Quirk Cultivation

By anonjack4

265K 5.1K 2.3K

Izuku discovers he has a quirk, but it was kept secret from him do to it's nature. Now it has awakened and is... More

The Awakening
First Time Float (lemon)
Afterglow and Discussions
Gadget Madness
A Smashing Duet (lemon)
Babymakers (lemon)
Rest and Regroup
Lizard Hunting (lemon)
Rest and Planning
Gone Hunting
Bunny Love (lemon)
A Different Perspective
Clash Of The Titans
The Giant Slayer (lemon)
No Rest For The Wicked
Search Interrupted
Stress Relief (lemon)
Love And Guilt
A Quick Dip (lemon)
A Nice Soak
Ascending The Tower
Claiming The Princess (lemon)
Girl Time
Panic Before The Storm
Wild Cats (lemon)
A/N - Impotant
Back In Action
Back On The Hunt
Alien Queen (Lemon)
Unforeseen Consequences
Predator and Prey
Unseen Beauty (Lemon)
Mad Dash
The Changeling (Lemon)
Lovely Anxiety
A Duel With The Devil
Loving The Lady (Lemon)
Washing Away Sins
Hot Foot
Burnin' Love (Lemon)
Cold Snap
Breaking the Bro Code(Lemon)
Melting Hearts
Of Bombs and Bombshells


4.4K 116 62
By anonjack4

Izuku took shuttering breaths as he stared blankly up at the Sky. Sweat drenching his trembling body and his hips a little bruised.

At his side, the heavily pregnant bunny hero was clinging to him as she mumbled in her sleep.

It had taken an hour...

A full hour to finally satisfy Mirko.

Izuku felt like a raisin that had been tossed out in the street to dry up further and then get run over by a semi-truck.

Sure Izuku had gone at it for that long before, but that was with three girls who could tap out and take time to recover. They also weren't as ravenous and dominating as Mirko had been. They definitely didn't have her stamina and leg strength.

And yet it was still only his body, mind and sore hips that failed him. His little Deku was still ready for more, much to his pride and dismay.

Such thoughts were fleeting in Izuku's mind though, as he lay there, traumatized and sore. The events following the first few rounds a blur to him.

Eventually though, Izuku blinked somewhat back to his senses, as he reached out with a shaky hand to his discarded suit and it flew to his hand. He then reach into his pocket and pulled out an earpiece.

"Nezu..." he wheezed out with a horses voice.

"Ah Midoriya! We were beginning to worry about you. How are things?" Nezu asked with his usual cheer.

There was a long pause as Izuku took a breath to steady himself, though it caused him to cough lightly as it irritated his dry throat.

"Mirko's calmed down...we need someone to pick her up though...and...maybe bring a bottle of water...and an ice pack..." Izuku managed to speak as he glanced down at the unconscious woman, hugging his side as tightly as her belly allowed.

"Understood Midoriya. Thirteen will be there shortly. Is there anything else you need?" Nezu replied with a hint of sympathy in his voice.

Izuku took a moment to collect his thoughts as his fuzzy memory came back to him.

"Is Recovery Girl there?" he asked.

"I'm here brat" the aging hero spoke and Izuku took another moment to swallow.

"Is...is it possible for a woman to get pregnant again...while they're still pregnant?" he asked weakly.

There was a pause.

"It's rare, but possible. Especially given the right quirks...why do you ask?" Recovery Girl questioned with a dangerous tone.

Izuku's fear was more prominently directed to Mirko's belly, as it suddenly grew again. Not much, but just enough to be noticeable.

"No reason" he answered weakly.

"Midoriya!-" Izuku cut off the line before Recovery Girl could tear into him. He then gave a long, defeated moan as he stared up into the sky.

"How...I didn't even make her ovulate that many times like with Hatsume...is there even a word for being pregnant with fifteen children at once..." he muttered to himself before falling silent as his fried brain tried to come to grips with everything.

"Rabbit biology" Izuku's voice suddenly rang out.

"Mirko's quirk makes her very similar to a rabbit, genetically speaking, so she was going to have a lot of kids regardless of, if we tried giving her a lot of children or not" the voice spoke calmly, and Izuku sighed.

"Yah, I guess your right...it still doesn't make it any less terrifying though..." Izuku answered.

"Yah, I can't argue with that" the voice agreed before both sighed.


A moment of silence passed, before Izuku's brain caught up with him and his eyes shot wide as he realized there was someone else with him. He then looked up to see another Izuku Midoriya, laying next to him on the ground.


Izuku shrieked in terror as he tried to move away from the doppelgänger, but failed do to Mirko clinging to him tightly. The clone just gave an awkward but understanding smile in response.

"W-w-who are you!?" Izuku demanded while pointing at his double.

"Don't you remember. I'm you" he replied and Izuku felt a fuse blow in his head.

"That's it...I've gone insane..." Izuku muttered with dread, but his double just gave an awkward chuckle.

"No, you haven't gone insane. But you did make me while delirious from Mirko's...well, maybe it's best we don't relive that just yet" he said.

Izuku blinked with confusion as he stared at the double. His eyes then widened as the answer came to him.

"You're a..."

"A quirk? Yes....a duplication quirk to be precise" The other Izuku finish for the original, who felt his mind melting a little at the insanity of it.

The other Izuku just shrugged though, as if he could read the original's thoughts.

"What can I say? Quirks are weird" he said before sitting up.

"Before you ask, you made me the second time you got Mirko pregnant. That's why you can't remember yet. Also, I'm pretty sure the only reason I'm independent and not just another extension of yourself, like an extra arm, is because your mind hasn't finished adjusting yet, while also dealing with what Mirko did to us. I guess you could say I'm the rational part of your brain, controlling this duplicate" he explained.

Izuku just stared for a long moment.

"Ok...so I have gone insane, and my split personality is controlling my new quirk" he deadpanned.

"ONLY TEMPORARILY!" the duplicate exclaimed in defense. He then sighed before falling to his back again.

"You can't just go about making so many changes to your body so quickly and not expected some side effects. Besides, I can already feel myself fading. Being reabsorbed into you. I'll be gone soon enough, I just came out to help you work through our problems while your rationality still has a literal voice of it's own" he spoke.

The original Izuku groaned as he lay there.

"What's there to work through? I may be trying to help them but I'm still ruining the lives of my friends and pro-heroes" Izuku spoke.

"Are you really?" the duplicate spoke.

"I mean sure, you've made things harder, but they're only going to be pregnant for a day at most, and we're hardly at fault for any of this, as the girls who openly professed their love for you have said repeatedly. And having children his hardly the end of their lives" he continued, only for the original's face to turn red with rage.

"How!? How is it not!? Do you realize how hard it is to take care of ONE child! Let alone THIRTY TWO children! At the same time!" Izuku yelled with his horse voice.

"Of course I know! I'm you remember. All your guilt is mine too. But none of us are alone in this. You and the girls all have each other and our families, and Mirko alone isn't exactly hurting in financial support" the duplicate snapped back.

But then the duplicate sat back up and his eyes narrowed at the original.

"But let's stop wasting time and get to the real reason I'm here" he said and Izuku's eyes widened with fear of what was about to be dug up.

"Izuku...you're not like him...yes you've gotten a bunch of girls pregnant, but abandoning them is the farthest thing from your mind...heck, I wouldn't exist otherwise. The whole reason you made this quirk, even while delirious, was because you were terrified of the idea of not being able to keep up with all your kids! You're so terrified of neglecting even one of them, that you made a quirk specifically so you could be in several places at once...even if it was partially inspired by the idea of rabbits multiplying..." the double lectured his original, with an embarrassed blush at the end.

Izuku just stared blankly at his clone as his head began to clear. His double then focused back on the original again.

"So listen carefully. You are not turning out like your father! You're not going to abandon anyone and you're not going to fail! Because you are not Hisashi Midoriya! You are Izuku. You are the future number one hero Deku, and what do heroes do when they get stuck in a tight spot!?" he demanded.

Izuku swallowed to sooth his dry throat.

"G-go beyond... plus ultra!" he grunted out as he feebly lifted his clenched fist into the air and the double smiled as wide as All Might, before dissolving into a green smoke that drifted down and was absorbed into Izuku's body.

Izuku blinked a few times as his brain finally adjusted and pieced it's self back together and his memories cleared up.

"Holy shit..." he muttered as his arm fell back to the ground. Both from the memories of his time with Mirko and the conversation he'd just had with himself.

"Did I really just have a soul searching argument with myself and work through years of issues?...and was he more confident then me?" he asked himself.

"Yep!" Mirko suddenly spoke and Izuku's head snapped to her as the bunny girl opened her eyes.

"Wow, and I thought I had issues~" she spoke as she gave Izuku a teasing grin.

"Your evil twin was right though. Quirks are bullshit" she said as she stretched a little and placed a hand on her belly.

Izuku sputtered a little as he blinked at the woman hugging him close and squishing his arm between her breasts.

"Y-y-y-you...how long were you awake?" he stuttered as she grinned at him.

"Long enough to figure out you got daddy issues..." she said with a smirk as she leaned in closer and nipped at his nose, causing him to yelp and flinch back.

Mirko giggled at his reaction.

"Sorry for not speaking up, but I didn't want to interrupt you..." she said but then her face turned uncharacteristically serious as she looked away.

"Also...hearing you talk about how serious you were about supporting me and whoever else you knock up...it kinda turned me on~" she said with a smirk that made Izuku's face go atomic red.

Mirko laughed at his expense, but then got serious again.

"But in all seriousness...hearing you say all that was the only thing keeping me from freaking out..." she admitted while looking away.

Izuku was stunned by her confession and was actually a little scared by how timid she looked as she clung to him.

"M-Miko...that doesn't sound like you...you're usually so confident that I can't imagine you freaking out over anything" Izuku said with concern.

Mirko gave a bitter laugh in response.

"I know. That's the whole reason why I'm freaking out" she said as she looked down at her belly and rubbed it.

"When I woke up, the first thought I had, aside from feeling guilty from what I did to you, was that I could deal with this like everything else. That I could just pop these kids out no problem and go about like always. After all, other you was right about me not hurting for money. With how I work, I don't have time to spend all the doe I make" she said and Izuku was surprised to feel her gripping his arm tightly.

"But then I felt them moving... I... I felt my babies MOVING inside me...and I realized I can't keep going like I always have..." she said and looked at Izuku with tears forming in her eyes.

Izuku was stunned by the sight before him. This was not the Mirko he knew.

"Midoriya...I'm an adrenaline junky...I take the most dangerous jobs and before today, I was perfectly willing to rip my own arm off, if it meant getting the job done! Out of all the top ten heroes, I'm the one most likely to come back crippled or in a bodybag...does that sound like someone who's good mother material to you!?" she asked with tears starting to fall.

Izuku didn't hesitate to pull Mirko into a hung and rub her head soothingly.

It was a little disturbing seeing the confident and fearless woman be reduced to this. It made him feel guilty again, but not as bad as it might have before.

"It sounds like a woman who would do anything for her kids...and the fact that you're worried about this just shows how much you care. Just like...just like me..." Izuku spoke to her while muttering the last part as he remembered his conversation with himself.

Mirko gave a strangled laugh as she buried her face in his chest. Then she threw her head back in loud, boisterous laughter.

"Holy shit, that was corny!" She said between gasps for breath as she continued laughing.

Izuku stared at her for a moment before cracking up himself. Then they were both laughing at the absurd situation they found themselves in.

They eventually calmed down and Mirko set her head down next to Izuku's, who looked a little bashful.

"So...what now?...between us I mean" he asked and Mirko made a show of looking thoughtful as she hummed.

She then smirked at Izuku before quickly leaning in and kissing him while crossing her leg over him and holding him tightly against her with it.

Izuku made muffled sounds as his eyes widened and his face burned, but he didn't pull away, which was something that made Mirko grin at him as she broke the kiss.

"Does that answer your question?" she asked as she ran her fingers over his chest and abs.

"A-a-are you sure...I-I-I mean-" Izuku was cut off by her nipping at his nose again.

"Come on Midoriya, you made your big speech about supporting me and the other girls you knocked up. As far as I'm concerned, that's practically a proposal" Mirko said with a grin. Her grin then turn devilish though, as she stared at him with desire.

"Besides..." she started and Izuku yelped as she suddenly grabbed his still hard erected and squeezed.

"You're the first man to not only last more then a minute with me, but also the first to actually satisfy me! And you still got more in you! Do you have any idea what it's like to have the instincts of a bunny and not be able to satisfy them!" she said with a hint of desperation in her voice, before remembering Izuku had grown bunny ears during their mating session and his new ability to duplicate himself, and she smirked like a demon as kinky ideas formed in her head.

"So big boy. I don't care if I'm part of a harem. I'm NOT giving up my alpha bunny, now that I've finally found him!" she proclaimed before pulling his head in to meet her's in a firy kiss.

Izuku was stunned to say the least, but by now he was well passed the point of pulling away like the meek virgin he'd been only hours ago, and instead he kissed her back, after the initial shock.

Mirko moaned in satisfaction as he returned the kiss. She'd finally found the right man to keep up with her.

Mirko broke the kiss and gasped lightly as she felt Izuku's hand on her her belly and grinned devilishly at him.

"Oh, already making plans to put another litter in me?" she teased him and laughed as his face turned red.

Her gaze turned partially serious though.

"But really, we are going to have to figure out some better birth control after I pop this batch out" she said without any humor.

Izuku blinked at her before piecing it together.

"You're on the pill!?" he asked with surprise as he looked down at her belly.

Mirko laughed at his words though.

"The pill? You think I have time for that with how I operate? Heck no, I have, or had, an IUD" she explained and Izuku felt dread at the information.

He did not like hearing that his quirk negated birth control, though he supposed he shouldn't be surprised. He would definitely have to figure something out before his girls gave birth though, because they made it very clear they didn't want to stop doing it with him, consequences be damned.

Izuku sighed as he rubbed Mirko's belly.

"I'll talk with Recovery Girl and figure something out. For now we need to get moving though" he said as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. His strength finally recovered enough to move.

"You got that right..." an awkward and muffled voice called out and Izuku shrieked as he looked up to see Thirteen at the entrance to the alley.

Izuku quickly grabbed his suit and covered himself with it, while Mirko just sprawled herself out shamelessly.

"Hay space girl. Sure you don't want to take that suit off. You have no idea what you're missing out on" she teased and could practically see Thirteen's face flashing red under her helmet.

"No no, I'm fine in here, thank you very much!" Thirteen said while waving her hands.

She then walked up to them while trying to avoid looking at Mirko and pulled out one of those silver, security blankets that emergency teams give out to survivors and dropped it over Mirko.

Thirteen sighed in relief with the rabbit hero now covered and turned her gaze to Izuku, who was sputtering and blushing up a storm.

"Seriously? How can a guy still be so bashful after being with so many girls and Mirko on top of that" Thirteen thought as she looked down at the poor boy. The fact that he was still innocent deep down, was actually a comfort though, given how effective his quirk was.

Thirteen then raised her hands to stop his attempts at apologizing.

"Please don't. The sooner I can get the idea of one of my students going at it like rabbits with one of the top ten, the better" she said pleadingly before dropping an ice pack and water bottle at Izuku's feet.

Izuku looked away bashfully with a weak nod, before grabbing the ice pack and placing it over his pelvis.

Izuku moaned in relief as the pain was numbed. Regeneration my repair damage but it didn't remove pain, and often times, healing could be just as painful.

Mirko grimaced slightly as she too was given a water bottle.

"Umm...sorry about that... I'm pretty sure I heard some bones cracking while I was going at it..." she trailed off as she watched Izuku, just staring at the sky in relief.

"It's ok...I'm already healed" he said before downing the water in one go.

Mirko chuckled at him before downing her own water as Thirteen kneeled down to help her up.

The two grunted as Mirko was pulled off the ground enough to get her legs underneath her and Thirteen helped the woman stand.

"Well...I guess duty calls, huh big bunny?" Mirko teased Izuku.

The boy didn't even respond. His face just burned red as he looked down, causing Mirko to laugh.

"Just remember to save some more for me when you're done!" she called back as Thirteen started helping her out of the alley.

"Ugh, seriously Rumi? This is hardly appropriate?" Thirteen chastised her.

"What? I said when he was done!" Mirko quipped back, causing Thirteen to sigh as they went.

Izuku just sat there for a moment. A little shellshocked by his encounter with the rabbit hero.

He then let out a heavy sigh as it felt like all the tension left his body.

"And I've only just started...just how much more crazy is this day going to get..." he bemoaned his situation before giving another sigh and slapping himself in the face.

"Oh, stop complaining Midoriya! There's no telling how much longer the others have before they end up like Mirko or Jiro did" he scolded himself before putting his earpiece back in.

"Ok Nezu...who's next..."

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