Chapter 37

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Lyanna goes back to her tent, not waiting for Jace, who is busy staring at the horrifying scene in the cell. His mouth almost hanging open with visible shock on his face. He heard about how Lyanna can get during times of war, that she can get bloodthirsty, killing without remorse. But seeing it first-hand shocks him,  he never knew just how cruel her actions can be.

He struggles to pull his eyes away from Shadow, his nose wet with blood. Alys's screams died as quickly as they started. At least Shadow gave her a quick death. He is sure Lyanna wouldn't have been as merciful as her dire wolf.

Jace turns his face away as Shadow walks past him to go to the rest of his pack. Jace takes the chance to walk away, following the crowd of soldiers that are making their way towards the swampy waters next to Moat Cailin. There where Caraxes is lying on top of his rider.

He doesn't want to see the body of the man who he tried to treat as a father. He might not have liked Daemon very much, but he still doesn't want to see how he died. His mother was so distraught when they saw how the two dragons went at it in the sky, with Caraxes being the ones falling from the sky in a very unnatural way. Rhynaera almost crashed her dragon in the process. The death of Caraxes was the tipping point in the war. He knew Lyanna won even before the men started to retreat.

As Jace walks towards where Daemon met his match he sees how pieces of Caraxes are being pulled away by carts, first he sees his wing, then another and before long the giant head of one of the most powerful dragons that ever existed is slowly pulled pass him.

Jace stops and takes a moment to look at the dragon, his heart bleeding at the loss of such a beast. He wishes it could've turned out differently for the dragon, someone else could've claimed him after Daemon's death.

With a struggle, he takes his eyes away from the dragon's head and continues to walk towards where the rest of its body is lying. He has one thing he still needs to do before going back to where Lyanna is, to see what she decides to do with his mother.

He can only hope Lyanna will be merciful towards her and at least spare her life for the sake of his younger siblings. Even if she doesn't deserve it after all the chaos.

Jace slowly approaches the dragon's body, and his eyes automatically scan for Daemon.

Trapped underneath Caraxe's long neck he finds the pale figure of his Stepfather. His eyes are open, staring up into the sky. The look on his face was that of terror. Maybe death didn't look like he thought it would.

Jace bends down next to him. He places a hand on top of Daemon's face and slowly closes his eyelids so he can stop staring at everyone that passes him.

It is the last thing he can do for Daemon, for the man who tried to treat him as a son but failed at it.

Jace sighs and takes his hand away from Daemon's face. How will Daemon's children take the news of his death? Will Lyanna at least spare them? He will have to make sure that no harm comes over them, even if he has to take on Lyanna. They had no part in this war.

His eye catches the item he was looking for, if it wasn't for the rising sun shining on it then he would have had to search for it.

Dark Sister.

Tuged inside the sheath on Daemon's hip, covered with mud and water, a piece of Dark Sister can be seen. Jace reaches towards it and pulls on it, having to use some force to get it free from under Daemon.

The metal rings as it is pulled free and the faces around him stare at the heavy blade in his hands. One of the ancestral swords of House Targaryen, the first to wield it being Visenya. Strange how this sword tends to end up in the hands of skilled Targaryen fighters or warriors.

The Wolf Queen - Part 2 - (Aemond Targaryen) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora