This Omega is Sweet and Wild

By naravitluvs

62.4K 2.7K 148

Short Title:TOSW Alternate Title:这个omega甜又野Status:Completed Author:Mò Lǐ Link: More

Novel Summary
Extraordinary One-Playing Games
University Life 1 Cohabitation
World Championships and variety shows
Variety Shows and Pretty Fools
What happened?
Retirement and marriage proposal
Fanwai nesting 1
Fanwai nesting 2
Fanwai nesting 3
The cub is coming 1
The cub is coming 2
The day of coach Li Cheng
Fanwai "Where are the cubs"
Fanwai "Where are the cubs" 2
Fanwai "Where are the cubs" 3


344 16 0
By naravitluvs

Almost subconsciously, Li Cheng jumped back vigilantly, and refused: "I'm not going to your house!"

Damn, lonely and widowed, the parents are not there, two high school students are in the bedroom... The plot is so familiar, he has seen it five, six, seven or eight times in the island action movie shared by Huang Yelun. +++Mobile reading visit

Li Cheng (touching Mo) (touching Mo) his face: ah, Chen Yuluoyan; (touching Mo) (touching Mo) his abdominal muscles: ah, closed moon shame. Xiao Yiheng invited himself to the door, it is difficult to guarantee not to covet his beauty (color), and do some content that is not allowed in the "Code of Conduct for High School Students".

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yiheng frowned slightly, and asked, "What words did I invite you to my house?"


"My parents are not there, and the housekeeping aunt does not go to work, so there is no way to deliver the big homework. You can wait for me downstairs at my house, and I will give it to you when I find the homework."

"Uh..." Li Cheng thought embarrassingly, dare to just let him wait downstairs, and didn't ask him to go upstairs to drink a glass of water.

Seeing Li Cheng couldn't speak, Xiao Yiheng chuckled and deliberately added fuel to the fire: "...or, you just want to enter my door like this?"

"..." If it wasn't for Li Cheng that he was still thinking about copying Xiao Yiheng's homework, otherwise Li Cheng would have already punched him.

"By the way, I have some personal matters to deal with in a while, and I can't go home immediately." Xiao Yiheng looked down at his watch, "Let's make an appointment at two o'clock in the afternoon. You will wait for me downstairs in my house."

Li Cheng thought he would get his homework soon, but he would have to wait a few hours.

"Yes." Li Cheng shrugged indifferently. "Then I'll find an Internet cafe to play for a while. See you at two in the afternoon."


The two agreed to meet, and walked out of the school gate of the attached middle school one after another.

Although the middle school is close to the high school, the surrounding area of ​​the middle school is much more prosperous than the high school. Hwaseong No. 1 Middle School is quiet, and even the school gate is open in a very hidden street, but the school gate of the affiliated middle school is next to a large commercial street, and the bus station extends in all directions. It is very convenient to go from here.

Li Cheng stood on the bus stop, sipping an iced coke, while sending a message to Huang Yelun, telling him to stop dating and get out and play games.

Lilicheng: How long has it been since a team fight? If the pigeons go down, I think our guild will be dissolved directly.

Swimming pool prodigal frog: Big brother, it's a thunderstorm when it disturbs people to fall in love. My school girl and I are watching a movie, and we will go shopping soon.

Lili Orange:...

Lili Orange: Damn, can the object have games and fun?

Pool prodigal frog: [shy]

Pool Prodigal Frog: There is only one way to play the game, but there are several ways to play the object.

Li Cheng's face (color) put the phone away in darkness, and the straw on the drink cup was bitten into an oblate shape.

Going to the Internet cafe to open the dark is interesting, but it is a bit lonely to be alone. He was walking around (touching Mo) to find someone to download the copy together, and suddenly his gaze stared at the familiar figure on the other side of the street.

I saw Xiao Yiheng walking out of the door of a flower shop with a bouquet of Yan (color) fresh (yanyan) in his arms, and then he walked around and hurriedly walked to a jewelry shop not far away.

Li Cheng felt strange, didn't Xiao Yiheng say that he would have a private matter to do later? Why are you buying flowers and jewelry again? What kind of private matter is this?

He couldn't help sending a message to Huang Yelun.

Lili Orange: Oh rhubarb, I have something to ask you.

Lili Orange: If an alpha buys flowers and jewellery, what is he going to do?

Pool Prodigal Frog: Brother, do you need to ask?

The prodigal pool frog: It's flowers and jewelry. This is obviously going on a date?

Lili Orange:...

Huo  , hu  , hu  .

Li Cheng crushed the ice in the drink glass.

He squatted gloomily behind the bushes and gloomily looked at the door of the jewelry store.

It's amazing, Xiao Yiheng, dare to be in love with your personal matter, which is to date wild flowers that don't know where it came from, right? For that wild flower, he dared to hang his dignified brother Li in the air for several hours. It really didn't follow the way!

The more Li Cheng thought about it, the more angry, apart from being angry, there was also an unspeakable sourness.

Five minutes later, Xiao Yiheng walked out of the jewelry store. In addition to the bouquet in his hand, he also had a beautifully packaged small box. He stood by the side of the road and waited for a while, and soon stopped a taxi.

Fifty meters away from him, Li Cheng threw away the empty drink cup and also waved to stop a car.

"Master driver," Li Cheng pulled the car door and got into the passenger seat, eyes full of (killing sha), "Did you see the Alpha with flowers and gifts in front? Follow his car. "

The driver master glanced at the omega boy sitting next to him and stepped on the accelerator skillfully.

Isn't it just catching (rape jian)? Small case.


Twenty minutes later, two taxis stopped on the side of the road at the same time. Li Cheng originally thought that Xiao Yiheng was going to a park, a movie theater, or a coffee shop. How could he have thought that the address given by Xiao Yiheng was an ordinary neighborhood.

This residential area looks quite new. There are many children chasing and playing in the community, and the family atmosphere is strong.

After getting off the car, Xiao Yiheng walked towards a residential building. Li Cheng followed him far behind, more doubts in his heart.

Although Li Cheng has never dated, he still has basic common sense. It is impossible for anyone to date to meet in the community.

Seeing Xiao Yiheng walking past a corner in front, Li Cheng wanted to catch up, but his pace was getting slower and slower until he finally stopped.

Damn, what is he doing? Sneakingly behind Xiao Yiheng, just to know who he is dating?

What is this about him? He and Xiao Yiheng are completely unrelated individuals. Why is he so concerned about Xiao Yiheng's relationship?

It seemed that there was an answer faintly hidden in the fog. Li Cheng wanted to find it, but didn't know where to reach out.

He was standing at the crossroad, and Xiao Yiheng had been lost before his eyes.

He hesitated for a while, and finally (强qiang) forced himself to turn around and return. Xiao Yiheng will date whoever he loves to date, brother Li doesn't care!

But as soon as his feet took two steps, the phone rang.

Li Cheng never expected that it would be a message from Xiao Yiheng.

Persevere: idiot, will you be lost after being so close?

Persevere: Turn right at the intersection and the second building.

Persevere: Forget it, you stand still and I will go back to find you.

Li Cheng: "..."

A string of footsteps sounded behind him.

Li Cheng looked back blankly, and saw Xiao Yiheng holding the flower in his arms, crossing the intersection with a helpless expression, and walking towards him quickly.

Seeing Alpha's getting closer and closer, Li Cheng licked the corners of her lips helplessly.

"How do you know I'm following you?"

Xiao Yiheng answered: "Because I am smarter than you."


Xiao Bawang's blond hair was brighter than the sun in the sky, and such a golden head followed Xiao Yiheng. Xiao Yiheng would be blind if he couldn't see him.

Xiao Yiheng didn't ask Li Cheng why he was following him, because with Li Cheng's righteousness (sexual xing), he asked for nothing. He would never tell the truth.

Anyway, Xiao Yiheng could guess.

Xiao Yiheng thought for a while, and handed the beautifully wrapped bouquet in front of Li Cheng. Li Cheng was startled and stammered: "Why do you (gan gan) send me flowers?"

Xiao Yiheng smiled but didn't smile: "Not for you, but for you to hold it."


"Since I'm going to be a guest, I can't bring no gifts. Just go empty-handed?" Xiao Yiheng pointed to the gift box in his other hand, "I am responsible for giving gifts, and you are responsible for giving flowers, so that I am not rude. "

Li Cheng was dizzy, what's the guest? What gift? So isn't Xiao Yiheng going on a date, but who is going to visit?

Before Li Cheng knew the (guan) relationship, Xiao Yiheng dragged him into a residential building. They took the elevator to the 8th floor and knocked on a door at the end of the corridor.

In the center of the security door hung a mini teddy bear wearing a blue (color) suit. There was also a paper box in front of the door with some wedding candy scattered in it.

This is a local custom. If any family gave birth to a baby, a symbolic (sexual xing) other toy should be hung on the door, and some wedding candy would be put on the door for neighbors to take at will.

So... the flowers that Xiao Yiheng bought and the gifts in his hands were all for a baby who was just born?

Before Li Cheng asked carefully, the door in front of him opened, and a strange smiling face appeared behind the door. It was a middle-aged woman with short hair, no makeup, and an alpha breath on her body.

"You are Xiao Xiao, right?" The middle-aged woman nodded to Xiao Yiheng, and then moved her gaze to Li Cheng next to her, "This is...?"

"He is Li Cheng, a sophomore in high school, and is also a student of Teacher Qiu." Xiao Yiheng pushed Li Cheng's side waist without a trace with his elbows, and motioned to him to send out the flowers in his hand, "Congratulations, Teacher Qiu is so happy Takako, let's visit her and baby together today."

After hearing this, Li Cheng finally understood.

It turned out that this was the home of art teacher Qiu Xian. She had just given birth to a baby and was still at home for confinement. The gifts Xiao Yiheng bought were all for her. Li Cheng looked down at the flower in his arms, and then realized that this was not a rose, but a blossoming red (color) carnation.

Qiu Xian's lover is Xu Jun, an architect. When Qiu Xian is on maternity leave, Xu Jun takes all the work home and can take good care of her.

Xu Jun took the two young people into the living room, and when Li Cheng could see that the living room was full of stuff, his mouth couldn't close in surprise.

I saw everywhere in my eyes, there were Yan (color) Xian (yan) pillows, blankets, and countless plush toys. The entire living room was filled with these soft things, and there was almost no footwork Ground.

"I made you laugh." Xu Jun said helplessly. "During her pregnancy, Qiu Xian (huai) had a very serious nesting behavior. She tried her best to collect these things. If it weren't for me to stop her, she would have been stuffed in the bedroom. full."

Li Cheng learned the nesting behavior of omegas in class, but this was the first time he saw another omega nesting with his own eyes.

...This is too exaggerated.

"Actually, this is not bad." Xu Jun explained, "Qiu Xian just likes to collect such soft things. She has an omega friend who likes to collect shiny things when building a nest. There are glassware everywhere in the house, even elementary school students. Never let go of the glass marbles."

The wedding photos of the couple hung on the wall of the living room. At first, Li Cheng thought it was a photo, but when she approached, she realized that it was an oil painting drawn stroke by stroke.

Li Cheng sighed: "Ms. Qiu's paintings are so good!"

"Thank you." Xu Jun smiled, "Actually, she is always not satisfied with this painting. She also said that if Xiao Yiheng is willing to paint portraits of people, we must ask him to paint one for our family of three."

"...What?" Li Cheng looked at Xiao Yiheng curiously. "You can paint?"

Xiao Yiheng said quietly: "Everyone knows how to paint. Art classes are available from elementary school."

Li Orange was almost surrounded by him.

It is true that every student will take art classes from elementary school, but a professional art teacher can praise Xiao Yiheng as an ordinary "can paint", right?

What else did Li Cheng want to ask? Just then, the bedroom door opened.

Teacher Qiu, who was wearing a parent's dress, walked out of the bedroom with the baby in her arms. Compared with (怀huai)'s pregnancy, she lost a lot of weight and her chin became sharper, but her air (color) was very good.

The baby has just finished eating (Milk Nai), and there are only three things in life for a baby less than one month old: eating, (sleeping Shui), pulling. He eats with a bulging belly, yawns, and exudes a burst of ( Milk Nai) incense.

Teacher Qiu handed the baby to Xu Jun's arms and asked her to pat the baby (Nai) hiccups, and she was responsible for entertaining the two children who came to visit her.

"Thank you for coming to see me." Teacher Qiu's beautiful eyes circled between them. "But how did you two get together?"

She has no idea how many important plots she missed during her maternity leave. After all, in her eyes, Xiao Yiheng is a senior student in the third year, and Li Cheng is a swimmer in the second year. The two should have nothing to do with each other. .

Before she left school, she entrusted Xiao Yiheng with the key to the art classroom. The intention was to let him have a place to paint after class. She could never guess what these two seemingly incompatible teenagers experienced together in the art classroom.

"Ah..." Li Cheng was embarrassed to say that he was followed by (touching Mo) (touching Mo), so he could only choose to say half the truth. "I was in the "National Physiological and Health Course" recently, and Xiao Yiheng is a teaching assistant. Saying that I want to see you, I came together."

Innocent Teacher Qiu believed it to be true, and went to the kitchen to cut fruit for both of them to eat.

"Li Cheng, I'm sorry to ask you to sit here for a while, or take a look at the baby with my lover. I have something to talk to Xiao Yiheng alone." Teacher Qiu said apologetically.

"No (guanguan) connection, no (guanguan) connection." Li Cheng said hurriedly, "I just stay alone."

But he is actually quite curious. Qiu Xian is an art teacher. What does she have to discuss with Xiao Yiheng alone?


Qiu Xian closed the study door and looked at Xiao Yiheng sitting on the sofa.

This time Xiao Yiheng came to visit, but she actually asked her to come. If she hadn't just given birth, she would definitely go to Xiao Yiheng for an interview.

"Teacher Qiu, are you looking for me this time, what's the matter?" Xiao Yiheng asked, "Is there anything that can't be said on the phone?"

Qiu Xian did not answer, but turned around and pulled out a letter of recommendation from the shelf and pushed it to Xiao Yiheng.

Xiao Yiheng looked down and saw the inscription of the recommendation letter, covered with a red (color) signature, which belonged to a famous oil painting master.

He was taken aback, and raised his eyes to look at Qiu Xian who was sitting opposite.

"Teacher Qiu, is this...?"

"Yiheng, I'm sorry I made my own claim." Qiu Xian said, "The work you gave me last time, I did not send it to the gallery for consignment, but sent it to my mentor." She ordered the bright red 'S signature, a little shy smile.

"I am ashamed. Although I am his student, I have not been able to accomplish something like a mentor in creative creation. In the end I only became an ordinary high school teacher. Fortunately I became a high school teacher, otherwise I would not I met you." Qiu Xian said happily, "After seeing your work, the teacher praised you very much. He said that you have an amazing talent in painting, and you are born with an excellent (color) color. Perception. Of course, because you only learn to paint for three years, compared with children who have been basic since childhood, there is less systematic (sexual xing) training, but without the (guan) system, these small flaws are fine. Make up the day after tomorrow."

Xiao Yizheng was there.

He did not speak, did not blink, did not even gasp.

But Qiu Xian knew that he must have heard her clearly.

"This is the letter of recommendation I asked my mentor to write for you." Qiu Xian stared at his eyes, speaking extremely slowly and with a very solemn tone, "Xiao Yiheng, would you like to apply for the Huaguo Academy of Fine Arts?"

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