
By Kcrescent_V

70.3K 3.9K 445

Sometime we are late to cherish things that are most precious to us. Sometime after losing our most precious... More

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2.7K 168 18
By Kcrescent_V

Rain noticed how Sky and PraPai were staring at each other, there was curiosity in PraPai's eyes while Sky had a longing look but then he covered it up with blank expression. Sky gave them a nod before moving away to let them in, he stood in corner and stares at PraPai

Meanwhile, Rain stumbled and was about to fall but PraPai grabbed him and then shook his head, “You klutz, watch your step”

“Phee!” Rain groans, feeling embarrassed, while PraPai chuckles in amusement and pats Rain’s head. Rain smiles instead of seeing PraPai so lively. Meanwhile, Sky felt suffocated. He wanted to approach PraPai but at the same time he was scared. Scared of them ending up in miserable life, especially after knowing the truth. PraPai looked so happy and that made Sky feel both relieved yet sad.

He was in deep thoughts when someone touched his shoulder, Sky jerked in surprise and took a step back before looking at PraPai with wide eyes. PraPai looks back at him in worry after seeing Sky’s reaction, “Nong? Are you okay? Rain was calling you but you seem lost..”

“..I..” Sky shutters, he cleared his throat and spoke, “I’m fine, Phee…”

“Are you sure?” PraPai asked again as he stared at Sky intensely, Sky avoided PraPai’s eyes and nodded before escaping to find Rain who went to an empty room to set his things.

"Do you need any help?" Sky asked as he walked in and stared at Rain who was looking around the room. Rain turns around and they both stare at each other silently. Both wanted to ask if they remembered each other but they both believed that it wouldn't happen.

"Um.. Nice place…" Rain said awkwardly, he wasn't even close to Sky so Rain wasn't sure how to begin a conversation.

"Yes.. It's close to college.." Sky replies back, they avoided eye contact and looked around silently when PraPai entered inside.

He noticed the uneasiness around both the omegas and shook his head, "It will take time to get used to having another omega around you. Sky, we are going for lunch, join us..”

“No! It’s not necessary..” Sky said in panic while both Rain and PraPai looked at him in surprise, Sky fiddled and shut as he explained himself, “I mean you guys have family time, I don’t want to bother..”

“There’s nothing to bother, more the merrier…” PraPai said with a wide smile as he stood in front of Sky, Sky looked up at PraPai in daze.

“P’Phai is right, join us! We will get chance to know each other better…” Rain spoke seeing Sky hesitating, Sky looks between the siblings who gave him eager look and nodded finally.

Rain smiles in relief as he watches Sky closely, he can see Sky staring in PraPai’s direction. He knew that omega had some kind of attraction towards his brother but Rain was still not sure if Sky and PraPai should end up together.

PraPai loved Sky unconditionally but Sky didn’t feel the same. As much as Rain wants PraPai to be with someone he loves, Rain didn’t wish them to end up in that unloved marriage either.

At that same moment, Phayu entered the room along with Saifah. Both the twins were surprised to see Sky before a smile bloomed over their face. Saifah happily walked next to Sky as he spoke, “N’Sky! You’re Rain’s roommate?! That’s so relieving, at least we don’t have to worry about how Rain will handle everything..”

“Oh, you know Sky?” PraPai asked in curiosity, Phayu nodded as he walked towards Sky and spoke in a soft voice, “He is my code junior, Sky is a responsible yet sweet person..”

“If Phayu thinks Sky is good then I trust in you Sky! Rain can be handful..” PraPai grins as he rubs Rain’s head, who frowns on seeing Sky and Phayu together. He knew Sky and Phayu knew each other but it was still unsettling, especially after Phayu’s cold treatment towards him.

“How come Phee is here?” Sky asked, though he knew that Phayu was Rain’s alpha. Both Sky and Rain noticed how Phayu became stiff before he spoke with no emotion, “Rain’s my husband..”

Phayu's word made Rain feel uncomfortable. Not even mate or omega, it was like his alpha refused to acknowledge him. Even Saifah and PraPai noticed the tense atmosphere, PraPai looked at Phayu in confusion while Saifah shook his head in disappointment.

“P’Phayu, help me with luggage…” Rain said to get Phayu’s attention but Phayu was busy talking Sky about his studies

“P’Phayu!” Rain called Phayu again but it still hasn't gotten any attention. Rain’s expression darken on seeing Phayu and Sky laughing and he clenched his fist tighter.

Meanwhile, PraPai looked at Rain and shook his head. He patted Rain’s hair and whispered, “Don’t create a scene…”

“You think I always do wrong?” Rain asked back sharply in anger, PraPai looks at Rain with a smile as he replies, “You’re my brother but that doesn’t me I will support you when you’re being stubborn. Just go through this all for a while then…”

“Then what? Huh?!” Rain shouted in anger which made everyone look in their direction. Rain looked towards his alpha who was staring at PraPai intensely instead, nothing was making sense to Rain and it was frustrating him.

“Haha, Rain is frustrated due to hunger. Let’s go for lunch..” PraPai makes excuses while Rain looks at his older brother in disbelief.

"Phee! What do you mean by for a while? What after that?" Rain hissed in frustration as PraPai dragged him towards the door.

Once they were at a distance away from others, PraPai turns to look at Rain and sighs, "Let's not discuss it here"

"Then when?" Rain asked back in irritation, PraPai glared at his younger brother and then spoke sternly, "Calm down, don't let your emotions blind you…"

"What's going on?" Phayu walked towards them and asked when he saw Rain distressed. Rain turns around to look at Phayu with a fallen face, Phayu stares at PraPai in annoyance and says again, "Why is Rain upset?"

"When is he not?" PraPai replies back as a joke but both Rain and Phayu didn't find it amusing, Phayu rolled his eyes and stares at Rain instead, "Let's go"

Rain nodded quietly and followed Phayu where Saifah and Sky were waiting for them.

                                 At the restaurant, they were sitting around a round table. Saifah, Rain and Sky followed PraPai and Phayu. PraPai kept offering food to Sky who was too shy to eat. Saifah was stuck between Rain and Phayu who suddenly were acting like strangers.

"P'Phayu, Rain wants the chicken curry.." Rain asked Phayu who looked at the bowl and then passed it to Saifah instead of Rain who extended his hand, "Sai, pass it to him.."

Saifah looks at Phayu dumbly before serving it to Rain who frowns instead. Rain looks at Phayu while pouting and spoke, "I want rice…"

"Sai…" "It's in front of you! Why don't you hand it to him?" Saifah interrupted Phayu and spoke in annoyance. Phayu scowls in response and passes it to Rain.

Rain was frustrated, before Phayu used to pamper him. Without even asking Phayu would give everything and anything that Rian wanted. Phayu will make sure Rain was eating before he starts eating himself.

He will make sure Rain was fed and happy but now, Phayu won't even bother to look in his direction. He would act like Rain wasn't there or he was a stranger.

"Phee.. Can you pass me a jug .." Rain looks between Phayu and Sky as Sky asks Phayu who smiles and pour the water in Sky’s glass instead. Rain stood up in irritation, startling everyone.

"If you dislike me so much then fine! Enjoy your food alone! I'm going back to my dorm.." Rain said angrily as he turned around and left the restaurant.

Others were taken back by Rain's outburst and Phayu sighed before he stood up and went after Rain. Meanwhile, Sky was frozen in shock before looking towards PraPai and Saifah feeling upset

" Did I do something wrong? I didn't mean to upset Rain.." Sky said feeling guilty, Saifah sighs while PraPai gave him a stiff smile, "It's not you, Rain needs to figure out what he wants and what he doesn't…"

                              Meanwhile, Phayu grabbed Rain's hand before the younger omega could walk any further. Rain glared at Phayu and shouted, "Let me go!"

"What's wrong with you, Rain?" Phayu asked in a calm voice which made Rain laugh in a mocking manner.

"Wrong with me?! What's wrong with you? You have been ignoring me all this time! Why?! What did I do??" Rain shouted in frustration.

Phayu still remain calm which was distressing Rain even more, "P'Phayu! What did I do?"

"I just ignored you for a couple of days and you're becoming so anxious. Rain, you have been ignoring me since we got married. Did you realise how I feel?" Phayu asked back, which made Rain speechless. He opens his mouth to reply but then becomes quiet again.

"I'm just doing what you wanted me to do. I'm keeping my distance from you, not bothering you and minding my own business.." Phayu spoke again, Rain looked at Phayu with a hurt look but Phayu still remained stern.

"Let's go back, everyone is worried about you.." Phayu said as he started walking

"Were you worried?" Rain asked Phayu which made the alpha stop, Phayu didn't turn around yet he answered, "I will never stop worrying about you but I will not cross my boundaries.."

Rain joined them after 10 mins, his eyes were red and puffy but no one dared to point it out. He played with the chopstick but didn't bother to eat. PraPai looks at Rain in worry but decides not to interfere with the matter between Rain and Phayu.

Few minutes passed, and Phayu placed food on Rain's plate which made the omega look up at Phayu in hope, "Eat.."

Rain looks between the plate and then Phayu as he recalls their previous conversation. He sighs as he remembers that he was the one who told Phayu to stop bothering him.

It worsens his mood as he recalls their argument and how he behaved with his alpha. He shouted at Phayu to stop interfering with his business.


Few months before Rain was reborn, Phayu and Rain had a huge argument regarding one of Phayu’s classmate and Rain’s senior. Phayu knew the alpha and also how he pretended to be all nice and charming before taking advantage of others.

“Rain! Why don’t you ever listen to me? He’s not as you think! He’s just pretending!” Phayu said feeling frustrated as he tried to explain the same thing again and again.

“Why don’t you stop bothering instead? I know who’s actually faking it or who’s sincere to me!!” Rain shouted back in irritation

“If you really did then we won’t be having this conversation!” Phayu said in grumpy voice

“For god sake! Leave me alone! Stop bothering me! Stay away from me! Stop interfering with my business! How many times I need to remind you! You’re not my alpha! I’m not your mate! We are just stuck in this forced marriage because you bewitched my parents into believing I can’t have a better alpha than you!!” Rain breathing hard as he shouted out everything in anger

“Rain…” Phayu called the omega in a sad voice but Rain wasn’t affected and He continued, “I just want to get out of this all! Please! What did I do to deserve this?! I thought of you as my friend but betrayed me by forcing me into this stupid situation!”

Rain sat on the bed before throwing away the duvet on the ground, he ignored Phayu who took a deep breath before walking out of the room. Few minutes passed and Rain started to feel uncomfortable, he groaned in pain before reaching out for Phayu’s jacket.

Rain hugs the jacket tightly, his body trembling as the alpha’s pheromones start to fade away. He cried in desperation as he looked for Phayu’s wardrobe for Alpha’s shirt and at same time cursed Phayu for making him go through all this.

                     Once they returned to the dorm, Rain went directly to his room. He didn't bother to say goodbye to anyone and lock himself in. PraPai and Phayu were used to Rain's behaviour so they didn't mind it. Instead, Phayu looks at Sky and spoke

"If there's any issue, call me. Rain can be frustrating but if you talk to him nicely, he will understand. Just.. Don't get angry with him. If there's trouble, call me directly.."

"Don't worry, Phee. I will take care of Rain.." Sky assured Phayu who smiled back in return before he went to look for Saifah.

"Sky, can I have your number? Rain has a bad habit of avoiding calls. I can call you instead if needed.." PraPai asked Sky who hesitates before telling his number to PraPai who types in his phone.

"Oh.." PraPai whispered when he saw Sky contact pop up as omega boy in his phone. He looked up at Sky who was staring back at him nervously and then chuckled, "Small world, isn't it?"

"How are you doing now? Sorry for misunderstanding.." PraPai said awkwardly as he recalled the night when he first met Sky.

".. I.. I'm okay.." Sky replies as he choke due to feeling emotional.

"I really thought you're someone else, fortunately you were stable enough or we might have ended up in an extremely awkward situation.." PraPai said as he pats Sky's hair. Sky nodded while controlling his tears.

"Then I will be leaving, take care and you're free to contact me.." PraPai told Sky before leaving. Sky closes the door and rushed to his own room

He broke into tears as he thought about misunderstandings and unfortunate circumstances that made him believe that PraPai took advantage of him. He cried his heart out for always blaming the alpha when he was the cause of that situation too.

"I'm so sorry P'Phai.." Sky whispered as he thought about his alpha whom he lost because of his anger and hatred.


I will fasten the progress of story... I feel it's going slow

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