The House...

By Ironmanunmasked232

307 14 75

(This book has lots of gore, viewer descretion advised) 2 teenagers venture into their neighbor's house, onl... More

High School...
The Neighbor's House
The Investigation
Everything gets closer to being solved
Otto's plan
New plan
The station and the files
Locating Dylan
One Day
In the dark
In the hiding spots
Despair... at it's worst...
It is...
The House... on the street (Epilouge)

Trapped Inside

19 1 6
By Ironmanunmasked232

"I have an idea" Luna says. "We go to the neighbor and ask him to let us free."

"Are you crazy" I say. "We don't know if the neighbor good or bad."

"I'm sure the neighbor would let us go, silly" Luna says.

"The problem is we don't know" I say. "We don't know if the neighbor will let us go."

"Oh, you think of terrible things sometimes don't you?" Luna asks.

"People say that's a flaw of mine" I say.

"Well, it is" Luna says.

"Listen, I think it's a bad idea" I say.

"We should at least give it a try" Luna says.

"Fine..." I say.

"Then let's go find the neighbor" Luna says.

We then walk upstairs and try to find the neighbors. "Hello?" Luna says. I gulp, afraid of what could happen.

There are loud footsteps which suddenly stop. Luna and I then stop. The neighbor's loud footsteps suddenly get louder and louder. Suddenly, a black figure walks towards them, but does not look at them and is about to go away but stops.

The black figure turns its head towards Luna and I. We stopped in our tracks.

"U-um... h-hi..." Luna says. "We are your neighbors... and we accidentally got trapped inside...". "So c-could y-you let us out?"

There is silence. More and more silence. None of the three say anything.

The black figure stares at them. He walks towards a cupboard and opens one of the doors. He takes something out of it. The black figure then walks towards them and stops again. In his hand, is an axe, but the axe is covered in blood. The figure pauses giving us time to see the axe and soak in what's about to happen.

The black figure then runs straight at them, the axe tight in the figure's hand. Jumping into action, I pushed Luna forward and ran for my life. We ran down the stairs as the black figure, followed closely behind.

The black figure swings the axe at us. I felt the axe getting closer and closer behind. And then, I run into a corner as the black figure runs after me. I nod at Luna and told her to run. She then runs off. As the figure is about to get to us, I realize that what is about to happen could end my life. The black figure swings his axe at me and dodge out of the way. The axe then breaks a bench in his house.

I run as fast as I can, determined to survive, whatever it takes. I run upstairs and hide under the neighbor's bed. The black figure rushes upstairs, but is unable to find me. But, then I remember Luna. And... the door's still locked. I need to make sure she's still alive. W-what? Why am I questioning if she's alive? O-of c-course she's alive! She has to be!

I crawl out from under the bed and head out to find Luna.

At the Zavala house

"Listen, please listen Kirk, your behavior at the Brady's house is not okay. And you must never do that again, is that a promise?" Mia says.

Kirk says "You're right, I shouldn't be that upset. It's a promise."


At the Brady house

Sophia is listening to music in her room. Amelia knocks on her door. She cannot hear it. Amelia knocks more loud. She still cannot hear it. "Sophie, I'm gonna come in okay?"

There is no reply.

Amelia opens the door. Sophia looks up and takes off her headphones.

"You could have knocked you know" Sophia says.

"I did."



"Listen, I know you've been upset over your brother going missing, but the police will find him."

"Will they though?"

"Of course".

"Listen, I know, he's probably dead."

"He's not dead".

"Why do you think that?"

"Because I know things. Listen, I know it's hard-"

"Mom, you really need to face the facts. You can't be all in this hope, because when the news breaks out that he's dead, you're going to be very depressed. And as your daughter, I don't want to see my mom depressed."

"What has gotten into you?"

"The truth"

"Oh Sophie... I know he's alive and the police will find him...".

"What makes you think that?"

"Sophie, we have gone over this once today already".

"Mom, you don't understand my pain because you just can't face the facts like me".

"So the sadness will hit you like a truck".

Back at the House

"I hope Dylan's still alive..." Luna says. "Oh... why am I even questioning that? Of course he's alive... right?". "Oh... I am worried... now I wish I just stayed home... instead of being dragged into this mess...".

"If only I did...". Luna, not knowing lays back on a switch, causing it to activate. Luna turns around and a door opens. A cautious Luna, steps inside and gasps in horror.

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