Chapter 38

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The Lords of the North are all gathered within the crumpled walls of Moat Cailin. Everyone found a place to sit, either on a rock or a piece of the crumbled wall.

Lyanna, Aemond, Jace, Rhynaera and Lord Tully enter the dilapidated castle and all eyes turn to them, especially to the figure of the one being pulled along with chains.

Lyanna escorted Rhynaera to the centre of the Lords around them, seeing how the three they entered with found a place to sit. She loosens the chains around Rhynaera's wrists, giving her the dignity to face the lords as a Queen.

Not one face looks at her kindly. All are plastered with disdain and hatred. They lost many men thanks to her orders and decision. Good men. Men who have families waiting for them to return home. Some are now widowed, some will grow up without a father.

"My Lords," Lyanna start as she folds her hands together and paces before them. She watches how they slowly take their gazes from Rhynaera to look at their Queen.

"I wanted all of you to gather here today so we can decide on the fate of the previous Queen of Westeros. Together." she continues and glances over her shoulder at Rhynaera who is still standing proudly with her shoulders pulled back. What a shame that she turned out to be like this. The Rhynaera she knew was just and reasonable. Not like the one who became as power-hungry and ruthless as her husband.

"I will give all of you a chance to give your opinion on Rhynaera and when we are done we will decide what should be done with her."

Lyanna turns to face them all, watching as Lord Tully stands up first.

"My Queen," he bows his head at Lyanna, "Allow me to speak first. Everyone here is aware of the happenings at Riverrun, how I was held hostage in my own home so my men will fight for her."

The Lord nodded in unison as he continues, "Although I am not a fan or supporter of the late queen, I have to speak up in her defence. Prince Daemon was not shy to speak of his plans and victories, one of them being that he was able to persuade his wife to think she is in control when she is not. I do believe many things were done without her knowledge and therefore I ask for a light punishment."

Lyanna nods, but the other Lords don't look happy with his support of her.

Next up is Lord Mormont, who tells of how little he respects Rhynaera, especially since he lost many of his soldiers.

Lord Glover stands next, giving Lyanna a slight nod.

"It is all good to hear these words of support or opposition, but we need to keep in mind that she will no longer warm the Iron Throne, therefor she will be a threat to whoever will sit on it after her. Letting her go will only give her more time to rally support and find enough men and women who believe in her cause and are willing to lay down their lives for her. I am not in support of letting her live."

Lyanna keeps her face as neutral as possible, not showing how she truly feels. She doesn't want Rhynaera to be killed. She might be the enemy, but she is also a mother who has young children who will be orphaned and targeted for who they are. As long as Rhynaera is alive she can at least protect her children.

Lyanna looks at Rhynaera, her shoulders are more slumped than earlier. The glint in her eyes is gone and instead, her eyes are cast in shadow. Then she sees Jace looking at her. She knows what he wants her to do, to spare her life. If only he knows how difficult it is to keep the Northern Lords happy. Most of them want her dead and if Lyanna does not do that they will doubt her abilities to rule.

The lords talk amongst each other, some yelling insults at others across the open area. If she doesn't stop this she will watch how a fight ensures amongst her bannermen.

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