One-Way Ticket | Jeon Jungkook

By JiniousJin

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Upon moving from the US to Korea, with almost nothing but a one way ticket, to pursue her dream of acting and... More



124 4 121
By JiniousJin

Before we start this chapter, I'd like to mention that I have very little experience with law (please ignore if anything is incorrect or has been modified to fit the narrative, I am trying my best)

Enjoy the last chapter, it's quite long.

One day left until the trial. I was counting the hours, minutes, seconds. All leading to that paramount moment of either resolution or failure.
I watched the clock above the professor's projector screen slowly tick away, so painfully slow. My pen tapped impatiently against my notebook, until it at last hit the mark of twelve o'clock. The bell rang and I let out a breath. Around me everyone was packing up their bags, whisking away to get their lunch before the dreadful course of classes continued. As I gathered my stuff I felt their eyes on me, curious perhaps, scared? The news of my prosecution against Dae-hyun had of course made it to the press, how could it not? It was deemed one of the most anticipated events of the year by the media and Twitter. I found it hilarious to be truthful. Finally, I wasn't the only one getting stares; people also stayed within a fair distance of Dae-hyun. He was teetering towards a sentence after all, and a pretty serious one too. The police had gotten to him after my statement and after filing a report, he'd been bailed out of course. By his dad and his riches. Even after all this he still showed up at school, determined to not let it get to him, after all he was innocent in his eyes. He had nothing to fear and nothing to prove. I bit my tongue every time I passed by him, and he glanced at my fading blue bruise. I couldn't quite read his expression, but I knew it sent involuntary chills down my spine.

Jungkook stood right behind me through it all. And because Jungkook did, so did HYBE. It was the only thing keeping me upright and sane. I wasn't alone this time. I had hands behind me to steady me and to catch me if I fell.

Young-soo strolled towards me, grasping the straps of his backpack, and smiling at me through his glasses, his eyes always disappearing into moons. This was the class that we shared.
"You ready?" He asked, implying heading to our lunch table. I shoved my last notebook down my backpack as I spoke.
"You know what, just go ahead. I'm going to go to the restroom really quick, I'll be there in a minute." I said and he left with an all right. Bidding the professor goodbye, I made my way towards the woman's restroom down the long halls of my school. It was a beautiful school; I had always admired the architecture that went behind the arches and sleek interior. Most people were already in the canteen or down the street to eat it seemed, as the halls were empty. It was quiet and only my steps echoed emptily into the hall.
I turned a corner and suddenly bumped into someone, on impact both of us letting out a surprised sound. Staggering back, I glanced up to see who the mystery person was.

"Y/n." Dae-hyun said, sounding both surprised and relieved. My smile quickly faded and was instead replaced by a sour expression. I tried to quicken my pace to evade him, but he gripped my shoulder and hauled me back. I was only trying to make it to the restroom, and I couldn't even be let alone then. I was so fucking tired of the whole universe.
"Hey, don't go," Dae-hyun huffed and squeezed my shoulder, staring down at me.
"Let go of me." I grunted and shook his hand off. I glared at him and squared my jaw. "Don't make me scream." And he had to audacity to groan and pinch the bridge of his nose. I wasn't a fucking kid, and I wouldn't be lectured like one.
"Fuck, just listen to me for once." He groaned exasperatedly. I crossed my arms huffed a laugh.
"Why? I have listened plenty, I don't want to hear it."
"Because," he sighed irritated and gritted his teeth, "Because I'm giving you the chance to cancel this whole thing."
"And why would I do that? You don't get to act like you're the victim here." I scoffed and shook my head in disbelief.
"Because I care about you. You're still my friend." He said softly, but his eyes were cold and distant. He didn't mean a single word, instead preying on my vulnerability. And I had to admit, for a moment it did hurt. He was my friend and I used to think he cared about me. Moreover, it was mocking, and I felt like the stupidest person on earth for trusting him. I sunk the lump in my throat, concealing my devastated frown and raised my chin.
"Oh please, don't try any of that now. It's disgusting." I hissed, the tears stinging harshly behind my eyes, but I kept them at bay. I couldn't cry in front of him.
"No, Y/n it's not." He growled, his demeanor changing the moment he knew I wasn't moving. "Don't forget. You were the one to hit me first. You are the assaulter here. How do you think that's going to make you look, huh? A violent woman, that's what!"
"So what?!" I shrieked and laughed in his face, it was high pitched and mocking in a way that made me feel unfamiliar with myself. Maybe I really had become crazy these past months, as some people liked to claim. I was so far out. "I don't fucking care how it's going to make me look. I want to see your career ruined, just as you ruined mine!" I could hear him mumble curses, his eyes burning with flames. A bitter aftertaste lingered in my mouth, and I curled my lip back.
"You're a mess. It's pathetic." I sneered, looking him up and down. "See you at court." I noted lastly before walking away and turning a corner.

Only then I let myself breathe. Breathlessly I leaned up against the wall as my chest heavied. I couldn't let him see my fear, it'd only spur him on. My lungs felt swollen, and my head disoriented. I was so afraid. So many things could go wrong tomorrow, and I lost track of myself trying to keep track of them all. I was the mess. He was right. I had hit him first. I had glossed over the fact because of how brutal his response had been, but being realistic there was a chance it could ruin it all. What if I ended up convicted instead of him? Dae-hyun had a way of twisting words to his advantage, and luck wasn't exactly on my side either.
I clutched my shirt over my heart as I closed my eyes, trying to calm down. Trying to stay grounded when in reality I felt like I was six feet under.


I stared into the mirror as I washed my hands in the courthouse restroom. I acted on autopilot: wetting them, lathering them up in soap, scrubbing and rinsing until they were red and irritated. I was too focused on my pale face. How my chin would twitch every five seconds, the way my brows were tightly pulled together and how my lower lash line of my left eye never really found rest. The sound of the dryer numbed my thoughts, and I closed my eyes and focused on the warm sensation.
In only ten minutes I'd be seated inside the court, next to my lawyer and facing Dae-hyun headfirst. The trial was open for the public, and my every move would be scrutinized by the press and spread for the whole world to hear. Every single damn piece of my story. It was a price I'd have to pay for salvation.

With difficulty I sunk the lump in my throat and fixed my hair, staring into my own eyes. I could feel my hands shake as I placed every strand with perfection. I had to appear strong and composed.
With one last deep breath I walked out and towards my team, which of course included Jungkook. We wouldn't sit together inside the court as he'd testify as a witness on the case of defamation, so I made sure to savor our final moments before chaos would be unleashed.
"Hi," I whispered as I approached him, wrapping my arms around his neck to embrace him. I felt the muscle soften from my touch and he melted into me, clinging to me tightly in silent desperation.
"You ready?" Jungkook asked, scanning my face. I felt like I was on fire and pursed my lips.
"Well, no. But I don't really have a choice, do I?" I said. It was a question, but I spoke like it was a statement, because I already knew the answer. Jungkook didn't reply and instead only rubbed this thumb over my hand with an apologetic expression.
"I have to go now. I'll be right behind you the entire time. Just a few rows down, okay?"
"Yeah," I mumbled, gnawing on my lip and Jungkook lifted my chin with a finger. His eyes were softer than they had ever been.
"You have nothing to worry about, sweetheart." He told me. "I'll see you in a few hours." And with that he walked off. I watched him disappear and I tried my best to ignore the tremble in my body. I'd have to stay strong. I wanted to show Dae-hyun my wrath and I wanted to show the world my wrath. And so I would. I couldn't fail this time. I straightened my shirt and turned towards my attorney. The doors would open any minute and we'd take our seat and begin the trial.

The court was glorious and grand, shaped in a circle where the raised podium for the judge was upfront, and placed on either side was respectively the prosecutor and defendant's area. I'd be sitting all the way to the right, next to my attorney, and as we took our seat, I watched the public filter through, cameras already flashing, and microphones being handed towards my face in hope of a comment. We stood as the main judge entered, followed by two minor judges. I felt my heart beat with fear as I observed them take their place. Essentially these three people would decide my fate to some degree. The silence was deafening as we all collectively sat.

Before I could even process it, my attorney, or the prosecutor for that matter, began presenting the facts of the case to the judges and jury selection. I found myself looking into Dae-hyun's eyes as he spoke, letting myself get lost in his look of equal wonder and stone hard gaze. As if he couldn't quite believe I had actually gone through with it, yet a superior aura oozed off him, as if it wouldn't be a problem anyway. He was trying to psych me, I could tell. I only stared back indifferently.
"...and therefore suing for aggravated assault and defamation." The prosecutor ended and took his seat next to me again. Following up came the defense attorneys opening statement and I almost spat out my water when hearing their account of the events that had led to this.

Firstly Dae-hyun denied that he had revealed Jungkook's and my relationship to the press and acted as the anonymous source in the first article. Secondly, he denied ever hitting me, instead describing how I violently had attacked him, and he had merely pushed me off in self-defense, following our argument. He was planning on evading both of the possible verdicts. I bore my nails into my knees under the table as I stared at him. He looked careless, smug even. I wanted to rip his head off and place it right in front of the judge. At least then he'd understand the seriousness of the situation. I'd like to see him desperate and begging.

With no further comments, we continued to witness. A fair amount of time had already passed, and I could see this dragging out for days. Days without rest or peace. First up was of course, Jung-eun. The girl who had worked the convenience store at the time of the fight. No other customers had been in the store as it was far into the night, so only she could testify. Which of course made the statement a bit weaker in perspective, because nothing else could back it up, but it was the best we had and I was grateful.
As she, the young girl, walked up to take her seat in the middle of the room, people on all sides, I felt bad for her. I had dragged her into this. She looked uncomfortable in the seat, being so carefully observed and studied. The prosecutor beside me stood up and cleared his throat into the microphone, gaining the attention of everyone.
"Please announce to the court your name, age and occupation." He said with a light smile to soothe the girl's nerves and so she began speaking. She stumbled firstly, but quickly got the hang of it and successfully made a coherent sentence.
"M-my name is Song Jung-eun, I'm nineteen years old, and currently a student and working at Sam's convenience store." She said.
"Please state your whereabouts on the date of the crime, between 12 am and 5 am." He continued and Jung-eun answered truthfully.
"I checked into work at 12 am, as I work the night shift, and went home at 5 am where the morning shift takes over."
"And were you alone in the store?"
"Yes, sir."

The questions continued like this for a while. The prosecutor made Jung-eun in depth describe what she had seen from the windows of the store. How Dae-hyun had been the last customer to leave, and how she afterwards had kept an eye on the two of us upon recognizing us. She described how we had fought, unable to hear what had been said, even when our voices grew, because of the deafening rain. Suddenly we had gone still, and I had slapped him. Which of course was followed by Dae-hyun charging at me in return. She said she had counted somewhere between 5 and 10 punches until I was knocked out and Dae-hyun looked around desperate and panic-stricken, before taking of swiftly and disappearing into the rain. She said she hadn't been sure whether to approach me out of fear from the situation, but finally gathered the courage and tried to wake me up.

After giving her statement and the prosecutor declaring himself finished, the judge allowed the defense attorney to have his turn with cross examination if needed. He of course gladly accepted. I could see Jung-eun shrivel in fear when he stood, this tall and broad man, probably having flashbacks to the heated discussions that always occurred in the movies when something like this happened.
"Miss Song, I'd like to start with asking you if you by any means are visibly impaired?" He started and I saw her face drain from color. Her lips trembled as she spoke.
"I do wear contacts." She said and looked at me unsurely. I could only frown back in return. Whatever this man was planning it wasn't looking too good.
"And earlier you admit the rain was heavy that night. Is it possible that what you saw through the window wasn't the actual course of events?"
"What?" She breathed in surprise. I found myself scoffing as well. Oh he was going to play this game. I couldn't believe Dae-hyun.
"Let me ask you again. Is it possible that what you saw through the window wasn't the actual course of events, because of your visual impairment and the heavy rain?" He repeated, drawing every word painfully out and I felt myself fuming. I could do nothing but sit chained to the chair.
"No I saw it. He hit her many times until she passed out." Jung-eun said with a clenched jaw and the defense attorney merely licked his lips before turning a page in his papers. A moment after he spoke again.

"Did Miss Min ask or in any way persuade you to say make this statement when you approached her afterwards?" He asked and I it took everything in me to remain calm. If anything for the cameras.
"No she did not, sir." Jung-eun replied calmly.
"So, you're saying she didn't pay you or threaten you to speak in her favor?" He pressed and narrowed his gaze, locking the poor girl on the spot.
"No." She said, her voice wavering.
"You're saying she told you to go inside and stay safe," he said and Jung-eun nodded unsurely, "Don't you think she in return would've expected for you to speak in her favor?"
"I-" Before Jung-eun even could speak my attorney stood up and called out to the court.
"Objection, you honor! Asked and answered. The witness has already replied and given a statement. There is no reason for the defense attorney to continue other than to plant doubt in the witness and twist her statement." They knew they had no real evidence to back up Dae-hyun's statement, so of course their strategy only relied on trying to discourage our statements and trying to make them appear inaccurate and deceitful. They only had emotions to appeal to and they were damn good at it. With wide eyes I looked upon the judge and awaited his response. The old man narrowed his crinkly eyes and opened his mouth to speak.
"Objection overruled." The judge spoke and turned to the defense attorney. "Please do continue." I stared in shock. It was a valid and fair objection; any sane person would've been able to see that. I felt my chair sliding backwards as I attempted to stand and object myself, but my attorney laid a hand on my shoulder and leaned in to whisper.
"Stay quiet. I know it isn't fair, but that isn't going to help your cause." He said with calm eyes, and I frowned. He'd been through this thousand times before. And I thought- okay. I couldn't base my entire judgement of the judge on one moment. But sure enough it didn't end then. Many more instances came along where the judge ruled unfairly and Jung-eun was exposed to rude and uncomfortable confrontations with the defense attorney that went by unnoticed.

The trial went on and suddenly the judge requested to have Dae-hyun examined, and as the man took his seat in the chair, the questions started about his relationship to me. I felt exposed and nude, because now everyone would know just how it had come to this. The press leaned forward, almost vibrating with a burning need to write and make money. He told them how we met during a class, and he immediately took an interest in me, even trying to pursue me but to no efforts except our only date. He admitted to his feelings, telling them he would never have done anything to hurt me, he cared about me too much. Supposedly. It felt disgusting to hear and I wanted to turn to Jungkook and look at him. I bet he was squirming in his seat. He had always been so sensitive, and to hear this must've pierced him through the heart. Not of jealousy but of stupidity, naivety and rage.

"Did you initiate a fight with Miss Min?" The prosecutor asked and Dae-hyun looked up from where had been staring at the table, to looking straight into my eyes when speaking.
"No, sir. I did in no way initiate a fight with Miss Min, it was her who did so, by slapping me." He said, anguished hurt flashing in his eyes. I bit my tongue. It was only for show. He was trying to gain sympathy from the judge and press. His face was turned to the perfect angle for the cameras to catch his wet eyes. It was working.
"Did you continue to punch her many times after this?" The prosecutor asked and caught Dae-hyun's attention once again.
"No, sir. I did no such thing. She came upon me, and I pushed her away from me in self-defense, causing her to fall." He sounded sorry. As if he regretted this whole thing happening, like he was sorry I had come upon him. Like he was sorry I had turned into a wild beast.
"Are you saying you were falsely judged by the police?" The prosecutor asked and Dae-hyun immediately nodded.
"Yes. I was falsely accused and judged." He said. "I only fled because I thought she didn't want to see me anymore. I... I had no idea she was unconscious. I swear." He continued, desperate to paint his version of the story.
"Thank you, I think we've heard enough." The judge said, and I swore I saw the hint of a smile. As if he pitied the man before him. I felt my stomach drop. We did I even think I had a head start. I was a fool to think I could compete in a man's world, where men protected men for whatever cost. The press didn't like the idea of me, and neither did the authorities.


"This isn't good." I huffed as I paced around the room where we were gathered. It was a time to reflect on what the hell had just happened inside the court.
"Y/n, calm down. There's still time." Jungkook said softly and for whatever his calm voice made me tick. How could he be so calm? My world was falling apart once again, and he was so calm?
"No, Jungkook. There's not!" I bellowed, making everyone stare at the two of us. Jungkook's eyes widened as I continued. "You saw the judge. He doesn't give a shit, and if this ends badly everything I've build is ruined." I clenched my jaw and stepped closer.
"You do realize that it's a possibility that I'm going to end up in there instead of him?!" I sneered and he huffed surprisedly at my behavior and crossed his arms.
"I'm just trying to help." He said with furrowed brows.
"Well don't." I said quicker than I could think. I immediately felt the guilt. I never could control my words when upset. And once again I took it out on him. Jungkook's brows flew up and he sucked his lips, holding back whatever he was going to say. I didn't have it in me to keep everything under control, most of all myself. And I didn't have the time to dwell, so I walked away and sat in a chair, holding my head between my hands.

Suddenly my attorney spoke and broke the tense silence.
"You're right, Y/n. He does appear to have a bias." He noted, flipping through a few papers, before looking at me with serious eyes. "I'll see what I can do, but so far our best shot is hoping that the evidence can make up for it." His voice was dark and glum. Something told me this wasn't the first time he had come across something like this, and that it hadn't ended especially well either. "Otherwise, we'll just have to bring an appeal. But of course, it isn't ideal." I groaned and rubbed my head, in the process making my hair disheveled.
"So what? What do you want me to do?" I asked, feeling my feet whine in pain from the heels and a headache coming crashing in like a storm.
"I want you to go home and relax, so you're ready for tomorrow." He said with a pointed look, and I felt depleted. I stared into the floor with a dead and unseeing vision. Suddenly a figure was clouding my vision and I looked up to find Jungkook.
"Y/n, let's go. Staying won't do anything good." He said flatly, hands already in the pockets of his coat, and I frowned. "The car is waiting." But I accepted his proposal and reached for my bag and coat, before following him down the hall towards the doors.

My heels echoed across the marble floor in the great building as I struggled to keep up with his steps. His long legs always kept him 2 meters ahead of me.
"Jungkook, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at yo-" I admitted right before we reached the doors, and I only managed to gain his attention for a millisecond, before the automatic doors opened and exposed us to the swarm of press and paparazzi outside. They had been waiting for us. Waiting to see if we really would leave together, if we really were a couple. The first flash blinded my eyes and I winced, the following had me desperately trying to block out the light that shone like beam in the night. I hid behind my hands, my body turning stiff and my joints locking themselves up without my consent. I felt like a dear in the headlights. I remembered how I had sobbed over articles long into the night and how I had been squeezed so tightly by the press that I couldn't breathe. How I had fought to escape the sea of people which's hands were all over me. I couldn't breathe now either and I felt my throat closing in on itself. What really were left of me?
But in that moment I felt a hand closing around my own. A big and calloused hand, grasping me tightly but carefully. He pulled me closer to his body, and I felt a cap being placed on my head to shield my eyes. I dared to look up at him. He didn't bow nor greet the public. No smile was evident on his face. Jungkook was used to this, but for the first time ever he steered directly towards the car, and I followed him blindly. Makeshift fences kept the press at bay, and for the first time I could forget about them. Instead focusing on him. The cameras zeroed in on our conjoined hands and on his cap on my head. For the first time viewing us as what we were, a unity.

The car door slapped closed behind me and I sunk into the seat. Jungkook rushed my address to his driver, and we took off before my brain could even comprehend what had just happened. His arms were around me from my behind, holding me close to his body as he pressed his face into my neck. I felt him shake behind me, just as much as I did.
"I- I've been so stupid." Jungkook choked out and I felt the wet sensation of tears against my nape. "Baby, I'm so sorry." He wailed and I could only sit, frozen with fear. "You've been so alone, and I didn't even- Fuck, I didn't even notice." He cried as he hugged me closer, I felt myself choke and I closed my eyes to hide from the tears.
"Y/n, please talk to me." He begged, letting go of me to look at my face. The tears fell from my cheeks, but I quickly and angrily wiped them away. I couldn't let them see me cry.
"It's okay. You're under a lot of pressure. It's okay to cry."
"Not in front of them." I quivered. I saw the way it broke his heart, and he grasped my head, making the cap fall off from my head and leaving me barren for him. I was always barren for him.
"It's always okay to cry." He stressed and then lowered his voice. "They're not here anymore." At that I let myself succumb to his touch and we cried together. I curled into him, and my tears wetted his shirt, and his my hair. I couldn't be close enough to him and let my hands rake over his body as the soft sound of the wheels against the road lulled me into a drowsy state.

"I'm so tired." I muttered as we drove into the night, the lights of Seoul shining upon us.
"I know." He replied and suddenly we parked outside my apartment. We stumbled up the stairs, through my door and into my room. Our clothes flew off and landed around the room to be picked up tomorrow when our worries would return, but tonight it was only us. His trembling hands unbuttoned my shirt buttons one by one, his lips not straying from my body for a single second, and I shivered from the feeling of his palms caressing my back and stomach after so long. He admired my body in the minimal light spared by the moon, and I caught his lips between mine in a flurry of kisses. I knew every part of him by touch alone, I had it imprinted in my memory and in my heart. His soft sounds of pleasure were music in my ears, the most beautiful of pieces composed, and I lived to hear it as I stroked him and he moaned in my ear, clasping my hips tightly. He begged my name, and I caught his lip between my teeth, catching a glimpse of his eyes. I get lost in them for a moment, and he laid me down on the bed. His hair was silk, so soft it melted through my hands like putty as I entangled them, and he worshipped my body. His tongue was velvety but persistent against my skin, and he let my nipple slide in between his lips, making me cry out and arch towards him. I wanted him closer and warmer against me, I wanted to breathe the air that he did, and taste what he did, feel what he did. The air between us was sweet and hot, and I squirmed as he cupped me with his hand. The lewd sounds joined my moans as he touched me, each inch of me not being left untouched as he curled his fingers in me.
"Jungkook," I pleaded until the name sounded strange on my tongue. Until it was merely a sound, I could not only speak but feel. I felt his yearning, his heavy breath, his dark eyes that watched me unravel under his touch. He didn't speak and instead let his body do the talking. Not for one moment wasn't his skin against mine, even if it was merely a hand, and I felt his love. This unmatched longing and desire that burned in his eyes and every particle of him.

I drank him in until I was teetering on the edge. I whined into his mouth, and his hand left me only to be replaced by himself, and he groaned into my mouth. A cry leaped from my throat as he gave into the pleasure, stretching and pulling my legs up, so close to me that our chests bumped together for every movement of his hips. Tears of ecstasy spilled like molten gold from my eyes, and he kissed every single one, resting his forehead against mine as we moved in rhythmic movements. My blood beat against him and I relished in the feeling, of being so full and loved. Of the way his hands rubbed my thighs, of the way I pounded and ached around him, of the way my nails dragged down his back.
"Don't stop." I cried and he held me closer; fucked me better and faster. He flipped us over, so I was on top. I quickly found his rhythm. Matched the way his hands moved my hips, and the way he breathed. The way he liked it. He was so deep in that I could do nothing but cry, and his hands found solace in my chest, fondling my breasts as they moved for him. His eyes were lidded, his mouth agape and bruised, his hair ruffled and sweaty. He was so worked up that he looked like dark dream. One only reserved for me.
He cursed and clung to my body. Shuddering, he spurted his warm seed into me, making me arch in a string of cries that I strung like a violin for him. I played myself for him until I collapsed against his body, unmoving and unsaying. We didn't speak. We didn't need to. Words weren't necessary to share our mutual feelings when I could simply look him in the eyes.


I had awoken enveloped in warmth and in the touch of Jungkook. Just as I always did. His heavy arm flung over my stomach and his head burrowed in my chest. He was only a man after all. I had carded my hands through his hair like I was weaving a piece of clothing from the divine strands, and he had groaned sleepily as I massaged his scalp. His drowsy eyes quickly found mine and I cozied up to his body. Everything smelled of him and our touches were clumsy but sure in the sunlight. His eyelashes had fluttered against mine and I had giggled at the tickling feeling, ghosting my lips over his pout.
But that momentary warmth was gone now. It was an exceptionally cold October day and the icy weather seeped into the old courtroom, reminding me that it wasn't over yet. Last night had been a wonderful distraction for the both of us, but reality always caught up.

As the judge ruled the trial as having started, we moved onto the next witness. Jungkook. I couldn't deny the fear that sprung up into my throat, when the judge had announced his name, although I knew he'd have to testify. He was the one who found me and brought me to the hospital after all. Not to mention the whole case on defamation which also concerned him.
The cameras flashed as he took his seat in the chair, of course with being the reason this whole case had even blown up to the point that it did. His eyes met mine as he passed by me, flashing a quick tug of his lips which eased me slightly. We were fine again.
"Please state to the court your name, age and occupation." The prosecutor said and Jungkook nodded.
"Jeon Jungkook, 23 years old, idol." He said.
"Please state your whereabouts on the date of the crime, between 12 am and 5 am."
"At 12 am I had just returned home from a concert, and I believe I left the house around 3 pm. Alone. To seek out Y/n. I waited half an hour outside her door before she showed up."
"Where you and Y/n not on good terms?" The prosecutor asked and I flinched. We had already gone over how Jungkook would have to answer something like this, but to hear it was still rather sudden. Now everyone would know.
"No, sir. You could say that." Jungkook simply said, no fear in his voice. It was as steady as a rock.
"How come?" This made him clear his throat unsurely. I could see the wheels turning in his head. How much information should he share?
"We had been fighting."
"Over what?" The prosecutor asked and even though it felt like a bit much I knew it was necessary to show we had nothing to hide.
"Everything that had happened the past month and about our relationship." He said which of course sent us down the path of the story of our relationship. How had we met? How long had we been dating? It felt like an invasion, but I shut my mouth and tried my best to lean back and just let it happen.

My prosecutor was done not long after and Dae-hyun's defense attorney didn't have any other comments and so we continued. There was a weird tension in the room, mostly coming from the press who couldn't quite contain their excitement from not only gaining a confirmation of our relationship, but also the detailed story of how we met and so on. It would be the story of the year, making cash fly through the doors of their company like it was Hogwarts letters. This was exactly what the people had wanted and oh boy were they going to get it. I could almost imagine the faces of the people I knew. The people from my classes, my parents, Mr. Yang, Na-ra, heck even Harper back home! Oh the things I would do to see her face now.


"How'd I do?" Jungkook giggled as he threw himself down next to me in the couch in our assigned pause room. It was the lunch break, 25 minutes in total and 10 more were left.
"It was very well done." I smiled at his antics, and he beamed, sliding closer to me.
"Now there won't be any more confusion amongst people." He said as if it were only the two of us in the room. "It's confirmed." I smiled at him and squeezed his hand. I had just finished a sandwich and was now craving something to flush it down with.
"I want to get a water before we begin again. Will you come with?" I asked him and he nodded with an of course. We made our way towards where the vending machines were kept in the cafeteria. AKA the place where the court members, like the judge ate. And surely enough, just before we turned the corner to the doors leading into the cafeteria, I spotted not just one judge, but our judge and... Dae-hyun?
I grabbed Jungkook's arm and slapped my hand over his mouth, pulling him back against the wall with me. He looked at me with wide and shocked eyes, but I only signaled him to keep quiet. I could hear them talk and laugh if I really tried and sharpened my senses. I dared to look over the edge and saw them standing awfully close and cozy.

"Of course, of course, my daughter is a fan and I a great admirer of your dad." The judge chortled, accepting a piece of paper that Dae-hyun handed over with a beaming smile. An autograph? I saw Dae-hyun's head turn towards my direction and I flung myself back. My heart thundered in my ears and Jungkook scrunched up his brows.

"Shit! I don't have my phone!" I whisper shouted, tapping down my pockets. "Do you have yours?" Jungkook made a sour expression that indicated, no he did not.
"I left it with my manager, fuck." He cursed and let his head fall back against the wall. I bit my tongue, and once again peeked around the corner when I thought it safe, and sure enough:
"It would be a shame to see such talent go to waste." The judge chuckled like a pig and clapped Dae-hyun on the shoulder before heading off in the opposite direction. Only Dae-hyun was headed straight towards us. I fumbled in panic, but managed to grab Jungkook's hand and make it appear as if we were already walking when we came towards him.

Dae-hyun came to a halt, hands in pockets, strolling down the hallway with a smug expression. "Y/n," he said when he saw me, then looked at Jungkook. He kept quiet, but I saw the disgust appear on his face. I clenched Jungkook's hand tighter. Dae-hyun turned towards me again, as if he wasn't important. A sly smile slid across his lips.
"Seems like it's the final sprint of the race." He noted and narrowed his eyes. I decided to ignore it, I would not give into his games. "We were looking for a vending machine, have you seen one?" I said instead, ignoring the shake in my voice, and he smiled.
"Oh right over there. Please, go ahead." He said with a sickly-sweet tone that made me gag.
"Thank you." I replied stiffly and pulled Jungkook with me and past him. I felt his eyes bore into my back but continued nonetheless.

"Oh my god!" I seethed at the vending machine and at the world. I looked incredulously at Jungkook. "Did you see that? There's definitely something going on!"
"I know. They're definitely in on it together." Jungkook scoffed and crossed his arms. I chewed on my bottom lip roughly and hit my head in frustration.
"Fuck, if only I had my phone-" I began and Jungkook caught my arms, rubbing his thumb over my pulse.
"Y/n, there's not time or reason to think about ifs. Our best hope lies in the other two judges." He said with soft but persistent eyes.
"They could be in on it too, for fucks sake!" I whined high pitched and Jungkook wrapped his arms around my back, resting his chin atop my head.
"I know, I know. Calm down, baby." He murmured as soft as waves crashing against a beach. Instantly I felt the water cool me down and I sighed. "Take a deep breath and buy your water." He waited until I had taken a sip.
"Better now?"
"Yeah," I admitted, and he squeezed my cheek.
"See, it's going to be fine." He grinned. "We'll go out there and Marina will talk, and it will all be fine."

It did in fact not go fine. Marina sat in the chair, my dear Marina, and was being questioned by my prosecutor. She gave her statement about how Dae-hyun had approached her at the party, after being rejected by me on the dancefloor. And how she had told him that I was in a relationship with Jungkook. It had gone fine until the first objection came. She had just said that because of her revealing this information to Dae-hyun, she had concluded it must've been him who told the newspaper. Because who else could it have been?
Only the defense attorney didn't take this as a given and called out to the court. "Objection, your honor! The witness has a bias, while being a close friend of the victim, and there is no way to confirm if this statement is true." He said and silence settled. In said silence I could hear Marina huff. She always had had a bit of a temper.
"If I have a bias towards Min Y/n, I also have one towards Cheong Dae-hyun! He was my friend since elementary school. I thought I could trust him." She argued right back at him with those fiery eyes that matched her red shirt. Red had always been her color. I saw her eyes flicker to Dae-hyun as well. This wasn't only my fight. He'd betrayed her as well. They had been ten times closer than Dae-hyun and I had, and for the first time I saw real guilt in his eyes. But it was gone a second after, a hard mask coming over his features.

Dae-hyun's attorney glared at Marina and spoke eerily calm yet aggressive. "You could've released the information just as well as my defendant could've!" Marina looked like she was about to pounce, but before she could get a word in, the judge bellowed out and the gavel hit the table.
"Silence!" Everything fell like sand to the ground, crumbling and laying around my feet in ruins. Shit.
"It is... a valid argument," he drawled, eyes glancing between Dae-hyun and Marina. "And is not to be ignored." He pierced her with his gaze, and she looked defeated into the table.
"Miss Lee, was anyone with you when you told Cheong Dae-hyun this?" He asked.
"No, your honor." Marina had to admit.
"So your statement stands alone?"
"I- Yes, your honor..."
"Mr. Cheong, do you recall Miss Lee ever telling you about Miss Min's relationship to Mr. Jeon?" He asked, now turned towards Dae-hyun, who looked surprised.
"No, your honor." He said. The lies dripping like honey from his lips. This was it. If we lost this, what chance was there really left?
"Well, then I don't think we can consider your testimony in this case, Miss Lee." The judge said a matter of fact and my mouth fell open, pictures flashed and I looked in shock at the whole ordeal.

Determined, I turned to face my attorney. "We can't let this happen." I whispered and he seemed to think about it for a moment. Finally, he stood and spoke.
"Your honor," he protested. "We do in fact have evidence to back up this witness' testimony." The judge narrowed his eyes. This wasn't going according to his plan. But he couldn't turn back now. Not with a public trial. I was no longer just Y/n, I really was Jungkook's girlfriend, which mattered in their eyes. It would cause a massive outrage.
When the silence stretched on, he continued. "We have the surveillance tape of Sam's convenience store on the night of the crime." I would've paid to have seen the look on Dae-hyun's face again. To have it framed so I could stare at it whenever I wanted. His eyes of pure surprise on impact of the words hitting him like a boulder. He knew it was over then, and so did I.
We watched the tape, and I didn't flinch when reliving every punch. I didn't cower when they listed every damage on my report. And sure enough, everything stated by Jung-eun and seen on the surveillance camera matched with my medical report. Dae-hyun wasn't going anywhere. That was for sure.

The verdict was made. The bailiff announced to the court the sentence and murmurs spread in the crowd like a virus. In a second it would make headlines. "As on this date, Cheong Dae-hyun is charged with perjury, aggravated assault and defamation. Sending him to prison for 6 years."
They shaved a year off because I punched him first, but I didn't care. I'd punch him a thousand times more if needed.
They pulled him away, but my heart didn't jump in glee. I watched emptily and numbly as two police officers escorted him. It was as if I saw it happen in slow-motion, as if my heart slowed down to the point I almost couldn't feel it beat. The flashes, the microphones, the doors slamming behind them as he disappeared from my life. He wasn't a threat anymore.
The tears fell from my eyes. I just let them. It was over.

Someone's hands came around my waist and I found Marina wiping my eyes. "Oh sweetheart." She half cooed half laughed. I laughed with her at the absurdity of the situation and in relief.
"Thank you, Marina." I choked and smiled, when Young-soo who'd been sitting in the crowd joined our group hug. "Thank you guys."
"No use crying over sour milk." Young-soo's smile shined and he pushed up his glasses. Marina groaned and hit his shoulder.
"Young-soo it's spilled milk not sour milk." She snickered. I could watch those two forever. "You're so smart, but you act so dumb sometimes."
"No, I'm completely aware. I changed it to fit the situation. Dae-hyun is pretty much like good milk gone bad." He argued, nodding in approval of his own alteration.
"It's okay. I accept the change in idiom. Thank you." I laughed before a sentimental feeling glossed over my eyes. I looked at the both of them, always bickering over the smallest things, feeling so grateful. "Thank you for taking such good care of me. Ever since I first came to Korea." Marina narrowed her eyes in a playful manner and pinched my cheek. I yelped and pushed her away.
"Well I couldn't just let you stand there all by yourself. You looked like a lost puppy on the first day." She countered and I huffed.
"Did not! It's just your savior complex speaking!" I argued, suddenly thinking of a thousand comebacks I could hit her with, but I didn't get to use any of them because Jungkook slid up next to me with a smile, whispering in my ear. "I hate to interrupt, but the guys prepared a celebration back home, and I think Taehyung is looking forward to it so much, that he might faint if we don't show up."
"Well that wouldn't be good." I gasped and Jungkook nodded with a dumb grin on his face. So, I bid my friends and my wonderful team of lawyers goodbye before heading home with Jungkook. This time I was prepared to enter the parted sea of light and when I was on the other side, I couldn't help but grin.


The dorm was decked with garlands and a party hat was placed on my head the second I stepped through the doors, followed by the loud toot as Hoseok blew a party horn. I looked around in awe, at the thoughtful decorations and at the six beaming faces who stared at me in excitement, and I couldn't help but wonder what on earth they would have done if the trial hadn't gone as successful as it did.
"Well, do you like it? Cause I went through an awful lot of trouble to get it so last minute, so you better." Yoongi finally said with snarky tone after my long silence of awe. I gasped, taken aback by this.
"Oh my god, Yoongi, I haven't seen you in months and that's the first thing you say? Yeah, missed you too, thanks." I sassed and immediately his gummy smile appeared at my reaction.
"Awh, I knew you did." He tutted and ruffled up my hair, and I tsk'd and pushed his hand away with a disgusted expression.
"Okay- you two! Jimin and I did not cook for so long for it to be spoiled by you bratty children!" Jin interfered, the only one who could actually put Yoongi's antics in place. I stuck my tongue out at him, and he fumed, knowing I could easily get away with anything, but before he could act Taehyung grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the house.
"Y/n, you have to see the table. I decked it myself!" He giggled proudly and my heart shone in adoration. "This is your seat." He said and pulled out the chair to the seat that was especially beautifully adorned with various decorations. I sat down and smiled up at him.
"Thank you, Taehyung." I said and he plopped down next to me and sighed.
"So much has happened since we last saw you. How are you doing?" He asked, all the earlier playfulness gone from his voice. I bit my lip.
"I'm better now. Thank you. How about you?"
"Well we missed you. Jungkookie has been awfully moody." He whispered as if it was a secret but just in that moment Jungkook walked by, as the members began sitting at the table.
"Hyung!" He protested high pitched. Oh, I had missed their chaotic natures. With them there were no expectations and no rules, just pure madness and love.

Greedily I ate and drank from the feast before me, praising Jin and Jimin's skills in the kitchen, catching up with everyone as we celebrated the outcome of the trial and the reunion of friends. Taehyung was busy with showing me various things on his phone, of course all related to me, from his secret Twitter account. "Look you're trending on twitter!" He had first exclaimed, finding an endless amount of fun and joy in searching the internet for all sorts of content. "Woah, check out this article. The world's favorite love triangle: everything you need to know." He read and I chortled in my slightly tipsy state. I didn't even have it in me to correct the false information, it was just too absurd.
"Min Y/n: from rags to riches." He read another one and I choked on my wine.
"Wait what, but I was never poor." I questioned and Taehyung merely shrugged.
"It's fine just let them. They like to make it dramatic." He said, bumping his shoulder into mine. "Besides, it's probably just a headline." I nodded once and sipped my wine again, feeling it slowly begin to course through my veins.
"You would like this one," he said, regaining my attention. "Min Y/n's skills on set is praised by critics." My cheeks flushed. It was one of the first times I had stumbled across something like that, and it felt... good. When I didn't speak Taehyung continued joyfully.
"Oooh I like this one!" He gushed, stumbling across a particularly interesting article. "Netflix's heartthrob is a wolf in a sheep's clothing"
"Waah, is it about Dae-hyun?" I leaned into read, indeed finding his picture on the front page.
"Yup, finally getting what he deserves." Taehyung muttered before scrolling further through the titles. I hated to admit that I stopped listening after that, but the alcohol had gotten to my head, and I instead found myself in a flurry of thoughts and feelings that I couldn't quite place. Suddenly it was overwhelming to sit amongst these loud men, and I excused myself to get some fresh air.

It was cold outside. Even more than earlier in the court. But I relished in the feeling and in the way it gently whispered across my skin. Perhaps words of advice or truths that I couldn't be bothered to listen to. I leaned back on my hands, sitting in a tailor position as I stared at the night sky. It was cloudy but every now and then a star would appear and wave at me. I smiled back. The more I looked the more stars appeared. They sparkled in the darkness, and I admired them for it. Their beauty was constant, never wavering and never-ending since the creation of the universe. Perhaps one day I would be a star too.

I heard the door open to my right and saw Jungkook approach me. He shined like a star. He sat down next to me, draping a jacket over my shoulders. For a moment he didn't speak.
"How do you feel?" He asked. I closed my eyes, tried to find the answer, but ultimately had to admit my defeat.
"I... I don't know." I whispered. I felt his eyes on me.
"What don't you know?"
"Well I'm happy, but you were right." I said, turning to look at him. "I feel bittersweet. I won, right? It's just.... when I saw his face, when they dragged him away. I felt empty." A small smile tugged at his lips, and he took my hands in his.
"You're just too good of a person. It'll come eventually." He muttered but I shook my head and pursed my lips. His gaze changed when he saw my frown and he held my hand tighter.
"No... It's not that." I mulled over my words, speaking them as I thought them. "I wanted revenge. I just feel like it wasn't that. What does it matter that he's gone, if he really managed to ruin my career?" I let the question hang between us, unanswered and heavy. What if I'll never be a star? "Then he, and all of them, won anyway." His eyes gleamed in the darkness, and he held our hands up, watching how they were molded together,
"You don't need to prove yourself to anyone, you know that right?" He said and I scrunched my nose.
"I know... I just don't feel it." Perhaps it was guilt I felt. For knowing better, yet not being able to execute it. But words and thoughts were easy, it took a whole lot more to act. Jungkook took a deep breath and looked at the stars. I enjoyed how their reflections pooled in his eyes, it was the epitome of beauty.
"I know that feeling, Y/n. Trust me I do. It never really does go away, not with this lifestyle." He said, closing his eyes. If anyone would understand it would be him. He squeezed my hand. "But it gets better. When you're around people who care about you." The last part was said with a smile.
"I love you; you know that right?" I told him.
"I do." He smiled, the wind ruffling up his hair. "I love you too."

I savored the silence between us, the joyful sound of the others inside the dorm, his hand touching mine and his cheek against my shoulder. I wanted us to be like this forever. A moment stuck in time. For us to treasure.


"Baby relax, my suit looks fine. If you continue, you're going to pick it apart by the threads!" He exclaimed as I smoothened down the front of his black suit. I ignored his protests and continued my job with my brows furrowed in concentration.
"You only say that because you're not going to be looking at the pictures tomorrow! It's my big day, I need it to be perfect." I tutted with a pout, picking every single piece of fluff off one by one. Jungkook grabbed my wrists and forced me to look at him.
"It won't be perfect if I'll have to walk out there naked, you know?" He countered with a raised brow and, relenting, I leaned back in the car, folding my hands in my lap. They were shaking slightly. No matter how many times I had walked that path of glamour and flashes, I never quite really stopped fearing it. But it had gotten better since the first time. In those five years I had taken many first steps onto the carpet, but today was different. We had flown to France, and Jungkook was beside me as my plus one. It was now or never. If I won a prize at Cannes film festival my life would forever be changed. It was this it had all led to.
"Besides, you look so beautiful, no one is going to even glance my way." Jungkook said softly and the corners of my lips tugged unsurely.
"Really?" I asked and he grinned from ear to ear.
"Of course!" He said and smoothened down my hair, lightly grazing my bare shoulder. "Now you better put on your pretty smile, because we're going to be there in... three seconds!" I laughed at his antics, my smile instantly returning. The door opened and he led me out as we gracefully entered the red carpet. Cameras flashed from both sides, and I felt the blood rushing euphorically through my veins. They screamed my name and Jungkook looked at me proudly, his hand around my waist. The light blue layers of the dress swayed around my feet, light like feathers. Like a bird ready to fly from its nest. My eyes were for him, and he laughed, beckoning for me to shift my attention towards the press.
"Y/n! Any comment you'd like to make?" A reporter asked and for whatever reason I felt the need to respond. So, I leaned towards the microphone.
"I'd like to state how grateful I am for everyone who helped me reach this point." I told her, stars in my eyes.

We sat at our table, next to a few others and awaited the announcement of the winners. Long into the night came my category: best actress. I shut my eyes tightly, in fear and in excitement. I didn't dare open them and instead listened to the sound of my heart, thrumming towards the moment of reveal. Every moment that had led to this flashed in the darkness of my vision. Long nights at home on the couch with mom, dad and Jack. My first flight to Korea. Marina and I running in the rain. Long nights at the restaurant with Mr. Yang. Looking at art with Jimin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin and Taehyung. Running into Jungkook.

In some of my dreams I was still running down that street, looking for my destiny in a fleeting moment of fate.
I believe I would always be running. To the next thing and to the next adventure, until at last my feet couldn't carry me further. But my legs were strong, always had been, and they would carry me far.
I opened my eyes and saw.

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