The Wolf Queen - Part 2 - (Ae...

By MillaCoetz

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Lyanna and Aemond's story is far from over. After winning the battle beyond the Wall and escaping the wrath o... More

List Of Notable Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Helaena's Prophecy Part 1
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Helaena's Prophecy Part 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Helaena's Prophecy Part 3
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Helaena's Prophecy Part 4
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Helaena's Prophecy Part 5
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Helaena's Prophecy Part 6
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Helaena's Prophecy Part 7
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 24

230 11 10
By MillaCoetz

Two days after Jace left Winterfell, the Northern army arrived at Moat Cailin. Some of the bannermen are still on their way and so those who have arrived set up their tents for the night. 

Lyanna is standing outside her tent, looking out over the marshland around her. Aemond is still to arrive with Vaghar, saying he will join them as soon as he finished getting Winterfell ready in case someone tries to attack their home when they are not there. Elise has been given the order to escape with the twins if need be, Alicent and Helaena will help her to get out unnoticed, while staying behind to let the attackers think the twins will be with them. Lyanna can't help but be grateful that Aemond's family are willing to put themselves in harm's way to ensure the babies are safe. 

The men around her laugh as they clean their armour or sharpen their swords. The men of the North are always in good spirits when it comes to war. For them, it is just another thing to pass the time. They grieve the ones that pass but avenge them on the battlefield. This is what they are born to do, to be warriors and to protect the North that was given to them by the First Men. No foreigner like the Targaryens will change that. Aegon the Conqueror might have come here, threatening them with his enormous dragon, but never again will they be forced to kneel because of an animal. The North will be ruled by the North.

Thinking back on the day Jace left, Lyanna feels a tinge of guilt about how they had to let him leave. She hated to watch how Aemond punched him, kicked him and threw him around. The worst was to see him bury a dagger in his stomach. She didn't stop it, she knew it must be done. In war, a person must do whatever it takes to protect those around you. Jace knew the sacrifice, he knew that he might not make it to King's Landing. Lyanna closes her eyes, she can only hope and pray to the old gods that he made it to his family in time. It will break her heart if he died on the way there. Her spies are yet to send her word on him. If he is in King's Landing, then they will know. 

"Lyanna," she hears Cregan's voice behind her. She turns around and sees him dressed up in their father's old armour. The thick leather shaped around him like a second skin. 

"Look at you!" she says and takes hold of his arms, "You look just like father,"

He smiles sheepishly, "Thank you, hopefully, I can fight like him too."

"Let's hope your lessons with Aemond pay off," she pulls him in for a hug, "While we are on the topic, I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" he asks and his face lights up. 

Lyanna nods and leads him into the tent. 

"Before we left, I realised just how much you have grown," she starts and bends down to get his surprise from the chest next to her bed, "I didn't want to see it, didn't want to accept that my little brother is becoming a man now. So I asked Maester Arwen to get me something that I locked up for what feels like a long time ago."

Her hands wrap around the canvas and she pulls it out. Cregan looks at the object in her hand, seeing that it is the shape of a sword.

Lyanna removes the canvas and drops it to the ground. The steel shines in the light that is falling in from outside, illuminating the dark wooden hilt. The craftsmanship on this sword is superb. If you get close enough to the weapon you can almost hear it singing to you.

Cregan immediately recognise the sword and his heart start to flutter just at the idea of it now being his. 

"This was father's sword which then passed down to Richard. It has always been in our family, every true Lord of Winterfell has the privilege to wield it. For me, this sword is a little bit on the heavy side and I will never be able to do it justice," she holds the greatsword out to him, "Ice belongs to you now."

Cregan slowly touches the Valyrian steel sword, feeling the lump in his throat grow. He looks up into Lyanna's eyes, seeing the tears threatening to spill over her eyelids. 

"Thank you," he says hoarsely, "I promise to always keep our House's name high when I use this."

Lyanna smiles with pride, "One day I might not be here, we don't know what will happen with this war. The Targaryens want me dead no matter what. Then I need you to lead our house. Not Aemond and not my children, you."

"Me?" Cregan asks surprised, never expecting that he will ever be considered to be the Lord of Winterfell, especially since he is the youngest brother of four siblings. He wasn't taught the things his older siblings were taught, which puts him at a disadvantage.

Lyanna nods, "You are a Stark, Cregan. Aemond will never be accepted as the Lord of Winterfell and my children neither. In our men's eyes, they will always be Targaryens. But they will follow you."

He shakes his head, "But I don't know how to lead a house or an army of men. I was never taught how to."

"Of course, you were, all your lessons with Aemond, do you think he is doing that just for the fun of it? He is making you read and study the history of Westeros and Old Valyria, teaching you politics. We are preparing you for this just in case."

He never knew that Aemond is helping him to become a good leader. Why would he ever suspect something like that? In his eyes, his sister will be ruling the North until she is old and grey.

They both react to the sound of a dragon flying over the tents. Aemond is here.

Cregan smiles at Lyanna, "Then I hope that I won't disappoint you."

Lyanna pulls him in for another hug, "Cregan, you will never be able to disappoint me. You are the best version of our parents. You are better than me, Brandon and Richard. You just need to start seeing it too."

She steps away and touches his cheek, "Now," she says, "Let's go hear what Aemond has to say."

She walks to the tent entrance and turns around to look at him, "Lord Stark," she teases and watches him blush.

They both laugh as they exit the tent and make their way to where Vhagar has landed. Aemond ignores all the people gathered around him and aim straight for Lyanna who holds her arms open for him. He pulls her into his embrace, inhaling her scent. The smell of wildflowers and citrus fruit sends him on a high that he doesn't want to come down from.

"Welcome," she greets him, "How are things at home?"

He smiles, "Everything has been set up in case of an attack. Winterfell is well protected. Aegon has the dragons ready just in case."

Aemond glance over Lyanna's shoulder and see Cregan standing with the greatsword in his hands.

"I see Lyanna gave you your birthright," he says and walks to Cregan.

Cregan nods and gives the sword to Aemond who twirls it around in his hand to watch how the sun bounces off the steel. Aemond looks like a king when he holds it.

He gives it back to Cregan, "We should have a few practice sessions with the sword before you go out into battle with it."

"Yes, please. This one is bigger than the swords that I am used to."

Aemond place a hand on Cregan's shoulder, "We will practice just before the sun goes down,"

"My Lady!" a soldier runs over to them, bowing his head before turning to Lyanna.

"Is something wrong?" she asks and lifts her eyebrows.

He shakes his head, "No, My Lady. There is a woman in your tent, she asks to see you."

"A woman? Did she give a name?"

"Alys Rivers, My Lady,"

Lyanna nods, "Thank you, I will see her in a moment."

The soldier struts back to Lyanna's tent. She turns back to where Aemond and Cregan are talking about the sword. They won't miss her if she goes to see what this woman wants. 

She turns her back on them and walks back to her tent. Hopefully, it is not more bad news from Riverrun. 

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