Thank U ( Alanis Morisette)

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" Argh, shit!" Jensen groaned, collapsing against the toilet seat rim.

Willow rubbed his back and offered him a glass of water to rinse.

"Bet you didn't think you would be spending our first Thanksgiving together huddled over a toilet." Jensen offered, taking water and rinsing.

"If you had asked me that last year, I would have laughed in your face. I didn't think I would ever see you again."

"And look at us? A kid, living together... you holding my hair back while I vomit. Well whats left of it."

"You know, this isn't our First Thanksgiving together? We spent the evening together last  year."

"Yeah,but that was just the evening, I mean the whole lunch and saying what we are thankful for."

"Well, all I remember is , that I was pretty thankful last year." Willow answered back smirking. Come on, let me help you up. I think the worst is over now."

"That's cause I think I brought up all my organs already. There's nothing left inside to vomit up."

Willow helped a weak Jensen, up from the floor and into the shower, where she helped him wash his hair and body.

"I think its time to shave." Jensen said softly.

"Okay, I'll get your razor out." Willow stepping out the shower and grabbing each one a towel.

"No I mean my hair."Jensen said, running his hand through his sparse fringe. His hair had begun to fall out last week and was now a patchy mess.

"You sure?"

"No. But its time."

"Want me to help, or do you want to do it yourself?"

"Can you help?"

" I would be honoured too." Willow said, helping Jensen to sit on the toilet seat."Wait here."

"No need to worry about that. Can't go anywhere." Jensen replied, his throat scratchy from vomiting.

It had been a hard three weeks since starting Chemo. At first Jensen had felt fine,, then day three hit and the toilet became his best friend. Battling to keep any food down, he had lost a lot of weight and as of last week, his hair had started falling out in clumps. Other than on video calls, he hadn't seen his kids in person, as he had to isolate. His great plans to have his mother stay with them and have Jared help take him to appointments, had come to nought, when halfway to Dallas, his Mom had phoned to say that he shouldn't come, as she had woken up snotty and was scared that she would infect him with something. And as for Jared, with the strike being over, he was hard at work trying to get as many episodes of Walker out before the Christmas break. 

It unfortunately all fall on Willow to take care of him and the baby. Jensen had tried to help as much as he could with Jay, but found himself either worshiping the porcelain king or falling asleep at the drop of a hat. One the one bright side, Jay was still enjoying tummy time,so was pretty much immobile.

"Look who woke up from his nap?" Willow stated , coming back into the bathroom, holding Jay.

"Hey Buddy, you in a better mood now that you've slept? Jensen asked and was answered with a babble of noise and bubbles.

"Here we, go, can you sit with Daddy, while I get everything ready?" Willow said, handing over the little one, who immediately went for Jensen's hair and griped his pudgy hand around a curl and pulled, only to come away with a lock.

"Wow! Maybe we should just him pull it all out?" Jensen joked, and then then grunted, as Jay pulled on a new piece that wasn't ready to fall out yet."Okay take it back."

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