Unfailing Love

By writingforChrist

4K 922 41

Dani has loved Josh since high school. It started out as a crush, but a senior trip changed their lives forev... More

One-The end of one life
Two-A new beginning
Three-Moving On
Four-Coming Home
Five-The reunion
Six-Let me be worthy of you
Seven-We'll start with Jesus
Eight-Be Still
Nine-Christ the solid rock I stand
Ten-Even Paul was once a scoffer
Eleven-Lord God, am I doing the right thing?
Twelve Keep Praying
Thirteen-Wait patiently on God
Fourteen-God take away these feelings
15-What would Jesus do?
16-The Lord is my rock
17-We need to have faith
18-God help him
19-Is this Your will Lord?
20-God wouldn't approve of what I've done
22-Where Jesus waits
23-Love the Lord God with all your heart and soul...
25-Step back and let God handle it
26-You've got to have faith
27-Fear not for I have redeemed you
28-God is all we need
29-You need faith as small as a mustard seed
30-God is with us
31-Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved
32-You can't hear God's voice if you're focused on your own
33-God will work this out
34-Out of the wilderness
35 -God's Miracle

21-It's all about putting God first

94 26 0
By writingforChrist

"Thanks for coming." Josh handed her a mug of coffee and his fingers brushed hers igniting little sparks along her skin. "I know it's early."

A soft gasp fell from her lips before she could stop it and her gaze flew to his. "I-It's hot," she stammered, face flaming.

"Right," he drawled, his expression knowing. His eyes darkened like he too was unsettled.

"Thank you for the coffee, and I didn't mind coming over. I'd never pass up a chance to spend the day with my favorite guy." Her hand holding the mug trembled slightly and she lifted it to her lips for cover.

One brow arched.

Dani stiffened. "I meant Jacob."

"I know," he said warmly. "Hey, is that a Bible you're carrying?"

She was so flustered she actually glanced down. "Yes. I've been reading it."

"Really?" He blinked like he wasn't sure if she was joking. "What exactly are you reading?"

Dani got the feeling he was testing her. "Joshua. I'm at the part where Rahab helped the Israelite spies. She fascinates me."

"Because of her courage?"

"Yes, and because she was a prostitute who later married righteous Salmon from the tribe of Judah. She's in the line of Jesus."

Josh stared at her, and she wondered if she'd mixed the story up. It was all new to her, and there was so much to remember. She was all of a sudden self-conscious. "Is that right? Do you know the story?"

He blinked at her question and cleared his throat like he just realized he was staring. "Rahab gave birth to Boaz who later married Ruth, Jesus' great-grandmother."

"Yes, that's what I thought. If the Lord can redeem her, then there's hope for me." She lifted the mug of coffee to her lips aware of Josh's intent gaze.

"Of course, God's mercy includes you if you've accepted Christ. We've all made mistakes, Dani."

Her stomach knotted and she folded her arm over her middle. "Have you spoken to Meredith?"

He nodded. "I just got off the phone with her before you got here."

"I don't want to cause trouble for the two of you."

He looked surprised like the idea hadn't occurred to him. "You mean Julie. Mer understands that you want to be a part of Jacob's life. I told her you had dinner with us, and she thinks Julie overreacted."

Her shoulders sank with relief. "Thank goodness."

"You were worried?" he asked, moving so that they stood facing one another with the island between them.

Her eyes flicked to his and chose her words carefully. "I told you I regretted what happened between us. I always will. But no matter how I feel I'd never come between you and your fiancé."

Something flashed in his eyes. "You didn't need to tell me that, Dani."

"Yes, I did. I can't pretend I don't still—" She winced. "I need to stop talking. Is Caleb still here?"

"Finish what you were about to say," he commanded, his voice thick with emotion.

"Why, Josh? You already know. No good can come from hearing it."

"Dani." A warning note surrounded her name.

"You know the Bible. A relationship shouldn't be based on just feelings." Her heart beat faster, and her words came in a breathless rush. "It's about putting God first, actions, commitments."

Josh stepped back, threading both hands through his hair. "We made a commitment to each other when we slept together before marriage. We just didn't follow through. It's not too late to fix that mistake."

Of all the things she expected him to say, his impassioned words stole her breath.

"What are you saying?"

"You heard me." His gaze slammed into hers. "We have to think about Jacob. The three of us are a family despite what we might feel for other people."

"Right." Despite what we might feel for other people. Dani didn't think her heart could hurt anymore, but it did. "It sounds like you're suggesting we get together because of Jacob."

"Would that be wrong?" he asked softly.

"I assumed you've asked God. His answer to your prayers must have been Meredith."

He drew back, his expression tormented. "I prayed Dani, and I thought the same thing. That Meredith was the answer to my prayers. But you're back, and I'm sure anymore."

"I shouldn't have come back," she cried, her voice breaking. "It was selfish."

"Staying away from your son would have been selfish!" His hand slammed on the countertop. "This isn't about you or me. It's about God and what he wants from us. It's about the child He blessed us with and doing right by him."

"Does Meredith know you feel this way?"

His eyes held hers. "She knows I would marry you if you were willing."

Hope flickered to life like a flame that had burned out long ago. "That's ok with her?"

"Like you said this isn't about us. It's about God's plan and keeping our family together. I was honest with Meredith from the start about this."

"You were?"

"I didn't want to begin a relationship with lies."

Dani was afraid. As much as she loved Josh and as much as she wanted him, destroying his relationship with Meredith isn't how she wanted them to be together. "I don't know what to say."

He moved around the island slowly until he stood before her. "If I wasn't clear enough before, let me make sure you understand. I'll marry you."

Her heart raced. "Did you pray about this?"

"Every single day." He watched her with such intensity that it made her shiver. "You have to make a decision. I can't hurt Mer anymore by letting this go on. I shouldn't have given her the ring, but I didn't know you'd want to stay."

Her chin jerked in a shaky nod. Of course, he prayed. Obeying God meant everything to Josh. What else had he said? Something about it was her decision.

"Say something, Dani."

"Do you love me, Josh?"

He didn't hesitate. "I've always loved you."

"Do you love Meredith?" It was wrong to ask but the question was out before she could stop it.

"Yes." He spoke quietly, a glint of sadness in the depths of his eyes. "I'm sorry that hurts you."

It destroyed her but she wouldn't let him know. "Like you said, it's not about us."

"Hey, guys, is there coffee?" Caleb's deep, gruff voice cut through the tension. He treaded slowly into the kitchen looking like he'd slept in his clothes which he probably had.

Dani moved to pour him a cup, glad to have something to do. She was shaking. "It's nice and strong," she said, handing it to him.

"Thanks, I don't think I could choke down the weak stuff after last night." Caleb's gaze flicked to hers as if considering how much he should say.

"Rachel spent the night at my place."

He gave a curt nod. "She mentioned that when I called."

"You two are talking. Thank God," Josh breathed in relief. "I'm sure you'll work things out."

Caleb harumphed. "I don't know. Rach thinks I'm cheating on her, and the irony is she's cheating on me."

Dani opened her mouth but quickly shut it. This wasn't her business. She'd pray for them instead.

"God wants you to stay with your wife, Caleb. You know He does."

"That makes two of us, but Rach and I can't go on like this." Caleb looked distraught. "We fight all the time. It's like we don't even know each other anymore."

"She loves you, Caleb," Dani said softly.

His eyes widened a moment, and he looked desperate to believe her. "Maybe getting away will help. The camping trip is still on, right?"

Josh's hand fell on his shoulder. "Wouldn't miss it."

"We'll have to be civil to one another with all the witnesses." Caleb's tone reeked of dry humor. His expression was conflicted like he had no idea what was going on with his life.

Dani knew the feeling.

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