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A couple of days passed and Sky no longer had energy to cry or hate PraPai, he just wanted everything to turn out to be a bad dream. He was still hoping that this wasn't real but he was losing hope slowly

He watched PraPai's casket level down, all family members were crying except Sky who stood there like a statue. Rain stood next to him while sobbing as he watched his brother getting buried. Phayu and Saifah came too but they stood far away from them

Once the casket was buried, everyone greeted Sky and showed him their support before leaving. Rain went to talk to his aunt while Sky still stood next to PraPai's grave.

The smiling picture of PraPai was haunting Sky, he would never see his alpha smile again, hear him laugh again. He would never have him console him, never have him hug him and say that he was here for him.

A single tear drops from his eyes as he looks at the picture before slowly sitting on the ground. Few minutes passed, and a hand was placed over his shoulder, "Nong Sky.."

Sky turned around and found his college senior standing in front of him, the senior gave him a warm smile.

                     "Thank you for coming, Phee.." Sky said as he served the water to the senior and then sat opposite to him.

"PraPai was a close friend of mine, it was shocking when I received this news.." The senior said sadly before trying to smile again. Sky nodded and stared at the table blanking.

Few minutes passed and the senior cleared his throat to get Sky's attention and spoke, "Sky.... PraPai told me about what happened between you two..."

The senior paused to see Sky's reaction, who had frozen in shock and then continued, "I know it's too late to tell you this but PraPai always stopped me from telling you this... He was afraid that you wouldn't believe it and thought that I'm helping him to cover it up... He was even afraid that you might end up hating me.."

"Phee, what are you talking about?" Sky asked while frowning. The senior took a deep breath and spoke

"It was really an accident that night... That night you suddenly entered into heat... We all were drunk and were not in condition to drive so I took you to the vacant room.. I didn't see anyone inside and assumed that it was empty.."

He stopped and looked at Sky who was looking pale, his eyes were wide and his posture was stiff. The senior was worried but he knew that he needed to have Sky know the truth.


                         Sky came to the graduation party for his final year seniors. Sky wasn't close to his batch mates but he had a good relationship with his seniors. He greeted them all and they started drinking and dancing together

Sky started to feel hot but he thought because the club was crowded. He unbuttons his shirt and drinks some cold water but as time passes by his condition becomes worse.

Sky decided to sit down and rest as he thought he drank too much but soon he started feeling dizzy and the room slowly filled with faint aroma of peonies. Everyone starts looking around in confusion and daze. That's when Sky's senior Yoo realised that Sky was in heat.

He started to panic and tried to get Sky's attention who was semi conscious state. Yoo himself was drunk and couldn't think straight. He decided to get Sky a room and then handle the situation in the morning when he was sober.

He went upstairs while carrying the omega and then checked for an empty room. He sees a room with an unlocked door and opens it, Yoo sighs in relief when found it empty and places Sky over the bed.

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