Chapter 5

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The gardens are a popular place for the local lords and ladies to spend their time, not having anything else to do to abide their time with. Guards are stationed everywhere, watching her and Jace as they move past them.

"It is strange to see so many guards here," Lyanna says softly.
Jace shrugs, "It is because you are here. You make my mother and Daemon nervous with your presence."
"I have had quite the welcome," she says and looks away.
Jace takes her hand, "Would you have treated them differently if they came to Winterfell unannounced?"
She shrugs, "Probably not. Especially not Daemon." she looks at him, "But I would've treated your mother like a Queen, not just some noble lady."

A sudden commotion makes them stop and look toward where the noise is coming from. Only a few steps away from them, to their right, the court jester is busy entertaining some of the lords and ladies by playing around with fire. He takes a big gulp of liquid from a cup in his hand before blowing it towards a flaming stick, making the flames shoot far across the open space in front of him, and making his audience gasp with pleasure.

Jace pulls her along, leaving the laughter behind them.
"How is your family?" he asks after a short silence.
"The twins are doing good. It would be nice if you come to visit us, then you can meet them."
He smiles sheepishly, "One day I will."
But she doubts it.
When they get to the gazebo which overlooks the ocean, Jace takes a seat on the nearest chair, but Lyanna walks to the far end, turning her back to Jace.

"Tell me the truth, Jace." she starts, "What is going on?"
Lyanna waits patiently for him to answer, giving him as much time as he needs. Today is the day she will find out if she can still trust him. If he is still the young man who was willing to marry her for the sake of her reputation.
With a sigh he gets up and takes a place next to her, putting his hands on the wall in front of them. They both look at the ships bobbing on the ocean, hoping the other will say something first.

"What do you want to know?" he asks.
"Why is your mother willing to go to war to claim the North?" she asks immediately, not giving him the easy questions first.
He closes his eyes, "I don't know."
"Was it her or Daemon's idea?"
"I don't know."
"You don't know or you don't want to say?" she asks and grabs his sleeve.
He turns to her, "Both."
She slams her fists into his chest, "Don't lie to me, Jace! You are heir to the throne! Of course, you know something!"

He laughs and pushes her away gently, "You shouldn't have come here, Lyanna."
"Why not?"
He looks over her shoulder and Lyanna follows his gaze. Behind her two guards are walking towards them, watching them intently.
"Because you are not safe here," he whispers. He takes her hand and pulls her along with him. She keeps on looking over her shoulder toward the two guards who are still behind them.

They pass through a part of the Red Keep she has not yet seen before. Leaving the beautiful garden behind, the red stone walls of the Keep envelop them on both sides. The walls reach high up, too high to climb over.
"Where are we going?" she asks.
"To the Dragonpit. You need to leave."
Lyanna pulls back hard, pulling her hand free from his.
"No," she says, "I am going nowhere until I get answers."
"Did you not hear what I just said? It is not safe here."

Lyanna laughs, "I am capable of keeping myself safe, thank you."
Jace balls his fists as he looks over her shoulder again, "Just don't trust anyone."
The determined look on Jace's face made her wonder what she has gotten herself into. It was the only thing she thought about for the rest of the day.

While she got ready for dinner, she got all her weapons out, deciding which ones she can take with her to dinner. She can't take her sword, it is too big and too obvious. With her light blue dress, she must take her smaller weapons, which she can hide under her skirt.
Two daggers, each strapped to a thigh. Another smaller dagger is strapped to her lower leg and a small vial of poison is pushed in between her breasts. You never know what you are going to need.
Lyanna hides her sword under the mattress before taking leave for the dining room.

Outside her door, she looks around for a guard, but there are none. Not even one to escort her to dinner.
She walks down the cold hallway, frequently glancing over her shoulder. She sends a ripple ahead of her, looking for a sign of life, but there is no one.

What is going on? she wonders. A sudden noise behind her makes her stop in her tracks, backing up into the shadows. Her hand slides down to grab one of her daggers. Keeping it close to her chest.

But there is nothing. Not a person coming towards her and not another sound making her think that something is walking down the hall.

Lyanna places the dagger back into its place. She must be losing her mind.

"You are just paranoid," she says softly to herself as she walks the last stretch toward the dining room.

Suddenly she feels a burning sensation in her back, making its way toward her stomach. Her breath comes out as a hoarse groan. Her hand slowly makes its way to where she can feel the burn, feeling a warm liquid there where her dress touches her skin. She looks down at her stomach, realizing that her light blue dress is now slowly turning red.

Lyanna grabs onto the wall next to her, feeling her legs starting to wobble.
Behind her, she can hear footsteps, more than one pair.

"You made it too easy, Lyanna." she heard the voice first before seeing Daemon walk into view, a guard behind him. Daemon twirls his dagger in his hands. Lyanna tries to grab his mind but the pain is too overwhelming.
"I poisoned my dagger, it won't be long before the Queen in the North is no more." he says as he lifts her chin, "Good riddance."

They both walk away, leaving Lyanna alone in the cold hallway, with no way to help herself from a certain death.

The Wolf Queen - Part 2 - (Aemond Targaryen) Where stories live. Discover now