Quirk Cultivation

By anonjack4

265K 5.1K 2.3K

Izuku discovers he has a quirk, but it was kept secret from him do to it's nature. Now it has awakened and is... More

The Awakening
First Time Float (lemon)
Afterglow and Discussions
Gadget Madness
A Smashing Duet (lemon)
Babymakers (lemon)
Rest and Regroup
Lizard Hunting (lemon)
Rest and Planning
Bunny Love (lemon)
A Different Perspective
Clash Of The Titans
The Giant Slayer (lemon)
No Rest For The Wicked
Search Interrupted
Stress Relief (lemon)
Love And Guilt
A Quick Dip (lemon)
A Nice Soak
Ascending The Tower
Claiming The Princess (lemon)
Girl Time
Panic Before The Storm
Wild Cats (lemon)
A/N - Impotant
Back In Action
Back On The Hunt
Alien Queen (Lemon)
Unforeseen Consequences
Predator and Prey
Unseen Beauty (Lemon)
Mad Dash
The Changeling (Lemon)
Lovely Anxiety
A Duel With The Devil
Loving The Lady (Lemon)
Washing Away Sins
Hot Foot
Burnin' Love (Lemon)
Cold Snap
Breaking the Bro Code(Lemon)
Melting Hearts
Of Bombs and Bombshells

Gone Hunting

3.9K 113 29
By anonjack4

A/N - Sorry to say this, but updates might slow down as I focus on more neglected stories. This one is still the center of my attention though.


"And you're absolutely sure there ain't another way?" Snipe asked as shots range out over the radio.

Nezu sighed as listened to the pandemonium.

"Unfortunately yes. There simply isn't another way that won't result permanent mental damage or injury, as this very situation proves" he explained with a sad tone.

"If it makes you feel any better, Midoriya is even less happy about the situation then we are" Nezu contiued and heard a sigh from the other end, before the sound of walls braking and more gunshots were heard.

"At this point I'll take just about anything over this! BANG! How long till the kid gets here?" Snipe replied as more noise was heard from the other side.

"He should be there in the next six minutes, if he isn't spotted by anyone else. Just keep her isolated for a little longer" Nezu answered as he watched Izuku through the cameras, running at top speed, without alerting anyone. His enhanced sense of smell, combined with Jiro, Hatsume, and Setsuna's quirks, making avoiding the other girls a trivial matter, for the most part.

They still had no idea where Toru was, which was a constant source of anxiety for Izuku.

Snipe sighed, before giving a series of yells and grunts.

"I still can't believe we're doing this...alright, I'll keep her here as long as I can, but this gal's gettin' crazier that longer this drags out and I'm runnin' out of ammo" Snipe grunted out before being forced to cut the channel and focus on his end.

Nezu sighed as he rubbed his face and took a sip of his tea, before turning his attention to the crowd gathered outside the school and the authorities, waiting for him to contact them again and give a report.

Or at least as much as he was willing to report. There was no way he was telling them who's quirk did this or how they were dealing with it. And he sure as hell wasn't telling them the full extent of what Izuku's quirk could do.

Nezu scratched his head and his fur became a little ruffled. This whole situation was becoming a progressively larger headache, as Nezu juggled ten different jobs. Between tracking the students and faculty and making sure no one hurt themselves, and managing outside interference. And now he had to figure out how to cover up or at least fudge the information on Izuku's quirk, while also finding a way to hide seventeen newborns and counting, from the public eye. Both for their own safety, from villains and the HPSC, and for the sake of the carriers of the girls and Midoriya.

Plus keeping All For One from figuring out about any of this.

The mere idea of All For One getting his hands on Izuku's quirk, sent shivers down Nezu's spine.

But that also lead to another line of thinking that brought a grin to the rodent hybrid.

In truth Nezu reveled the challenge and the effect Izuku's quirk would have, was just the icing on the cake.

"I know that look" Recovery Girl said as she entered the office.

"If I didn't know you better, I'd say you were actually enjoying this. But I can still tell you're scheming something" she continued, causing Nezu to chuckle a little.

"My my, am I that transparent..." Nezu spoke rhetorically.

"Indeed, I take no pleasure from recent events. And when I track down the ones really responsible, they're going to wish they went to jail" Nezu spoke a little darkly, before that grin returned.

"That being said though. We all have to work with the hand we're dealt in life...and what a hand this is..." Nezu trailed off as he began to chuckle and his voice steadily grew more excited.

"Just imagine it...by the end of this, the wielder of One For All, will be more powerful then any hero in history, and most likely will continue to grow in power while leaving behind a new generation of powerful heroes...All For One won't stand a chance!"


Nezu laughed maniacally as he spilled his tea from his gyrating.

All Recovery Girl could do was grimace as she watched Nezu fall into his evil persona, before she slowly backed out of the room.

It was impossible to stop Nezu when he got like this, and was better to just let him continue with his evil(?) plans.


Meanwhile, Izuku was sweating bullets as he ran at full tilt, towards one of the practice cities they had for training and testing. One of his backup suits clinging to him, curtsy of Hatsume and the support department.

"I can't believe this... how am I supposed to get through to her if she's as far gone as Snipe said?" Izuku muttered with dread as his mind raced to come up with a plan.

He was just glad he could move around without drawing attention now, thanks to his girls and the quirks he copied from them.

Izuku made it to the main gate and had to side step a few general studies girls.

He quickly jumped into a nearby tree and pulled a small, metal disk from his pocket that Hatsume had given him, and tossed it in the direction of the girls.

The gadget lit up and suddenly there was a fake Izuku running away and the girls didn't hesitate to run after the fake.

"Ok, I'm really glad I got Hatsume on my side now" Izuku muttered with a guilty blush, as he made his way to the main gate and it opened form him and his keycard, before locking behind him as he walked into the fake city.

It was just a standard urban setting. With tall buildings and businesses lining the streets.

Though with the notable exception of several buildings having holes in their walls. Both large and bullet sized, and a few were outright collapsed. The streets were pockmarked in the same manner, with small craters dotting the area.

In short, it looked like a war zone, which didn't really surprise Izuku, given who was fighting here and the fact that Snipe was trying to avoid wounding his opponent.

Izuku grimaced as he hopped up, to the roof of a nearby building and plugged his jacks into the roof while using Zoom.

He considered detaching his eye again, but he didn't want to risk getting nauseous or loosing focus.

He didn't need to though, as the distinct sound of gunshots and walls being smashed to bits was unmistakable, along with the dust cloud that erupted from a building collapsing in on it's self.

Izuku grimaced before retracting the quirks and hoping between buildings as he raced after his target.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this..." Izuku muttered, or more whined really, as he drew closer and could more easily make out the sounds of fighting without Jiro's quirk.

"Aahh! WHERE IS HE!?" a woman screamed before another building shook.

"Gah! Would ya just calm down already!? I'm-gah!" Snipe tried to shout back, only to grunt out as Izuku drew closer.

"WHERE! IS! HE! WHERE IS MIDORIYA!!!!" the woman screamed again as another building folded in on it's self.

Izuku grit his teeth as he manifested one of the quirks he got from his and Hatsume's children. His eyes glowing a sinister red as he saw two blurry silhouettes through the wall in front of him.

"I!" He called out in warning as he jumped at the wall.

"AM HERE!" he yelled as he kicked through the wall and released a smokescreen to conceal him and Snipe as he grabbed the hero by the arm and pulled him out of range of the frenzied girl as she went berserk from the intrusion.

Izuku and Snipe both breathed heavily as the greenet stopped in an alley and pressed his back to the wall.

"Whew! About time you got here..." Snipe sighed in relief as he leaned against the wall too, but immediately grimaced behind his mask as he looked to the stressed student. The daunting task before him clearly disturbing him as much as it did Snipe.

"Hay, you sure your up for this?" he asked uncomfortably, to which Izuku shook his head.

"No...but what choice do I have..." Izuku quietly responded and Snipe gave a resigned sigh in turn.

Suddenly, the wall next to them was busted down, letting the remains of Izuku's smokescreen out, along with the dust cloud from the broken wall.

"You sure you can handle this kid?" Snipe asked one last time as they watched the hunched over and panting silhouette of the woman, slowly crawling out on all fours.

Izuku gulped as she came more into focus.

"No...but I guess I'll just have to push passed my limits. You go and help Thirteen. I'll take it from here" Izuku stated with conviction hiding his trepidation.

Snipe wasn't sure if he should pity the boy or salute him.

In the end, he decided to do both, before turning and taking off.

"Good luck...though with how things are, you probably won't need it" Snipe muttered as he made sure to put as much distance between him and the pair before they...got to it...

Izuku swallowed again as the dust and smoke began to clear, revealing his target to him. His mind flashing back briefly to his discussion with Nezu.



Izuku had screamed in despair and confusion, while Nezu grimaced.

"Well...you see, she and few others were here to visit some of the students and to talk bout potential employment in the future...so..." Nezu explained.

Izuku's eyes widened even further though as he learned there were more. He didn't have time to asked further though, as Snipe was practically begging for help over the radio.


Which is what lead to now. With Izuku's legs shaking slightly, as the long, white hair and tanned skin became visible, along with two long, white ears.

Izuku gulped as her crazed eyes bore into him and her powerful leg muscles bulged as she tensed up, ready to pounce on him.

"M-M-Mirko..." Izuku muttered with fear as he pumped One For All up to the higher double digits in preparation for what was to come.

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