Artful Deceit & Love

Par thatdesinari

34.9K 2.1K 171

Three strong individuals Three powerful royals Three wishful desires But these very desires webs them togeth... Plus

Theme + Characters
2.First meeting
3.The Ring
4.Meeting the stranger
5.Meeting him
8.Meeting him again!
9.A friendly date!
12.Power Couple
13.Just one date!
14.Something unique
15.Silence before the storm!
16.Futile Attempts
17. Beginning of deceit
18. Logic versus Emotions!
19. A distracting ploy!
20. In love!
21. Friends!
22. White Rose
23. Impression!
26. Wishful thinking
27. Conceited
28. I hate you!
29. The Proposal
30. Acceptance
31. Exclusively mine!
32. Bad dream
33. Closed door
34. Lies we tell
35. Defiance
36. Some answers
37. The Truth
38. A way with words
39. Home
40. Reception Party
41. Platonic
42. A mere chess piece
43. Not a puppet

24. Belongs to you!

767 44 2
Par thatdesinari

Mridula's POV

I glanced at the huge iron gate of the Shekhawat Mansion and then at the free road that I could drive on and get the hell of out of here!

No, Mridula...! Just march in there with confidence, give him back what belongs to him and then get out!

I found myself taking three deep breaths before I honked at the house gates. I drove in the front porch once I got approved by someone from the inside.

Now, he knows that I am here so I have no choice but to go ahead!

Unlike the last time, Senior Shekhawat's PA didn't greet me but a woman in her late forties. She informed that he was in the garden area and also that his father wasn't at home!

Alone...In his home! You couldn't have selected a better time to drop by, Mridula!

As I crossed the living room and into the garden, I noted that it was well-maintained but there wasn't a single flower in there. No other colour but green!

What else did you expect in his house...A colourful flowerbed?

I felt his eyes on me and that made me glance at his direction. He was sitting at one of wicker sofa that was situated at the centre of the garden. His warm beige skin gleamed under the sun. I had thought that he might wear business suits in his home also but today, he was wearing a set of white kurta and pajama. It felt homely and strangely comforting!

After what Vaibhav had told me about him, I wanted to confront ask him if that's what he truly wanted from me! But then I remembered that they were mere words at the moment and he had not acted on them!

So I saw no point asking him about this...and it wasn't like I'll ever agree to him!

And besides I wasn't here to talk about that!

I started taking steps in his direction with my gaze trained on the green grass underneath my feet.

"Mridula!" I glanced up at the sound of my name and noticed him to be standing besides me. He gestured to me to sit and I made my way to the furthest sofa that was across from his. I tightened my grip around the strap of the bag as I settled down.

"So, what brings you here?" He asked in his usual tone. I looked around once and then my eyes landed on the wicker and glass table that separated us. I am sure by now there might be traces of an expression of distaste on my face.

"Do you have any good habits?" The question left my mouth before I could stop it as I stared at the cigarette case kept on the table.

"I do...I lift weights...workout and eat healthy!" He gave me a nonchalant reply. If it hadn't been for his attentive gaze on me, I would have thought that he was dismissing me. Maybe he is not used to people caring for him!

I can see that he works out by his great physique but what I don't understand is that why in the world would he engage in such a bad habit...

"And did those weights...ever hit your head that made you take up this worst habit?" I said as I point out to the case.

I saw him lean in with a tiny smirk on, "If I hadn't known you better, I would have assumed that you are concerned about me, Princess!"

"I actually have something that belongs to you!" His eyebrows raised up in question and my words shifted on the topic for which I was here in the first place.

"And before you accuse me...I didn't steal it!" I told him as I started to unzip my tote bag. But I should make this crystal clear because I don't want to be reported and taken to jail.

Now, think about this...would it look good for a lawyer to end up in jail?

So, I had to clear it up with him. I stopped mid way from unzipping the bag and glanced up to find his gaze on me!

"I am telling you, Mr. Shekhawat...No, I am warning you that I am not a thief and should not be treated as one!"

He mumbled something to himself before nodded in understanding as I continued with my explanation, "It accidentally made its way into my bag!"

I dived in to search for it after that. My hand couldn't find the box because of my belongings. I sighed as I held out a finger at his direction, silently telling him to wait a second.

Lip balm, phone charger, wallet, coins, sanitiser, sunglass case, sunscreen...and then when I finally reached in, I felt the box brush against my fingers.

"Got it!" I exclaimed with a grin as I gazed up. He was leaning back against the chair with his right arm folded and placed at the arm support with his fingers kept above his if to prevent himself from laughing.

I looked down to find the table cluttered with my belongings. His gaze travelled down to them and that's when I took out the box.

"Here!" I caught his attention again but this time, it was fleeting as he stared at the box intently.

"Is that my m...!" He was about to continued but I felt him hold his words back.

Before I could say something, he unfolded his long arms and snatched it out of my palm...He snatched it from me!

He didn't spare a second to open the box to stare at the beautiful ring. His tense shoulders slumped down slightly and his features relaxed. But what surprised me was the smile that flashed on his face...affectionate but his eyes held an ache in them!

But I was glad to see that smile at meant I am not going to prison for false accusations!

My breath hitched as he caught me with a smile on my face as I stared at him. The smile fell from my lips and I reached out for my left earring, playing with it while I tilted my head a bit to the side to avoid him noticing the tint on my cheeks. He went back to examining the ring.

"It might be very precious to you?" I asked once I was sure that the blush might have disappeared from my face.

"It is my...!" He stopped again before he continued while holding my gaze.

"It's a family heirloom!" He stated as his eyes searched mine. His eyes always seemed to be searching for something.

"If it is a family heirloom, why were you so careless enough to lose it?"

He averted his gaze back to the ring. "I...I didn't lose PA did!"

"Huh, then you must have fired him I am sure...You seem like a person who hates mistakes!" He looked up from that ring after that comment of mine.

"No...He still works for me!"

He didn't punish his secretary for this grave mistake...I seriously need to ask him if he actually had a head injury or not!

"Why?" I questioned him, still not believing him. But he just shrugged his shoulders.

"So, I bumped into your PA then...!" He looked at me with an intention to hear me so I continued.

"Tell him that he is rude...and that he should apologise because of him all of my things got scattered all over the place... You are a Jerkface and your PA is a mannerless jerk...What a duo!"

He raised one of his eyebrows at that sentence and this was my time to shrug my shoulders!

"How did you know that this is mine?" He interrogated as he placed the box in his kurta pocket. At least he could have let me see it say goodbye to it...Say, goodbye to a ring....Mridula, you have seriously lost it!

"Veer helped me out...he was the only one whom I had told about this ring!"

Some realisation dawned on him. "Why didn't you ask me...why did you go to him?"

That wasn't the question that I was expected from him.

"Because he is my friend!" I causally stated as I once glanced at my things on the table and then back to his face.

"I am also your friend!"

Okay, what was he getting at?

"Yeah...but you aren't exactly friendly!" I air quoted.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He narrowed his eyes as confused etched his face.

He wants reasons...okay!

"You don't talk too much!"

"I talk enough...and I talk to you! In fact, I am talking to you right now!"

"Bare minimum!" I exclaimed as I went on, "And then you have that straight face on almost all the time...Some people would find that scary, had it not been for your appealing features!"

"Appealing features...Am I appealing to you, Princess?" He does not smile at that question but his dark eyes, they shine with humour.

Always saying things that I am not supposed to whenever I am around him...It's like my filter stops working near him!

"I was talking about the general population...Not me!" I said curtly. The glint was still there in his eyes as he nodded once.

"Do I scare you then?"

His question again caught me off guard...He doesn't scare me and that's what troubles me...I don't know what to feel about this man!

What fears me even more is how I act around outspoken...letting go of the prim and proper etiquettes that I am brought up with!

"No!" I was quick to reply as I started gathering my belongings and shoved all of them haphazardly.

"I should leave!" I caught his eyes briefly as I stood up to leave.

I was just about to cross him when my steps came to a halt as I felt a tug from the side. I looked down to find his hand wrapped around my wrist. His rough skin brushed against my steady pulse.

"Stay for breakfast!" His voice held an authority but also a bit of request in it. I lifted my gaze to find him still sitting on his seat. I scanned his face and then on to his eyes.

"I...I can't...I have work!" The grip on my wrist eased slightly and I immediately pulled my hand back. I didn't glance back as I went inside the house, leaving him alone.

As I stepped inside the mansion, I glanced around in hopes to find the woman who had let me in. I found her by the foyer of the house along with Vedika Singhania, dressed in a light blue long skirt and button down white shirt.

They were conversing with each other before they noticed me. Vedika's eyes flashed with surprise as she turned to look at me.

"Were you here to meet Uncle?" She questioned. Her tone a bit apologetic.

"No...I came here to meet Uday!" I answered back with a polite smile.

"Oh!" She exclaimed with raised eyebrows before she continued, "I am also here to meet him...something related to our fathers' campaign!"

"He didn't make you wait for long, did he?"

I narrowed my eyes in confusion as I shook my head slightly. "No, he didn't!"

Something might have clicked in her head. "You might have an appointment with him then?"

"No, I just dropped by...!" Then it dawned on me that I didn't even inform him before coming here.

"Weird...he usually doesn't meet anyone without an appointment!"

"And when he does, he ensures to make them wait for at least two hours. But he didn't make you wait!" Her face brightened with a knowing smile.

"I think it's just my luck...Anyway, I am getting late!" I strapped in my bag close to me while stepping closer to the main door. I glanced at my watch and I was geniually getting late for work.

"And please congratulate your sister from my side...She and Hukum Sa make a lovely couple!" I faced her and nodded my head with a bright smile in my lips at the mention of my dear sister.


I typed in a message for Vaibhav as I settled in my car, asking him if we could meet for lunch. We hadn't talked about that incident and I just wanted to clear things between us.

I stared at the sent message, waiting for his usual prompt reply. But nothing reverted back from his side.

I sighed as I dropped the phone in my bag and glanced back at the mansion.

He might be busy talking to Vedika and would have completely forgotten about me.

I didn't know why that thought didn't settle well with me!

But I pushed that thought away as I drove to my office.


I looked at my unanswered message and then at the time on my phone. Vaibhav had still not replied to my message and I was in two minds to call him and ask.

But then I thought that he might be in a meeting.

I was about to lock my phone and keep it away when my phone started to ring.

"Hey!" I greeted him in a cheerful tone.

But all I heard a dry hello from his side which started to concern me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

He cleared his throat before answering me, "Nothing to worry about...I am just feeling out of sorts!"

"Then we should visit the hospital!" I suggested in a hurry.

He chuckled softy from the other end. "It's only fever...nothing to worry about! I'll rest and will be fine by tomorrow."

I hummed. "I always drink chicken soup whenever I have fever...tell Jeevika to prepare it for you!"

"I would have asked her but she is not here...No one is actually...My dad has gone back home and Arjun and Jeevika were missing their daughter so, they went back with him!"

"Oh!" I didn't know about his niece. That explains why he was so polite while talking to that child.

"Yes...I'll just rest...And sorry I wouldn't be able to see you for lunch!" He apologised when he didn't have to.

"No worries...You take care!" I heard the call end.

An idea struck my mind and I started winding up my work.


"I thought you said that you will rest!" I remarked. Vaibhav glanced up from the documents that were scattered in front of him in chaise lounge. His eyes held surprise but a small smile managed its way on his face.

I skimmed my eyes around once around the room which seemed to be their library. It had three stacked up bookshelves and a set of sofa on one side while the chaise lounge was placed opposite the huge glass window.

Then I looked back at him to find his gaze fixated on me. I raised my hand that held the brown paper bag as I declared, "I brought the cure for fever... Mridula style!"

I sauntered in with a playful smile. He tried to suppress a faint snicker in order to hide his amusement.

I saw him collect the papers in a stack and place them behind him to make space for me to sit beside him.

"You should be at work, Mridula!" He said with a disapproving voice.

"And you should be in bed, Vaibhav...!" I said as I twisted in the seat to face him. He shook his head at my words.

"I guess we both aren't doing the things that we are supposed to do...But unlike me, you definitely need to relax!" I added. I reached out to touch his forehead with the back of my palm to find that it was burning up. I lowered my gaze to find him staring at me but it felt like he was in deep thought.

"Did you eat anything?" I asked him as I pulled back.

I opened the paper bag as he answered me. "I don't feel like...besides I have work!"

I looked up at him and shook my head. "I am not letting you work!" I uttered as I stood up , making him stare at me with bewildered eyes.

"And why are you in this stuffy room...let's go outside, you'll feel better!" I gestured to him to get up and he reluctantly obeyed but not without a sigh. I walked out of there after I was assured that he was following me.

"Where is the dining area?" I asked him since this was my first time in this house of his. I had been to his other mansion in Jaipur with Veer but never to this one. I tilted my face slightly to see him gesture to the left side.

And after crossing a beautiful modern style living room, we finally reached there. The dining table was situated right across the three sliding glass doors that filtered the natural light to the room. Next to the table, was an open wall kitchen.

I dragged a seat out and again gestured him to sit.

"Has anyone ever told you that you are very bossy, Mridula?" He questioned as he followed what I had asked from him.

"I have known that since I was a kid!" I replied proudly as I took a seat next to him.

"Why didn't the guard inform me that you were here?"

"Easy...I requested him not to...saying that I wanted to surprise you!" I told him as I placed the packed soup bowl in front of him along with a spoon.

"Have it!" I again ordered him only to find him staring at me with a cute fake annoyed expression.

"I would have made it myself but I don't know anything about cooking!" I commented after he took the first sip of the soup.

"You skipped work for have already done enough!" He said in gratitude while holding one of my hand in a gentle grasp.

"How come you never talked about your niece?" I asked him as I poured myself a glass of water from the jug kept nearby. Vaibhav let go of his spoon and directed his attention at me.

"There is not much to talk about her because she doesn't talk much herself!" He stated.

He might have understood my confusion as he continued with his explanation, "She is undergoing speech therapy!"

I nodded my head briefly. "Her name is Aaravi. She is three and a half. And she is closest to my mother and likes to stay with her more than her own parents!"

"Your mother might be very loving in nature for that sweet doll to love her to that extent!" I commented with an encouraging smile as I placed my other hand on top of our laced hands.

"Very!" He was quick to reply with a proud smile.

"And your dad...? How's he?" I asked because he rarely talked about him. I had talked for hours about my family but he talked about them briefly and mostly changed the topic when it was about his family...and more importantly whenever I asked about his father.

He pulled his hand back and looked away for a second before glancing back at me.

"He...He is a difficult person!" He started.

"Not like your father...!" He stated as he flashed a quick smile.

"He is never happy with what I do....he always finds a flaw in my work and me losing to that Shekhawat doesn't suit well with him!" He stared at me intently as if he was waiting for a reaction from me but I kept quiet.

"I have not shared this with anyone...but I only wish to see pride in his eyes for me...!"

"You will...!" I assured him as I placed my hand on his, making him look in my direction.

"One day, he will be proud of you!" I gave him a warm smile. A fleeting emotion passed through his eyes before he averted his eyes....a fleeting emotion of guilt!

"You are guilty about something?" My question made him stared back at me. That emotion was no where to be seen in his eyes.

He hummed. "I missed taking you out on a lunch date!"

"This feels like a date to me!" I raised my glass of water doing a fake toast gesture at him. And soon our laughter reverberated through the walls of his house...!

Finally, a new chapter!

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