I roam the world as shield us...

By Elsasaputra

22 0 0

Discontinued More

Kingdom of Bulwark
Day Before Leaving
Night Time
Might kingdom
Nothing is happening here
Sparring with Leeni
Begging for a training session
Persuading the girl
A second Sparring
Crystal and dimension
Something feels not right
Pick up my shield

Leaving bulwark kingdom

1 0 0
By Elsasaputra

To think about it Arhi should be resting with her mother yesterday. Seems like she knows it already and just lets it happen. But my father is a strict person, he will be mad if they find out about it. *While imagining my father beating me with rage eyes burning.

Realizing Mr. gelard is not here with Mr. Gemun .

Grel : "Where are Mr. gelard and Mr. Gemun ?"

Elric : "They said already eat before us, now they are preparing a lot of goods and stuff from here to their kingdom right now."

Grel : "Is it really that much?"

Elric : "He said just a bunch of ingredients from here."

Cira : "Maybe I should buy my own stuff from here as well since going here is kind of infrequently."

Grel : "I actually get invited by Mr. Gemun for a ride to might kingdom, I would go there probably a day or week."

Elric : "Sure."

Arhi : "Mom I also going there hehe..."

Cira : "Then ask your father about it." She keeps teasing her.

I see Arhi expression is awkward, she can't even make eye contact with my father.

Elric : "You can go whenever you want to go Arhi and call me father from now on, just remember to be careful. We welcome you here." my father smiled at her.

Her expression changed and smiled.

Arhi : "Yes..."

Elric : "And also Grel , since you are going there, you should go sparring with Fasmel in here. It's time for you to exchange experiences with each other." *And he talks about something that really makes sense why I should go there.

Grel : "Eh? Fasmel ?"

Elric : "Yes... Is there a problem?"

Grel : "Nono... not really."

Elric : "She's strong, you can train your shielding skills with her, I won't say much to you about her power so you can't cheat. I want you to know by yourself."

Grel : "Yes..."

Cira : "You can come to my kingdom later, I can train with you. Or maybe my daughter can help you with it."

Grel : "Thank you, Mother, I will definitely come to the rose kingdom later."

Oh no. That girl... *While imagining getting training with her until death.

But my father is right, it's for myself and for my further. I still don't know how strong the demon really is. What I know is they are really strong, especially the high-rank demon. Is there really no way we can't improve our inner power?

Time skipped to an outside mansion on the way walking to the exit gate of the kingdom with Arhi where Mr. Gemun waiting. We walk through the market. People open their market near the exit gate since all people will gather here easily.

woman merchant: "Look here look here, fresh vegetables right from harvesting."

male merchant: "Don't waste your time leaving this city without this precious wine. The best from bulwark kingdom."

meat male merchant: *chopping meat repeatedly.

Arhi : "Do you not bring anything? It's a long distance going to the might kingdom."

Grel : "I want to buy something right in front of us, It's my favorite quick lunch."

Just a moment or more walking toward the exit gate.

Deem: "Ow hello young prince."

Grel : "Hello deem."

Deem: "Seems like you will be going outside right now." he gives a toothy smile.

Grel : "Yea, I want to buy this one, 2 pieces."

Deem: "On your way sir."

Arhi : "What's this?"

Grel : "It's cow meat with a skewer." She looks curious about the taste.

Arhi : "Can I try it?"

Deem: "Sure my young queen. There." he gives her a small piece of meat to give her a taste. She took it and ate it.

Arhi : "It's delicious."

Arhi : "I want 2 this also sir."

Deem: "Aight - aight, on your way mam."

Time skipped and we walk again with 2 pieces of our meat.

Arhi : "Hmmm↑↓... There's nothing like this in the rose kingdom."

I was laughing a bit seeing her happiness.

Then we arrived at the exit gate, we saw a horde outside the exit gate near the Shield God statue. (Reference: The statue looks like Zeus, the God of thunder. Holding a big shield in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. So, it looks like welcoming people with this statue.) The outside castle is an open field, we can see it clearly almost there's no forest around. The farm is on the right and left side of the kingdom.

Seems like they sort the stuff to the horse cargo carriage. And many horse cargo carriages as well.

Gemun : "Ah young prince and queen." he called from behind us. I turn my back, I didn't notice him because he is near the exit gate while we just walk through the exit gate.

Grel : "Mr. Gemun . I didn't see you were right here."

Arhi : "Hello Mr. Gemun ."

Gemun : "Ah you want to go as well young prince?"

Arhi : "Yes, but we will use our horse mr."

Gemun : "Hahaha... No need to use that, you can use our horse cargo carriage."

Grel : "Ahaha... Thanks for the over, but I didn't want to stay at might kingdom for a month hahaha..."

Gemun : "Ahahaha... right, right. We will leave after that last sorter."

Grel : "That's fine Mr. we actually planning to..." *Looking at my right side, Arhi just disappear.

Grel : "Wait what?" looking right and left we're doing the goes.

Arhi : "Kaaarl!" Riding a horse toward us from horse keeper. "Let's go..."

Grel : "Ahh... This girl is insane."

Gemun : "You seem really hyped to go there young queen hahaha..."

Arhi : "Ehehe..." She does not. She just wants to ride a horse at top speed. Suddenly I had a flashback to when we were both still the young and first time I see her riding so fast. Even her mother yells out to stop but she does not listen. Then she crashed.

Grel : "Alright Mr. we will be departing first." I'm waving to him.

Gemun : "Be careful young prince." he waves back to me.

Then I walk to the horse Arhi just borrow. She was still on top of the horse.

Arhi : "Let's go..." while pat at behind the saddle, and widely smiling at me.

Grel : "Hah?" I won't, never. Then I grab her right arm and pull her, making her expression flat and surprised. Then she falls to the ground. Then I quickly get up on the horse saddle.

Arhi : "Are you want to make a problem with me?!" With rage eyes looking at me.

Grel : "I don't want you to ride, even the horse scared, look." Then she looks at the horse, they actually trembling.

Horse mind: "That's the girl my friends told. I definitely die after this. My friend told me the detail about how she rides him until he crashed and was injured. "

Grel : "There there, calm down. It's fine." I'm petting the horse on its neck.

Horse mind: "Huh?!" *Feeling the pet from the young prince. "This man looks good." *While enjoying getting a pet. "So, this man will ride me not her. I feel safe right now."

Arhi : "HmP ↑..." *looking in the right direction and closing her eyes. "I don't want to go right now, I change my mind." She is getting upset, probably because I drag her to the ground. She looks like don't care about the horse. Then I am holding out my right hand to her.

Grel : "Let's go." I look at her, she looks at my hand.

Arhi : "*sigh." Then she grabs my hand and jumps on the horse behind me. "You better not crash the horse you hear me." she said with a mad girl tone to my ears behind me.

Grel : "I still remember how you rode when you were a kid you know."

Arhi : *Embracing expression. "Tha- That was kid, you still don't see me I'm improving yet." still using a mad girl tone.

Grel : "Okay okay..." I just give up.

Grel : "Did you ask the housekeeper about the horse's health."

Arhi : "Ah yes, he said this is the best horse with the double saddle he can provide. He said it can still run even with two people on this horse."

She is really up to speeding. But to think of it, then there's no problem with the horse, I can speed up a little bit so we can arrive faster.

Grel : "Alright Let's go." We start moving, leaving bulwark kingdom. I didn't wipe the horse rope around the neck just two times. It means I am commanding the horse to move at medium speed.

On the way to might kingdom. We departed in the morning, and now it's afternoon probably almost noon judging where the sun position is. Arhi grabbed my stomach and fell asleep. Where in the middle of the forest. The might kingdom identic with their forest street. The bird is singing, and the wind breeze is calming. We starting to go higher ground. Then we arrived. We see the Might God statue. (Reference: *Statue looks male, skinny, with long hair, holding a light sword right in front of his chest, the sword facing to the sky, he looks like praying to God.). Then we see the guard in front of the exit gate.

Grel : "Oy..." *Tried to move my shoulder to wake up Arhi . "We arrived..."

She moved her hand, her eyes tried to open up slowly.

Arhi : "Eeuughh... My back hurt..."

Do you think I'm a rock? My back is more hurt because holding your weight, screaming in my thought.

Guard: "Good afternoon, sir. What may we can help?" He seems to know I'm the son of my father's kingdom.

Grel : "There's nothing, we can park our horse by ourselves thanks for the offer."

Guard: "Yes sir, you can park right there." *Pointed his hand on the right side.

Grel : "Thank you."

Guard: "My honor." His tone is really patriotic. Then I lead my horse to the housekeeper.

We both get down from the horse and let the housekeeper park it for us. Arhi looks tired. Then we go inside the kingdom.

While we keep walking, we see many bars and people walking around here. People talk inside the bar, and the glasses sound tossed inside the bar. some of them bringing buffalo with them to lift heavy stuff. This kingdom is popular with its inn and bar. There are 5 in type, from star 1 to star 5. And the price goes up for every star they have. The more star, the more comfortable their inn. And the bar is selling drinks and food. There's much of it around here.

Arhi : "Hey where we are going?"

Grel : "There's my favorite inn from here, I want to rent there." To think of it, this is her first time walking around with me in this kingdom.

We walk a bit deeper, the street becomes smaller and there's the in. with the bed sign on their door. As we are going in, there's a sound *of Kling Kling. It's a bell on top of the door inside.

Inside the inn, it's a small space, the floor made of wood, there's a second floor which is the bedroom. This only has one bedroom so the prices are really low.

Grandpa: "Ohh..." He turns his back around and looks at me. "It's you, welcome young prince."

Grel : "Hello Grandpa, long time no see."

Grandpa: "You look getting older young prince." Then there's the second person behind me. Grandpa also noticed someone behind me.

Arhi : "Hello Grandpa, I'm Arhi ."

Grandpa: "Ohh... young queen, it's an honor for me to see you here."

Grel : "She's going with me from bulwark kingdom."

Grandpa: "I see, it's actually quite the right time you can rent here, there's no one renting for now. And I'm also about to leave since it's already noon."

Grel : "Thank you, Grandpa, here." *I give Grandpa the gold in his hand.

Grandpa: "Ohh... You give me 4 gold?"

Grel : "Yes, we will rent for 8 days. I had pretty much planned to do here."

Grandpa: "Alright, here's the key. I'll leave this and take the inn sign, so people know this is already occupied." While he walked to the exit door. "And you know where's my house if you needed me later."

Grel : "Okay Grandpa, I'll think about it." *He means if we need to extend the duration for renting.

Arhi : "Haaahh... Finally." *Stretching her hand then sitting down on a chair near her.

Grel : "Hm? Finally what?"

Arhi : "Finally we can sleep, what else?"

We both look eyes to eyes. Then Quickly I ran up upstairs like there was no day left tomorrow, and she do the same. Then after reaching the front door, I pick the key and tried to put it in. But she grabs my hand quickly to get the key.

Arhi : "Don't throw me this time! You think I don't know that?!" trying hard to get the key from me.

Grel : "What do you mean? I just want to open the door..." *Struggling, because the key is small, and I can only pinch the tip. "For us!" *The key going to my side.

Arhi : "I won't get drunk again! You know I'm not like drinking. Just let me sleep with you!" *The key going to her side.

Grel : "Why do you not rent for yourself?" *The key going to my side again.

Arhi : "I..." *Struggling. "Don't bring money with me!" *The key going to her side again.

Grel : "Okey - Okey, I'll let you sleep with me! Just stop!"

Time skipped and after I unlock the door, I open it. And we entered the bedroom. There's a double-size bed. A lamp beside it. A window to look outside, A table and chair, and a toilet room right beside the door.

Arhi : *Quickly go to the bed and jump on there. "Bwaah... Finally, some rest, it's so tiring." She seems to enjoy it. "You should be happy if a girl wants to sleep together."

I'm more tired here because of you! *With eyes flat.

Grel : "Go a bit corner, I also need to rest." While walking to the bed with the last power I have.

She moves to the corner as I said, but she woke up and look at me.

Arhi : "Come here." She taps - tap on the bed. "I'll make you relax."

Grel : *surprised. "What? You want to do that when I'm so tired?"

Arhi : "No!" *She blushes. "Just take off your shirt and sleep here and show me your back! And I know you are tired because of me so just do what I said!"

Time skipped and I follow her instruction and show my back to her.

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