The Multiverse Tales: Revolut...

By CruderPlace13

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This is the story of many universes and the journeys of heroes and antiheroes all trying to do their best. Th... More

Cutting Threads: Resewed Edition!
CT: Prologue
CT: Chapter 1 "Comin' In Hot"
CT Chapter 2 "Searching for Glory"
CT: Chapter 3 "Run It Back"
CT: Chapter 4 "Jet Pack Blues"
CT: Chapter 5 "Monomania"
CT: Chapter 6 "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing"
CT: Chapter 7 "Paid My Dues"
CT: Chapter 8 "Castle"
CT: Chapter 9 "What's Up Danger"
CT: Chapter 10 "Afraid of Myself"
CT: Chapter 11 "Life Will Change"
CT: Chapter 12 "Palace In the Sky"
CT: Chapter 13 "Get. Back. Up."
CT: Chapter 14 "Enjoy the Show"
CT: Chapter 15 "Monster Inside"
CT: Chapter 16 "Burn It Down"
CT: Chapter 17 "One Single Second"
CT: Chapter 19 "Wrong Side of Heaven"
CT: Chapter 20 "Mad World"
CT: Chapter 21 "Remember This"
CT: Chapter 22 "Never Be Alone"
Straight to the Punchline: Gold Edition!
SP: Prologue
SP: Chapter 1 "Inhuman"
SP: Chapter 2 "Young Volcanoes"
SP: Chapter 3 "Devour"
SP: Chapter 4 "Fallen Angel"
SP: Chapter 5 "Bleeding Out"
SP: Chapter 6 "Hero of Our Time"
SP: Chapter 7 "Suffice"
SP: Chapter 8 "Sixteen Tons"
SP: Chapter 9 "Nothing Like the Rest"
SP: Chapter 10 "Green Lights"
SP: Chapter 11 "Face It"
SP: Chapter 12 "Always Come Back"
SP: Chapter 13 "Last Night of Your Life"
SP: Chapter 14 "Across the Line"
Quick Question. Might delete soon. maybe idk

CT: Chapter 18 "Catch Me if You Can"

54 4 0
By CruderPlace13

Ryuko suddenly pops up in bed with a yell. "SENKETSU!!" C jumps half a foot from the sudden outburst as he was reading something on his phone that is now across the room.

"Damn! That took at least an hour off my life!" He composes himself and brings his phone towards him with gravity. "What happened yesterday Ryuko?"

"It was Nui Harime disguised as Nagita."

"Damn. I never got a good read on her soul when I fought her. That's just sloppy on my part. That's a mistake I won't be repeating." Ryuko notices the state she's in, only her bra and underwear.

"When you found me out there, was I like this?" C nods.

"I'm glad I got there when I did. A pretty girl like yourself damn near naked in such a rough neighborhood spells out disaster." Ryuko points her scissor blade in his face making him go crosseyed to look at it.

"Now ain't the time for stupid jokes!" Her voice waivers for a second. "I... I lost Senketsu."

"When I got there he was in pieces. Didn't have time to gather them up before being jumped by her and those damn clones."

"I was too weak to stop her, and I couldn't summon his power, and now he's gone." Suddenly Senketsu's voice speaks out.

"No, I'm not gone." Ryuko gasps and pushes the tip of her blade against the bridge of C's nose.

"Your dumbass impersonations ain't helping things!" C holds up his hands in surrender.

"Woah! I didn't say anything!" Senketsu's voice speaks out again.

"Ryuko, put the blade down. I'm right here on the table." She places the blade down and looks to her right seeing Senketsu's eye on the table. She quickly picks him up with a smile on her face.

"Senketsu! Thank God! You're alive!"

"I'm alive because you held onto me so tightly."

"This is all that's left? Where'd the rest of you go? Your sleeves, your shoulders, your skirt?!"

"Sorry to say, Ryuko, but that's all that was left by the time I found you after I dealt with Nui."

"Dealt with Nui? Did you-"

"I didn't kill her. She got away, but quite frankly I didn't care at the moment. I was more worried about making sure you were okay. She was close to killing you before I got there." Ryuko looks away from him and back towards Senketsu.

"I know where the rest of my body is. It was divided up among the students on the raid trip."

"The rest of you's in Kansai, huh?"

"Yes, and it was all Satsuki Kiryuin's doing."

"Damn her ass! Always screwing with me!" C stands up and stretches.

"Kansai. That sounds like a good excuse to take the bike." Ryuko gets up and opens the dresser finding a dark red tracksuit and quickly throwing it on. She then puts on socks and shoes before tying Senketsu's eye around her neck like a scarf. She then grabs a pair of yellow sunglasses and puts them on as C pushes his hair back and places his riding goggles on. Shiketsu speaks as they both step close to the bike.

"Senketsu, how are your pieces divided?"

"Evenly among the forces attacking each school." C crosses his arms and places a hand to his chin.

"That means they're groups in three different places. We'll cover more ground if one of us each gets one, and then we meet up at the last destination." He pulls out his phone and looks at the list. "We've got Osaka, Kobe, and Kyoto. No telling who's running which crew, but it won't matter unless the Elite in charge has a piece. I say you take Kyoto, I'll take Kobe, and we meet at Osaka." Ryuko nods.

"Sounds like a plan. Wait, how are you going to get to Kobe?" C gives Ryuko a "really" look before disappearing. "Oh, yeah." She races down the road and sees C teleporting ahead of her before they both turn in separate directions.

C laughs as he teleports high into the air and activates Shiketsu. They swing from the light poles before shifting into Arashi and flying close to the ground. He notices the lack of cars on the road, but simply shrugs it off and flies faster.

Ryuko rides the Triumph Bonneville with no effort or anything getting in the way. "Where the hell are all the cars?"

"Satsuki Kiryuin had the roads shut down."


"Her family's control cannot be understated, Ryuko."

"I hear that. Oh well, that just means I can go as fast as I want!" She pushes the throttle even more and goes even faster.

C hovers over Kobe and sees Gamagoori leading the charge against an actual tank. C crosses his arms as the tank fires at Gamagoori only to have the shell reflected by a rulebook and blow up Kobe's last line of defense. C spots the patches of Senketsu on Gamagoori's front line. "One school's down. Better swoop in now while Gamagoori reveals in his victory. Shiketsu, Arashi Hari please."

"Understood." Her gloves sprout claws, and they both blast down towards Gamagoori's troops. He slices the patches off each of them and slides to a stop to place the pieces in duffle bag he snatched off of one of Gamagoori's soldiers. He dumps the other contents out and checks over Gamagoori's troops to make sure he got every piece.


"Don't mind me, just getting Senketsu back for Ryuko!" C and Shiketsu blast off leaving an enraged Gamagoori behind.

Meanwhile Ryuko and Senketsu are closing in on Kyoto. "Ryuko, C and Shiketsu were successful in Kobe."

"All right, sounds like we need to catch up then!" They continue on until they reach a school being bombarded with music and sound waves. "Great, we got stuck with Jakuzure. Let's get this over with."

"Just remember to not forget a single piece." Ryuko nods, and they both race through the crumbling school while still on the bike. She jumps into the air and with a yell spins around while swinging her weapon. She slices at all of Jakuzure's troops with the black patches on their arms before landing on her bike and catching all the pieces that are in the air. She stops and places the pieces into her metal case where she keeps her Scissor blade as Jakuzure yells.

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Relax. I don't have time for you." She gets back on the bike and drives off leaving a furious Jakuzure behind.

"She can't talk to me like that!"

C continues his flight path until suddenly feeling a rise in temperature. He stops and lands on the highway below him. "C? What's wrong?"

"I feel something." He waits for a moment before hearing a motorcycle engine from his left. He turns just in time to see a bike slide to a stop on front of him. The person on the bike turns to look at him with a smirk.

"Miss me?"

"Has anyone ever missed you, old man?" Noth laughs at that before reaching over on his left side and pulling up a black suitcase five feet long and two and a half feet wide. He tosses it to C who catches it. "The hell is this?"

"Saw some of the schematics you uploaded into the server, and thought it'd be fun to make. I also figured you'd want the finished product."

"Wait, I'm still connected to the main server?"

"It's hardwired into all of our phones. Not the point. Open the damn thing."

C opens the case and his eyes widen in shock.

Ryuko pulls into Osaka just in time to see Ohma knock out a group of Sanageyama's troops. She slides to a stop near him and Mako pops out from behind him. "Ryuko!"

"Oh look, Scissor, is here."

"The hell you doing here?"

"I go wherever I want, and I just saved your little friend here." He points his thumb over his shoulder at Mako.

"What's your deal, one second your trying to kill C the next your saving his friend?"

"I didn't save her because she's his friend. I saved her because I'm not a heartless bastard. Speaking of C, where is he?" One of Sanageyama's men jumps towards Ohma, but is cut by an object flying past. The troop falls to the ground with his uniform diced as C slides to a stop with a patch of Senketsu in his teeth with two blades in his hands. He places them together and reveals them to be scissor blades that mirror Ryuko's with the only difference being color. C's blades are silver with black handles while Ryuko's is a solid red. Ohma crosses his arms and scoffs. "I didn't need your help." C spits the patch out and holds it in his left hand.

"Help? The hell you talking about? I was after this. You're the last person I ever need to help." He walks past Ohma and as he does Ohma disappears into the shadows taking Mako with him.

"You don't think he'll hurt her?"

"She's in good hands. He's not a bad person."

"If you say so, but I've got another question."


"What the hell are those?!" She points to the blades and C looks them over.

"Noth stopped me on my way here and gave 'em to me. Said he tweaked your father's design a bit. I'll explain later, but first." C takes off his bag and holds up with clothes he has to Ryuko and she opens the case on her back. The pieces all come together once she places Senketsu's eye in with the scraps.

"I'm only missing one last piece."

"Awesome. How are you doing though?"

"Doing rather well, actually, but you've changed a lot."

"What do you mean?"

"The only part of me giving you power right now is this scarf you fashioned, and yet you've destroyed every Goku uniform that had a piece of me sewn onto it. You're even stronger now than you were before."

"Really? How'd I get stronger?"

"You've put your mind to something and that damn stubbornness of yours won't let you fail. It's kinda inspiring." Ryuko blushes lightly, but it's hidden by the fire that's spread across Osaka.

"Okay. One to go. You know where it is, Senketsu?"

"Yes, I do. However..."


"The person who has the final piece is Satsuki Kiryuin."

"Ugh. Satsuki? Whatever. I don't care if she's got it. I'm gonna get you back to normal."

"But in my current condition, Life Fiber Synchronization is impossible." C coughs loudly making them both look at him.

"Don't go forgetting about us now. A chance for me to go blade to blade with Satsuki Kiryuin sounds exciting as hell. I'll get you that piece back no problem." C smirks and Ryuko smiles.

"Alright so what's the plan?" Shiketsu rolls her eyes

"Plan? As if either of you could ever stick to one." C spins his blades and laughs.

"Well you got us there. I say we find her, and I'll do what I gotta while you keep the fodder and Elites off me." Ryuko nods.

"Sounds good to me. Don't suppose you'd know where to find her?" A distant explosion catches both their attention. "Nevermind. I think she just called us over." C turns and starts walking as Ryuko hops back on the bike.

"I'll go make a good impression. Don't choke on my dust Ryuko." With that he starts sprinting, and Ryuko smirks. She pushes the kickstand up and follows him. As C's running he sees a ginger on the ground in front of Satsuki, who is pointing her scabbard at him. He doesn't wait to see what's happening before jumping up and pulling a blade back. Satsuki turns and raises her scabbard just in time to block his swing. They hold the clash for a moment before C jumps back kicking the ginger guy back with him. He turns and sees the guy is stuck in the remnants of some sort of machine before slicing the metal off of him in one swing.

"Yo. Thanks Playa. The Takarada syndicate won't forget this." Satsuki glares at C while the Elite Four all stand behind her in their new three star Goku uniforms.

"What's the meaning of this, C?"

"Ya know, I was thinking about asking you the same thing when I found Senketsu missing." C places his blades on his shoulders while glaring at Satsuki as Ryuko ramps over some rubble and slides to stop next to C.

"All your doing is impeding progress, if Matoi lost her Kamui to Nui then she wasn't fit to wear it." C clicks his tongue in annoyance.

"The only one not fit to wear a Kamui here is you. I don't give a damn what you're here for, but take a look around. This place is half a step away from hell itself!"

"Have you both come all this way to scold me." C gives a single chuckle.

"Someone's gotta, cause it seems your parents never did."

"You're wasting your time and mine. This town sealed its fate when it defied me." Ryuko points her blade at Satsuki.

"Well, we're here to change that fate! Give Senketsu back to me now!" Satsuki holds up her left hand showing the Seki Tekko.

"You mean this? Try and take it, if you can." Ryuko growls, but C pushes her blade down with one of his.

"I'll take that challenge." C spreads his legs out a bit and raises both blades up while letting out a deep breath.

"Sanageyama, find that fool for interrogation."

"At once." Sanageyama nods and rushes in the direction where Takarada took off. C doesn't turn around, but he addresses Ryuko.

"Don't jump in unless they attack first." Ryuko nods and takes a step back.

"Got it." Gamagoori starts approaching Satsuki but is stopped by her words.

"None of you are to interfere." He steps back.


"Well, do you think you can take it from me?"

"Are volcano rabbits cute?" Satsuki is confused for a moment, but quickly focuses when C's blade crashes into hers. She slices back, but both her attacks are blocked by one of C's blades. She holds a blade lock with him for a moment before reaching up and activating Junketsu.

"A lioness uses all her strength when hunting rabbits. Life Fiber Override Kamui Junketsu!" Her Kamui transforms, but her left hand is glowing pink. "I won't hold back, C."

"Bring it." She swings her blade at him quick enough to be a blur, but C blocks it. She continues to swing in multiple different angles, but she is met by C's right blade everytime. He throws the left one away making it spin through the air while he continues to block her assault. She pushes him back a bit, and he smirks. "That gloves giving you a decent boost isn't it? That's a little unfair if you ask me."

"Don't whine."

"I don't whine. I complain loudly and annoyingly. Okay maybe I do whine."

"Take this seriously!" She slices at C, but stops her attack to turn and block his spinning blade he threw earlier. The blade is thrown upwards, so C jumps up and catches it before bringing both down at once. Satsuki blocks the attack, and the ground around her craters. C slices at her, but she blocks it and is sent sliding back. They both stare each other down when suddenly a storm of needles flies at them both. They both dodge them and look in the direction they're coming from. Tsumugu, the red mohawk guy is rushing towards them firing while small mechs appear behind him.

"Get out of here Matoi!" Ryuko tilts her head in confusion as the man gets back to back with her as the mechs all stand by them.

"What's up you had a change of heart or something?"

"Didn't have a choice, your pal Mikisugi asked me to give you some back up."

"First you attack me, now you're helpin' me? What the hell?"

"My organization has one goal, to resist becoming slaves to Kiryuin's Life Fibers." Mikisugi suddenly lands beside the both of them.

"That is the objective of Nudist Beach."

"Wait. You guys are for real?!"

"I wish I could've kept on playing your scruffy teacher, but as you can see, that's no longer possible." Satsuki's voice then booms out.

"Naked fools! We've uncovered you at last." The Elite Four all step up to Ryuko, Tsumugu, and Mikisugi with Gamagoori speaking first.

"And that was the true intention of the Tri-city schools raid trip, to smoke out the rebels lurking behind the Kansai academies. Lady Satsuki has always known about you, and you played right into her hands, Aikiro Mikisugi!"

"No way. You guys saw through my disguise? I'm impressed." Inumuta then speaks next.

"Yes, well, that's Lady Satsuki for you. Her plans always work. Although this time, the plan was mine." Jakuzure then speaks.

"For a second there, we were worried you wouldn't show and we wouldn't get to try our new Goku uniforms out on you." Sanageyama then speaks.

"Come on, you'd think we'd let a bunch of jokers with a name like Nudist Beach screw up our plans? Now you get to meet my Blade Regalia Mark Three." With that the Elite Four transform their uniforms at the same time revealing them.


"SHACKLE REGALIA MARK TWO!" Gamagoori's new uniform takes inspiration from Egyptian culture with a mummy-like armor.

"SYMPHONY REGALIA MARK TWO!" Jakuzure's new uniform is a much smaller flying uniform for maneuverability and speed.

"PROBE REGALIA MARK TWO!" Inumuta's new uniform has a completely digital look giving him the look of teleporting around.

"BLADE REGALIA MARK THREE!" Sanageyama's new uniform is much smaller and has no openings in his armor. The Elites all speak in unison once again.

"HONNOUJI ELITE FOUR UPGRADED REGALIA!! FOUR GENERALS BATTLE TRIM!" The Elite Four and all of Nudist Beach's troops start fighting as C blinks in confusion.

"The fuck is going on?!" Shiketsu's voice catches his attention.

"Focus on the fight!" C turns just in time to see Satsuki slice right across his side. Blood flies into the air as he rolls backwards for distance.

"Cheap shot."

"I'll do what I must to win." She slices at him again but is met with both blades blocking her's. C then turns the blades around disarming both of them.

"So will I!" He swings a punch at Satsuki, but she barely ducks it and suddenly C is stabbed by Junketsu's eyes. She pulls the eyes back in and kicks him in the gut with her heel making him roll back. He laughs as the blood from the stab wounds spills into his hands. "Well, you're a lot quicker than I thought you'd be."

"You're holding back. Am I not worth your full effort?"

"Oh it has nothing to do with that."


"I'm just distracting you." Ryuko suddenly comes sliding in with a transformed Senketsu, but her left hand is boiling from the energy coursing through it. Satsuki snatches up Bakuzan and points it at Ryuko. C heals his wounds and grabs both his blades before jumping out the way and onto a tall piece of rubble nearby to watch their fight.

"So the swaggering fool returns! Do you want to die?!"

"No, I'M TRYING TO SURVIVE!!" Their blades slide past each other before locking up and Ryuko places her boiling hand against the Seki Tekko on Satsuki's. The energy in her hand resonates with the Life Fibers in the glove before suddenly making an explosion that launches them both back. Satsuki looks at her hand and sees the glove is gone as Ryuko holds up her hand and clenches it into a fist.

"That's more like it! Kamui Senketsu is back together again!" Satsuki points her blade at Ryuko.

"You're all flash and no substance. That is why you will never be strong enough to best me!"

"Don't be so sure about that." Satsuki tries to slice Ryuko, but she dodges every attempt and closes the distance before sliding behind Satsuki and slicing. Satsuki places her blade behind her to block at the last second and the two push away from each other for distance.

"You have gotten stronger."

"Thanks for noticin'." Ryuko rushes in with a yell and a swing, but Satsuki dodges it. They both clash multiple times neither getting an advantage over the other.

"The only fixation you have is your rage! Have you forgotten when you gave in to it and went berserk? Have you forgotten your desire to avenge your father's death?"

"I haven't forgotten, but I'm done wallowing over it! And I'm never gonna make a mistake like that again! From now on, I'm gonna use the rage in me to fight for the things that really matter, like getting my friend back and protecting all my friends, ALL THE PEOPLE IN MY LIFE THAT MATTER TO ME!!"


"OH YEAH?! YOU WANNA TALK AMBITION?! TAKE A LOOK AROUND!!" Ryuko slices harder breaking their clash. She gestures to the burning ruins all around them. "IS THIS HELL YOUR AMBITION?! DO HOU HAVE TO DESTROY EVERYTHING JUST TO GET WHAT YOU WANT?! HUH?! If this is how you use the power of the Life Fibers, then me and Senketsu are gonna stop you once and for all!" She slices at Satsuki creating another blade lock.

"Then you'll need more than empty words and false pretenses!" Satsuki breaks the clash and pushes Ryuko back, disarming her, but she doesn't let it stop her.

"Senketsu Senjin!" The skirt on Senketsu morphs to buzzsaw, but the blades break on impact with Junketsu. Ryuko jumps back and blocks Bakuzan with the claws on her hands. A dust cloud is kicked up, and Ryuko blasts out of it. "Senketsu Shippu!" Jakuzure flies up to Satsuki, but C gets in her way.

"This fight is one on one! You don't like it, take it up with me!" She fires a couple soundwaves at him, but he cuts the air disrupting them. She grits her teeth, but smirks as Gamagoori wraps C in a whip and pulls him away from her. C's arms are stuck to his sides as Jakuzure flies over to Satsuki and let's her hop on. "Shiketsu Hari!" Shiketsu transforms and cuts through the binds letting C get to his feet in front of Gamagoori. Shiketsu reverts out of Hari as C glares at his opponent. "Get out the way."

"My resolve is unshakable, C! If you want me to move then move me!" They have a stare down, and as C raises his blades, a series of explosions go off on the massive metal tower that stands in the center of Osaka makes the tower start leaning. C turns and spots a pink light falling down, Ryuko. He ignores Gamagoori, drops his blades, and rushes forward, teleporting multiple times until he catches the unconscious Ryuko. He fires a line from his sleeve and swings them both away, but the metal beam the line is attached to slips free making them roll across the ground. C keeps Ryuko from touching the ground until they come to stop. Her eyes fly open with a gasp and she sits up on C's stomach. Senketsu looks at Ryuko.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I guess." Shiketsu narrows her eyes at Ryuko

"Please get off of us." Ryuko turns and sees the position they're in before jumping up with a slight blush. She then reaches down and helps pull C to his feet.

"Let me see if I can find your blade." She gives C a nod, and he jumps away. He spots the blade, but Gamagoori is standing with his foot on it and C's blades behind him. "Move, Gamagoori."

"Make me." C grits his teeth and rushes forward with a swing. Gamagoori catches the swing and tries to counter with one of his own, but C catches it, leaving them in a grapple lock.

Ryuko rushes Satsuki with her left arm morphed into a blade. Satsuki growls as she rushes in too. "What a waste of effort, using your Kamui as a blade! It can't pierce Junketsu!" They clash and Ryuko growls back.

"I know it can't! That's not the plan!" Bakuzan cuts into the blade and blood spurts out directly into Satsuki's eyes, blinding her. Ryuko then hits her across the face with a right hook that sends her to the ground while disarming her. Ryuko grabs Bakuzan and points it at Satsuki.


"Nice job Senketsu."

"I put all the blood I sucked into the blade. It was risky, but I'm glad it worked."

"How do ya like that? I doubt this will have any trouble cutting through your Junketsu." Ryuko smirks at Satsuki, but is caught off guard when one of Junketsu's eyes shoots forward and presses a sharp point against her neck. She leans back slightly while still holding tightly to the sword in her hand.

"Yes. However, I know how to use Junketsu to pierce your Kamui."

"Good. Then we both go down together." Ryuko looks over and sees Mikisugi fighting Sanageyama, Tsumugu fighting Inumuta, and C locked in place against Gamagoori. "Tell your guys to back off. Do that, and I'll put the sword down."

"Do that, and you miss your chance at avenging your father."

"I won't sacrifice the lives of others to do that."

"You'd trade my life for the people of this city? My life is not so cheap as that." Gamagoori looks over at the both of them as he and C continue to push against one another.

"Please Lady Satsuki, stand down. Yours is a noble objective! Don't fall here because you're too stubborn to yield!" Ryuko smirks at that.

"See? Even he thinks I'm right." Satsuki relents and retracts Junketsu's eye before addressing her troops.

"ALL BRIGADES, YOU'RE TO STAND DOWN! RETURN TO HONNOUJI ACADEMY!" The fighting stops immediately with both groups walking away from the other. C scoops up all three blades as he walks past Gamagoori to Ryuko.

"Missing something?" He holds up Ryuko's scissor blade, and she takes it.

"Thanks." She turns her attention to Satsuki. "Kiryuin, you might've figured out how to do all kinds of stuff with your Junketsu. But even so, you're alone." C places his blades on his shoulders with a smirk on his face.

"And I suppose you are not?"

"Nope. Senketsu and me, we're two in one." C's smirk disappears with that line and is replaced by disappointment.

"A symbiotic relationship with Life Fibers? That is a fairy tale."

"It ain't."

"Regardless, as a token of good faith, I'll leave Bakuzan with you." Satsuki turns to walk away, but Ryuko throws it at her back.

"Don't need it." Satsuki catches the blade and glares at Ryuko.

"You fool!"

"You seriously think I don't trust you? The Satsuki Kiryuin I know isn't the type to go back on her word just 'cause she got her sword back." Satsuki smiles and hums at that before continuing her walk. C and Ryuko share a look before he looks forward and tilts his head.

"MOVE!!" He grabs Ryuko and jumps just in time to avoid an explosion coming from beneath them. Jakuzure comes out the ground and lands bedside Satsuki.

"That's that. I destroyed the Nudist Beach base as per your orders, Lady Satsuki."

"Well done. At last, we have delivered the deathblow to the fools who dared oppose us. And with that, the objective of our raid trip has been accomplished. There is no need to rescind my order to return home now." Satsuki gets on a helicopter and stares down at C and Ryuko. "I compliment you on your noble effort, Ryuko Matoi. But the next time we meet will be our last! The tide in this war is about to turn! And as clueless as you are, you can never hope to win!" Ryuko growls and raises a fist towards Satsuki as all of the troops follow behind her helicopter as it leaves.

"Oh, you think I like not knowing what's going on?! If you bastards had any balls, you'd straight up tell me what I'd want to know! YOU CATERPILLAR EYEBROWED BITCH!!" C is caught off guard by the last part and laughs.

"Damn." After they leave, Mikisugi and Tsumugu both step up onto a small ledge above a river. Mikisugi sighs while looking over the destruction.

"What a mess."

"At least we're not dead, and we sure as hell ain't quiting."

"Damn right. Way to go, Ryuko. You fought Kiryuin to a draw. Nice job. Come with me."

"Woah. Hang on. Where are we going?"

"You heard Kiryuin, she's taking things to the next level. So there's no point in keeping secrets any more. It's time I told you, and you alone, everything." Ryuko leans back at that one as C crosses his arms.

"What do you mean her alone?"

"Your aren't coming. I don't trust you." Ryuko crosses her arms at that.

"Then I ain't going neither! He's fought alongside me this whole time! I'm not leaving him behind!"

"You should go." Ryuko turns and looks at C.

"If they have info that can help you, you should take it. I know you're strong enough to take care of yourself, and I'll be waiting for you back at the apartment."

"You don't think Satsuki will try to attack you when you're alone?"

"I'm not alone, I'll have Shiketsu." Ryuko nods at that before grabbing his hand.

" safe."

"You too." With that C disappears and Ryuko turns to Mikisugi.

"Why don't you trust him?"

"He's not who you think he is."

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