Chapter 39

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Lyanna and Aemond each mounted a horse to accompany their bannermen on the King's Road, seeing them off before they reach Winterfell. It took them a few days to get back home, but they were met with great cheers and laughter from the townsfolk just outside of the castle. A raven was sent just before they departed from Moat Cailin, informing their family of the happenings and decisions that has been made.

The whole ride here Aemond expressed his concern of being the new King of Westeros, uncertain if he earned such a title. His argument was strong as he gave all the reasons why he doesn't deserve it. He killed many, is seen as a Kinslayer, has a thirst for blood that can sometimes be overwhelming and his family, The Greens, are not the most popular family at the moment. His grandfather and mother made a lot of bad decisions when they placed Aegon on the throne, killing everyone who was against it.

Many Houses have still not forgiven them for it and the only reason why they agreed to put him on the throne was because their new Warden of the North said so. Otherwise, they would've still been bickering about who their new ruler must be.

"I believe that you would make a really good king, Aemond." Lyanna says as they ride through the gates of Winterfell, "Maybe someone like you is just the thing the Kingdom needs. A firm hand with a good head for war, lots of experience in battle and a bit of an evil side. A king that is too good will never be able to make difficult decisions. You have to be the enemy as well as the ally, you will never be able to keep everyone happy. And no one can care less about the feelings of others than you."

He smiles, "That is true." he sighs, "It will be strange being back there."
"We will fix what your sister and uncle broke. I will be with you every step of the way. You have the North on your side, no one will dare oppose you when we want you on the throne."

There are loud cheers from up ahead as Cregan gets pulled from his horse and lifted into the air.

Lyanna smiles, "I think I made the right decision."

"You did. Cregan will be good for the North."

They dismount their horses and lead them towards the stables so the stable boys can clean and feed them.

"Welcome home!" Helaena greets them as she comes running in their direction, throwing her arms around Lyanna first.

"We heard the big news," she says and turns to Aemond, "It is about time,"

Aegon and Alicent join them and Alicent gives Aemond the longest hug he has ever received from his mother. The ones he usually got were brief and unefectionot.

"Good luck, Brother. Being King sucked." Aegon says with a smile, "At least you will have a stunning Queen at your side. The Lords of the realm will all be so jealous and would want to kill you for her."

Lyanna laughs, "We will hold a tourney."

"Please invite us when it happens."

"Of course, what is a fun competition without the local fool to keep us entertained?"

Aegon glares at her, "You are very funny. I am not the one who demoted myself from the leader of a kingdom to a consort."

She punches him in the arm, "Be thankful, because now you can all move back to the South and get out of the cold you hate so much."

"Thank the gods," Alicent exclaims, "Winterfell is wonderful but I can't stand the cold."

Lyanna spots Jace on his own next to his horse. He looks unhappy with his shoulders slumped and a sombre look on his face.

"Excuse me," she says and makes her way towards Gim. Jace sees her approaching and gives her a small smile.

"You don't look very happy today. Is something wrong?" she asks as she stares up at him.

He shakes his head, "I am just thinking about everything. It is hard for me to comprehend that I might not see my mother and siblings again."

"You are allowed to go and visit them, Jace. They are excited, not you,"

"I know. It's just," he looks away, "I don't want to. My mother shouted many hurtful things at me when I tried to get her from her dragon, things I can't forgive. She might as well have died on the battlefield."

"I understand," she placed her hand on his arm, "You can still live with us in Kingslanding. You are always welcome."

"That is kind of you, but I will not be staying," he smiles sheepishly, "I will go to the Free Cities and live out my days there."

Her face falls and she tries to hide her disappointment, "That is a shame. We will keep a room for you when you decide to come and visit. When are you planning on leaving?"

"Tomorrow, I just want to get some sleep in before going."

She nods, "Thank you for everything, Jace. You sacrificed so much for me and I will never forget it." she pulls him in for a hug, "I hope you find the life that you have always hoped for."

Jace holds onto her a bit longer than necessary, knowing it will be the last time he will get to touch her like this. When Aemond gets crowned as king he will not get the chance to touch the Queen, otherwise her husband will have him killed. He does not doubt that Aemond will throw him to Vhagar.

Lyanna goes back to Aemond. He is busy talking to Cregan, both laughing at something that Cregan said.

"If it isn't my beautiful sister," Cregan says with a smile.

She glares at him, "What do you want?"

"Nothing," he replies, "I am just happy to see you."

"Sure you are." she answers and pokes him on the arm, "You ready?" she asks as she turns to Aemond.

He nods. They both had some time to discuss the situation with their prisoner and they agreed that Aemond will have the pleasure of torturing and killing him. Lyanna gets to decide what type of torture he will receive and how he will die.

"Make sure he pays for what he has done," Cregan says and watches as they walk away.

Lyanna thinks back on her time at Pyke. The things he did and said without remorse, how he laughed at her when she yelled out in pain. How he touched her body as if he owned it,  that he had to get three of his men to hold her down while he had his way with her. There is no way that she will go easy on him and by looking at Aemond's face, she knows he will be begging for mercy or a quick death before the sun goes down.

"You sure you can do this?"Aemond asks at the door of the prison.

Lyanna takes a deep breath. It is different to face someone who has hurt you when you are alone. It was easy for her just before she left for Moat Cailin. This time Aemond is with them. It worries her that Dalton Greyjoy might tell him in explicit detail the things he has done to her. She knows he will just say it to aggravate Aemond.

She lets go of the breath she was holding and looks at her husband. His long ashen hair, usually it is always perfect where it is hanging down his back and chest, but now it is a bit ruffled from their ride back home. It makes him look even more intimidating.

She touches his jaw and nods, "I can do this. As long as you are with me."

He takes the hand next to his face a place a kiss on the palm of it, closing his eye as he does it.

He looks up and the look in his eye changes from one of love and adoration to complete hatred. He needs to become this dark and cold version of himself when he faces an enemy. Otherwise, his conscience will devour him.

He lets go of her hand and enters the prison first. Time to show Dalton Greyjoy just how badly he fucked up.

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