I roam the world as shield us...

By Elsasaputra

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Discontinued More

Kingdom of Bulwark
Day Before Leaving
Night Time
Leaving bulwark kingdom
Might kingdom
Nothing is happening here
Sparring with Leeni
Begging for a training session
Persuading the girl
A second Sparring
Something feels not right
Pick up my shield

Crystal and dimension

1 0 0
By Elsasaputra

The arena is so silent right now. Kiwi is still standing and looking at it.

Kiwi : "Is it over?"

Then I stand up and poke her shoulder.

Grel : "Maybe."

Down there, Mr. Kim is standing still. And Arhi is still on the ground looking at Mr. Kim and she looks about to pass out.

Mr. Kim froze after the arrow cut some parts of his hair.

Kim: "So that's your power. Interesting."

Then Arhi passed out.

Kim looked at her.

Kim: "*sigh. You two are strong but reckless." he shakes his head.

Then he walks off to the exit gate. And it seems it's over.

Grel : "Want to go down there?" I look at Kiwi .

Kiwi nodded: "Um..."

Then we walk downstairs. On the way there, Mr. Kim is about to exit the arena and see us.

Kim: "Ooww you two. Do you like the show?" He looks at Kiwi .

Kiwi : "Yes!"

Mr. Kim smiled at her.

Kim: "Then I'll go back now." he continues walking toward the exit gate.

Then we also walk away and reach out to them both still on the ground. I come closer to Arhi and try to poke them.

Grel : "Oi, you sleeping?"

She doesn't answer. It seems I need to lift them both back to the bedroom.

Time skipped ahead and I lifted them both to my shoulder. And we walk toward my rented inn.

Kiwi : "Are they dead?"

Grel : "No... They are fine."

Kiwi : "But why Mrs. Fasmel 's eyes are wide open and it's white."

Grel : "She's fine, she's just tired after all."

Then we finally arrive at my bedroom and I throw them both onto the bed.

Grel : "Hah... Finally some rest."

Kiwi looks at them both and inspects her eyes. She tried to open Fasmel 's eyes. But she still does not wake up.

Grel : "Let them rest Kiwi ."

I walked toward the window and tried to find some wind to relax me.

The wind passes through our bedroom and it feels so good In the middle of daylight. Then I realized I could just go somewhere I needed to go right now. I look back at the bed. Kiwi fell asleep in the middle of the girl. Maybe the wind makes her feel sleepy pretty fast.

Then I walk out and leave the inn and leave all of the girls sleeping. I walk deeper into the kingdom.

After a moment, I reached my destination. It was a library.

I entered the library. It was pretty huge. Bigger than my library at the mansion. And there's someone there.

Grel : "Excuse me." then he looked at me.

The librarian: "Oh. Isn't it the young prince from the Bulwark kingdom? It's my honor to meet you there."

Grel : "Yes, no need to be so formal with me hahaha..."

The librarian: "Ahaha... Then, is there something you need from here?"

Grel : "Yes, I want to ask about something."

The librarian understood what I meant.

The librarian: "Oow. Then come follow me, we should talk inside." Then we walk in toward some room.

Inside, the space is not big, it is designed for a small living room for a four-eyes talk. There's a huge mirror beside it, It doesn't reflect anything and it was colored in many parts with different colors. It was a window and it looked amazing. The sun still can go through the window but we didn't feel any heat from it. There's the other librarian, it's a girl. Seems she just cleaned this room. She noticed us and the librarian asked her to leave for a moment. She understood and nodded to me and left the room.

The librarian: "Please sit down there young prince."

He pulled some of the chairs for me.

Grel : "Thank you very much." And I sit down on it. Then he walked toward another chair in front of me.

The librarian: "Then is there any information young princes want to ask?"

Grel : "So I've been telling you about the crystal before. And someone said it was hard to find. And the only crystal found right now is the red crystal. Which was founded by the Might king. Is there any information about where the other crystal is?"

The librarian: "Ah the crystal. According to the book here, there's a total of three crystals that can be found. It was red, blue, and yellow crystal. Red was found deep in the cave of lava mountain and Might King was the one who obtained it. Then the yellow crystal was written and can be found on top of the highest mountain here. To get there, the road was really hard to walk and dangerous. And the wind is always spinning around at the top of the mountain making it harder to get through here. Then there's the last crystal. A blue one. It says it can be found deep inside dead forests. Where all of the trees are still there but without any green color. Many crows are living there." Then he stopped talking for a bit.

The librarian: "But, maybe young princes already know this. The red crystal was founded only by the Might Kingdom even though there were so many troops with them. And there's nothing in the library here that said something like that before. So, the only reason why there are so many people going there and hunting the crystal, but until this day none of them find even one of them, is because either only the king's family can get inside somewhere we don't even know, or the chosen one."

I see. That might be a real reason.

Grel : "Do you know what happens after Mr. Herrick obtains the crystal?"

The librarian: "We already ask him but he doesn't even bother to answer. Even his daughter doesn't know what happens."

Grel : "I see..."

The librarian: "What we know is, after he obtains the crystal. His expression is not happy at all. And the crystal now was forged in the young Queen's big sword. But it has never been used and placed inside the Might Kingdom mansion. And the young queen only carries her favorite big sword."

Oh yea... That sword I remember she holds it back then for the first time. It's scary how she lifts it.

Grel : "I see..." I'm thinking for a moment.

Grel : "Is there any information about other dimensions."

The librarian: "Is this about the girl who people are talking about today?"

Grel : "Eh? Ah... Yes?" Does he mean Kiwi ? Does he know she is with me?

The librarian: "Is it true, a young prince with her right now?"

Oh, he knows. I think there's nothing I should hide.

Grel : "Yes... That's true."

The librarian: "Aaah... So that was true. About that, there's no book mention of the other dimension." He paused for a moment.

The librarian: "Except there is only one book written by the grand grandmaster before. No one believes his talk even for a bit."

It was one of the old teachers that were teaching me back then for sure.

Grel : "Could you tell me more about it?"

The librarian: "Sure, it says The king of that time was traveling into some place. In a short story, he found a place where there was a huge green forest. But after a long walk to the deep forest, he said he was teleported to the other dimension. The forest color turned from green into soft red. And it is still a living tree. It's not a sakura tree, it's a normal tree with a soft red color. That's what it said. And it happened only a second after he blinked. And he teleported back to the normal forest before. Unfortunately, he doesn't say or mention any living being inside. So I'm not sure if there are humans inside that dimension. And maybe, because we see a nonhuman existed there, the dimensional existence might be true. And it may also happen with the king before in the cave of the lava mountain."

I'm thinking for a moment since I don't understand how the dimensional appears out of nowhere.

Grel : "Did the ex-grandmaster mention how he entered the dimension?"

The librarian shakes his head.

The librarian: "He only wrote that dimensional part, and the rest is how people disbelieve about it and only his true friend believes it."

So the old teacher back then was his friend. And he is also already resting in the grave.

Time skipped ahead and I was already outside of the library. I thank the librarian and walk off leaving them.

Grel : "Hmmm... If there's no other clue. Then where should I go?" It stresses me out honestly after the child suddenly appears out of nowhere.

Grel : "Hah... I need to bring her back to where she lives. Their parents must be searching for her."

And I had no choice but to approach Mr. Herrick and ask about the dimensional he might know.

Then I walk to the blacksmith I met before. I was finally there, but no one was working there. The fire also did not light up. So I entered the Alley and tried to enter the room at the backside.

I tried to knock on the door first and try to open the door. It didn't lock and the door was opened. And after I opened the door. There's my shield Mr. Doon has been working on it. I already asked about it for a month and it seems the shield is already finished. Yesterday, before I left, I also asked Mr. Doon about my shield progression. He said to me I can take it by tomorrow. It was almost done so I came and picked it up today. But I don't see Mr. Doon here.

Then I walk in and get closer to the shield. It was big, the shape from the top was curved to the back and lined well. And from top to bottom, it shrunk until it connected to the one edge in the middle. The shield was perfectly curved outside. And it also doesn't look weird. It looks amazing. The size is really big. Maybe almost the same as the shield size my father had.

Doon: "Ah... How's the shield?" It's Mr. Doon entering the room.

Grel : "Ah Mr. Doon. Pardon me since I'm just entering your room while you're not here. I was curious after seeing the shield you made."

Doon: "Don't worry." He entered the room.

Doon: "How is it?"

I'm inspecting the shield again.

In the middle of the shield, there's line art, it's a bulwark symbol. And right in the middle, there's some empty hole and it was used to put the crystal inside.

Grel : "So the crystal will just go right there?"

Doon: "Yes... But the young prince needs to ask me again to help me forge it and place it in the middle."

Then I tried to lift it.

Wow. I can't lift it. It was heavy, especially lifting only with one hand.

Doon: "Hahaha... The young prince seemed so surprised."

Grel : "How you lift it and work this shield, Mr. Doon?" I was curious how he moved this shield around.

Doon: "Wow look at my muscles." He showed off his muscles and it was a rip-off muscle.

Doon: "See... Well of course I lift it with my back."

He is working hard for this shield.

Then I cast a body enhancement power.

Grel : "Level 6, body enhancement."

My body is now infused with a blue aura. And now I tried to lift it with my left hand.

I can lift it right now. But the shield still feels heavy. And suddenly the shield absorbs the body's aura enhancement and it becomes infused with the blue aura. The shield aura is also infused inside the line art, making it glow with the aura. And suddenly it feels like the shield is not heavy anymore. And I put down the shield. Then I depleted the aura body enhancement.

Grel : "This is amazing. But how do I carry this without using power?"

Doon: "I know a young prince will ask this." Then he walks to some of his inventory.

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