Actor(Oshi no ko)

By FireboltGT

157K 7.9K 1.6K

Lies are the only way to keep the love he so desperately craves. The real him is not enough, but as long as h... More

Prologue: Noah Anderson
Prologue Part 2: Noah Anderson
Aikara Hoshino
My mother's name is Ai?
Ai's performance
Siblings conversation
The Tough Idol World
Promotional Event
One Year Timeskip
Can you act?
One Month Later
Arima Kana
Be Kind
A Familiar Voice
Second Mother
Do you love me?
The Week Before Tokyo Dome
The Day of Tokyo Dome
What if-Side Story
I'll Lie Again Hoping It Becomes The Truth
In an Instant, He Stole the Spotlight
I Can't Give Up On It
Prologue Ends
We Aren't The Same
Early Morning
Unexpected Reunion
Act With Me!
A Mother's Sacrifice
Understanding Her
Let's Make This Show Great
Living With a Genius Brother
Aftermath of filming
Yoto Highschool


3K 192 36
By FireboltGT

(Third POV)

It had been a whole day since that phone conversation, and now another day of filming for the movie had arrived. However, only Ai, Aikara, and Miyako were present on set since the rest of the kids were preoccupied with their own activities back home.

Currently, the makeup artists were carefully applying makeup to Aikara, aiming to enhance his appearance on the screen. As they delicately patted powder onto his face, Aikara couldn't help but let out a small sneeze, feeling a bit unfamiliar with the sensation of makeup on his skin.

The makeup artists couldn't help but chuckle at his adorable reaction, but their laughter quickly subsided when Gotanda appeared. His disheveled appearance and frowning expression made them feel somewhat intimidated.

"Are you ready, actor baby?" Gotanda's voice broke through the air, taking Aikara by surprise. He recoiled slightly since he couldn't see at the moment, having covered his eyes to prevent the powder from getting inside.

"I am!" Aikara shouted confidently. "Just watch me and be amazed!" he exclaimed, pointing in what he believed was the direction of the director, although he was actually just pointing at empty space.

Gotanda chuckled softly as he turned around, bidding Aikara farewell with a wave. "It's good to see you're not nervous. I'm excited for what's to come later." With those parting words, Gotanda left Aikara in the care of the makeup artists.


At this very moment, the upcoming scene being filmed holds immense significance. Initially, it wasn't intended to be part of the movie, as Gotanda believed that no young actor could effectively portray the scene's crucial emphasis on physical expression. However, with Aikara's arrival, the previously dismissed scene was revived and given a new lease on life.

The scene continues to revolve around the spirit of a woman who deserted her family in her relentless pursuit of beauty. It showcases the characters' endeavor to grant her the opportunity to bid a final farewell to her abandoned son before departing for the afterlife, free from any lingering regrets.

"Action!" The well-known call reverberated across the set, and once again, the familiar arrangement of lights and microphones were fine-tuned to enhance the magnificence of the end result.


Today was just a normal day for Kazu, he was sleeping the temple floors as usual as he took a moment to look at the family picture hanging near him.

He paused for a moment, seemingly lost in his thoughts, before he once again proceeded to sweep the temple floors. The soft sound of the broom bristles sweeping across the stone floor echoed in the quiet temple. As he worked, Kazu couldn't shake off the image of his family from his mind. The family picture that hung on the wall near him reminded him of the love and support he had received throughout his life.

Lost in his memories, Kazu suddenly felt a gentle breeze brush against his face. He looked up, his eyes scanning the area around him. And there, just a few meters away, he saw a silhouette that seemed hauntingly familiar. His heart skipped a beat as he squinted, trying to discern the figure in the dim light filtering through the temple windows.

"Mom?" Kazu whispered, his voice trembling with a mix of anticipation and disbelief.

The figure slowly stepped forward, revealing the graceful silhouette of his mother. Tears welled up in Kazu's eyes as he struggled to comprehend the moment. Was it really her? Could this be a dream, or had he finally lost his mind?

"It's me, Kazu," his mother's voice carried through the air, a warm and familiar tone that instantly calmed his racing heart.

Kazu's tears escaped, streaming down his cheeks as he abandoned his broom and rushed towards his mother. His usually composed demeanor vanished as he sprinted with wild abandon, his every step fueled by a mix of desperation and overwhelming joy. In his haste, he stumbled and fell, his hands hitting the ground with a soft thud.

His mother chuckled, her laughter like a soothing melody. She knelt beside him, gently helping him to his feet. Her touch felt real, warm, and comforting. Kazu's tears continued to flow uncontrollably as he buried his face in her embrace. He could feel her gentle hands stroking his back, comforting him in a way that only a mother could.

Between sobs, Kazu managed to speak, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm so sorry, Mom. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for being the cause of you leaving us. I'll be a good boy, I promise. Please, come back to us."

His mother held him tightly, her embrace providing solace amidst his anguish. She whispered softly into his ear, her voice filled with both sadness and love. "Oh, Kazu, it's not because of you. It's never been because of you. You are not the reason I left."

Confusion washed over Kazu's face as he looked up at her, his tear-stained eyes searching for answers. "But why, Mom? Why did you leave us then? We needed you. I needed you."

His mother held him tighter, her voice calm and serene as she began to explain. "My dear Kazu, I want you to understand that I never wanted to leave you or the family. It was my own insecurities that consumed me, my own doubts that made me believe I wasn't good enough for you all. I'm so sorry for the pain I've caused."

Kazu gasped for air between his sobs, his heartache mingling with confusion. "Insecurities? But Mom, you were beautiful, both inside and out. We loved you just the way you were. Why couldn't you see that?"

His mother's serene expression softened as she looked into his eyes, still holding him close. "Oh, my sweet Kazu, it's difficult to explain the grip that self-doubt can have on a person's mind. Sometimes, we become trapped in our own perceptions and lose sight of the love and support that surrounds us."

Kazu looked at his mother with a glimmer of hope in his tear-filled eyes. "Mom, have you moved on from those perceptions? Are you ready to come back to us?"

His mother smiled sadly, her voice carrying a bittersweet tone. "My dear Kazu, I have indeed overcome those insecurities. But I cannot go back to the physical world anymore. I am but a ghost, a visitor from the realm of spirits. I came to find solace in your presence and to offer my apologies before I finally move on to the afterlife."

Kazu's heart sank as he realized the truth behind his mother's appearance. The warmth he felt, the touch that brought him comfort—it was all a figment of his imagination. He clutched his body in shock, the weight of his loss crashing down upon him once again. His cries intensified, his whole being consumed by grief.

In between sobs, Kazu managed to whisper through the anguish, "Mom, I've missed you so much."

His mother held him tighter, her voice filled with empathy. "I know, Kazu. I know how much you've missed me, and I've missed you too. But my time here is limited. I've been granted this chance to be with you again, but I must return."

Kazu's heart sank, his grip on his mother becoming even more desperate. "No, Mom! Please don't leave me again. I can't bear it. I want you to stay. I need you here with me."

His mother's eyes glistened with tears, mirroring his own pain. She knelt down, her voice trembling with a mixture of sadness and love. "Oh, my dear Kazu, if I had a choice, I would stay forever. But this reunion, as precious as it is, is only temporary. I must return to where I belong."

Kazu fell to his knees, his hands clutching at his mother's clothes as he pleaded, "I don't want you to go, Mom. I don't want to lose you again. Please, don't leave me."

His mother's voice was filled with compassion as she caressed his tear-stained face. "I understand your pain, Kazu. And believe me, if there was another way, I would choose it in an instant. But there are things beyond our control, forces at play that we cannot comprehend."

Tears streamed down Kazu's face as he choked on his words. "I can't bear the thought of losing you again. Please, stay with me just a little longer. I need you."

His mother's gaze held a mixture of love and sadness as she gently cupped his face. "Oh, my sweet Kazu, I wish I could grant your request. But my time here is coming to an end. I want you to know that I will always be with you, even if you can't see me."

Kazu's heart ached with a profound sense of loss, but he understood the inevitability of her departure. With trembling lips, he whispered, "I'll cherish the time we've had together, no matter how short."

His mother's serene expression conveyed both gratitude and sorrow. She nodded her head, her eyes filled with an unspoken understanding. As she slowly began to ascend towards the sky, her figure becoming ethereal, Kazu's voice grew stronger, filled with raw emotion.

"Thank you for everything. I'll make you proud. I promise!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the temple halls. "I love you, Mom!"

The mother's ascent continued uninterrupted, her ethereal form gracefully rising in the air. She looked down at Kazu, a flicker of surprise crossing her face at his words, accompanied by hesitation. Then, a serene expression settled upon her features, and with a sad smile, she whispered, "I know. I want to say that to you too." her voice carried a weight of unspoken emotions.

Kazu watched, a mix of sorrow in his eyes, as his mother's figure gradually faded into the luminous embrace of the heavens. She seemed to merge with the ethereal light, becoming one with the celestial tapestry that stretched beyond mortal reach.

"Cut!" The director yelled, causing Kazu to stop his sorrowful crying and stand up, hastily wiping away the tears from his face. "Great job!" Gotanda exclaimed, and the crew joined in, applauding Aikara's remarkable acting.

Gotanda approached Aikara, giving him a proud pat on the back. "I'm really proud of you, actor baby. Your improvisation went beyond what I imagined." he began. "I especially loved the part where you told your mother 'I love you.' It got me wondering why I didn't include that in the script."

Suddenly, his attention shifted to Ai, who was standing just a few feet away from Aikara and him. "You were amazing too, Ai-san." he complimented. "Your improvisation was just as impressive. I really enjoyed the 'I want to say that to you too' line at the end. It made us feel that the mother believed she didn't deserve to say 'I love you' after abandoning them, so she opted for that phrase. You must have done some great character research."

Ai appeared lost in her own thoughts, taking a few seconds to register his compliment before she bashfully scratched the back of her head. "Gosh!" she exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment and pride. "You're really making me blush, director," she said, her smile bright.


(Aikara POV)

As I ponder the recent scene we enacted, a wave of thoughts overwhelms me, leaving me with a distressing question that refuses to fade: Does Ai harbor no love for me?

Perhaps it's uncharitable of me to jump to conclusions, but I can't help but succumb to my uncertainties. In that scene, I included the line "I love you," not because it perfectly aligned with my character's intentions, but rather because I secretly hoped to hear Ai reciprocate those sentiments.

Throughout our interactions, I've come to understand that Ai expresses affection through her actions rather than mere words. Nonetheless, I yearned to hear those three profound words from her lips, even if it was just once.

Alas, her response didn't align with my expectations. She simply replied with a seemingly genuine "I know," accompanied by a sorrowful expression. Ai lacks the artifice to deceive me entirely, and it became evident that she truly meant what she said, straight from the depths of her heart.

Why didn't she respond with "I love you" in return? Perhaps I'm overanalyzing the situation due to my sensitivity to these matters, but I can't shake off the nagging feeling. Does she not love me back?

I always believed that even though she hadn't explicitly uttered those words, her motherly actions were evidence of her love. However, witnessing that slight hesitation, that surprise when I said those words, it planted seeds of doubt within me. Maybe she genuinely doesn't harbor the same affection for me.

A sense of trepidation seeps into my thoughts, as I wonder if her love is absent even within the carefully constructed persona she assumes.

If her affection doesn't extend to me in this guise, then what steps should I take to earn her love?

Uncertainty engulfs me, leaving me adrift in a sea of confusion. This persona I've meticulously crafted served as both my shield against emotional harm and my conduit to bask in the affection lavished upon its façade.

But if even this persona fails to elicit her love, what options remain for me? What other avenues can I explore in my quest to win her love?

Unfortunately, answers elude me, and I find myself teetering on the precipice of disillusionment. This persona was my last refuge of hope, offering solace from pain and a means to receive the love of others.

Yet, it seems that I must now grapple with the disheartening reality that even this carefully constructed façade might not be enough to secure her affections.



Double chapters today, just finished early so I decided to post now.

Because of that, I'm tired, so don't expect a chapter tomorrow.

Sorry abt that.

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