Chapter 40

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Slowly the door to the cells creaks open. In the cell closest to the door, Elise tilts her head up to see who is entering. The only visitor she had was a guard that brought her some food to eat. To see someone other than the guards is scarce. But to see the image of Prince Aemond entering that door strikes fear into her heart. She has never liked him, ever since he barged into her home in King's Landing, she feared him and hated him for the way he intimidated her family. Why Lyanna decided to love a man so cruel and cold-hearted, she wished she could've convinced her not to. Men like Prince Aemond deserve to rot in a shallow grave. 

Rumour has it that he is now king of the Seven Kingdoms. May the gods have mercy on them all if that is true. The last thing Westeros needs is another tyrant to rule them all.

Prince Aemond slowly walks down the damp and cold steps. His steps echos alongside the water dripping from the ceiling. As he passes her cell, he stops and turns to look at her. His eye burns into her soul and she starts to whimper and cowers under his gaze. 

"You don't have to acknowledge her, Aemond," Lyanna says as she enters the prison, walking towards him and placing a hand on his arm. 

He doesn't turn his gaze to his wife and instead keeps it on Elise. He knows just how frightened she is, he can see it in her face, the way her whole body is shaking. 

"Aemond," Lyanna says again, "I will handle her," 

After a few more seconds of his intense stare, he looks away, turning his body to keep on walking. She wanted to thank Lyanna for what she did, but she knows she didn't do it out of pity. Although Prince Aemond can cause excruciating physical pain, she heard that the pain Lyanna can inflict on her enemies by just grabbing hold of their minds is worse than being devoured by fire. 

And she is the one who will deal with her.

As the two reach the only other occupied cell, the guards stationed at the entrance bow their heads and take their leave. 

Lyanna steps inside first, her eyes scanning over the soaking-wet figure that is chained to the wall. Dark rings are under his eyes and his breathing is heavy.

"Did you have a nice time while I was away?" Lyanna asks as she crouches down in front of Dalton Greyjoy, "Looks like you didn't get much sleep. Sleep is important you know, it keeps the mind sane,"

Dalton spits in her direction, "Fuck you," he looks up slowly, "I should've ripped you in half when I got the chance,"

Lyanna smiles, "Yes, you should've. You don't look like a smart man anyway, so I doubt you would do it even if you got the chance. You think with the wrong head,"

Dalton tries to get up but his restraints keep him back, "Did you bring your lapdog with you?" he asks as he spots Aemond at the cell door, "Think you can scare me with him?"

Lyanna shake her head, "No, he is not here to scare you," she stands up, "He is here to kill you,"

She steps aside to allow Aemond to enter. As soon as he stops she slips out to get a few tools that have been placed on the shelf just outside of the cell. 

"Dalton Greyjoy," Aemond says, his voice drained of any emotion.

"Prince Aemond," Dalton greets with a smile, "Finally we meet. I have to say, you have one hell of a wife,"

Aemond only stares at him, waiting for Charlotte to bring her first torture tool. He can't wait to break him, to wipe that smug smile off his face.

"Fuck, she was delicious. The taste of her is something every man desires. It is a shame you keep her to yourself," Dalton continues. 

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