Actor(Oshi no ko)

By FireboltGT

165K 8.2K 1.7K

Lies are the only way to keep the love he so desperately craves. The real him is not enough, but as long as h... More

Prologue: Noah Anderson
Prologue Part 2: Noah Anderson
Aikara Hoshino
My mother's name is Ai?
Ai's performance
Siblings conversation
The Tough Idol World
Promotional Event
One Year Timeskip
Can you act?
One Month Later
Arima Kana
Be Kind
A Familiar Voice
Second Mother
Do you love me?
The Week Before Tokyo Dome
The Day of Tokyo Dome
What if-Side Story
I'll Lie Again Hoping It Becomes The Truth
In an Instant, He Stole the Spotlight
I Can't Give Up On It
Prologue Ends
We Aren't The Same
Early Morning
Unexpected Reunion
Act With Me!
Understanding Her
Let's Make This Show Great
Living With a Genius Brother
Aftermath of filming
Yoto Highschool

A Mother's Sacrifice

2.2K 159 26
By FireboltGT

You can support me in patreon dot com/SUSGT

You'll be able to read four advanced chapters.

There's also a seven day free trial.

Scene of Aikara asking for votes.

Aikara tilted his head, his mischievous grin accentuating the twinkle in his eyes, creating an aura of amusement that was hard to resist. With a voice as smooth as silk and a subtle sway of his body, he playfully challenged "Did I hear that right? You're actually considering voting for another novel and not this one?" His words lingered in the air, woven with an enticing charm that could captivate even the most steadfast minds.

For a moment, he relished in the magnetic energy he exuded, fully aware of the effect it had on those around him. With a flicker of confidence, he continued "Hmm, too bad for the novel you'll vote for then~" he admitted with playful persuasiveness in his tone, enticing listeners to succumb to his words. 

Aikara's smile deepened, drawing attention to his captivating presence that seemed to effortlessly command attention. "After all, my charisma never fails. So, I trust you'll make the right choice and vote for this one, won't you?"


(Third POV)

"So these are the two you recommended?" The voice of a middle-aged man reverberated through the office as he examined the two files before him. One contained the stage name 'Aquamarine,' abbreviated as 'Aqua,' while the other held the stage name 'Aka.' As he perused their profiles, he couldn't help but notice their strikingly attractive appearances.

"Yes!" Kana's voice brimmed with excitement and nervousness as it escaped through the phone that's held tightly by the middle-aged man.

"His name is Aqua Hoshino, and he's quite handsome. Since you speak highly of him, I'd like to bring him in," the man said, pausing briefly to glance at Aikara's profile. His tone turned incredibly serious as he continued, "But regarding Aikara, are you aware of his popularity among the directors?"

"Yes, I am," Kana replied. She couldn't help but ask, "Is this about Ellie, Director Kaburagi?" Her question prompted a nod from the man, who's revealed to be Kaburagi.

"It seems you're already aware," he acknowledged. "If I do cast Aikara, then my relationship with her will decrease."

Kana's shoulders slumped slightly, and her gaze fell as she responded in a subdued tone, disappointment seeping into her words. "So... it's a no," she said, the unmistakable trace of letdown in her voice.

"No, I'll accept him," Kaburagi began, softening his approach. "I was just teasing you." Even though he claimed it was a joke, his tone lacked any trace of humor.

Kana's voice exuded excitement as she expressed her gratitude, and he responded with a casual "No problem" before ending the call. Without wasting any time, he proceeded to dial another number on his phone, patiently waiting for the recipient to pick up.

After a minute of anticipation, the ringing ceased, and a woman's voice filled the air. "Hello, Kaburagi," she greeted. Indifference laced her words as she inquired, "Why did you call?"

Taking a brief pause, Kaburagi drew in a puff of his cigarette, exhaling the smoke with a heavy sigh. "Haaah," he exhaled. "Hey, Ellie."

Ellie's voice cut through the silence, her tone laced with indifference. "What do you want?"

Kaburagi's response came without hesitation. "I don't want anything. I'm simply here to inform you that I've cast Aikara."

Acknowledging his words, Ellie contemplated for a moment before formulating her proposition. "I see, then I'll offer you to not cast him in exchange of casting me. And if it entices you, I can even sweeten the deal with a generous sum of money. After all, I know how much of a money grabber you are," she said, her voice carrying a hint of emotions that deviated from her usual demeanor.

A flicker of amusement crossed Kaburagi's face as he responded. "It appears you know me well. However, I must decline your offer. I'm confident in my eye for talent, and I can see the potential in him. Having him owe me a favor outweighs any alternative you can present. Besides, his growing popularity on YouTube will serve as a promotional asset, regardless of the drama's quality."

"Haaa" Ellie let out a quiet sigh "It seems like the time has finally come where I can't stop his rise anymore."

"Yes, indeed." Kaburagi responded. 

"If you already decided on it, then why did you bother to call? Do you want to boast? Do you want to flaunt your achievement?" Ellie inquired.

"No, I just want to inform you before I make it final. After all, I want to maintain a good relationship with you."

"You sure are greedy." Ellie responded.

"Hehe" Kaburagi let out a quiet laugh "I am." He responded. "So, now that he'll be in this drama, he'll probably become popular enough with the public that directors will hire him even with your offer. I'm curious, what will you do?" Kaburagi inquired.

"I will continue to do what I've always done—persist in thwarting his ambitions. Because I made a promise to someone," Ellie declared, her voice laced with unwavering determination, causing Kaburagi to raise an eyebrow in surprise.

"It sure is rare to hear emotion in your voice after Ai's death. Look's like you're pretty determined huh? Who did you promise too?" he inquired, but Ellie remained steadfastly silent on the other end of the line. "I see, you don't want to tell me. It's fine, I'll hang up now." With those final words, he ended the call.


(Miyako POV)(Best Girl)

"Haaaaaah" I let out a tired sigh as I looked at the laptop in front of me. How long has it been since I sat here and started working? Six hours? Probably more, I can't be bothered to keep count of the time with the amount of work in front of me.

Why am I here?

Marriage to Saitou had been nothing more than a misguided attempt to attach myself to a hot actor. But when Ai passed away, he fled, leaving me alone to navigate the daunting role of company president. Every day, I found myself embroiled in meetings, striving to create favorable conditions for our internet influencers. Yet, I was constantly belittled and underestimated by others in the industry due to my lack of experience and my status as the former president's ex-wife.

Life had become a ceaseless struggle. Endless hours of sitting had caused my weight to creep up, and the stress etched wrinkles on my face, despite being in my late thirties. Amidst the relentless toil, I had no time to pursue my own love life.

Now, even with all of these hard challenges, I'm still working here.

It may seem illogical, but there's only one simple reason I work hard, one reason why I sacrifice myself in this god forsaken job.

My kids.

They were not my biological children, and I wasn't certain if they considered me their mother, but my love for them ran deep. Although I had resented the burden of babysitting them in the past, they had nestled themselves into a special corner of my heart.

I couldn't simply quit my position as president. Without this job, I wouldn't be able to provide for them. I wanted them to attend school, to be unburdened by financial worries, and to possess the confidence needed to fit in with their peers.

As a girl growing up in the Japanese countryside, I had always felt ashamed of our poverty. Looking back, I realize it was irrational, but the naivety of youth often breeds such insecurities. I didn't want my children to experience that same sense of shame. I wanted them to lead lives filled with joy and freedom.

Even if I were to abandon the presidency, I knew I wouldn't find another high-paying job capable of supporting all three of them. Regrettably, I was a college dropout, and in our unforgiving society, that was akin to a death sentence.

Hence, despite the hardships, the toll it took on my body, and the sacrifices I made, I would persist in this job. Because I was their mother.

What kind of mother would I be if I couldn't bring stability and reassurance into their lives?

Suddenly, a very familiar ring tone flowed into my ears.

It's my work phone.

I decided to stop thinking for now and get back to work.

I grabbed my phone from my desk and accepted the call "Hello, this is President Miyako speaking, from Strawberry Productions. May I inquire about the purpose of this call?"

"Miyako, your voice sounds tired. Life been treating you hard?" A familiar voice entered my ears. He was the agent of Ai when she worked as the model for a fashion magazine. I also remember seeing him in the funeral.

"Yes, being a president isn't easy at all Mr. Kaburagi." I responded.

"I see, then I hope this piece of news will at least brighten your day." Kaburagi said, and I can only tilt my head in confusion. "I'm going to cast Aikara in my drama."

"I see," I replied, my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside me. "Well, I suppose this news does bring some unexpected brightness."

As Kaburagi's words sank in, I fought to maintain my composure, gripping the phone tightly in my hand. The tears threatened to spill over, but I refused to let them. I took a deep breath, steeling myself against the overwhelming emotions that surged within me.

In that moment, a flood of memories washed over me—memories of all the times Aikara had faced rejection, of the countless auditions where he poured his heart and soul into his performances, only to be turned away. I remembered the way he always wore a brave face, pretending to be fine despite the disappointment he undoubtedly felt. Deep down, I knew he was protecting me from the weight of his own struggles.

And in that moment, I also remembered the unwavering support I had provided, the lengths I had gone to increase his chances.

I had pleaded with directors, passionately advocating for Aikara's talent and potential. I had fought tooth and nail, leveraging every connection and resource at my disposal. I had poured my heart and soul into ensuring he had a fair chance in an industry that often seemed unyielding. The weight of those memories pressed upon me, threatening to break the dam holding back my tears.

Unable to contain the overwhelming emotions any longer, tears streamed down my face, their presence a testament to the mix of joy, relief, and gratitude that flooded my being. I bawled loudly, my voice a raw expression of the release that came with each sob.

Through my tear-streaked voice, I managed to utter heartfelt words. "Thank you, Kaburagi. Thank you for believing in Aikara, for giving him this opportunity. You have no idea how much this means to me."

The weight of the past, the sacrifices made, and the relentless pursuit of Aikara's dreams all converged in that moment. Amidst my tears, I found solace and a glimmer of hope for the future.

"You're welcome." Kaburagi said, a fond tone present in his voice "You should go and congratulate him. That's what mothers are for right?"

I nodded my head as tears continued to flow down my eyes "Yes, thank you very much." I quickly ended the call and escaped from my seat. With my vision still blurry from the tears flowing down my eyes, I ran as quickly as I can to the living room.


The door opened with a loud bang, startling the three children inside.

"Miyako san?" Ruby asked in concern after seeing my state.

Without bothering to explain, I instantly rushed to Aikara who was sitting down on a chair as he also looked at me in surprised.

"What's wrong, Mother?" His voice trailed off, a genuine concern etched on his face as he reached out to touch my trembling hands. But before he could finish his sentence, I instantly enveloped him in a hug as I cried on his shoulders, staining his clothes with my tears.

I tried to compose myself, wiping away my tears and taking a deep breath. Looking into my son's concerned eyes, I mustered all the strength I had left to convey the news. However, my sobs and sniffles made it difficult to form a coherent sentence.

"S-son... you... y-you got... a-accepted..." I stammered through my trembling voice, the words choked by my overwhelming emotions.

Aikara's expression flickered with confusion for a moment, his eyebrows furrowing as he processed the news. But then, his eyes lit up with excitement, and a brilliant smile stretched across his face like a warm sunrise. "You mean I got accepted for the role?!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. He couldn't help but fidget with excitement, his fingers tapping lightly on the edge of the table as he waited for confirmation.

I nodded my head, tears continuing to stream down my face. Amidst my tears, I managed a weak smile, conveying a mix of joy and overwhelming emotion. 

Aikara leaned forward and enveloped me in a warm hug, his embrace a source of comfort amidst the emotional tide. 

Aikara's eyes lit up mischievously as he teased me with a playful tone, "Seems like you're even happier than I am, and I'm the one who got accepted." He leaned in slightly, his confident grin as brilliant as a dazzling sunrise, adding a touch of charm to his words.

"Of course I'm happier, it's always a mothers job to be more proud of their children than themselves." I said, my composure returning.

Aikara stood there, momentarily taken aback, but then a twinkle lit up in his eyes and a mischievous grin spread across his face. He couldn't help but giggle, his laughter bubbling up like a melody. His hand instinctively moved to cover his mouth, as if he couldn't contain the joy that radiated from within. "Hehehee," he chuckled, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "I guess you're right." 

He gazed at me, and his usual eyes that brimmed with excitement, energy, and mischief now emanated warmth and gratitude. 

Aikara's smile, radiant as ever, bloomed on his face "Hey, Mother, thanks for everything," he expressed, his voice carrying a touch of sincerity. 

With a gentle sweep of his hand, he gestured towards the memories we shared. "For cheering me up when I faced rejection, for advocating on my behalf with the directors. Yes, I'm fully aware it was your doing. You're not exactly anonymous," he playfully teased, a knowing twinkle in his eyes. 

His gratitude overflowed as he continued, "But most importantly, thank you for being our mother. Thank you for selflessly devoting yourself to kids who aren't connected by blood. I see the immense effort you've poured in, and I'm eternally grateful." Aikara lowered his head in a respectful bow, a genuine expression of appreciation and admiration. 

Ah, when have I ever been thanked like this? Aikara's words struck a chord within me, and a bittersweet smile played on my lips. Never before had I been showered with such heartfelt gratitude, never before had I felt the weight of my invisible acts of love being acknowledged. A surge of emotions welled up, challenging the belief I had clung to for so long—that my silent support and their happiness were enough.

I thought I was fine with not being thanked, I thought I was fine with silently supporting them as I watched them be happy. But in this moment, as Aikara's gratitude washed over me, I realized the depth of my own longing. It wasn't about recognition or praise; it was about the profound need to know that my sacrifices and love were seen and appreciated.



Just think of this as a slight filler.

By slight, I mean 2000 words.

I just wanted to create this chapter for Miyako.

I already created a chapter for her before too, but that was in childhood, this is in teenager arc.

I've always felt Miyako was underrated, she doesn't have much screen time during the teenager arc, and I felt it was such as waste.

She married Ichigo for hot actor, and she was greedy for money, but when Ichigo left, she really showed her maturity by taking over the company. 

Not only that, but she became a single mother(For children that even aren't her own) and manage the company to sucess. Yet, she still shows genuine love and care for the triplets, and while a normal person might have gotten bitter or resentful, she seems better than expected for someone put into this situation.

It's really such a pity she doesn't get much focus in the story after Ai's death. I would love to see more of Miyako's side of things... how she manages B Komachi, how she struggled with Strawberry productions after Saitou left, her moments of support for Aqua nad Ruby when they were growing up.... I feel like we missed out on an opportunity to see her development along with the twins.

She could have just quit Strawberry, but no one would take care of Aqua and Ruby in that case, so Miyako toughed it out, and persevered through the hardships, because I know for sure that maintaining a company when you are a person with zero experience and qualification(because Miyako doesn't have actual skills and had to learn from zero due to marrying the president.) is tough.

Yet I never heard them thank Miyako at all! She never got a love life, and she never talked about her suffering at all! Can't they see that Miyako is sacrificing so much for them!

Anyway, that's the end of my rant for best girl in Oshi(That's right Kana and Akane supremacist. You heard me right, Kana and Akane isn't best girl, Miyako is. If you disagree, then let's take it to the ring, I'll fight you with all I have.)(I'm also addressing you Ruby supremacist! Ruby not best girl. Mommy Miyako is.)

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