I Fell For My Geeky Best Frie...

By little_angel_

192K 3.9K 480

Eric and Lori have been best friends since they were in diapers. Lori is the typical tomboy who loves to be a... More

I Fell For My Geeky Best Friend


7.1K 180 40
By little_angel_

Chapter 33

Lori’s POV

I woke up to both my parents staring excitedly in my face.”Ah.” I jumped up and backed away putting some space between us.

“Happy Birthday,” they said in unison and started to sing happy birthday. I groaned covering my face behind my hands. My parents were such dorks, but I am so grateful to have them.

“Thanks guys,” I laughed hugging them when they finished.

“Get ready, we have a surprise for you,” Mom said excitedly kissing my forehead before getting up. Dad did the same and they both left to give me time to get ready.

Today was my birthday. I was finally 18. A couple weeks ago I would have been bouncing off the walls excited for this day, but now, it just feels like another crappy day. I'm now 18 whoopee, it doesn’t make up for the fact that I lost my best friend. I still don’t know how to cope with that fact.

What if he forgot my birthday? I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if he was too busy with his new girlfriend to even remember what day it was today. I shook my head shaking away those thoughts. I can’t afford to think like that. Not today. I don’t want to be a burden my parents today.

I sighed finally getting out of bed and got ready for school. I was so not looking forward to another day of avoiding Eric. It was getting harder each time. I want to talk to him, but I can’t bring myself to look him in the eyes without bursting into tears.  

After I took a shower and got ready I went downstairs to the kitchen where both Mom and Dad were seated around the island smiling brightly at me. I chuckled and went to join them around the table that was covered with food.

“I made your favorites,” Mom beamed. I laughed as I looked around at all the choices of food. There were scrambled eggs, with French toast and some bacon, a plate of blueberry waffles and pancakes, and a bowl of fruits.

“Mom, Dad, it’s just my birthday, it’s not like I cured cancer or anything,” I joked.

She laughed and placed her hands over mine. “We know, we’re just so proud of the beautiful, incredible woman you’re becoming, we love you honey,” Mom said tearing up at the end. I felt tears of my own threatening to come.

“I love you guys too,” I whispered taking both their hands and squeezing tightly.

After breakfast my parents practically dragged me outside to show me my ‘surprise.’ I knew I was getting a car, but I still went along with it.

“Close your eyes,” Mom whispered covering my eyes and leading me outside. “Ok, you may open your eyes now.” She released her hands and I opened my eyes and my jaws fell as I stood there gawking at my new car.

“I love it,” I screamed hugging them quickly before running over to my new Honda CRV. Holy cow it was beautiful.

“A year ago we were settled with getting you a truck…but I think you’re more of a girl than we thought” dad said chuckling teasingly. Mom hit him in the stomach scowling him. “What?” he asked confused. I laughed. I didn’t care what car I got, it was mine and I loved it.

“I love it you guys, thank you,” I grinned running to hug them again.

“Alright how about you hop in that beauty of yours and drive yourself to school before you’re late,” Dad teased winking at me as he threw me the keys. I caught it easily and forced a smile. The mentioning of school made my stomach churn. I really don’t want to go to school today. If it was up to me I’d ask to be homeschooled and spend the rest of my high school life cooped up in my house so I didn’t have to go through anymore torture.

“Yeah, alright,” I said uneasily giving them one last kiss before heading back inside to grab my things and head out.

When I got in my car I sat there staring ahead of me for a bit bringing myself to actually start the car.

I finally grew some pair and started the car and drove my brand new car to school.

When I arrived at school I took a couple of deep breaths before getting out. The moment I got out of my car a guy came up to me and handed me a single white rose. It was beautiful.  I looked at him baffled and took it hesitantly. I recognized him to be on Eric’s football team.

“Happy birthday,” he wished smiling kindly at me.

“Thank you,” I said though it sounded more like a question. Other than knowing he was on the football team, I’ve never spoken to this guy, ever, how did he know it was my birthday today? And how did he know white roses were my favorite?

I started walking towards the school only to be stopped by another person. This time it was a girl who was in my history class – I think – and she too handed me yet another single white rose. Again I took it dazed and confused.

“What’s going on?” I asked her. She just smiled wishing me happy birthday and skipped off. I titled my head sideways and watched her go. What the hell was going on?

I didn’t make it far before I was stopped again and handed another rose.

After the 10th person had handed me a rose I was already in the school heading to my locker. I needed to find Dee; maybe she put everyone up to this. I know how crazy she gets around birthdays.

When I was almost at my locker I was stopped by Dylan who had a gigantic smile on his face.

“Hey, have you seen Dee?” He didn’t answer. Instead he embraced me in a hug and handed me a white rose.

“Happy birthday”

“Oh no not you too,” I groaned taking it from him. “What’s going on?” I demanded. He winked at me kissing my cheek before turning to the side to reveal Delilah.

“Dee, what’s going on?” I asked my annoyance peaking now. Why won’t anyone tell me what all this is about?

“Happy birthday my beautiful best friend,” she said also handing me a rose and hugging me tightly. She didn’t even give me a chance to ask her again before she stepped to the side only to reveal David who was standing with a rose in his hand as well.

David did the same thing; handed me a rose and turned to the side to reveal Drew. Then it was Natalie, then Monica, whom I smiled brightly at. Ever since she started dating Chris I’ve gotten to know her better, and she’s extremely nice.

Finally there was Chris. He stood towering over me as he stood with a rose in his hand. At this point I was tearing up. I still didn’t know what was going on, but I was so blessed to have amazing friends.

I took the final rose from Chris because I finally made it to my locker. I smiled bringing the bouquet of roses to my nose inhaling deeply.

“Happy birthday Lori,” he grins before turning to the side to reveal Eric standing there with a guitar in his hand.

Before I could get a word in he took a step forward and started playing “Lucky” by Jason Mraz. I was in such shock I couldn’t remember to breathe. Eric was singing! He was finally singing out loud and in front of everyone! I can’t believe he’s actually doing this!

Everything melted away as I stood there listening to his beautiful angelic voice. I’ve been dreaming of hearing Eric sing again ever since I heard him sing along to the song we danced to at my mom’s boss’ party. I know how shy he is about his voice, though I don’t know why. His voice was incredible. He was truly blessed with an amazing talent.

When he was done I was still dazed from listening to him sing.

“Happy birthday Lor,” he smiled coming closer. I blinked a couple times coming back to reality. It was like his voice brought me to a whole different universe.

I stood there looking into his eyes that were sparkling with this mystified look. I gaped at him loss for words. He reached behind his back to get something when suddenly Ashley caught my eye. She was standing not so far from us glaring with her arms folded. She caught me looking at her and a smirk grew on her face. I scowled and as anger boiled inside me.

I couldn’t even stand to look at her. Just the sight of her made me want to blow chunks everywhere. Eric may have finally sung for me willingly, and as grateful as I am to hear that beautiful voice of his again, it didn’t make up for the fact that he kissed the enemy. He betrayed me and I'm still not over that.

I threw the flowers down and turned around pushing my way through the crowd of people that gathered when Eric had started to sing.

“Lori, where are you going?” Eric called out but I couldn’t bring myself to stop. I thought I could make it through the day, but I was wrong, so very wrong. I needed to get out of here, and fast, I could feel myself falling apart.

I could hear Delilah, Drew, Chris, David, Dylan, and Eric all calling after me but I didn’t stop.

I felt someone grab onto my hand stopping me from walking out the school. “Lori stop,” Eric said turning me to face him. “I'm not going to let you get away this time,” he said determinedly looking into my eyes. “We need to talk.” And with that he held my hand firmly and started to lead me out of the school. The bell rang and I stopped in my tracks causing him to stop as well.

“I have to get to class,” I lied trying to pull my hand away from his. I didn’t want to talk. I wanted to get away from him as a far as possible so I can cry my eyes out.

“Screw school,” he said confidently and continued to drag me out of the school. People were already making their way to class. I looked back to see if I could find Delilah hoping she could get Eric to release me but the hallways were already almost deserted and there was no Delilah in sight.

Eric successfully got me out of the school and led towards our favorite oak tree. He finally released his grip on my hand and turned to face me backing me up into the tree.

“Eric this is ridiculous,” I argued. “We’re going to be late for class.”

He placed both hands on each side of my head and leaned in closely. “What did you see exactly?” he asked ignoring my protest.


“Ashley and me kissing, exactly what did you see?” he asked again studying my face closely. Why was he bringing this up?

“I already told you what I saw.” I growled gritting my teeth. He already knows, so why is he asking me again. Does he enjoy hurting me?

“You saw Ashley kissing me,” he started. Is he serious?! Was he seriously going to rub it in my face that he and Ashley were kissing? Did he literally drag me out of school just to remind me of something I wish I could burn from my memory?

I started push my way past not wanting to hear anymore but he wouldn’t have it. He grabbed my waist pinning me against the tree. 

“You saw Ashley kissing me,” he started again. I cringed not wanting to be here. “But if you had stayed long enough you would have seen me pushing her away,” he finished. I looked up at him searching his eyes.

“What?” I whispered. His gaze softened and a small smile crept on his face.

“You got it all wrong Lor. There’s nothing going on between Ashley and I, there never was and never will be,” he explained. My breathing came out ragged as I looked at him unable to believe what I was hearing. “Besides, the only person I want to kiss is you,” he smiled before taking my face in his hands and gently placed his lips on mine.

 It only took me a second to register what was happening before I responded. I smiled into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him back. I heard a low growl come from his lips as he removed his hands from my face to my waist pulling me closer. I’ve been waiting so long to feel his lips on mine and it was finally happening. My stomach did back flips, summersaults, front flips; the whole nine yards.

He pulled me closer to him if that was possible running his tongue over my bottom lip. I eagerly opened my mouth letting him explore inside. My head was getting lighter by the second and I was on the verge of passing out.

We pulled back breathing heavily. He put his forehead on mine and looked deeply into my eyes.

“I love you” he whispered against my lips. I looked up at him with wide eyes. My heart thudded as I replayed the words in my head. He loved me. He gazed at me with that mystified look again, then it finally hit me… it was the love he had for me.

 “I have been for a really long time, since third grade actually,” he confessed chuckling slightly. What?!

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I whispered surprised at the sound of my weary voice.

“I wanted to tell you, each and every day but I was terrified that I might lose you. Lori you mean the world to me and I can’t go a day without seeing your smile, hearing you laugh, or holding you in my arms at night.” I blushed a little at the last part. He touched my cheek “Or how beautiful you look when you blush” he smiled. I blushed harder and hid my face but he only lifted it up making me face him. “You have no idea how badly I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t lose you so I kept it to myself.  And then when I did try to tell you things always seem to pop up and interrupt me, but I’d rather you love me as a friend than nothing at all,” he said gazing into my eyes. At that moment I wanted to burst out laughing at how ironic this situation was. And to think all this time I thought he didn’t feel the same way about me!

“I love you too,” I grinned pulling his face close to mine so I could kiss him again. I felt him smile then pick me up twirling me around. I laughed wrapping my arms around him feeling happier than I ever felt in months.

He put me down and smiled as he reached behind him pulling out a single rose. I looked up at him dazed.

“The final rose,” he whispered handing it to me. “That makes it 18 in total. Happy 18th birthday beautiful” I took it from him and instantly felt like an ass remembering that I threw the flowers down in a fit of anger at the sight of Ashley.

“Thank you. I should have known it was you behind all this, only you know that white roses are my favorite,” I said tearing up slightly.

“Do you want to go somewhere?” he asked suddenly his eyes twinkling with excitement.

I laughed. “Where?” I wondered.

“Anywhere!” He exclaimed taking my hand and pulling me further away from the school.

“But what about school?” I asked though I didn’t care in the slightest.

“I’ll just text Delilah and Dylan to cover for us,” he said brightly taking my hand and already leading me over to his truck.

I laughed and let him open his truck door for me. I got in and grinned as I watched him run around to the other side and got in. He started his truck and taking my hand he casted me a quick wink before pulling out of the parking lot.

A little while later Eric pulled up to our favorite park. He hopped out of his car and came around to the passenger’s side where he opened the door for me and helped me out.

“Let’s have a day in the sun,” he grinned taking my hand and pulling me towards the swings.

We played around in the park for a bit, laughing like idiots, and I loved every minute. I really needed this day. After going through weeks of hell, all I wanted was to feel nothing but bliss with the one I loved.

“I'm going to get you,” Eric yelled at me chasing me around the park. I laughed as I ducked behind a tree. He went the other way and I squealed running again. He finally caught up to me and tackled me in the grass. I laughed as he flipped me over so I was facing him. He straddled me and started to tickle me.

“I told you I was going to catch you,” he breathed grinning like an idiot.

I laughed and slapped his chest. “Yeah well now that you’ve got me, what are you going to do?” I teased. He gave a devious smile as he lowered his head so his mouth was inches away from mine.

“Never let go,” he whispered before kissing me gently. My eyes flew open as I stared up into his closed ones. Why does this feel like déjà vu? I swear I feel like this has happened already. I finally gave up trying to figure out where I remembered this and kissed him back.

He pulled back with a gigantic smile on his face. “I’ve dreamed of this moment for such a long time, this all still surreal, and I'm scared this all isn’t just a dream, because if it is, I never want to wake up.”

“I know exactly how you feel, and trust it’s not a dream, more like a dream come true.” I giggled. “Thank for you an amazing birthday,” I said looking up into his eyes grateful. He smiled kissing me again.

“It’s not over yet. “Come on, let’s go get something to eat,” he said getting up and taking my hand. I gladly accepted slipping my hand in his and let him lead me back to his truck.

“I can’t believe you sang, does that mean you’re going to sing for me more often,” I grinned looking at him hopefully.

He chuckled glancing at me sideways. “Come on,” he muttered ignoring my request but had an amused smile on his face.

We stopped to get lunch. I smiled as Eric ordered us a simple burger and fries and a milkshake.

“So,” Eric started as we waited for our order to come.

“So,” I mocked grinning from ear to ear. I think I haven’t stopped smiling since Eric told me he loved me.

“So what happened with Ashley,” he started looking intently at me. And just like that the smile I had on my face fell.

“No I don’t want to talk about it,” I muttered looking away.

“No we do need to talk about it,” he insisted taking my hand. “I'm sorry I was so dense about the whole thing, I really did believe she had changed. I'm sorry it put such a strain on us,” he apologized rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand gently.

I smiled giving his had a little squeeze. “It’s ok,” I said forgiving him easily.

“It’s always been you Lor,” he smiled.

I tear up slightly. “I love you Eric.” I loved being able to say it so easily now.

“I love you too Lor, more than life itself,” he said kissing the back of my hand gently. My heart swelled and I prayed to God this really wasn’t a dream.

Our waiter came back with our food and we dug in hungrily.

 “So you helped Chris get Monica huh?” Eric chuckled taking a bite of his burger. I laughed ducking my face.

“It’s a long story.”

“I’ve got time,” he winked. I laughed and told him the process of how I helped Chris get Monica.

The day seemed to have gone by in a blur and before we knew it, it was getting dark. Eric and I were taking a stroll down the street. We left his truck back at school where my car was and decided to take a walk before heading back home.

“So are we a couple now?” Eric asked tugging on my hand slightly casting me one his drop dead smiles.

“Well not if you’re going to ask like that we’re not,” I teased. He chuckled and stopped causing me to stop with him. Not letting go of my hand once he got down on one knee. I laughed and hid my face behind my free hand.

“Lori Kristen Stewart would you please say yes to being my girlfriend” he smiled happily. I laughed and tapped my chin pretending to think about it.

“Lori” he wailed standing up. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him giving him the most passionate kiss I could conjure, letting out all my feelings that I’ve had bottled up for so long. When we released to catch our breaths he stared at me with gleaming eyes.

“Does that answer your question” I smiled.

He kissed me again and picked me up. “It most certainly does,” he grinned. I laughed and held onto him tightly.

 As we stood there embraced in one another, it was as if these past couple of months never existed, all the pain I’ve been through just disappeared as I stood here hugging my best friend who loved me just as much as I loved him.


It’s been a week since Eric and I confessed our love for each other and it’s been the best week of my life.

We told our friends the good news about us the next day, and I think Dee was the most ecstatic of them all about the whole thing, considering she knew that both Eric and I liked each other but she couldn’t say anything to neither of us seeing we swore her to secrecy. Poor Dee, but she really is a good friend!

As well Chris and Monica have been hanging out with us a lot recently. I guess they are now part of the group too. I'm really glad to see Chris happy. Everyone deserves a second chance.

As for Ashley, well I don’t really care about what she does, but fortunately I barely see her anymore. I think she’s ashamed that she got shut down, but I did tell her one day Eric will see her for the scum she really is. I love being right.

Things couldn’t get any better than this. Everything was perfect. I finally told my best friend I loved him and turns out he loves me back, my friends are the greatest, and my mom was due to have the baby any day now.

 “Lori did you hear I just said?” Dee asked waving her hand in my face.

“Huh, what?” I said a little dazed.

“Natalie, Monica, and I are riding with you in your car to the mall because it’s cute and still has that new car smell and the guys are going to ride with Chris,” Delilah explained.

“Sounds good,” I laughed turning to Eric to catch him watching me. He casted me a wink and I blushed slightly. Just then my phone started buzzing in my back pocket. I pulled it out and checked the caller ID. It was dad calling.

“Hey dad, is everything ok?” I answered.

“Yeah, sure everything’s fine, if you count the fact your mom just went into labor,” he said causally.

“What?” I shrieked excitedly.

He laughed. “Yes, now get your butt down to the hospital right now,” he ordered happily.

“Ok dad, I'm on my way.” I hung up the phone and turned to face my friends who were all giving me confused look. “My mom just went into labor,” I told them excitedly.

“Holy Shit, seriously?!” Dylan shrieked.

“Yes,” I giggled happiness bubbling inside of me. Eric came over and lifted me off the ground twirling me slightly.

“Well what the hell are we still standing here for? To the hospital!” Dylan ordered pumping his fist in the air. We laughed and got in our cars and drove to the hospital.

We got there in a matter of minutes and ran to the front desk panting, catching our breaths.

“Can you tell me what room Heather Stewart is in please?” I asked the lady. She looked up at me and smiled kindly before checking the computer.

“Room 103. Just down the hallway and make a left” she directed. I thanked her and grabbed Eric’s hand before heading down to room 103. I saw the room and ran down the hall barging inside. Mom and dad looked startled at my sudden entrance but composed themselves when they realized it was me. Mom was in the bed, hair clinging to her face as sweat dripped down her beautiful face.

“Lori” she started but it turned into a shout. She bent over screaming in pain and breathing heavily. Dad looked like he was on the verge of passing out. You think he’d be used to this by now. She was holding on to his hand so tight he looked like he was ready to ditch it. She stopped groaning and breathed in and out. I walked up to her taking dad’s position. He casted me a grateful look and rubbed his hand.

“Breathe, that’s it” I coaxed her. I wiped the hair from her face and breathed with her. As I was breathing the doctor came in and then mom let out another blood hurling scream. I shivered a little. I don’t think I want to have children anymore.

“Looks like you’re about dilated Mrs. Stewart. Just a couple more centimeters” the doctor smiled kindly. She nodded her head and plopped back on the pillow.

I left Eric and everyone else out in the waiting room and stayed with mom until it was time for her to give birth. The doctor came back in ready to deliver.

“Alright it’s time” he said before looking at me. “Are you staying?” he asked kindly. I looked at him with wide eyes. I shook my head vigorously before handing mom’s hand back to dad and booking it out of the room. I heard them laughing as I closed the door behind me.

I walked down the hall to the waiting room where my friends were waiting along with Delilah parents and Eric’s. After hugging them I went over to sit next to Eric who took my hand in his immediately. I rested my head on his and waited.

Chris and Drew came back with bottled water for each of us.

“I'm so excited, I can’t wait to see the baby,” Delilah squealed making everyone laugh.

“You’re going to be an amazing big sister,” Eric whispered in my ear before nibbling on it gently. Despite the fact that my mother was in a room a few feet away giving birth, I couldn’t concentrate on anything but Eric’s hot breath in my ear driving me insane.

Just then Dad walked into the waiting room his face glowing with happiness. “Are you ready to meet your new baby brother” he gleamed.

“She had a boy” Delilah and I yelled at the same time. We ran into the room and squealed happily as we walked over to mom who was holding my little brother in her arms.

“Hey mom, how you feeling” I whispered not wanting to wake the baby. She looked up at me and smiled.

“Tired, sore, but extremely happy. Do you want to hold Hayden” she asked beaming. I nodded my head because no words could come out. She gently handed Hayden over to me. I cradled him in my arms. Delilah peered over my shoulder cooing at his sleeping form. He started to fidget then his eyes opened revealing the most gorgeous blue eyes I’ve ever seen – aside from mom. Yep he definitely got her eyes.

“Hi Hayden” I smiled at my little brother. He smiled showing his gums and wiggled in my arms. “I'm your big sister and this is Delilah, you’re other big sister” I said showing him over to Dee. Everyone was in the room by then. I showed him around to everyone.

“Wow you’re parents make cute babies” Dylan gushed. I laughed and rolled my eyes at him.

“That’s Dylan, don’t worry he’s not retarded, just fell on his head one too many times” I teased making him stick his tongue out at me. Hayden giggled making my heart swell with pride. I looked around the room smiling knowing that Hayden has a loving family that will support him every step of the way.

Allison burst into the room panting and looking around frantically.

“Where is he” she asked. I turned around so that she could get a look at her baby brother. She gasped and put her hands to her mouth.

“He’s beautiful” she whispered. I handed him to her and saw mom motion me over.

“When did you get a hold of Alice?” I asked confused as to how she could get here so fast.

“She was coming down anyways. She finished her courses early so she could come home and help out at the house. You’re dad called when we were heading to the hospital” she explained.

“That's good” I said watching Allison as she made funny faces at Hayden trying to get him to laugh.

“So did you and Eric make up?” Mom asked sitting up slightly. I helped her with the pillows blushing slightly. Oh we made up alright.

“Yeah,” I mumbled trying to hide my smile but Mom caught it anyways.

“What was that?” she asked slyly.

“We’re a couple now,” I confessed. She gasped and peered around my shoulder to look at Eric before looking back at me.


“About a week now.”

“And you’re just telling me now?” she asked shocked. I rolled my eyes and chuckled at her dramatic reaction.

“I'm horrible I know,” I joked kissing her head. She laughed and hugged me.

“I'm so happy for you honey,” she whispers. “But I hope you know this means now he can’t sleep in your room anymore,” she states looking up at me slyly.

 “What?” I gasped. She only chuckled and turned me around smacking my butt playfully before giving me a slight push in his direction.

“Hey there beautiful,” he smiled taking me in his arms.

“Hi,” I murmured happily looking up at him. He gazed down at me with those loving eyes of his making my stomach erupt with butterflies. “I love you,” I stated. He smiled kissing my forehead.

“I love you more Lori,” he grinned hugging me to him. I grinned loving the feeling of happiness inside. He was not only my best friend. He was so much more than that. He was my rock, my other half. I feel whole when I'm with him and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I Lori Stewart fell in love with my geeky best friend, and sure as hell glad I did!! 

         THE END!

Authors’ Note

Well it’s finally finished!! I hope everyone enjoyed it!! And I just want to thank you guys again for being so amazing and supportive!! :’D

Picture of baby Hayden on the side. I gotta say that baby is too frickin cute!!!! ^.^

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