Sketching The Stars (Oshi no...


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"I hope you live a happy life, my lil star" "I'll promise to make it easier for you. So just rely on me." "... Еще

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Character Reveal!!

Chapter 19

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"Well groomed, glossy hair...A child-like face that hasn't lost its innocence...And an airheaded, idiotic personality. There's no doubt about it...

Based on my many years as an idol devotee, this is the kind of girl fat otaku go crazy for!!"

"Please be more mind mindful with your choice of words, dear sister"

"Your perspective and reasoning are kinda distasteful..."

The triplet's voices echo through the corridor taking attention from some students who pass by. At this point, there is no use keeping the 'stalking' act anymore. Astra tries not to mind the obvious stare the three get as they stand right by the corridor corner as if they're completing an illegal mission.

"If you think that it'll help the group succeed, why don't you just try inviting her?" Aqua states calmly.

"Well, that's true but... ugh...look. Don't I have an unusual relationship with Loli-senpai.?"

"Well, I'm not sure. Both of you seem to be getting along so well. You guys just giving out the same energy" Through the boy's eyes, he scans nothing wrong with the relationship. If one can be honest, they amuse him.

"Of course, you would think that way, Astra...but I don't think she likes me!"

"That's because you keep calling her a snitch licker or something..." Astra nodded in agreement to Aqua's point.

"You gave out a certain impression on your first meet. I am surprised that you are still not a bullying victim yet."

Ruby gasped at the vocalized sentence from her 'supposed to be' pure younger brother. "You've been spending time with Aqua too much. From now on, you're unable to sleep in Aqua's room alone or hang out with him without me."

"What's that even do with this situation?"

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used in the court of law. You're now the prime suspect for tainting my younger brother's soul, Aquamarine." Ruby's eyes glared at his twin.

"Accusing without any proof is also a crime. Thus you also have the right to remain silent, thank you." Aqua retorts back with a blank face.


"Okay! Enough with this. Nee-san, I'm sorry for it sounding too harsh. Aqua-nii did not teach me anything weird. Thus, no one is in the wrong. It's my fault. And I'm sorry. Now, shall we discuss the matter later on? Cause the bell will ring within one minute."

Astra stood firmly planted in between them, a resolute expression etched on his face, conveying that he would brook no dissent or objection. It's common for these two to bicker, but Astra refused to handle them this time considering the recess time is almost over, and he wished for no detention.

Aqua sigh. He backed off immediately. "Right, sorry. Back to the matter, I'll call her out so just try talking to her. If you still can't get along with her after that, we'll just forget about it."

Following the conclusion of their discussion, they all went back to their classrooms to finish their lessons. It is a miracle that they make it on time. Thankfully, the teacher forgave them this time.

As soon as they sat, Makoto pampered them with a question. "Where have you guys been? You're lucky that our English is a soft-hearted person. If it's Sakamaki sensei, then we're going to a long lecture about black and white rather than finding the X in the graph."

"Sorry, got too caught up in conversation." Astra smiled apologetically.

Makoto pout. "You didn't even invite me at all. At least tell me something. I've been finding you guys for some time. I didn't even manage to finish my onigiri."

"Why did you try to find us actually?"

"Of course, I want to have recess with you guys. We're friends, aren't we? Isn't that what friends do?" His face shows a mix of displeasure and offense to the question.

Astra appears content with Makoto's words, feeling a flutter of joy upon hearing the word "friends" spoken. It seems that his desire for strong connections from his past childhood aside from his family had resurfaced. He offers a gentle apology, accompanied by a warm smile.

"I'm sorry. We'll let you know when we have a matter to attend. Until then, let's spend time together."

Makoto sour face changes to sweet in a matter of seconds. "Really? You're not lying?"

A giggle came out of his throat. Astra shakes his head softly. "Of course. Do you wanna do anything after school?"

Makoto can't contain his enthusiasm. He animatedly says, "Then, let's hang out after school. There is a place that I really want to show."

"Sure!" Astra glances at Aqua with expectation. If one might ask what his weakness is, he would never admit it. Nonetheless, it has something to do with his inability to resist the sibling's requests. Especially the youngest. Yet this time, he had to disappoint his little bug for another bug.

"I'm sorry. But I promise Ruby to help her. I can't back up now. It would be cruel."

"Oh, right. I almost forgot about that part."

Aqua could see the guilt slowly manifest on his already pale face. "There's no need to trouble yourself. I can handle it perfectly fine. Just go and enjoy yourself."


"I'll accept no remarks. Take my card later and go treat each other to something."

"Wah! Aqua is giving us his card! Damn, your twins are rich rich!"

"I'll put a limit of course"

"Still grateful though!"

"Please keep quiet Aqua, Makoto!"

"はい! we're sorry!"

✦⭐︎✦⭐︎✦ ✾ ⭐︎✦⭐︎✦

"I can't believe that Aqua gave us his card just like that!" Makoto hold their allowance as if it was a miracle gift falling from the sky. Astra chuckled out of amusement. Both of them are finally out of the school premises and free to roam around, fulfilling their promise to each other.

"It's normal for Aqua-nii to lend us his card every time we go out for a treat. He kinda like our father figure despite being a few minutes older."

"Eh?! How can he? Is he that rich?! What's his profession? Do you think he might need an assistant?"

"Taking a chance, I see... sorry to disappoint you, but Aqua refuses to tell us more about his job. He said that he works behind the scenes, helping an old acquaintance."

Makoto's disappointment was palpable as a heavy sigh escaped from their lips. "Dang it..."

"Why is it if I may ask? Trying to find a new experience perhaps?"

"Kinda. I started living by myself when my mom had to go abroad for work. Of course, she sends me some monthly allowance, but I don't want to burden her too much. That's why I'm trying to find a part-time gig to support myself to some extent."

Astra can't help but feel a twinge of pity for the boy. It's true that he's been spoiled by his family, with every wish effortlessly granted. However, life has thrown him a curveball, leaving him to bear the burden of suffering from illness in his early years. On the other hand, Makoto appears to lead a healthy life yet still having trouble in a certain part. Financial perhaps.

Such an irony, how these two boys, who live such contrasting lives, still manage to find common ground.

"I see..."

Makoto eyes lit up at the appearance of their destination right ahead. He pulls Astra out of excitement, running together to the colorful convenience store.

"We're here!"

"The 24-hour convenience store...?" His lilac eyes roam around the place. Makoto stands proudly in front of the store door.

"Yep! My favorite place to treat me. Come on, let's have some fun!" His hand pushes the glass door softly allowing each other to enter. The small but comfortable convenience store exudes a welcoming and comforting vibe that instantly puts customers at ease. Unlike bustling and overcrowded stores, this haven is blissfully serene, ensuring a truly relaxed shopping experience.

The air inside the store carries a subtle hint of freshly brewed coffee, creating an aromatic ambiance that adds to the overall comfort. Soft instrumental music plays in the background, gently serenading customers as they peruse the aisles. Makoto keeps pulling Astra until they reach the corner.

"Do you eat spicy?"

"Not really..." Astra eyes follow Makoto's movement as he picks up some ramen cups. His smile never seems to leave his face.

"Would chicken flavor be alright?"

"Sure. I prefer that more."

"Nice! Now let's pick up some sausage."

Astra trails behind Makoto like a little duckling, eagerly watching as they choose scrumptious delights. Makoto picks out a sausage and an onigiri, while Astra indulges in chocolate milk. As they proceed to the counter, Makoto grabs some refreshing fizzy drink. It's time to satisfy their cravings and pay for their treats!

The moment Makoto approached the counter, the lady's face lit up with recognition, as if she had known him for ages... "Oh, Makoto! It seems that you're with a friend today."

"Yep! This is Astra. Astra, this is my favorite worker here, Haruno-senpai"

"It's nice to be meeting you, Haruno nee-san."

"Oh my, what a polite boy you are. Thank you for being friends with this little kid here. He could be some hassle so I apologize in advance." Haruno smiles kindly at him. A hint of teasing was obvious as she gestured towards the 'hassle'.

Astra chuckle. "Not at all. I am the one who is supposed to be thankful since he had been nothing but kind and supportive from the start."

"Oh, you don't need to lie. He's a little trouble. If he did anything, just tell me. I'm gonna teach this kid some lesson."

"Hey! Don't talk as if I'm not standing right in front of you!" Makoto pout.

"Shh! The adults are talking."

"He's the same age as me!"

"I am born on 14th April. What about you?" Astra grants him a teasing smile, raising one of his eyebrows. Makoto was flabbergasted by the question. "I-"

"He's 8th October. Now, still wanna be an adult?" Haruno let out a mischievous grin while leaning closer. His cheek is burning at this point. "You two are a bully!"

Astra laughed at the reaction. "Sorry, it's just fun teasing you..." He pats Makoto's back in a comforting manner.

"You're cruel..."

"Yeah, yeah. Calm down, kid. We all know you're a good boy. Now, do you want to pay or sulk there like a rejected puppy?" Haruno composed herself and started to scan the food price. Makoto only gives him a death glare before pulling out Aqua's card. "How much?"

"635 yen."

He hands out the card to her. "Wow, kid. Did you steal this?"

"What?! No! It's my friend's card, he lent it to us since we're besties now."


"No. It's not."

Astra sweatdropped at the continuous argument. "It's actually my brother's card. He lends it for us to use. Please, do not worry."

"See? I told you!"

"Well, sorry about that. Now, go enjoy your food and stop distracting me. Shuh!" Haruno gives the plastic back to Makoto and pushes him away.


Astra can't help but feel delighted with the conversation. "Now, now. Let's take a place there and not disturb Haruno nee-san anymore." He pulls Makoto who is still grumpy further away.

As they take their place, each of them starts to prepare the 'lunch' together. After a few minutes, both of them held chopsticks, eagerness obvious on each face as the food was fully presented and ready.

"いただきます! (thank you for the food!)"

They both eagerly devour their meal. Viewing it from a different perspective brings out the amusing contrast between them. Makoto indulges in his food like it's his final feast, whereas Astra exudes an air of sophistication, acting like a seasoned aristocrat. It's intriguing how their differences seem to complement each other so effortlessly.

"Thank you."

The chopstick halted halfway from his mouth, leaving the ramen dangling on it. Astra faces him with a perplexed look. Makoto almost laughs at that. He took a deep breath before conveying his next words.

"This might not seem like a big deal, but trust me, it's the greatest day of my life. I can assure you of that. Remember when I mentioned that I live by myself? Well, that's been the case since the beginning. Emotionally, at first, of course. My parents are always caught up with work and other responsibilities, so I don't have many memories of spending time with them. When I turned 13, they started living their own separate lives. I didn't fully comprehend everything, to be honest, so I just...went with the flow, I guess?"

As he received no response. Makoto continues his word.

"I met Shira-kun when I was nine. Friend might not be the right word since we didn't actually interact much. It's more like...we can tolerate each other. After all, she's a flower girl while I'm a fiery boy. Where's the contrast in that? It's truly a coincidence that we've been to the same school each time. At this point, I won't be surprised anymore if we meet again at university."

Makoto chuckled at his sentence. Seeing his smile was enough to ease Astra.

"I don't have much friends. Sometimes, I would wonder too. But we cannot force someone into a relationship they dislike, can we? After all, I can't love everyone in this world. Where is the fairness if I ask for love from all around the globe, right? So... I just don't really care. Yet, meeting you guys actually sparked something in me. I don't know what is it but one thing I know I am eager to know you more. Perhaps it's the craving I've been withstanding all this time. I don't know. But I kinda like it."

It's truly captivating how swiftly one's emotions can shift from sorrow to joy. Maybe it wasn't sadness all along, but merely a touch of wistfulness. In this very instant, Astra realized that the two were not as distinct as they seemed.

"You can say the same with me too, I guess. I've been hospitalized for my whole life because of my lung illness. I do know it's for my own good yet it felt like I'm in a cage. I can't play in the snow and enjoy winter like others did. Even autumn was hard enough for me to endure. The irony is that I love both of them more than the other two seasons."

Astra plays with his ramen as he retells everything. Makoto sat silently, clearly eager to listen to every word that came out of the other's mouth.

"A year before this, I just had surgery that put my life on the line. I felt better ever since, so I am grateful. Yet I still feel I haven't done much in this life. I mean, look at both of my twins. Ruby has a secure future as an idol and Aqua has been getting a lot of promotions despite saying he doesn't want to indulge anymore in the entertainment industry. What's more sadder is I feel like I can't do anything because of my condition. I felt like I was a burden to them. Each of them has and will have their own income while here I am sitting and waiting for money to come at me."

Makoto frowns at the choice of words. "Don't say that. They're just taking good care of you. I mean, it's their love."

"I know. I just can't help to feel useless sometimes. I once thought that it's better if this sickness just took me away cause-"

"Don't say that!!" Makoto rises from his seat and looks at Astra with a face full of frustration. His voice attracts a little attention but they disregard it nonetheless. Astra flinches a little under Makoto's glare.

"You can't. No matter what, you can't say that. There's a lot more to this world than one might see so don't think that it's the end. Everyone is stuck at one point, but it doesn't mean that it's over. One thing I remember from my past life is that don't try to chase something hard. You're just going to tire yourself out. So grasp the small happiness around you and collect it. Like receiving a compliment. Your siblings treat you something. Playing together. Being able to see the snow even from the inside. Or this moment itself"

Astra could see a glint of something in Makoto's orange eyes. Something...alluring.

"When you learn to enjoy this little thing in life, it won't be so hard to live after all. Life is tough but you're not the only one fighting. So don't ever think like that again. Cause there is more in you that's still hidden. And you have a lot of people to help you. Like me!"

Astra can't help but smile when he sees the grin on the other's face. This time, fortune has favored him greatly, for in the vast expanse of this journey called life, he was granted a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cross paths with a kind individual. It was as if fate herself had orchestrated this meeting, unveiling a serendipitous occurrence that would forever alter the course of his existence. In the depths of his heart, he had yearned for connection, hungered for companionship and understanding. The loneliness that had plagued him for what felt like an eternity seemed to dissipate, replaced by the warmth of newfound camaraderie. The universe had conspired to gift him with a loving family by his side and now, genuine friends who saw him for who he truly was.

Fortune had indeed smiled upon him, for in this encounter, he found not only a friend but perhaps, a soulmate for life.

'How lucky I am to meet you'

"Thank you..."

Makoto only responds with a grin from ear to ear.

"Truly, I mean it. I'm the one who is supposed to thank you from the start. For inviting me and befriending. I'm socially awkward. So I don't really know how to make friends."

"Nah. I'm that kind of ENFJ friend. It's my nature to be outgoing. I guess that's what people sometimes dislike. You know, that kind of too-loud person in the group..."

"Well, I am an INFP type. But I don't think you're too loud. Energetic perhaps? But it never bothers me."

"Nice! Hey, you wanna know a secret?" He waves his hand so Astra comes closer. Makoto moves towards his heart and whispers something only they can know.


"Shhhhh! You must not tell anyone about this. It's a secret between us. Promise me." Makoto gives him his pinky and Astra willingly intertwines his too.

"I pinky promise you."

This is a truly special moment for them, as they connect with one another through the touch of their fingers. It's a moment filled with secrets and promises, something that they hold dear above all else. Following that, they resume their meal as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred just moments before. However, deep down, they both understood that this was the beginning of a beautiful friendship that they hoped would stand the test of time.

"But Astra..."


"You said that Aqua got a promotion. Is he going to be in drama again?"

"Ah... That's..."

✦⭐︎✦⭐︎✦ ✾ ⭐︎✦⭐︎✦

"I'm so nervous... Please be nice to me, guys!"

"No way! Who the heck is this?!" Ruby and Kana are absolutely flabbergasted by what they are witnessing. It's simply mind-boggling how someone can undergo a complete 360-degree transformation just for a dating show. And that guy, Aquamarine Hoshino, takes the cake!

Right away, after Astra and Makoto left, with relentless determination, Ruby and Aqua spared no effort in persuading Arima Kana to venture into the world of idols. Half an hour of kneeling, persuasive conversations, and countless words of compliment were lavished upon Arima, as they aimed to convince her to join Ruby. After giving up on denying the twins, she let herself fall into their plan even if she knew the big risk it put on her career as an actor.

Nevertheless, with Kana now onboard, Ruby celebrated the successful acquisition of their second member. Arima Kana was fully recruited under Ichigopro company alongside Ruby as a future idol.

One might wonder, did Kana truly embrace this opportunity willingly, or was she swayed by external pressures? Perhaps the late but what past is past.

Returning to the important subject, the two girls were rendered speechless as they witnessed a usually stoic and distant individual transform into someone meek and tender in just a single video.

"He's faking it too much! I thought he had a gloomy aura that turned him into darkness itself!"

"It's so fake, even for a show!"

The monitor shows a blonde girl looking like a high school student complimenting Aqua with a look on her face. Regardless, what left them speechless is actually the response Aqua shows.

"You're cute too... I'm shy..."

"What? Go to Hell." A murderous aura is easily detected from their place as they glare at the screen cursing at him. If Look could pass through the screen and kill, Aqua would be down right away.

"What's wrong with him..? He never said I was cute except for when he was trying to convince me."

"He must be excited because he's surrounded by girls. I'll give him a piece of mind when he's home later... Aqua is a male after all."

"I guess he turns into that type when he finds a simple-minded female."

Having enough of them cursing at her son, Miyako finally steps in. "Stop it, you two. It's just a show. So calm down. If he doesn't do that, the show isn't going to work. I understand how upset you are seeing a guy you're familiar with fawning over a girl... But Aqua is an actor. I'm sure he's just trying to get into the role and be that kind of guy."

"So he's just acting, huh?"

"I know that, but... At the end of this show, they will really confess their feelings and become a couple, right?" For some reason, those things doesn't seem to sit right with Kana.

"Yeah. As a formality, that's probably what will happen in the plot."

"If the confession works out, they'll kiss, won't they?

"Well, that's the standard procedure."

Kana was left silent for a moment. She pulls up her knees as she hugs herself. Miyako could immediately feel the change of demeanor. "Why would he... accept this kind of offer?"

"Isn't the same as you? If you continue to be an actress... Sooner or later, you'll have to do the kissing scene yourself. Coming to a clean decision is apart of your job. If you keep insisting on keeping your virtue in this industry, you're the ones who'll suffer later."

"I know that..."


Author's note!!

Hi, my beautiful and handsome readers. I'm sorry that it's been a while. Thank you for still staying with me. Sorry for any typo or weird sentence, i've been trying to improve my writing skills so you guys could enjoy the best. I've been using a little help from AI writer. I hope you don't mind...

I just want to remind you that this story is not BL. Perhaps you can see it as a bromance instead. I think the main point of this chapter is Astra and Makoto's friendship. Of course, I would not forget Aqua. But we go deep into that later. Hope you enjoy this one. From now on, I'll try to focus more on this too while still riding the plot. Be ready for more!

Leave some opinion. I'll like to hear from you guys!
Thank you!

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