Chapter 1

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Lyanna stares at the crumpled-up piece of paper burning in the fire in front of her. The corner of her mouth is turned downwards as she recalls the message in the letter.

Bend the knee or we will rain down fire on the North.

She balls her fists, feeling her nails dig into the palms of her hands before she relaxes her fingers again. After so many peaceful years of co-ruling Westeros, now she wants to go back on their agreement. Are they not tired of war? Did they not learn from what happened during The Dance Of Dragons? Did Rhaenyra not lose enough?

There is no way that Lyanna will allow Rhaenyra to harm anyone that lives under her protection. She will also not bow to her, especially not after the North fought for their independence. Her people will not be safe in Rhaenyra's hands, not when the one who whispers in her ear only has a blood lust.

Daemon Targaryen.

The one who should've died after he kidnapped Cregan and tried to kill the one she loves most. If it wasn't for the old greenseer, she wouldn't have been able to save Aemond and the North would still be under the rule of Rhaenyra and her traitor of a husband. Her children would've never known their father.

Lyanna closes her eyes while thinking back on that day at Harrenhal. She could've killed that bastard, she had full control of his and his dragon's minds. It would've been so easy, so effortless. But no, she needed him alive, needed to gain Rhaenyra's trust to ensure she will let go of the North and let Lyanna rule it instead.

How she is still able to trust him after all he has done...

There is a soft knock on her chamber's door and she slowly turns around, forcing herself to look away at the now burned-up note.

"Come in," she calls and folds her arms. Slowly the doors open and the face of her husband, carrying their two-year-old twins, appear.
A smile spread across her face as she looks at them, walking towards them, meeting them halfway.
"This is your chambers as well, you know. You don't have to knock," she says as she takes young Rhaegar from Aemond.
He bends down to place a kiss on her lips, "You have been under a lot of stress recently, I didn't want to disturb you if you were resting."

"Resting," she scoffs, "That is something I won't have the luxury of doing in the days to come."
Aemond frowns, "What happened?"
Lyanna looks at the face of her son, seeing the smile forming as he is staring at her. She places a kiss on his cheek before shaking her head.
"Later," she sighs, "Let's spend some time together before we talk about what happened."

They take the twins outside to the Godswood, where the dire wolves are resting in the shade of the weirwood tree. The snow already started melting. The winter was extremely cold and the wolves as well as the dragons had a hard time staying outside. A dragon pit of sorts was erected a little over a year ago. It is nothing compared to the one in King's Landing, but it is sufficient enough to house the three dragons residing at Winterfell.

They put the twins down who waddle towards the wolves. Aemond puts his arm around his wife as they watch how their children play with the dire wolves.

"I received word from Rhaenyra," Lyanna says after a while, "She wants me to bend the knee to her and declare in front of an audience that the North will now be under her rule."
Aemond starts to laugh, "Sounds more like Daemon's idea. Rhaenyra is more afraid of you than he is."

She nods her head, "I had the same idea when I read her letter."
"Let me guess," Aemond starts, "If you don't bend the knee, she will declare war on us."
"Hmmm," Lyanna grunts and rests her head against his shoulder, "As if we are not still recovering from the previous one."

Aemond pulls her closer to his chest, "Daemon does not need to recover from anything, he is always ready for war."
"If that is what they want, then that is what I will give them. Seems they have not yet experienced the power and strength of our home."
They look at each other and come to a silent agreement.

They will die fighting if they must, but the North will never belong to them.

Laughter erupts from the twins as they try to climb on Shadow's back. A desperate Shadow try to break free from their grasp, trying not to hurt them, but to no avail.

Lyanna and Aemond step closer and pull the twins away.
Lyanna laugh as she looks at their delicate features, "Why don't we go find your cousins."


Later in the day, the whole family sits down for dinner. Alicent, Aegon, Helaena, Aemond, and Lyanna sit at one side of the table as the children stare wide-eyed at Cregan, who is busy telling them stories about the North. Stories about giants, ice dragons, how the Wall was built, and even the so-called ghost that roam Winterfell.

Cregan grew a lot in the almost three years that have passed. He became taller, his shoulders broader, and his jawline more prominent. His voice is deeper and faint signs of a beard can be seen parading on his chin. Not only is he physically a whole different boy, but emotionally he has become more withdrawn, making it hard for Lyanna to talk to him. Especially when she is worried about him.

While he is keeping the children busy, stuffing his mouth with food every moment he gets a chance, the adults on the other end of the table are all deep in discussions about Rhaenyra's proposal.

"I don't understand why Rhaenyra would agree to such a thing," Alicent says, "She hates war."
Aegon sighs, "Mother, maybe you should stop trying to find the Rhaenyra you knew in her. She changed. Just accept it."
Lyanna stares at her untouched plate of food. Her stomach growls in anticipation of it, but her appetite feels the opposite. She scoots the food around on her plate before putting the fork down.

"I was thinking that I should go and see her in King's Landing. Maybe it will be best to discuss this with her in person."
All eyes turn to her.
Aemond is the first to protest, "Over my dead body."
Lyanna shrugged, "There is a good chance you might die if I don't go and see her. I know I will be able to convince her otherwise."

Alicent and Aegon also put in their chimes of disagreement to go to King's Landing, standing with Aemond about how bad of an idea it is. Helaena's eyes follow a tiny ant walking across the table, strolling onto her plate and taking a crumb of her bread with it.
"Beware the red beast that lies underneath the waves, waiting for the thirsty wolf to tread its waters."

Helaena's voice echoes softly across the hall, causing everyone to stop bickering. Lyanna hates when Helaena gets one of her visions. It rarely means anything good.
Lyanna sighed, "You all know that no matter what you say, I am going to King's Landing."
"Then I will go with you." Aemond put his cup down with force, causing the table to shake.
"No," Lyanna shakes her head, "They want you dead for Luke. No matter what we told them about his death. You stay here and keep our home safe."

"I can handle them all, including their dragons." she stands up, "I will take Vhagar with me."
Aemond just closes his eyes and lies back against the chair. No one tries to argue any further. Lyanna already made up her mind.
"I am leaving first thing tomorrow morning. If you will excuse me."
She slowly walks back to her chambers, knowing Aemond will put the twins in bed. She hopes with all in her that she won't start a war tomorrow.

Beware the red beast that lies underneath the waves, waiting for the thirsty wolf to tread its waters.
Helaena's words ring in her head over and over, keeping her from falling asleep. She knows the wolf is either referring to her or her house. It bothers her that she won't know for certain who is in danger until it is too late.

Beware the red beast that lies underneath the waves, waiting for the thirsty wolf to tread its waters.

She put her pillow over her head, hoping to drown out Helaena's voice in her head.

Beware the red beast that lies underneath the waves.

She forces her mind to think of something else.

Beware the red beast...

Sleep eventually came for her.

The Wolf Queen - Part 2 - (Aemond Targaryen) Where stories live. Discover now