I'm not a puppy! (age regress...

By Gizmo_Tester

262K 6.9K 2K

As far as streetrat, Jamie was concerned, they were 17, a teenager. And despite what their body is telling th... More

1. What do you think your doing?
2. Jamie
3. Breakfast
4. Discreet items
5. Checking In
6. I don't need them
7. Shopping Trip
8. Dinner?
9. Getting a bit late
10. Getting some perspective
11. Ben's House
12. You took it too far
13. Everyone needs help
14. I have something to tell you
15. Tumble
16. The Conversation
17. Doctors
18. Tired
19.Being open and honest is cool
20. Bit of a fun break
21. Jammity Calamity
22. The Plan
23. Baby Steps
25. Supplies
26. Mine
27. Hard Work
28. Visitor
29. Stormy Weather
30. Hanging out
31. The Park Predicament
32. I've got you
33. Call
34. An Interlude into Bandages

24. Part of the Family

5.2K 150 52
By Gizmo_Tester

I stood listening in through a slammed door as Jamie kicked and threw things around their room. I rubbed my temples and muttered some positive  affirmations to myself.
"At least it's on, you got it on"

To say the least, getting Jamie ready for today was difficult.

Tom was coming over for an explanation, so there was already a mountain of stress there. And I had remained firm with the pull-ups and Jamie was obviously not taking the new rule well.
But following a borderline tantrum, some intense negotiations and minimal pushing damage done to me, Jamie had agreed to wear the pullup.

I was then promptly banished from the guest room as Jamie got dressed the rest of the way, which I was fine with. Jamie was more than capable and I was confident with time and patience Jam would eventually become comfortable with letting me take care of it.

I smiled to myself, falling into my little fantasy where Jam was already happy enough to let me really take care of them. I'd bundle them up in the cutest little onesie I could find and give them all the hugs they wanted. Then maybe take them to the park, push them on the swings-

Suddenly I was yanked out of my fantasy by actual jam screaming from beyond the door. They didn't sound hurt, but I still worried
"Jam?! Are you alright?"

The bedroom door swung open and I looked down to the Jamie, already dressed but shaking in rage.
"Where is it?!"
They demanded. I felt the urge to reprimand the tone, but stopped myself in lue of placating the angry pup.

"Where's what Bambi?"
They grunted and stomped their foot over me not understanding. They pulled at their shirt and looked at me expectantly as if that helped at all.
"Jam I can't help unless you tell me what's up"

They threw up their hands on exasperation and yelled as if it was the most obvious thing ever
"My hoodie!"

I couldn't help myself from shushing them gently.
"Shsh Bambi you don't have to yell"
They looked down at their feet and clenched their fists.

"Anyway, you've got plenty of hoodies jam-"
I looked in the room to see Jamie was pulled out pretty much every item of clothing they owned from the storage chest and had thrown them everywhere.

Jamie explained
"Not those ones, my... My purple one"
They pulled at their shirt a little bashful. I thought for a moment, not understanding, before it finally hit me.

"Oh! You're dinosaur one?"
Jamie nodded and I noted the blush dusting their cheeks. But sadly I had to break some bad news as I realised
"Jamie I'm sorry I put that in the wash"
Jamie's jaw dropped
"What the fuck?!"
I quickly tried to redirect them but couldn't help my reaction to their language.
"Hey there's absolutely no reason to be swearing at me Jamie, and we can pick out another one it's ok-"

Jamie was not happy at that.
"No! I need that one, I need the purple I need the dinosaurs. Andi-"
Jamie whined as they began to get worked up again. I panicked, desperately trying to figure out a solution, ultimately putting my hand on their shoulder.

I turned towards the opposite door
"Alright, let's see what we can do about this"
Catching Jamie a bit off guard I was able to steer them into the nursery without much issue. However once in, I had to step away quickly to avoid being hit by a very confused Jamie.
"What're we doing in here"

They looked around the space, fidgiting as it clearly intimidated them. I definitely needed to get Jam more comfortable in the nursery, if it was to become the actual nursery.

I wordlessly opened up the wardrobe and surfed through the few articles. Jamie realised what I was suggesting and started to protest
"No Andi that's baby clothes, I'm not a baby!"
The irony of Jamie robbing the Star covered footie onesie but being affronted by a hoodie did not pass me by.

Eventually I pulled out what I was looking for and tossed it to jam.
"Here, just try it on"
I let them examine it and take their time. I was definitely eager to help but knew Jamie needed that little bit of control.

After a thorough inspection, Jamie slipped the hoodie over their head and wiggled to get their arms through. They looked down at the patterned sleeves and I called.
"Here, take a look in the mirror, tell me what ya think?"

I opened the wardrobe door fully, showing a built in mirror. Jamie stepped up to it and froze, staring at their own reflection intently.

The hoodie was purple, as Jamie had wanted but instead of dinosaurs it had a cartoon monster theme. It had big eyes on the front with different sized orange spots going all down arms, as well as two orange horns that poked out top of the hood.

It was a perfect fit, well a little big but that was how jam liked their hoodies. They looked positively adorable and while I thought the hoodie was a great choice I struggled to figure out was Jamie thought from their blank expression. Till I saw them try to blink away tears.

"Jamie you don't have to wear it-"
I was going to apologise but Jamie held up a hand to stop me. They wordlessly walked over to the tent in the corner, dropped to their knees and crawled inside.

Jamie turned themselves around and looked at me expectantly again. When I didn't immediately move, Jamie huffed and patted the spot in the tent next to them.

I hastily moved to join Jamie, sitting in next to them and closing over the door. Jam then bundled up the blanket around us and shoved it into my arms.

I understood what to do and jam anxiously fidgeted with their fingers as I cast the blanket up and allowed it to fall atop us, sealing us in a double fort.

Before I could even ask anything Jamie started off, keeping their eyes fixed away from me.
"I like the hoodie"
They were very quiet.
"I'm really glad Jam"
Jamie still didn't look at me but I could see a little slump of their shoulders, they were somewhat relaxing.
"But, um... I don't feel good"
I nodded, encouraging Jamie to keep going and elaborate.

Under the protection of the double fort they were far more willing to be open about how they were doing. They ran their thumbs on the hoodie cuffs and admitted.
"I feel stupid for wanting just my purple hoodie, I don't even know why. I just really wanted it. It's the dumb baby brain, making me do weird stuff and making me wanna cry"
Jamie's voice quivered at the last part and I took the moment to take over, trying to rephrase what they said to comfort them

"Jam, as someone who has torn this house apart cause I couldn't find my lucky socks on a presentation day, I can safely say it's not stupid to really want to wear something specific, far from it. We get alot of confidence from what we wear, and I'm confident you would've wanted your purple hoodie regression or not"

"Yeah, I'd say the only thing your regression has done is switch around your priorities and make the hoodie an even bigger deal. Which is fair, it's your favourite hoodie, it makes you happy. We're doing something big today, hence I'm also wearing my lucky socks"

I flashed my lucky socks(covered in little dancing disco people), and Jamie finally looked at me, to smile at my goofy socks. They sniffed and rubbed at their eye.
"That makes sense... Hoodie always makes me feel better"

They still looked very tense so I took a shot over what this was more largely about.
"Jam how're you feeling about telling Tom everything?"

Jamie shrugged, before when we'd discussed this Jamie just accepted that it was gonna happen eventually. But now that it was actually happening they didn't seem as

They took a breath before saying
"I'm scared... I don't like that I'm scared"
"Well it's ok to be-"
"I know it's ok to be scared but I still don't like it. Makes my tummy all flippy"

I frowned, thinking that maybe Jamie still wasn't ready to take this step. They were clearly going fuzzy just at the thought.
"Bambi we don't have to do this today, I can tell Tom to get lost. He'll understand"
I scooched in a little closer to jam and put my hand on their back, rubbing lightly. They whimpered.

"No... I wanna get it over with"
Jamie didn't say alot, but they didn't need to say alot. The past week has been truly exhausting for us both and I was definitely sympathetic to them

I sighed and brought jamie into a hug, incidentally pulling them into my lap.
"Bambi, I feel like a broken record saying this, but I'm so sorry you have to go through this. I'm so, so sorry. And I'm gonna make this as easy as I possibly can for you. I promise that"

Jamie sniffled, not moving themselves from my chest as I loosened my grip.
"How. how're you gonna make it easy?"
They took a shakey breath
"Cuz It doesn't feel a whole lot easier...sorry, don wanna be mean to you"

I waved off that worry
"Nono Bambi, don't say sorry for that. You're completely fine in saying so... hmm"
I thought for a second, deciding on whether or not to make Jamie laugh or be serious. I went for a joke first
"Well I was considering turning this entire room into a double fort but you wouldn't believe how much that'd cost"
Jamie giggled a little and I chuckled too, then moving onto an actually serious suggestion
"However, we can change this room any way you want to make yourself comfortable here"
Jamie looked up at me, a little in disbelief.
"Really? Anything?"
"Yeah Jam, it's your room, you get absolutely anything you want. Well within logical reason. I don't think I could fit a water slide in here"

Jamie giggled again, before going silent, then very quietly asking.
"Can we make the walls purple?"
It was such a simple request, that they made so apprehensively that it just pulled right on my heartstrings.
"Of course Jam, you like purple?"
Jamie nodded
"Uh huh, 's the best colour...but I like blue too-"

Jamie stopped, really thinking before adding
"And orange.....and green, an yellow, an red"
They rambled on and I chuckled
"So you like all the colours jam?"
"Y-yeah, but purples the best"
They mumbled a little embarrassed, the pesky little voice in their brain no doubt making them feel bad over how they sounded. It was my mission to rival that voice.

I gave Jamie a little squeeze.
"Purple is definitely the best Bambi"
Jam proudly hummed in approval, before putting their head back down to my chest, silently requesting some more cuddling time.


The doorbell went off.

Jamie whimpered, sitting down in their chair at the kitchen table and tucking June into their lap. I knelt down quickly giving them a hug.
"Were gonna be fine Bambi, I promise"
"I know"
They said, staring off. I gave them a final squeeze and ran off to get the door.

I took a deep breath and opened it.

"Hi Tom-"
I barely finished my greeting before I was cut off by Tom's own greeting, as he immediately engulfed me in a tight hug.

He eventually pulled away, saying simply
"Had the feeling you would need that"
I didn't realise I needed it until he said it, so I smiled and nodded.

There was an awkward lingering moment before I stepped back into the house
"We'll do it in the kitchen, come on"
Tom followed me into the house and I couldn't help notice a paper bag he was holding.

I put the thought aside as we entered and Jamie snapped their gaze to us. Their eyes were so pitiful looking... I hated seeing them like this, and I knew they were infuriated by the extra emotion themself. I was confident though, once this was over it'd be a load offtheir back.

"Hey Jamie"
Tom greeted with a sympathetic smile and a wave. Jamie nodded at him

I pushed Tom over to the table and he sat down. I didn't sit just yet, instead lingering protectively behind Jamie. I placed one hand on the back of the chair.
"So here's what we're gonna go, we're gonna get everything out in the open, you can ask your questions. And you can spread the word however you see fit"
Tom nodded, it was a system we were both very familiar with. The weight of coming out way back when was insane for both of us. So we'd founded the easier system of saying it properly to the important people then letting them take care of the rest.

Before I sat down I also added
"Then afterwards, were gonna get some ice-cream in the park, cause I think we all could do with some"
Tom nodded again

I sat down, there was no use explaining any further, we all knew why we were there, so I just got right into it.

First though, I subtly offered my hand over to Jamie and they took it immediately, I gave them two short squeezes to let them know I was right there.

Then I began
"2 years ago, Jamie was attacked-"
Toms eyes went wide as I lied through my teeth
"By a vampire"

I snuck a glance at Jamie hiding their face down in their arms and June. They desperately wanted me to just get through it. I started rubbing their hand gently with my thumb.

I continued the cover story Jamie and I came up with the previous day. Saying Jamie was taken off the street in an "unconsented adoption". We'd kept in as much truth as we could, to make it easier on ourselves, while keeping out anything alluding to werewolf involvement.

I lied that Jamie was part way through turning to a fledgling when they escaped and ran away from their captor. Sprinkling in the truth that Jamie had staved off the regression due to insane willpower and stubbornness(added in a joking tone that got me kicked from under the table)

I told Tom our visit to the Dr eggleston was because of a terrible migraine Jamie had that night, which was a common symptom of a malnourished fledgling.
Conveniently, a textbook halfturned fledgling lined up almost perfectly with what Jamie would be going through. Meaning we could easily excuse strange symptoms of jams were-regression with fangs struggling to come through or just general fledgling regression.

It wouldn't last forever, eventually we'd have to come clean to people we see frequently. But it was the safest thing to do.

Dr eggleston had warned us in the informational pamphlets to be extremely cautious who we reveal Jamie's secret too. It was downright dangerous with Jamie in no place to protect themselves should the wrong people overhear.

Thankfully tom seemed fooled, his face twisting in disgust as I detailed the repercussions on Jamie's health.

Eventually he just kept a hand over his mouth in shock, and I drew the explanation to a close.As I finished all he could muster was
He moved his hand up from his face to comb his hair back. He was seething.
"The vampires out there doing this kinda shit makes my blood boil- sorry"

He composed himself then addressed Jamie, them barely looking up at him.
"Jamie... Buddy I can't even say how sorry I am. It's sick and twisted what you've been through. No two ways about it, and I respect you so godamn much for making it this far"
Jamie didn't seem to expect the last sentiment from Tom as they popped their head up, stunned. They didn't say anything, but tom didn't mind, instead bringing me back into the talk. While not at all excluding Jamie, which I appreciated.

"So where are you both going from this?"

With the horrible lying to my older brother, my biggest supporter and basically best friend over, I was able to move onto the more positive truth.

"So now I'm officially going to become Jamie's caregiver and help ease them into the regression"
Tom who had seemed to have a permanent expression of pity throughout my explanation, was finally able to shift to a more joyous one.

I continued, barely containing the excitement I felt over it all for Jamie's sake.
"We've started the adoption process, dad's apparently going to help me with that, it's slow but that's fine cause we're taking things slowly too. Going one step at a time and making sure Jamie feels happy and safe the entire way through"

Tom was barely holding it together himself
"So... you're joining the family buddy?"
Jamie stiffly nodded, being a bit unerved by the sappiness of it all.

Tom clapped his hand back over his mouth and started to tear up. I noticed, it almost triggering me to start myself, but I didn't as I saw Jamie looking very confused. They asked, speaking for the first time.
"Why are you crying?"

Tom laughed and wiped his eyes
"Cause I'm gonna be an uncle"
I couldn't help but snigger
"You're already an uncle"
"Yeah but Frankie's kids suck- Sorry I'm not supposed to say that"

The thick tension in the room was sliced right through as we all started to laugh. Tom looked right at Jamie and spoke sincerely
"You're definitely my favourite nibbling"
Jamie's face scrunched up in confusion again .
"What the hell is a nibbling?"

Tom groaned
"It's what Google promised me was a gender neutral neice or nephew. Sorry if you'd rather be called something else"
Jamie was quick to clarify
"Nono, its funny. I like it"

My earlier hypothesis was correct, getting the conversation over with was incredible. And the effect on Jamie, profound. They already sounded far more like themself

"And either way-"
I intervened the cute interaction to quickly inform Tom and remind Jamie(so they didn't feel forced into anything)
"I'm only Jamie's guardian legally speaking, they decide who's family"
Jamie smiled at me, returning the many hand squeezes id given with a slight one of their own.

Tom brushed my kind words off with flair.
"Ah, you're still my nibbling"
Jamie covered their mouth to stop from giggling
"And you know~"
Tom drew out dramatically, Jamie leaning forward in anticipation.
"Nibblings get presents!"

Tom threw the large paper bag down onto the table, sliding it over to Jamie while moving chairs to sit next to jam.

Jamie cautiously reached into the bag and made a perplexed face at what they felt while Tom assured.
"The lady in the store told me he's the best one"

Out of the bag, Jamie lifted a rather large stuffed version of police dog from Paw Patrol. I immediately worried Tom had gone a bit too far over the boundry with the gift choice as Jamie stared nose to nose at the large teddy.

Clearly though it was the right choice as Jamie's face broke into a smile and they started bouncing in their seat
"It's chase! It's chase!"

Jamie used both hands, shaking the dog back and forth. Before turning back to tom and a stuttering
"Th- thank you"
Quite embarrassed at their own excitement, Jamie hid their face in dog as Tom held back laughter.

I put my arm around Jamie and gave them a half hug, leaning in and whispering.
"I take it you're happy we got it over with?"
"Uh huh"
Jamie murmured.

I straightened up my back.
"Now, I think we're all deserving of some ice cream too, huh jam?"
Jamie looked up at me and nodded eagerly.

Tom stood up, asking jam.
"You gonna bring your new partner there?"
Jamie blushed and shook their head, explaining.
"M' gonna put him upstairs... I need shoes too"

They frowned down at their socked feet before slipping off their kitchen chair and sprinting up towards there room, with their arms goofily around the large teddy.

As we heard them reach the landing, we walked out in the hallway to wait for them. Tom pounced on me with another brotherly hug
"Congratulations man, I'm so happy for you"
He wiped away another tear as we separated and I called him a sappy git.

Tom looked back up the stairs and chuckled.
"They're fucking adorable"
I playfully chided him.
"You're gonna have to cut down on swearing around the baby. Gotta set good examples for when the no potty mouth rule comes in"
Tom laughed but followed with a more serious question

"Have you layed down any rules?"
"Ah I'll have a proper list of rules with time, but right now the only things I'm firm on are protection day and night"
Tom hissed
"They can't be taking that well"
I shrugged
"Well it's nessecary, I'll probably be enforcing a few more simple things when we go shopping. Sippy cups and the likes"
"Yeah with the adoption you're gonna need alot more than sippy cups and teddy's to pass the home inspection"

Tom and I chatted on, with Tom offering torrents of help should I need it while I shared some of Jamie's recent cutest moments, including the purple nursery request.

After a bit I looked back up the stairs, wondering why Jamie was taking so long. I called out.
"Jam everything alright?"
They squeaked and I moved towards the stairs instinctively to call out again but didn't need to as jam came hurtling around the corner, barreling down the stairs and hitting into my side.

"Woah-hoho, steady on there Bambi"
I dusted them off, but Jamie puffed out their cheeks and pushed my hands away, then mumbling.

"S'alright bambi, what were you doing up there?"
I asked curiously and Jamie stalled to answer. They swung their leg back and forth nervously, pulling at their hoodie cuffs.
They looked at Tom suspiciously then reached up to me, pulling me down by my shirt to their level to whisper in my ear
"I put Chase in the tent to keep him safe, an I had to make him comfy"
"Ooh smart thinking Bambi"
Jamie smiled proudly at my praise while I stood up straight, giving Tom a nod to open the door.

We all spilled out onto the street, walking at a quick pace towards the nearby park, where there had to be at least 3 ice cream vans hanging around.

Tom filled out the conversation the whole way over, mostly with stories from our childhood that jam found highly entertaining.
"So for about 10 years straight, I never ate any of the vegatables we'd have at dinner. They'd all get snuck onto Andrews plate when he wasn't looking"

Jamie giggled and looked to me to confirm it. I did, but with a dig at Tom to boot.
"Finally we have an explanation for why I'm taller than you"
Tom scowled which made Jamie laugh even more.

We reached the traffic lights to cross, the pedestrian going green and letting us go. But Jamie lagged behind as I realised they were only walking along cracks in the road.

The light was about to turn against us, and with a couple cars waiting to go, I turned back.
"Come on Jam, quickly quickly "
And took Jamie's hand, gently taking them to path. We continued talking as we walked on, but mine and Jamie's hand remained locked.

Jamie didn't move to separate and neither did I, so on we walked, holding hands on our way to the park.

We entered in through the parks main gates, deciding to cut across its field to save on time to make it to the main plaza area, where there was sure to be a ice cream vendor.

We were just passing by the desserted playground. It was the middle of the school year, and not a kid was in sight. Well apart from jam. When Tom asked the big question.

"So what Icecream are we all getting?-"
Tom asked. I pondered for a moment while Tom informed us of his 
"I'll probably go for a 99, pretty unbeatable"
"Ooo classic, I think I'll go for an ice pop, something radioactive looking that'll stain my mouth blue"
Tom laughed
"Disgusting, I love it"

I turned to Jamie
"Jam what're you thinking?"
I received no response from Jam and asked again. I then realised why they weren't acknowledging me

Jamie was transfixed by the empty playground, craning their neck to around Tom and I to get a look at it all. They had those wide innocent eyes that alluded to the younger mind. So I asked.
"Bambi you wanna check out the playground?"
This was however the wrong move and Jamie's innocent starebroke as they looked up suddenly at me, embarrassed
"N-no why would i ever do that"
They looked away from me and slipped their hand out of mine, putting both of them in their pocket. I sighed in defeat.

Tom, who had been surreptitiously watching, put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a look saying 'i got this'.

He looked over towards the playground, looking for a target, and pointed out a large pyramid made of rope meant for climbing.
"God they really need to make playground equipment a bit easier- I mean I couldn't get half way up that!"
Tom said in a nonchalant way that got Jamie's attention.

Jamie stopped, sizing up the tallest part of the playground
"I could"
Tom challenge
"Oh yeah? I doubt it buddy, that's pretty high up"

Jamie frowned, their prideful nature burning through, as they fell right into Tom's trap
"Yeah I could!"
Jamie let go of my hand and stormed over to the playground gate. Tom smirked at me and I shook my head in disapproval over his method.

But I couldn't deny the reverse psychology's affectiveness. Jamie was running right over to the large mesh pyramid. They stopped to assess it for a second before jumping right on and beginning to scale it.

"Woo go Jamie!"
Tom cheered. He motioned to follow him and we walked into the playground, taking a seat on a bench right by Jamie.

"Careful Bambi"
I called out without thinking as Jamie foot stumbled slightly.
"I am!"
They yelled back, making Tom and I laugh.

Jamie weaved in and out of the meshed together rope, gradually making their way to the top. I felt a bit of worry growing in myself as Jam got closer to the top, it was an awfully long way down.

But effortlessly, Jamie pulled themselves up the last bit, wrapping their arms around the top pole. They shouted down to us
"Told you I could do it!"
Tom and I clapped and hollered for the supreme climber as they grinned proudly

Tom stood
"I stand corrected Jamie, can't believe you got all the way up there without getting scared. Very impressive!"
"I know!"
Jamie said cockily and Tom laughed, while I lovingly rolled my eyes.

"How about we get that ice cream now? It's just calling out to me"
I was about to back Tom up in that idea when I caught a flash of sadness pass over Jamie's face.

They didn't want to leave the playground, I had to figure out a way for us to stay that wouldn't bruise their pride.

I motioned for tom to follow along with what I was about to say
"That sounds good Tom, but honestly I really want to have a go on the swings over there"
I pointed to the swings with my thumb and Tom knew exactly what to follow with
"Well then how about I go grab our icecreams and come back here? Jamie!-"

Tom caught jams attention and I asked them.
"Bambi is it ok with you if we stay here a bit longer?"
Jamie nodded, bouncing a little on the rope with a big smile on their face. I smiled myself and we sent Tom off, Jamie requesting something with chocolate for their ice-cream.

Then it was just me and jam, they clambered down from the pyramid and ran back over to me
"You wan-ed to go on the swings?"
They asked hopefully and I smiled
"Yeah Bambi, you wanna join?"
Jamie nodded eagerly and ran ahead of me to the swings.

At first Jamie jumped up onto the seat but couldn't get their balance quite right and fell flat on their back. I winced but it didn't deter them as they hopped up, ran around the swing and tried again to the same result.

Before they could jump up the third time I put my hand out to stop them
"Here Bambi I've got an idea"
I sat down on the swing, and held out my arms to Jamie.

"Come 'ere jam"
Jamie hesitated but with a quick look around to make sure there wasn't anyone that could possibly see, hopped up onto my lap.

With one arm around Jamie's waist for security, and the other holding onto the swing chain, I pushed off. Letting us gently swing together.

It wasn't much of a swing at first, but with a bit of build up we were going quite high. Each time we were suspended in the air enticing a tiny giggle or squeak out of Jamie.

Soon enough, I spotted tom coming over a hill holding three icecreams and I pointing him out to Jamie. Jamie gasped and jumped off my lap, nearly falling forward but steadying themselves, before sprinting over to the playground fence, shouting.
"Faster! Faster!"

Tom comically began to walk slower and both Jamie and I groaned. Soon though, we were all sat together on the playground bench eating our icecreams. My mouth as expected turned blue while Jamie got melty chocolate all over their cheeks.

After our ice cream was all gone Jamie decided they were gonna conquer the main slide unit. We did absolutely nothing to stop them.

I took a look at my watch, seeing it was about time jam would disappear up to their room and end up taking a not so secret nap.

Tom also saw the time, saying he had a shift in a couple hours but he wanted to get home and have something to eat before then. We also figured it'd be smartest for him to just get the bus from the nearby stop instead of walking back to ours.
" so I guess this is where we part"
"I guess it is"

We exchanged another hug and I called out to Jamie.
"Jam! Tom has to go now, say bye!"

Jamie popped their head out of a tower window and waved enthusiastically to tom.
"Bye Tom!! Bye!"
Tom waved back and we parted ways.

I let Jamie play a while longer before deciding it was time for us to go home
"Bambi, we should probably head back now"
Jamie whined from atop the tower and stuck their head out to complain
"Why though?"
"Don't you feel a bit hungry jam? There's still some leftover spaghetti~"

I enticed and Jamie caved, quickly sliding down the slide to meet me. I went to walk out of the playground but heard a whine from behind me.

I turned, seeing Jamie seated on the ground just after the slide . I walked over and squatted down
"What's up Bambi?"
They whined
"Legs tired... Don wanna walk"

"Jam you gotta walk-"
"No, stay"
They grumbled, crossing their arms and pouting. I hummed

"Alright then, you leave me no choice jam"
I hooked under Jamie's armpits and stood, lifting them with me and slinging them over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

At first they fussed and whined but quickly settled as I gave them a few little bounces while I walked. Jamie tried and failed to hide a yawn
"Oh I think someone's in need of nap"
Jamie whined in protest but still snuggled into my shoulder.

I chuckled and patted their lower back a few times, feeling something absent.
"Jamie where's your padding gone?"
Jamie let out a little whine and I realised what they'd been taking so long with upstairs.

"Don need it.... Jamie big"
I rubbed their bum soothingly with a chuckle
"Sure Bambi, sure"

Authors Note:

Good lord, I really went long with this one. I got quite carried away with the little fluffy scenes, but I mean who's complaining?

Thank you all so much for reading. I love you all and Ill see yas next time

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