Chapter 22

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Lyanna left Aemond early in the morning, leaving him to wake up alone again. She couldn't sleep, waking up constantly, hoping everything was just a bad dream. But every time she was disappointed. After a while, she gave up on sleeping and got dressed. She chose her riding leathers and went to the training yard. Her brother's sword is still in King's Landing, in the room she was put in while she was there. It feels like a part of her is missing. She feels crippled without her sword like she doesn't have an arm or a leg. For now, the other swords at Winterfell will have to do. She will send a spy to King's Landing to get her sword back.

It is freezing outside as she leaves the warmth of the castle behind her. The sun is yet to rise. Lyanna immediately starts her training on the straw dummies. She got so used to using her abilities that she slacked with her combat training. And she can feel it in her muscles that she hasn't been practising in a while. 

Lyanna digs deep into her anger, using it to drive her through her practice. She pushes herself until the sun comes up and until she is joined by Aemond.

"I hope you have not done this the whole night," he remarks as he gets his sword out. 

Lyanna shakes her head, "I did get some sleep if that is what you are wondering."

Aemond watches as she tries to destroy the straw dummy in front of her. He can see her skills are not as they used to be.

"Here," he says and places his hand on her arm to stop her, "Take a break and then we can practise together,"

"You can't take breaks when there is war, Aemond. I will stop when I am satisfied with my progress."

They spend the rest of the morning in the training yard. A crowd started to gather around them when they started to spar with each other. Aemond won all of their fights. It didn't bother Lyanna, she knows he will always be the better swordsman. The moment Lyanna and Aemond finish, the rest of the men start to practise as well. 

Maester Arwen smiles warmly at Lyanna as she approaches him, "You did wonderful, My Lady." he says.

"Thank you, Maester. I am not where I used to be." 

"Nonsense," he says, "You are still better than any of your brothers."

Lyanna laughs, "Oh that I know." she looks at Aemond then back at Maester Arwen, "Is there any news from King's Landing?"

Before Maester Arwen can answer one of the guards at the gate yell that there is a rider fast approaching Winterfell. 

All the men in the courtyard turn toward the gate, their swords ready. The single rider storms through the gates, stopping his horse just in time before crashing into the wall of the castle. Everyone watches as the rider turns his horse around. Then he collapses, falling from his horse to the ground. Lyanna rushes towards him, falling to her knees beside him. She immediately sees he has the colours of Riverrun on.

He must have been sent by Lord Tully.

"Get him up and into the castle," she orders the men around her. This man must be exhausted for him to just pass out. 

Two of the bannermen pick the man up and carry him into the castle, following Maester Arwen to his solar so he can treat him. 

Lyanna walk to the bewildered horse, holding her hands out to calm it.

"Calm, boy," she says the horse tries to back away from her. She can see in his eyes that he has been through hell to get here. If only she could take control of his mind, then he would've been calm already. She takes a step closer, only to be met with hooves as the horse tries to kick her. 

The Wolf Queen - Part 2 - (Aemond Targaryen) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora