Human In The Nevermore. (Wedn...

By DavidKutango

54.3K 1.1K 663

Hope this story, will make your life. More optimistic. Or something like that. Oh, and English is not my nati... More

Y/N. L/N. Kid With Diffrent Perspective.
Wednesday Addams
Visiting jericho, And Helping Wednesdays?
The dead come back to life.
Poe Cup
Outreach Day
Rave'N, and the Cave.
"You Reap What You Woe"
"Familly Weekend, in a question of strength"
"Quid Pro Woe: Prelude to the disaster."
"If You Don't Woe Me By Now"
"If You Don't Woe Me by Now: Lies, new information and doubt."
"If You Don't Woe Me By Now: Past."
"A Murder of Woes."
"A Murder of Woes: Chapter 2."
"A Murder of Woes: Aftermath, And a tearful decision."
"In search for fullfilment."
"A broken boy."
Question. (Not An Update.)
Upcoming series.

"Quid Pro Woe: First disagreements and scars."

1.2K 36 9
By DavidKutango

"Wait, he's our driver?" Enid asked.

"Uber driver?" Tyler confoundedly followed. "I thought we were going on a date.

"I thought it was a girls' night out."

"There's been a change of plan," Wednesday explained. "There's one more thing missing." As she uttered this Y/N entered the car as if nothing had ever happened, sitting down next to Enid with a silly smile. "Here he is. We can proceed."

"Nice scarf Enid. Did you make it yourself?" Complimented Y/N.

"Exactly." Enid seemed pleased with Y/N's praise.

Tyler just shook his head resignedly. "I'm not even asking why you're here."

Y/N turned his gaze to the front of the car. "I expected a more private meeting too..." With slight reproach, Y/N said while looking in the mirror seeing Wednesday's blank stare staring back at him.

Immediately Tyler started the engine no one but Wednesday knew exactly where they were headed. There was a feeling in the car that everyone was expecting something more like a one-on-one meeting instead of a group trip.


"Seriously, do you want to go in there, this place is creepy AF?" Tentatively, Enid asked seeing where they were about to enter.

Y/N looked around feeling the dark aura that the place had, and the gate that added to the atmosphere of the place. "It gives you the chills," Y/N commented.

"Exactly." Enid agreed.

"I know," Wednesday said as excitement appeared on her face.

"Okay, this isn't what I signed for," Tyler said.


Y/N shrugged his shoulders. "I feel a slight excitement." Y/N rubbed his hands together at the thought of breaking in. "I want to go in there."

Enid looked at him questioningly. "Really?!"


"I didn't want to celebrate my birthday by going to a dinner, or a surprise party," Wednesday explained, while She managed to open the padlock. "I want to do this."

"What about gifts?" Y/N asked seeing an opportunity.

"It depends."

"On what?


Resignation swept across Y/N's face, he clutched the box in his coat pocket. "Ring isn't very useful, right?"

"Then you should just say so. You didn't have to trick us." Tyler resonated.

Wednesday opened the gate. "If you want to go, you can. I'm going to check the garage."

No one turned back.

Entering the Gates property, one could sense the creepiness of the place. The night, unkempt shrubs and trees, no visible lights except the flashlights they wielded, and a faint haze gave that sense that this was a place you shouldn't enter.

After a short while, they reached the door. Wednesday tried to open it but to no avail.

"Let me try it." Tyler approached the door tugging on the handles with a lot of force, but that too was of no use. "This is pointless." he pointed out.

"Can I try?"

"If you fail, it's my turn," Y/N said to which no one objected, after all, they had to get there somehow.

Enid pulled the handle once and twice and... The door opened. Y/N whistled in surprise. "Wow, you're strong Enid," he commented.

Tyler was apparently surprised as well.

"Werewolf thing." Proudly stated Enid.

Tyler looked at Y/N wanting to know what he thought about it. Y/N shrugged his shoulders. "I would have opened it too."

Tyler smiled. "You sure would, Y/N. For sure."

"I would really open them!" Y/N tried to convince him." Tyler walked inside behind Enid and Wednesday. "Hey, Tyler I swear I would have opened them."

Y/N sighed and started heading for the entrance. However, before he could cross the threshold of the door, Wednesday stopped him. Y/N looked at her in surprise. "What is it?"

"You stay here. There must be someone to warn us as if someone has entered the property." Wednesday explained.

Y/N wanted to protest remembering what happened when he left Eugen alone. "What if something is there and attacks you."

"I can handle it. I'm not a damsel in distress." Wednesday looked into Y/N's eyes, clear she saw uncertainty and fear in them. "Can I trust you to do this, Y/N?"

Seeing her gaze that said I trust you, Y/N decided. "I-. Okay, I'll stay." Slightly resigned, though, he will confide in this task.

"I'm grateful." With that, she walked away leaving him alone.

Y/N slammed the previously opened door or rather the one Enid had ripped open. And sat down on the step. Waiting for a potential threat.


Meanwhile, Wednesday, Tyler and Enid surveyed the property. In the garage, seeing the car that hit the Mayor, and continued to head deeper into the house.

Wednesday entered a room that had a large portrait of the Gates family. "Here they are. The Gates family. They scrub up well for psychopaths." Wednesday directed the flashlight light at Garrett Gates. "There's Garrett, his outcast-hating father, Ansel, and you must be Laurel. They're all long gone. So the question is-"

Wednesday Enid and Tyler entered the next room. "Why did Goody lead me here?"

The room was covered in webs, and walls were stained, with dust not covering only mere corners. Time had done its job, what was once a certain beautiful and well-maintained building was now a shadow of itself. This room had many paintings covered in dust and cobwebs, and there were also antlers to be seen hanging on the wall.

And a small library with many books covered with the marks of time.

Wednesday was looking for something right there. Until finally.


The middle shelf slid open showing a portrait of none other than Joseph Crackstone.

"Who doesn't have a spooky built-in altar in their family's library?" Enid sarcastically asked. Not expecting an answer.

"Ours in the living room." Wednesday had replied. "More seating for year-long Dia do los Muertos."

Enid whimpered horrified, and Tyler was still surprised to hear Wednesday's family habits. This one just took a step forward entering the center of the small room. Lighting up the sign.

"BLOOD WILL RAIN" is written in red. Then the completion. "WHEN I RISE"

Just below the portrait was a certain book. With the inscription.

"Outcast, Hunters and their types."

Wednesday took this book and put it in her bag. However, she noticed something carefully on the candles she carefully looked at them. She touched one, then another. And then the realization hit her.

"They're still warm." That didn't help the already terrified Enid. "Tyler, you check the rest of the floor, and warn Y/N. Enid and I will search upstairs."

"We will?!"


"I'm bored! I'm bored! They're exploring and I have to sit there like some-" He didn't have time to finish when he suddenly heard the crunch of leaves cracking under the pressure of whatever was out there. Y/N's entire body tensed in anticipation of a potential threat, and he wasn't about to shine his flashlight to avoid giving away his position.

Suddenly, a loud cry of pain issued from Tyler's mouth. Without a moment's hesitation, Y/N turned toward the door and pushed it open. The breaking wood gave out a noise when Y/N pushed it the other way as it naturally opens. He didn't even realize that he had ripped it from the frame. His entire focus was on seeing what happened to Tyler and whether anything happened to Wednesday or Enid. He stopped his run when he found himself in the garage. He paused for a moment looking for something useful to use as a weapon. And there lay an ordinary pipe.

"Better than nothing." There was no time to look around for something else, not when their lives were in danger.


"The dumbwaiter. Go!" Wednesday ordered. Pushing Enid inside, the latter immediately followed her in.

The monster's throaty cries were heard by both girls as the monster headed up the stairs toward them. The loud thuds of the monster which were getting louder and louder for both girls did not indicate anything good. Finally, they saw it, a gruesome-looking creature.

Wednesday closed the door of the dumbwaiter. Right in front of the creature's face. They both retreated to the back of the elevator, wanting to get as far away from the threat as they could. At that moment, one thought crossed Wednesday's mind. "Did he stay there?" She alluded to Y/N. She didn't know if Tyler had managed to alert him, or if he had been the first one unfortunate enough to encounter the beast.

For a moment, it was as if the world went quiet. Only their accelerated breaths could be heard and maybe even their heartbeats. A brief moment of calm was what you could call it.

Wednesday turned her head toward Enid and saw her horror. It was then that she realized how dangerous the situation had become. She expected that something like this could happen, but when you experience it you see how bad it really is.


The monster banged on the door making a strong metallic sound. The dumbwaiter began to shake uncontrollably just showing the strength the monstrosity possessed. The situation for the two teenagers seemed hopeless.

The creature growled as Wednesday tried to use Enid's gift to gag the door.

Enid didn't want that to happen so she lightly approached her friend saying squeakily. "No, not your snood."


She managed to tie a scarf around the handles of the door, adding needed reinforcement to the door.


The three claws of the beast pierced the steel shield that separated them from him, now they could see the eyes of the beast that stared at them with a murderous gaze. Just when the situation seemed hopeless, the rope holding the elevator began to tear, although Wednesday saw this as something good, something that would help them get away from the monster.

The monster grabbed the door in an attempt to yank it open before they could fall.

The loud metallic sound of the dull pipe was heard by the girls. The monster's head was forced to the ground, and the monster's claws let go of the elevator door.

Wednesday watched with wide-open eyes as Y/N appeared before them. "Are you okay!? What happened to Tyler!?" Y/N asked in horror.

"Y/N behind you!" Out of nowhere, Wednesday let out a loud shout that caught the boy's attention. This was unusual for her. Y/N quickly turned around and saw the monster jumping toward him. Before she could react, the elevator suddenly dropped, leaving Y/N alone with the monster.

Y/N jumped away from the monster, causing it to smash its head through the steel door of the food elevator, hitting its head into the shaft. It let out an angry roar, pulling its head out of the elevator shaft. And meeting a blow to the face from the pipe from Y/N's direction.

His head shot backward from the impact of the blow. Y/N intended to take advantage of this situation. He ran up to the creature, hitting it in the stomach with all his strength. The creature stumbled backward hitting the furniture located there and completely destroying those objects.

The boy roused, with adrenaline flowing throughout his body, and was not going to stop. As long as he could he was going to batter the creature. "This is for Eugen, you goddamn ugly Wendigo!"

Another blow, this time to the ribs of the creature, which let out a loud howl. A sadistic smile dawned on Y/N's face. Feeling a strange satisfaction at the damage he was inflicting on the beast. His next target was the head again. He swung the pipe with all his might pointing it straight at the monster's face, feeling the energy filling it. He had never felt like this. The pipe was inches away from the monster's head.

"What?" Surprised, he uttered, his eyes wide open. The monster caught the pipe in its teeth and bite it in half. one part hit the ground, and the other was still in Y/N's hands. Y/N stumbled backward all the adrenaline that flowed through him a moment ago seemed to have disappeared, and the sadistic smile that was unnatural to him a moment ago was wiped from his face. However, he knew.

"I have to keep a cool head. Enid and Wednesday must escape, maybe Tyler survived. As long as they are alive, what I do matters. Even after I'm dead-" He couldn't maintain that certainty. His face was faded from emotion, yet inside he was screaming. "I don't want to die. I still want to see them, I want to see her."


Both girls plummeted to the very bottom of the mansion, exiting the elevator and realizing that they were in the basement of the Gates property. Both were surprised by what had just happened. Wednesday did not show it, but even she was slightly shocked by the situation. Enid, on the other hand, was as she always was. Full of expression without hiding any perceived emotions.

"Was it Y/N?!" Panic-stricken Enid asked.

"Yes," Wednesday replied simply, but there was uncertainty in her voice. Uncertainty about what might be going on there now, but one thing she knew. Y/N had sacrificed himself for them, and if that is the case, his sacrifice must not be in vain.

"Yes!? And that's it!?" Enid jumped at Wednesday in disbelief at her reaction. "That's all you have to say!"

Wednesday looked at her sharply causing Enid to back away slightly. "Panic won't do anything for you."

"How can you say that." Enid's voice began to crack.

"It doesn't mean he's going to die. For now, we must retreat, we don't have time for such arguments." She said this with conviction yet her face showed that she did not very much believe that Y/N could have survived the encounter with the monster. Or rather, it was the most likely thing that could happen.

Enid was full of regret, was she supposed to run away when her friend is up there with that beast? That's why she quietly and with a regret-filled voice uttered. "This is awful Wednesday, even for you."

Hearing her speak, Wednesday didn't know what to feel, she didn't feel good that was all she knew. She hated it when she didn't know something or didn't understand something. And these emotions that were coming over her were... They were like needles pricking her cold and hollow heart. But if she felt something like this, was her heart really empty? "The heart is an organ, not a core of emotions." She thought while trying to calm these surging emotions.

After a short while, she noticed what was in that particular basement. Evidence was all she could think about. Evidence that the monster exists and that she is in the right.

Strong thuds sounded above them as if someone was fighting there. Both girls decided to head for the window that would allow them to escape. The sudden sounds of fighting quieted down. Wednesday paused for a moment as if to analyze what might have happened there. However, it didn't take long before the heavily audible footsteps of the beast appeared on the stairs leading down. She knew the beast was approaching, which had to mean one thing... Y/N is probably dead. Their fight could not have lasted more than a few minutes, which was still an amazing feat considering that Y/N is only human.

The creature's growl could be heard behind the basement door. They had to run, they had no other choice... Otherwise, they would experience what Y/N suffered. The beast hit the wooden door, destroying some parts of it in the process. Enid screamed in terror, then got out of the basement. Wednesday hesitated.

So much evidence, and she was going to leave it?

The footsteps intensified, and the silhouette of the beast was visible as it descended the stairs.

"What are you doing!" Enid squealed in her friend's direction.

"Those are the body parts from the monster victims."

"Come on!" Enid uttered as the beast descended into the basement heading toward Wednesday.

The latter quickly climbed out the window with Enid's help.

"You okay?" Wednesday asked.

"Since when do you care?" Enid asked angrily, moving as far away from the basement as possible.

However, Wednesday did not do the same. She picked up her flashlight and pointed in the opposite direction to the exact center of the mansion.

"Wednesday the hell are you thinking!"? Shouted Enid.

"We have to go back for Y/N, and Tyler," Wednesday replied running.

Enid followed in disbelief. "The monster's there!"

Soon the girls found an injured Tyler breathing heavily on the ground with a large wound on his chest. "Enid hold this!" Wednesday passed the flashlight as she approached Tyler.

"That thing is still inside!" Enid fearfully put up.

"You're hurt. Can you walk?" as she said this out of nowhere Xavier appeared surprising every person there. "Where'd you come from?"

"Here!" Xavier handed his scarf to Tyler. "What happened to him? And where is that moron!" Xavier asked, pointing out the lack of Y/N here. The girls' faces darkened. "Answer me!" Xavier ordered sharply.

"He's inside! There with the monster!" Enid managed to utter without breaking down completely.

Complete uncertainty flooded Xavier. "Then what should we do, go there?" He asked.

Wednesday was quiet for a moment, until finally. "Enid, Xavier. Take Tyler, I'm going back for Y/N."

Enid approached surprised by what she had just heard. "What, alone?"

"I can manage... And besides, there's a chance that the monster isn't there anymore." Wednesday pronounced looking at Xavier. Who only rolled his eyes.


The moment after Wednesday and Enid fell into the basement.

Y/N managed to calm down slightly after the monster bit his only weapon in half. They stood facing each other, except for the stairs or other rooms Y/N had nowhere to escape. He scanned the room around seeing quite a large amount of furniture that could be used as a kind of weapon for him. He returned his gaze to the beast. Its gaze was piercing, you could see the bloodlust pouring out. Y/N did not know that it would ever come to such a situation, yet it did. Its razor-sharp claws rubbed against the floor, leaving visible marks.

Y/N took one deep breath in and out. Continuing to hold part of the pipe, he prepared for a potential monster attack.

Time has dragged on, at least from Y/N's perspective. All this did not last more than a dozen seconds when a monster came charging at Y/N who was on the highest alert. Holding only half a tube in his hand, he knew that his chances of survival were slim, of winning zero, but escape seemed the most viable option.

However, he could not escape now. He had to give time for Enid and Wednesday to escape, he knew he needed to hold out for at least a few minutes and then try to get out. At least that was the plan, and whether it can be executed is another story.

The beast charged at Y/N with incredible speed, but its stature and weight made it not the most agile. Thanks to this, Y/N dodged the deadly claw attack by leaping to the left of the monster, quickly striking the creature's right ribs with the remnant of the tube. Y/N had to immediately retreat to a relatively safe distance forced by the monster, which tried to grab him with its claws.

His heart beat faster, his breathing was accelerated again he could feel that adrenaline flowing through his body. "Fighting as if it was a boss at the hardest difficulty level, one blow, and I'm done for."

He was only able to think so much when the monster jumped on him again, Y/N again dodged attempting to take advantage of this situation and hit the monster where it would hurt him the hardest. But this time to no avail, the beast turned in time and swung its razor-sharp claws cutting through Y/N's forearm, tearing his coat and what followed led to a trickle of blood pouring out of his forearm.

"Fuck! He knew I wanted to attack him. Stupid me, after all, he's a human being too so surely he can think, Wednesday would have surely figured it out."

Again the monster didn't give Y/N time to think for long, when with a charge it managed to grab Y/N, nailing him to the wall and repeatedly hitting him with quite a lot of force against it. Y/N tried to get out by jerking around, kicking at every available spot and repeatedly hitting the monster's head with his fist. Until he finally hit the eye, the monster made a sound so shrill and cringing definitely from the unpleasant pain it was experiencing.

As the monster stumbled backward slightly, Y/N quickly looked around the hall seeing several chairs at the table, he took one and hit the monster in the stomach with all his strength, and the monster fell to one knee. A smile came over Y/N's face once again feeling like a winner, but he didn't know yet, or rather forgot. Y/N, quickly pulled out a flashlight blinding the monster's only functioning eye, giving it a chance to attack further.

Y/N rushed over to the monster hitting it with his fist on the chin with all his strength, the monster's head flew up slightly and then Y/N added another punch this time on the cheek and then hitting the nose. "A punch to the nose sucker." Y/N excitedly uttered, but then.

All the excitement was gone. He had never felt such pain in his life. His whole abdomen seemed to be ripped open, he looked down seeing the creature's claws sunk into him, Y/N looked at him with wide eyes, and the monster as if nothing ever happened stood up, lifting Y/N by the neck in the meantime pulling the claws out of his abdomen. Y/N could only feel his strength leaving him, his eyelids becoming heavier. The monster threw Y/N against the ground leaving him and heading down the stairs Y/N could only watch and dream that the girls were no longer there when the creature came down.

He lay on his back trying to move but couldn't, He couldn't even take off his coat to stop the bleeding. He felt powerless, it seemed to him that he had inflicted some damage on the monster, but as you can see, it was not enough.

"Why am I so weak?! How can I protect my loved ones? He promised Wednesday that I would be the one to remove these threats, but how much can an ordinary person do?"


Wednesday Pov

The chances that he survived are low, terribly low. However, if Tyler managed to survive then why not him? Additionally, if my theory is correct then the monster should not be here. The reason is simple Xavier. He appeared at quite a convenient time, if the monster is not here, it only makes him even more suspicious.

I entered the Gates mansion except for my own footsteps there was complete silence. Normally I prefer such a state, but if suddenly Y/N started to howl I wouldn't mind at least it would provide a confirmation that he was still alive.

Normal Pov

In deliberation Wednesday walked up the stairs. The stairs that led to the place where she last saw Y/N. Subconsciously she slowed down as she approached the top as if to slow down her disappointment if that's what she could call Y/N's death. "Death? Why does it matter so much to me if he's going to die someday anyway? It's not that-" She paused in her pondering as she climbed to the very top of the stairs, which amounted to.


Wednesday ran as fast as she could to Y/N, who was lying on his back, and knelt by his side. Quickly examining him and she could tell one thing. It didn't look very promising.

She first placed two fingers on Y/N's neck, checking for a pulse. And she could breathe a sigh of relief. There was a pulse, but terribly weak barely detectable. "How much did he lie like that?" she wondered, "how much damage had been done to him?" Then Wednesday brought her ear closer to Y/N's mouth feeling the faint breath escaping from his lips,

"Good." She said.

Only now did she realize going down his body with her eyes the cut on Y/N's right forearm from which blood was spurting faintly, subsequently. She couldn't hide her surprise at seeing his entire shirt soaked in blood and mainly his lower half.

She carefully lifted his shirt to see a sizable wound starting from the top of his abdomen and ending above his navel. "As if someone had stuck a knife into him there, right the creature's claws can serve as such a thing," she said. She noticed, however, that the wound was surprisingly not deep.

"It definitely broke through the skin layer of the abdomen, but it didn't even get close to the internal organs. I need to block the bleeding somehow."

His coat as if tightened tightly could more or less serve as a bleeding block. So she carefully removed the cloak from Y/N and tied it solidly around his abdomen. "You need to be taken away from here, sufficiently Tyler should be nearby with his car I'll take you there."

A groan issued from his mouth as he tried to lift Y/N off the ground. "Hold on. I'll bandage you up in a minute. They are waiting for us with a car you can handle it. I don't know if you can hear me, but if you die I will revive you and kill you again. So stay alive. You promised me after all." The only reason Wednesday wasn't going to take him to the hospital was that she didn't want Weems to find out and she was confident in her own surgical and medical capabilities. Seeing that Y/N's wounds are not that serious she decided to do so, which does not change that they threaten his life anyway.

His arm was around Wednesday's neck as a support for him. In this way, however, they had a hard time successfully getting out of the Gates mansion. To her surprise the car was waiting just outside the gate, Enid walked back and forth bewildered by the situation until she finally spotted Wednesday dragging along with a nearly unconscious Y/N.

"He's alive... He's alive!" Enid quickly ran up to the two offering her help again showing her incredible strength. And leading Y/N to the back of the car laying him down.

Tyler was driving. Next to him sat Xavier, Enid was in the back right next to the door, next to her Wednesday considering the not-so-great amount of space in the car, Wednesday put Y/N's head on her thighs, making them fit somehow. Still managing for Y/N to lay somewhat comfortably.

All the way through, no one said anything. The atmosphere was tense. Driving through the night they headed to Tyler's house.

Wednesday's gaze was only on the lying Y/N and more specifically on his face, she noticed the grimace on his face twisted in the pain he felt. "You are feeling a lot of pain right now. I don't know if I can relieve it, but you certainly won't die." Wednesday thought, As she gently caressed the stitches on his forehead.


Transylvania, Central Romania.

Castle is located in the mountains of Transylvania. This is where Nina was currently located. The castle was a sizable old-fashioned building with two towers on the sides, and around this castle beautiful scenery of lush forests covering the area all around. This one belonged to none other than her fiancé named Shein son of Dracula himself.

Nina and Shien were currently staying in their bedroom and more specifically on a large terrace with a balcony. They were seated at a small round table facing each other. Nina was telling Shein about her experiences of her brief return to the school where they studied and, of course, with news of how Y/N was doing over there.

"So how was it," Shein asked with a smile on his face.

Nina leaned against a chair slightly in reflection. "Well... It was just as I remembered, beautiful. The school has changed practically nothing." Nina began, to which Shien nodded allowing her to continue. "I even met Mrs. Addams."

"Wow. Really?"

"Yes. There was not that much going on, however, he was hiding something from me, I could feel it."

"Y/N?" A surprised Shein asked.

"Strange right? He always blows it straight, but this time he seemed more mysterious."

His earlier surprise faded, he took the blood glass and sipped. "Well, it's that kind of age... Girls, secrets, and sex."

"Repeat that and I'll hit you right now."

"What am I not right? Look at us..." Nina sent him the most deadly look she could, at which Shein raised his hands in the air. "'Fine! Fine! I'll stop. Now seriously, you have to give him freedom, he's a teenager let him be one, don't protect him so tightly."

"Is it wrong for me to want to protect him?" Nina asked skeptically.

Shein rolled his eyes. "The point is this. Let him take risks, and have fun. Let him experience the pain... That's how he will become a man, he needs adventure, not an overprotective sister."


"No buts. Relax, don't stress yourself for two unnecessarily." Shein got up from the table heading toward Nina, then knelt by her putting his hand on her stomach. "It won't do the baby any good and neither will it serve you." Shein affectionately said. To which Nina had no counter-arguments, with one slight sigh she gave in.

"I understand..." She quietly uttered.

Shien sent her a sincere smile while kissing her on the forehead. "I know you can do it... Oh, and by the way, when we meet my father and mother, don't talk about him, especially about his name and surname." Nina was surprised by this sudden proposal, however, she was not going to ask and simply nodded her head in agreement.

Shein was already about to leave the table and head for the exit with Nina when she suddenly said. "Y/N seems to have fallen in love with a goth girl."

This stunned him. "Y/N what?" he asked, not sure if he heard right.

"I also expected him to be more into some more lively girl."

A mocking smile dawned on Shein's face. "So it's like this. Hmm. What can I say the generation in which Y/N was born has some strange tendency to like this type of girl. But as they say, not the first and not the last."

"I'm about to really smack you. Y/N is not some playboy who changes girls like socks."

Shein shrugged his shoulders. "But he probably can. He has the assets to do it." Shein said gradually distancing himself from the threat Nina now posed to him. "I love you. Don't get mad."

Nina rolled her eyes at his statement. Slightly quenching her annoyance.

"But I'm just stating the facts. If this one doesn't, another one will." Shien quickly left the dining rooms, protecting himself from his fiancée's wrath.

"I didn't say I didn't like her. At least this kind of a girl will teach him what the world is really like." Nina stated tiredly slowly approaching king size bed that she and Shein were sleeping in. "I wasn't able to teach him this... Maybe she will."


A group of teenagers were currently staying at Tyler's house while his father was away. Wednesday quickly patted Tyler down and quickly shifted her attention to Y/N lying on the sofa breathing heavily.

Xavier walked over to the sofa standing next to a crouched Wednesday. He wanted to ask how bad it was with him but failed to do so seeing as Wednesday slowly untangled his coat that was around his waist and lifting his shirt showing the tear that was currently on Y/N's stomach.

Xavier's face twisted in an uneasy display seeing Y/N's wound. "Shit. That monster did this to him!?" He asked in shock. Enid hearing Xavier's reaction cautiously looked from behind Xavier seeing the same thing.

"My god..." Enid uttered in fright. "He will survive, won't he? Shouldn't we take him to a doctor?" she anxiously questioned. Xavier said nothing, and there was a look of guilt on Tyler's face, but no one noticed.

Finally, Wednesday spoke up. "It won't be a pleasant sight so it's better not to look," she stated, or rather warned, in the meantime putting gloves on her hands. Opening the first aid kit. "I'm serious... Don't look."

Everyone obeyed, Enid didn't dare, Xavier just waited, and Tyler fell into deep thought.

They only heard groans from Y/N's mouth from time to time, the kind that indicated he was in great pain. How long had it been? Fifteen minutes? Twenty? They didn't know themselves, they weren't counting. However, the unpleasant noises quieted down. "Tyler can you get me some T-shirts, fresh preferably." Tyler exchanged glances with Enid and Xavier before getting up and heading to his room.

Xavier finally turned and walked over to the still-lying Y/N. "Is he even conscious? I... Wow, amazing." Xavier uttered in amazement as he saw how Wednesday handled Y/N's wound. "Completely stitched up, that means his wound wasn't..." Xavier didn't finish.

"He didn't even come close to the organ, I removed the dead tissue and cleaned the wound and you know the rest. Regardless, I need to put a bandage around his waist."

"Still this is something extraordinary," he continued.

"It's not the first time I've done something like this," Wednesday informed walking over to the trash can and throwing away her bloody gloves.

Enid sat quietly the whole time with her knees hugged to her chest. Wednesday looked at her for a moment then at the lying Y/N. "He could have died, we could have died." Enid quietly muttered. Wednesday answered nothing but looked at the ground feeling guilty? Is she even capable of feeling that way?

Tyler entered the living room with a plain white T-shirt and handed it to Wednesday smiling slightly at which she nodded as if thanking him. She pulled the old and tattered T-shirt off Y/N's torso, and before putting on the new one she tied a bandage around his abdomen. Pausing slightly in her actions as she observed Y/N's physique. But quickly shrugging it off and putting Tyler's T-shirt on Y/N.

Everything calmed down finally they could breathe a sigh of relief feeling some greater sense of security. Wednesday wondered about it all. "It was worth it... There will always be victims, so this monster must be stopped at all costs... Although I don't do it for others and rather for myself, I like this feeling of horror and uncertainty, none of these things that people call good, I don't do out of my own good heart, it's just interesting that's why." Being in these meditations, she suddenly felt a grip on her right hand, she turned around seeing Y/N looked at her with open eyes. "How do you feel." That's all she was able to utter while trying to hide the astonishment that suddenly came over her. Her words drew the attention of the other three.

His eyelids were heavy, and great pain felt all over his body. However, he said anyway. "I will live." He gruffly replied, feeling the dryness in his mouth. He tried to lift himself slightly, however, his body was now in a state of such weakness that he had never felt.

"Don't try. You've lost a lot of blood, you won't have the strength to do it." Wednesday advised.

Enid ran as fast as she could to the sofa and with a worried face said. "What were you thinking? Attacking that monster yourself!"

"I had to." That's all he managed to say in his strained tone of voice. Even Enid caught on that there was no point in tormenting him now.

"It's good that you're alive. Ajax would have been devastated to learn that... " She paused in her speech. "Never mind."

Xavier then approached. "You're a moron you know? When I came into the room you were gone, I knew you were up to something, but that you were so stupid, no words. In fact, what the heck were you guys thinking?"

Wednesday ignored Xavier's sermons and walked over to Tyler, who was leaning against the chair, examining his wound once more. "I slightly underestimated your wound I'll look at it again."

Y/N turned his head to the left seeing to his delight a lively Tyler. "I'm glad you're alive Tyler."

This definitely caught him out of nowhere. However, a slight smile crossed his face. "You too. As you can see, we're both too tough for this monstrosity."

Y/N laughed slightly in pain. "True."

"Thanks, Doc," Tyler said while Wednesday patched up his wound.

"Not to make this about me, but I'm having a full-blown panic attack now," Enid announced to all. "We need to get back before Weems realizes we've been gone." And at the moment of saying this, the sheriff entered the house. Being purely puzzled by what was going on. The teenagers reacted the same way except for Wednesday.

"What the hell happened?" The sheriff asked in disbelief upon seeing his son's condition. "This was you, wasn't it?" He pointed accusingly at Wednesday. He approached her in an angry stride, but Tyler stopped him before he could get close enough.

"Wait, Dad, please. I'm okay." he tried to convince his father.

"Sheriff, I understand you're upset, but I think you need to see something."


"Do you understand how irresponsible this is, Y/N?"

"I understand. However..."


"It's not her fault, please don't punish her."

She sighed in disbelief. "I understand, you are trying to protect your friend. But I know very well that this was her idea."

Y/N bit his lip, mostly from the pain he was currently feeling, however, he hid it so well that even Principal Weems was unable to detect it. However, he was still going to visit the hospital but that wouldn't happen until tomorrow. " Still, I request the same thing further, please don't punish her too harshly," Pleaded Y/N.

Mrs. Weems, seeing his plea, decided to comply with his request. "Okay, she will not be punished too harshly, however, she will further receive a proper reprimand.

"Thank you. Ms. Weems." Y/N said, when suddenly his vision began to deteriorate, the world around him whirled. The pain in his stomach began to intensify.

Mrs. Weems noticed his discomfort. "Is something wrong?"

Y/N shook his head. "I'm not just slightly nauseous." he tried to convince himself.

"A little?" Mrs. Weems took a step down the stairs. "Then why are you clutching your stomach so much."

He didn't even realize it. He looked down and yes his hand was wrapped around his waist.

Mrs. Weems took another step down, uncertainty dawning on Y/N's face. "Lift up your shirt Y/N I want to see what you're hiding in there."

"It's nothing, really." Y/N tried to assure.

"It's not a request, it's an order." It was the first time he had heard such a tone from Ms. Weems' mouth. He knew he was in a dark spot. He probably had no choice. His hands descended toward the bottom of the shirt having them about to lift the shirt.

When suddenly.

"He accidentally got a kick on his testicles, hence the pain." Wednesday's voice rang out. "That's something Ms. Weems you're unlikely to check."

"Is that true Y/N?" She asked skeptically.

"Yes!" Y/N agreed. "It was very unpleasant..." Y/N said turning toward Wednesday with his eyes saying. "Really? Is that all you can think of?"

"Well, Y/N go, I have Mrs. Addams to speak with her." Y/N without a moment's hesitation bypassed Mrs. Weems heading up the stairs. "And you'd better go to the doctor tomorrow to get checked out..." With red cheeks, Y/N replied.

"Sure Mrs. Weems I will." And thus Y/N disappeared from sight.

"You directly violated my explicit order and left the campus during the blockade." Judicially began the principal. "Not to mention putting your peers and yourself in danger."

"Which is ground for expulsion, I know. And you have every right to exercise that option. I do believe it would be a grave error on your side."

Mrs. Weems scoffed. "I think contrition might be in order right now, Miss Addams. Not hubris."

"I'll never apologize for trying to uncover the truth."

Notifying Wednesday, she approached Ms. Weems showing her the page Rowan had shown her.

"What is this?"

"This is a warning from Rowan."

Mrs. Weems took the card in her hands examining it.

"Is this why he tried to kill you?

"His mother drew it before she died. But there's another one." Wednesday pulled out another one this time showing Y/N there, surprising the director even more. "She said it was my destiny to destroy the school. But I think I wanted to save it... I still don't know why Y/N is there, but I believe that knowing what he is like, he is destined for me. Now you know what is at stake. Everything you vowed to protect, no less. I think I deserve another chance... Please."

"One more infraction. One more step up of the line and you will be expelled. No ifs. No buts."

"Y/N, Enid and Xavier are spared as well-"

"And no more negotiation. Good night!"


Wednesday headed to her room not expecting what was about to happen. Opening the door, she saw Enid angrily packing her sports bag.

"Where are you going?" She asked Wednesday.

"Yoko's room. Thornhill said I could crash there for a few nights." Wednesday's first time hearing Enid with such an indifferent tone only showed her how serious Enid was.

"There's no need. I spoke with Weems. You, Y/N, and Xavier won't be punished."

"Am I supposed to thank you?" This time the sarcasm left her wolfish lips, again reassuring Wednesday that she was serious.

"I already apologized. It's over."

At the same moment as the thunder sounded, Enid turned toward Wednesday. "Over? Tonight was the icing on the birthday cake you couldn't even be bothered to cut!" Angrily put up Enid. "You'll use anyone to get what you want, even if it means putting them in danger! We could have died! Y/N almost died! Because of your stupid obsession!"

"But we didn't. And now I'm one more step closer to solving this case. That is what is important." The gothic girl tried to reason.

Enid used all her self-control not to explode at her. "I tried. It's really, really, really hard to be your friend. I always tried. I thought about your feelings. I told people. I know she gives the impression of being a serial killer, but she's just shy."

"I never asked you to do that."

"You didn't have to!" Enid yelled. "Because that's what friends do! They don't have to be asked, look what Y/N has endured just for you, you didn't ask him, he just helped because he cares about you! The fact that you don't know that says everything. Do you want to be alone, Wednesday? Be alone!

Enid slammed the door as she left, leaving Wednesday by herself.

She slowly approached the round window that separated the room of the two teenage girls. Wednesday leaned against it, hugging his knees to her chest. curling up in this position.

"Goody warned that I was destined to be alone. Maybe it's inevitable. But for the first time in my life, it doesn't feel good. There's also something else. A gnawing feeling. That death is close at hand. Watching me. But I won't be intimated. And I will never give up. That house. That family. Crackstone. The monster. Somehow me, and Y/N. We all seem to be connected like a spider's web. And when Mayor Walker got too close to the truth, he was silenced. But I won't be. So whoever is watching me? Know this."

I will find you.


It's really painful, just standing seems like torture. And the hundreds or thousands of single drops of water that hit my body doesn't help. Still, you have to wash yourself, even if you don't want to.

Taking a moment to wash myself thoroughly, I slowly stepped out of the shower, wiping my water-wet hair with a towel. Standing right in front of the mirror, which was all covered in steam... I didn't use that much hot water, or did I? Without thinking about it further I wiped the mirror clean of steam revealing myself in the reflection. I looked like I was dying, bags under my eyes, no major emotion on my face, just tiredness. In the reflection, I noticed my stomach and this wound. Wednesday really is amazing she took really good care of it. However, I can't be too sure tomorrow morning I will have to go to the hospital... And I can confidently say, it looks pretty badass. I will definitely have a big scar after some time.

This monster. It didn't kill me, it didn't manage to kill me. Nothing happened, Y/N. It's not over, no matter how many times I lose, fall, or get hurt. I'll get up and kick that monster's ass... This loss means nothing I will get up and kick that thing's ass, if Wednesday is the brain, I'll be the muscle... I just need to become stronger... Surely there is a way for a normie to achieve this...

The End.

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