(Scarian) enemy or lover??

By Dnawolf790

49.6K 1.2K 2.5K

Scar is the number one hero and which he is in college, he has a best friend named Grian who is the number on... More

6 TW-strong language
Author note and so sorry!
55 (;
I'm Sorry..


739 21 46
By Dnawolf790

 Grian's POV (still)

I woke up to clanking sounds coming from the kitchen, I slowly sit up and open my eyes. 

It's Sis

I get up and see what she's doing, "oh! Sorry, did I wake you?" Sis asked. "Yeah but it's fine, I have to go to school today anyway. Whatcha making?" I say seeing that she has two chopsticks, "nothing, I'm just eating the sushi you got me! Btw thank you, I love sushi" she said eating some.

"That's why I got it for you silly, did you sleep good?" I ask walking over to the fridge to get some juice, "yeah, you?" She said. "Yep, but I am still tired since it's literally 4:40 in the morning! How do you wake up so early?" I say. "Well, in prison we had to get up early for roll call, remember" Sis said taking a sip of orange juice, "oh yeah. So I'm going to go to Timmy's coffee shop, you wanna come to get some and get some fresh air? I know not many people are awake at this time." I said but within half a second she replied with yes.

It was now 5:05 and me and Sis flew to Timmy's shop since it's faster, Timmy knows Sis but Beth doesn't. To be honest I think they'd be best friends, we land safely and the good thing is, is that no one was there except Timmy and Beth of course.

We walk inside and Timmy smiled, "Hey Pearl!" He said running over. Beth then walked out their kitchen and came over to us, "who's your friend?" She said holding out a hand for Sis to shake, "that's my sister, Pearl!" I said happily.

"I knew you looked familiar, are you the one that escaped prison? If so, it's so good to meet you!" Beth said moving her hair out her face and smiling, "oh! Uh, yeah that's me" Sis said smiling, happy since Beth was cool with her.

"It's so good to see you again, how long have you been in prison?" Timmy asked

"9 years" Me and Sis said at the same time, "you remembered" Sis said giving me a pat on the head which I giggled to. "Well that's enough talking about prison, what may you want?" Timmy asked, "my usual, please" I say as Beth goes to the kitchen, "sure thing, and you?" Timmy said looking at Sis.

"Ummmm" she hummed and then whispered to me what a good option was, "I mean they do have hot chocola-" I got cut off from her saying she'd like a hot chocolate. Of course, I thought smiling as we walked over to a table, I got my coffee and Sis got hers 5 minutes later.

We thanked them and walked to where my balcony was and flew up to it, so we wouldn't have to go through the entrance of my school. We landed and open the door to the balcony and walked in, Pearl and Maui were on my bed almost asleep but when we came in, they got up and walked over to us.

It was now 5:59 and I had 1 hour and 30 minutes to pack for school, I decided since I have a long time I could text Scar and see if he's up. I pulled out my communicator and texted Scar.

Scar's POV 


I hear a beep from my communicator and tired get up and see who messaged me, I pick up and communicator and see Grian texted me. Weird? He's usually never awake at this time, or may be Pearl woke him up,  thought seeing what Grian said.


<Grian> are you awake?

<Scar> I am now, and what are you doing awake at this time?

<Grian> idk, I woke up early I guess

<Scar> oh okay, do you need something?

<Grian> not really but I'm really bored

<Scar> well how can I help?

<Grian> idk  -_-

<Scar> then why did you text me??

<Grian> because why not :]


I was just laughing at the text since I didn't know what to do, while we were texting each other I started to pack, it's 6:25 now and we had about an hour left till school starts. 

Me and Grian just kept texting random things, my face was red, and I just couldn't stop giggling at how silly we were being. 

40 minutes have passed and I texted Grian if he wanted to meet while walking to our classes, he said yes and I started to walk over to his dorm. I saw him walk out and he saw me walking towards him, "well hello, Mr. Goodtime" he said laughing as I grew red and giggled along with him.

"Hello, pesky bird" I smiled as he laughed again, we started walking to class and met with Cleo and Mumbo on the way there. We all talked and said our see you soon's. 

After school

After school, I went to my dorm and changed into Hotguy to see if something has happened. I get to the HQ and talked with Doc, nothings happened since Pearl's gotten out of prison. She wasn't doing anything so I wasn't that concerned about it, besides she's Grian's sister, Grian would probably get her out of something dangerous.

I walked out the HQ and looked up in the sky, I saw a pink and purple figure on a tree and slowly flew behind it. 

It was Watcher

He was sitting in a tree scoping out the place, was he looking for something? I thought as he turned around and saw me. He jumped from surprise and fell backwards, I quickly pulled him to me so he wouldn't fall.

"What the fu(k do you think you're doing?" He said as I gave him an annoyed face and placed him back in the tree. "I was just helping you, sorry" I said, he brushed himself off and looked at me. He puffed out his wings to make him look stronger, "I don't need your help, I have wings" he said sitting back in the tree. "Sorry" I said again, he looked at me again and had a weird expression.

"It's fine.. just don't do that" he said with a a little red on his face as he looked away. "O-okay" I said but before I said anything else he flew away leaving a feather, I picked it up. I flew back to my dorm and got a jar, I placed the feather in it and smiled. At first Watcher was quite rude but after a little he became a little softer, I liked that about him..


Hey pups! I hope you like it and hope you're having a good night or day! Thank you so much for reading my book, I love y'all!

Bye pups! 1108 words!

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