Chapter 15

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Aemond watches as Lyanna flies off with Vhagar. His shoulders slump as he thinks back on their argument earlier. It could've been handled differently. They always knew how to agree and find common ground in such situations. But it is like Lyanna is not willing to meet him halfway.

He tried his best to be the Warden of the North in her stead, to rule as she would, but not even that was acknowledged. Not even a thank you. He knows he is a good strategist, better than Lyanna. He studied this for many years, and always listened to his superiors about warfare and their stories of being knights and warriors. He is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. 

With a growl he pushes himself away from the window,  turning his back on the shape of the dragon getting smaller over the horizon. He has more important things to worry about now. While Lyanna is off trying to save her brother from an arranged marriage, he will take up the duties of welcoming her men, even if some still don't like or trust him.

He will talk to her when she is back.

Aemond first makes his way to the nursery, where the twins are playing with their wooden toys, Elise sitting on the floor with them.

As Aemond enters she quickly jumps up and bows her head to him, "My Lord," she greets and takes a step back from the babies.

"Elise," he greets her and hunches down next to Talisa, stroking her hair back that is falling over her face. She is still very small but her features already show more Stark than Targaryen. Not that he minds, he loves that his little girl looks so much like her mother. 

"How are they doing?" he asks Elise and looks up, his eyes falling on her belly before looking at her eyes. It must bother Lyanna that her closest friend is expecting a baby.

"They are doing well, My Lord. Rhaegar is showing some symptoms of a cold, but nothing he won't be able to handle."

Aemond looks at his son with a smile. He stands up and folds his hands behind his back.

"Please inform me about anything regarding the children," he turns around and walks away but stops at the door, "Elise," 

She watches him turn around again and draw her shoulders back.

"If you suspect anything with Lyanna, if she is behaving strangely, I would appreciate it if you will come and tell me."

She frowns, "In regards to what?"
His cold eye burns into hers, "She died, Elise. Do I need to say more?"
She swallows and looks away, shaking her head in the process. She hates how nervous he makes her. 
Aemond stares at her a little longer, making sure she understands her assignment before leaving the nursery. He likes the idea that Elise is afraid of him, remembering the night in King's Landing when he was looking for Lyanna and ended up breaking down her door and threatening her and her family to tell him about her whereabouts. Even though Elise is a good friend to his wife, he wouldn't have done it differently. He needs to uphold his reputation, people need to fear him. 

Aemond stop in his tracks when he sees Jace coming around the corner towards him. Lyanna wants him to welcome this bastard into their home with open arms, but she will hardly know how he treated him if she is not here.

"If it isn't my bastard nephew." he says as Jace stop in front of him, "Tell me, do you enjoy manipulating my wife?"
Jace smiled, "I won't let your words upset me. I am merely here because I care for Lyanna,"
Aemond sneers at him and before he can compose himself he pushes Jace up against the wall, hearing his breath escaping his mouth in a groan. He presses against Jace's neck with his forearm while his hand still grips his tunic. He can see Jace's eyes widening.

"Say that again, Nephew," he growls.
Jace swallowed, "I am here because I care about Lyanna."
Aemond pulls him away from the wall for only a second before slamming him back against it, knowing he hit his head against the cold stone.

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