
By MC21_12

44.9K 1.4K 86

Athena Genova D'Angelo lives on her own. Working as waitress during the day. But when she is not doing that... More

D'Angelo Family
Extended family


1.3K 42 0
By MC21_12

Finns Pov:

I can see mom glancing at the two of us in the back seat. She hasn't stopped smiling since we got Athena home. The group chat on my phone is blowing up right now. It's only my brothers and I in it.

Smirking as the angry and jealous messages fly in since I've got to come on this little excursion. I take a glance over at Athena who is looking out the window seeming deep in thought. Honestly I don't really know what to say to her right now.

She is so grown up, such a beautiful person and yet I can see the rainclouds above her head. I just hope bringing her to Italy will also bring her some much needed good in her life.

Finally we pull up to a house. It's on the smaller side and a bit run down. "Hey love, we don't have too much time so we'll need to make this a quick visit, okay?" Mom speaks gently not knowing how Athena will react.

But honestly Athena isn't a child anymore nor is she irrational or naïve. So of course she agrees saying she'll only be a moment and with that get out of the car and left herself into the house.

Now it is only me mom and I can see the worry etched into her features. "Chill Mama, she is okay."

I take off my seatbelt and lean forward. "You think I should be doing more don't you? I mean maybe I'm not being gentle enough with her." I speaks but it's more like she is thinking out loud.

"No way. If anything you're being too gentle with her. She isn't made of glass and I'm sure she doesn't want to be treated any different than how you would treat me or the guys. It's all still new, getting use to having her around you don't want to treat her different now and have it be the reason she never feels comfortable." My words seem to make sense to her as she relaxes a little nodding her head.

"Thank you baby." I kiss her hand and sit back in my seat. She looks at me through the mirror again and adds. "Oh, and don't ever tell me to chill, I'm not you bro."

"Sorry Mama."


Athena's Pov:

I don't wait for Atlas to let me in, I just walk straight into his house and into the kitchen where he is waiting for me.

"Hey." I hug him him resting my head on his chest. I can feel the emotions welling up inside me. As if he can sense how hard this is for me he squeezes me tight against him. "Hey Thena." He mumbles into my hair.

When we eventually break apart I can see that this goodbye is just as hard for him as it is for me. "I want you to be happy Athena, please. We'll see each other again but you need to take this new beginning with open arms and embrace it."

"I'll try, promise." We spend a few more moments chatting about Atlas coming to visit me possibly during the summer and before I know it it's time for us to part ways. Atlas walks me to the front door and opens it.

"Love ya like crazy. Don't do anything I would do." He winks at me giving my forehead a kiss. "You know you no will stop me from doing what I want but nice of you trying to be responsible. And, I love you too."

I turn to the car without looking back knowing if I do the tears I've been holding back will run. With a sigh I get into the car. I give Luna an attempt at a smile to reassure I'm fine to which she returns and then starts the car driving off.

The ride to the airport is silent. Finn and I just sit side by side staring out the windows both deep in our own heads only to be pulled out when the car comes to a stop on the concrete. Outside a jet awaits us.

I can Silas talking to man in a black suit, I assume the others have already boarded the jet. "Alright you two, grab you stuff and we will go get comfortable, it's going to be a long flight." Luna tells us before stepping out of the car. I grab the backpack slinging it over my shoulder as I too step out of the vehicle.

It's funny how someone's life can change so much. One day you're barley scraping by and the next you're taking a private jet to Italy where you're going to live with your new found family. Finn comes to my side offering me his hand to which I accept.

He guides me along up the steps and into the jet soon followed by Luna and Silas. Looking around the interior is quite lovely. The seats are a grey leather that complement the dark glossy wood of the tables.

Elijah and Marcus are sitting side by side and are joined by Luna and Silas who sit opposite them as a table separates each pair.

Kaden and Gabriel are seated on two of the couches next to each other. Gabriel has his laptop out and is typing extremely quickly as Kaden swipes on his phone. Finn plops in between the two boys and I take a seat across from the trio.

The jet is quiet as the pilot speak over the intercom. I pull my fluffy blanket that I had shoved down the bottom of the backpack and cover myself with it. I plan to hibernate for the next 11 hours of this flight.

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