.(Cher)
Tom's Diner( Suzanne Vega)
Wake me up before you go-go(Wham)
Smile (Charlie Chaplin)
All I want to do is make love to you ( by Heart)
Let her go (Passenger)
I will always love you ( by Dolly Parton)
In the name of Love ( U2)
Good ( Better than Ezra)
Riders on the storm (The Doors)
I can see clearly now ( Jimmy Cliff)
Home - The Foo Fighters
All our own- Radio Company
Deep in the heart of Texas-Perry Como
She will be loved (Maroon5)
I'll be there for you.( The Rembrandts)
Everybody ( BackStreet Boys)
Nobody does it better( Carly Simon)
Better Together ( Jack Johnson)
Since you've been gone( Kelly Clarkson
You are my Sunshine (Jasmine Thompson)
Brother (Needtobreathe)
Anyway you want me( Journey)
Stronger ( What doesn't kill you) Kelly Clarkson
He ain't heavy he's my Brother (The Hollies)
I put a spell on you (Hocus Pocus)
Thank U ( Alanis Morisette)
Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas ( Jensen Ackles and Jason Manns)
Second chance ( Me🤣)
Daughters (John Mayor)
Crowded Table ( The Highwomen)

Baby Shark do do do

144 9 2
By AngeliqueE30

The week had flown by with Jensen and Willow have little mini dates when they could. Now that they were on speaking terms, they were constantly sending each other messages. Just last night, they had dared each other in only replying with memes.

Willow had complained that it wasn't fair when Jensen replied with a Supernatural meme of himself. To appease her , he had started replying with ones of himself from The Boys.

They were currently sitting sitting at the Gynaecologist office, waiting for their appointment. The Doctor was running a half an hour late, due to an emergency delivery. Jensen was trying to be sympathetic to Willow, as she was constantly wiggling about complaining of her bladder about to burst.

"Oh for fuck sake." Willow moaned out, holding her belly." Not now please."

" What's wrong?"

"Baby is kicking and it's going straight to my bladder." Willow replied, blowing out a breathe.

"Can I feel?" Jensen asked, his hand hovering over her belly.

" Yeah, just don't put any pressure on me." Willow replied, moving her arm out of the way." How come you always ask?"

"One thing I distinctly remember of when Daneel was pregnant, was her moaning about how people just ignored personal space and just touched her without  permission."

"Ah yes. Even now with my small bump, customers are always touching. Reason I wear baggy clothes so that they can rather think I am just fat."

Jensen placed his hand on her belly, and could immediately feel movement underneath.

"Does it feel weird, you know from the inside?"

"Are you asking if it feels like I have an alien about to burst out my chest?"

"Well, no considering it's a baby in your belly and you aren't Sigourney Weaver in Aliens."

"Too bad. I always thought Ridley was kickass. "Get away from her you Bitch." Best line."

"When one was your favourite?"

"Second definitely! I liked the one with Winona Ryder as well, but Oof Hicks. Man, he was gorgeous. Always had a thing for a man in uniform. And Michael Biehn was just chefs kiss."

"Should I be jealous?"

"Nah, but you should be taking notes."

"Note taken. So just any uniform, or specific?"

" Well I ain't going to go gaga over the Postman's uniform, but yeah, Marines, Navy. I might have watched Top Gun and Navy Seals too many times as a kid."

"Navy Seals- another Biehn movie. So we're you a Maverick or Iceman fan?"

" Ooh that's dangerous to ask. It's like asking if I am team Edward or Jacob. Answer wrong and a fandom will pounce."

"Still haven't answered my question though."

"I'm team Edward and team Iceman. Though I am mainly team Madmartagan. Oh I loved Willow."

"You are my sun, my moon and it went away?"

"You know the lines. Knew there was hope for you."

"Good to hear. Need all the brownie points."

"Jensen, come one we said clean slate."

" Oh, I don't need brownie points for that, well I do, but . Okay, so how would you like to have dinner tonight?"

"It will have to be early. I have to be at the Brewery by 8 to set up. 8:15 at the latest."

"That shouldn't be a problem."

"So what is the problem?"

"It's with the Padelecki's. Well it's at the Padelecki's." Jensen replied nervously.

"And?" Willow asked, eyebrow raised.

"And Daneel and the kids will be there."

" Ah and there it is. Does Daneel know?"

"Yes, I chatted with her last Sunday."

"And what was her stance on this whole situation?"

"Well, she ripped me a new one. Called me irresponsible, reckless. And then asked if I am sure it's mine, am I sure if you are actually pregnant. Am I sure you didnt tamper with the condoms and fall pregnant on purpose."

"So not my biggest fan then."

"No, but I think she is also pissed cause we are pregnant, and she always wanted to have more and I said no."

"She's entitled to feel that way. Does she know I am coming?"

"So you will come?"

Willow nodded yes.

"That's perfect. I'll let Jared know. And yes, she does. I actually asked her if it was okay if I asked you."

"What time is dinner?"

"Jared said 6:30. That way the kids can still go to bed early"

"Well hopefully we will be out of here by then.I kinda want to have a nap before the show as well."

"Sure there will be time.Thanks by the way. I know it's a big step."

"Well I was going to have to meet them anyway. Do the kids know about the baby?"

"No, I haven't said anything yet."

"Okay, maybe not say anything yet? It might cause a lot of uncomfortable questions. Let them just get to know me first."

"Yeah, I thought that too. I'm going message Jared quick okay?"

Willow nodded yes, once again adjusting herself.

"I swear if they don't call me soon, we are going to be dealing with the next great flood."

"Willow Bark?" The Receptionist called out.

"Me! Oh Thank goodness. I'm coming." Willow said, standing up and walking fast to the doorway.

"Wait, what? Your surname is Bark?"

"Yes. It's pronounced Bark but spelt,B-a-r -q-u-e. And I've heard the jokes. From everything to do with trees to woof woof."

"Sorry, I'll try not bark up the wrong tree."

" Oh piss off."

"You want me to leaf you alone?" Jensen replied laughing." Man I thought my parents were crazy with Jensen, yours were just down right cruel."

"Oh yes, Mr Judgey. What are your kids names again?"

"And I've said before with parents names of Jensen and Daneel, our kids were never going to be a Mary or Jack."

"So don't make fun of my name okay, Justin Ankles?"

"Alright, promise. But I will have to tell Jared."

"Oh no please don't." Willow started but was interrupted by the doctor.

"Good Afternoon Miss Barque(Bark). How are you doing today?"

"About to pee my pants."

" Alright, let's get you on the table then. We can do weight and blood pressure afterwards." The Doctor answered and then turned to Jensen." Welcome and you are?"

"Jensen, nice to meet you."

" Same here. Can I assume you are the Baby Daddy?"

"Yes, Baby Daddy, reporting for duty."

"Right well, Dad, you can stand behind Willow. You will be able to see from there."

"Thank you."

Jensen patiently watched and waited as the Doc, got Willow situated and then did his thing on the computer and monitor. Finally the Doctor turned to them.

"Everything is going splendidly. Measurements are good for the gestation period. Baby is actually tall for it's age, but now seeing Daddy, I can see why. Would you like to see and hear baby now?"

"Yes please." Both Willow and Jensen replied. The next words vanishing as the room filled with a soft whooshing sound and then the fast paced dub dub of the baby's heartbeat. There on screen was their baby.

"Oh my Chuck!" Jensen exclaimed."That's our baby! Look Willow, that's our baby."

"Yeah, it is. Our Baby." Willow replied tearing up.

Jensen grabbed Willow's hand, bringing it to his mouth and giving it a kiss. "Thank you. That's our baby."

"So have you decided yet, about knowing the gender?" The Doctor asked.

Jensen looked to Willow.
"It's your choice"

"Are you able to tell?"

"Yes, I've made a note in the file."

"Maybe on our next visit?" Willow replied, the. Turned to Jensen, his eyes still glued to the monitor." Is that okay with you?"

"Huh, sorry. Look it's our baby. Sorry it just doesn't get old. Next time, is fine with me "

"I would have assumed you would have been used to scans. This is your third time around."

"Nah, not something you can get used to. But reacting better. I balled my eyes out, first time I could recognize JJ."


"Yeah ashamed to say, I couldn't see the baby on the monitor, not the sonogram photos. Daneel kept going on about here's the head and here's the feet and I was just like where. All I see are black and grey smudges."

"And can you see this baby now, or is that why you are staring at the screen, trying to find it?"

"No, I can see it. I can see it all, thank you very much" Jensen smiled.

"Okay, so I'm all done here. Willow, you want to go relieve yourself in the bathroom? When you get back, we can do your weigh and blood pressure." The Doctor said wiping the gel off of Willow's belly.

"Thank the heavens Doc. Be right back." Willow said getting off the table and then giving Jensen a kiss on the cheek.

Jensen watched as Willow left the room and then made eye contact with the Doctor.

" You saw it didn't you?" The Doctor asked.

"The thing that I am only supposed to see on the next visit?" Jensen replied back.

"Good luck in slipping up."

" I'm going to need to be careful. When is her next appointment?"

"I want to start seeing her every four weeks from now on."

"That's going to be a very long month."

Jensen had decided to nap with Willow, and had to admit to himself it was nice to wake up wrapped around someone snuggling into him. Willow had called it Big Spoon. It was just a little more complicated now. Willow didnt like to sleep on his left side of his chest, as his heart beat to loud for her and it was weird for him to be lying on the other side of the bed, aka the wrong side.

Willow was currently changing into her umpteenth outfit. Each previous one, either too tight, showed too much cleavage or wasn't enough to impress Daneel and the kids.

"Here, try this." Jensen said grabbing a hoodie out of his bag. He had packed a bag early incase he didn't have enough time to get back home.

"You know you are not getting that back?" Willow asked holding out the offered piece of clothing. It was a Rainbow Road special edition.

"Oh you mean like my one you wore at the Member only party? "

"That wasn't yours. Gino gave me that one."

"Let me guess from the office?"

"We had them made for the opening. Only the staff at the time had them. And considering I saw Gino wearing his."

"That beautiful bastard."

"Well, I will just call him bastard. You ready to go."

"No, but if we had to wait for that, we would never get there." Willow said making her way to the door.

"Its okay. Jared and Gen are looking forward to seeing you again. Gen wants to apologise for outing you."

"Shame no need. Shit I forgot to get flowers. And a bottle. I can't go empty handed."

"Dont worry. It's not necessary."

"Jensen, I can't. I need..."

"Okay calm down. We will pop in at the shop on the way okay? Now do you need to go the loo before we go?"

"I'm not a child you know. I can control my bladder." Willow snapped back, picking up her bag and walking away from the door.

"Where you going now?"

"Just going to the loo, in case."

'For fuck sake, Jensen thought.' Well life ain't going to be boring with Willow in it '

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